
by Brian Jones

October 13, 2024

Scripture Reading: Galatians 4:6

The importance of loving and forgiving one another (it is not everyone on the earth). The lack of this has destroyed or harmed many Christian Identity churches in the past.

Available in audio only.

Imprecatory Prayer

by Pastor Everett Ramsey

October 6, 2024

Psalm 35

The following message was given by Pastor Ramsey to the fellowship of God's Covenant People on his recent visit to our church.  

The stories of imprecatory prayers that were given in previous years. It is a great offensive weapon.

Available in audio only. 


“Come out from among them, and be ye separate.”

by Walter Giddings

August 20, 2023

Scripture Reading:  2 Corinthians 6:14-18

How many of us have felt that we are permanently trapped, even encased in Mystery Babylon?  How many of us feel like we are helplessly, hopelessly trapped in Mystery Babylon, handcuffed to the rail in the last boxcar on a speeding express freight train going into the abyss!  The bridge is out!  (Revelation 18:2-4).  How many of us feel we are permanently ensnared in Babylon with no hope of escape from being “partakers of her sins” and receivers “of her plagues”?

For His Name's Sake

by Walter Giddings

June 25, 2023

Sermon Scripture: Psalm 106: 4-8 

(The 23rd Psalm, verse 3).  Whose name?  What is in a name?  In the Hebrew of The Bible we are told that this is “A Psalm of David”: 

                3 He restoreth my soul:  he leadeth

              me in the paths of righteousness for

              his name’s sake.  The Twenty-Third Psalm. 

It is “The LORD”.  “He” it is who restores our souls; “He” it is who leads us in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake”.  In this instance “The LORD” translates the Hebrew tetragrammaton H3064, Yod, he, vav, he, a repeated form of the Hebrew verb “to be,” the I Am that I Am, or the Great I Am, for short. (Exodus 3:13-15). All Israel did not know “his name” until Moses asked God this question at the Burning Bush: 


by Walter Giddings

April 30, 2023

Scripture Reading:  2 Corinthians 5:1-5 

(Matthew 7:13-14).  Does the mainstream media love The Truth?  Does the mainstream church preach The Truth?  Does Jesus equate The Truth to himself?  Is the word mainstream equivalent to the broad “way that leadeth to destruction”? 

       p    13 Enter ye in at the strait gate:  for

              wide is the gate, and broad is the

              way, that leadeth to destruction,   

              and many there be that go in thereat :

       c     14 Because strait is the gate, and nar-

              row is the way, which leadeth unto

              life, and few there be that find it. 

                                                        Matthew chapter seven. 

“Few there be that find it.”  Why so few?!!  Would The God of our Fathers fail to admonish us; would He fail to warn us?

Golden Calves - Part 1

Golden Calves and Modern Day Israelites

by Garry Maddux

March 5, 2023

Scripture Reading:  Exodus 32:1-4

Why were calves worshiped at Mt Sinai? Why are they worshiped in churches today?

  • Golden calves represent a symbol of a god (catholic symbols)
  • Golden calves can be seen as a visible god (Pictures of Christ)
  • Golden calves are a substitute for God (The anti-Christ today)
  • Golden calves are idols (Idols brought into churches)
  • Golden calves were hated by God

Does God hate how most Israelites worship today?

“(Ross 2020) An important context is that the people who worshipped before the golden calf had personally and recently witnessed some of the greatest miracles God had ever performed. Yet, despite these awesome numerous miracles they had recently experienced, after forty days of Moses’ absence they doubted both the existence of God and Moses.

The Temple - Part 1

by Walter Jennings

February 26, 2023

Scripture:  Exodus 25:8

Greetings kindred and fellow sheep.  We are on a first name basis here.  My name is Walter.  I am your classmate in God’s Classroom.  The Holy Spirit whose name is Jesus Christ is our Teacher.  Our Saviour prophesied the Destruction of the Temple: 

Matthew 24:1-2

1  And Jesus went out and departed from the temple:   and his disciples came to him for to shew him the buildings of the temple.

2 And Jesus said unto them,  See ye not all these things?  Verily I say unto you, There shall not be left here one stone upon another that shall not be thrown down. 

What was the fulfillment of this Prophecy?  Within the years named Anno Domini (Latin for the year of our LORD), do we have a temple in Jerusalem?  What happened to the Temple after Jesus ascended?

After His Own Heart - Part 3

“The LORD hath sought Him a man after his own heart.”

by Walter Giddings

January 29, 2023

Scripture Reading: 1 Chronicles 21:13, 17 

Does the way The Scriptures present David as a man of God “after His own heart” indicate to us The Author expects us to know what was in David’s heart?  Does anyone get the sense God expects us to know what was in David’s heart from The Scriptures we have shared? 

Classmates:  we covered part Two of this evidence [Jan. 1].  Part One was [Nov. 20].  After Part One Pastor Don said something that stuck with me.  David’s calling before he was anointed by Samuel was Shepherd.  The God of Israel is the Good Shepherd in Jesus Christ our LORD!  Both Jesus and David are Shepherds in Israel!!!

Pastors of Israel

By Pastor Matthew Dyer

December 18, 2022

Scripture Reading: 1 Timothy 3:1-7

The word Pastor is misused in a lot of Churchianity today, and if we look back in history and in the Bible, we see a totally different picture of what a Pastor is supposed to be than what we see today. Today it is not uncommon for a so-called Pastor to be a very effeminate, weak physically and mentally man, who doesn’t know the Bible, and in many cases the Pastor may even be a woman.

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