Oliver Brown ET AL VS. Board of Education of Topeka

By Pastor Don Elmore

In my eighth-grade civic class, we had a very usual teacher.  First, she was Jewish.  And she was as eccentric as any teacher I ever had in her dealings with the students.  She was a little elderly lady.  One of her trademark moves was that she would through a “wool” ball at students who were talking when they were not supposed to.  Another of her eccentric ways was that she would go into the boy’s bathroom if she thought there was smoking or other school violations going on.  And most importantly, she said something that I never heard anyone else ever say.

The year was 1955.  Something major happened the previous year.  I didn’t think much of what she said until very recently.  I totally ignored it.  I had other interests at the time.  I was in the eighth grade.  I didn’t even understand what she was saying.  But after almost a half century, I finally agree with her.  It is not many times that I agree with what a Jew says.  But after 66 years I do. She said :

“Brown vs. Board of Education was the most important Supreme Court decision in the United States at this time” (1955).  “This court decision will change the face of America forever.  And practically nobody realizes it.”

Fifty-eight years ago, I saw on television the federal troops walk in two black students to a major university.  It was in 1963.  Facing federalized Alabama National Guard troops, Alabama Governor George Wallace ended his blockade of the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa and allowed two black students to enroll on June 11, 1963.

George Wallace, one of the most controversial politicians in United States history, was elected governor of Alabama in 1962 under an ultra-segregationist platform. In his 1963 inaugural address, he promised his followers: “Segregation now! Segregation tomorrow! Segregation forever!”

When black students attempted to desegregate the University of Alabama in June 1963, Alabama’s new governor, flanked by state troopers, literally blocked the door of the enrollment office. The United States Supreme Court, however, going against God’s  law and the law of the United States for the last 187 years, had declared segregation unconstitutional in 1954’s Brown v. Board of Education, and the executive branch undertook aggressive tactics to enforce the ruling.

On June 10, 1963, President John F. Kennedy federalized National Guard troops and deployed them to the University of Alabama to force its desegregation. The next day, Governor Wallace yielded to the federal pressure, and two black students—Vivian Malone and James A. Hood—successfully enrolled. In September of the same year, Wallace again attempted to block the desegregation of an Alabama public school—this time Tuskegee High School—but President Kennedy once again employed his executive authority and federalized National Guard troops. Wallace had little choice but to yield.  Wallace failed to pray for the aid of the covenant God for help.  The State won another one. 

I should have known what my eight-grade teacher had meant after this occurred.  But I didn’t.  The Supreme Court had declared the decision of the Brown vs. Board of Education case unanimously; 9-0.  But when Fred Vinson, the chief justice was on the Court, the vote was 6-3 against.  Shortly after he was murdered (to the main media he had a heart attack) the vote changed.  What happened?

The answer lies in the justices’ knowledge that Fred Vinson had died because of his opposition to Brown.  The other judges knew that tremendous pressure   would   be   levied   against them if they didn’t switch their allegiance to the new Warren-Frankfurter Court.  So, being cowards and traitors, they changed their minds.  The Jews won; America lost.

For the NAACP, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People was not a black organization at all.  Never has been.  It was this organization that brought this case to the Supreme Court.  But it was not a black issue. It was whether the United States would obey its covenant God or serve other gods.

The NAACP president was a Jew by the name of Joel Springarn and the entire budget of the NAACP was donated by Jews.  These organizations included the Anti-Defense League, American Civil Liberties Union, the American Jewish Congress and other groups which had spent millions of dollars to promote communist subversion in America. 

The lawyer for the NAACP – a black named Thurgood Marshall, was a front for the legal brain of the NAACP who was the Jew Jack Greenberg.  Marshall was appointed to the Supreme Court by President Lyndon Johnson, who had promise to appoint a negro to the Court.  But there was no vacancy at that time. But Johnson forced one of the court justices to resign or his mafia connections would be exposed by the FBI. He was promised that his son, Ramsey Clark would be promoted to Attorney General of the United States as a result of his resignation. He resigned, and Marshall was appointed the new judge.

On and one it goes.  There has been much more corruption in the United States ever since the Jews arrived.  That is what Germany discovered in the 1930s, and that is what America will eventually discover too, for the same thing is going on in America today.  The Jews are naturally parasitic; that is one reason they, and they alone, had been kicked out of practically every city, county and country in Europe.

The Jews, not the blacks, destroyed the quality of education in all of America’s schools.  Look at what Eustace Mullins wrote about the effects of BROWN VS. BOARD OF EDUCATION decision :

America’s public schools have been corrupted.  Generations of white American children have been destroyed, resulting in inarticulate, functionally illiterate, mumbling youth who are probably on drugs and who are incapable of caring about what is happening to themselves or to this nation.  In these blackboard jungles teachers are warned not to wear any jewelry or to carry any funds except lunch money, and never to go into the hall or to the restroom alone.  This chaos was deliberately created by the Supreme Court decision of May 17, 1954 in favor of BROWN VS. BOARD OF EDUCATION, which ordered Federal forced racial integration of every public school in the United States.” 

This decision was a complete reversal of the position of the Supreme Court precedent on segregated schools which had stood for more than fifty years.  The case lasted for over a year and had taken the place of PLESSY VS. FERGUSON, which had stabled “separate but equal” doctrine of public education.  It was not the power of the legal arguments which led to the anti-white decision on BROWN VS. BOARD OF EDUCATION, but a more direct and compelling force – the murder of the Chief Justice, Fred Vinson.  This decision had turned the country upside down.

Ultimately, the Court embraced the delaying strategy, and ordered the cases re-argued in the following term. The Court ordered the parties to address five questions, largely drafted by Justice Frankfurter. By the time the cases were re-argued, Chief Justice Vinson was dead, and Chief Justice Earl Warren was sitting in his seat.

Chief Justice Fred Vinson, who supposedly died of a heart attack, was replaced by President Dwight Eisenhower by Earl Warren.  The Earl Warren era of the Supreme Court began.  The Constitution makes no provision for public schools.  Not only are public schools an unwarranted intrusion into personal privacy, but they are the main thrust on the Federal Government’s unrelenting campaign to seize complete control over every aspect of the life of the individual. 

This explains the Federal campaign to wipe out private schools all over the United States.  The Supreme Court ruled that no private schools can “discriminate” in admitting pupils.  This ruling not only wiped out all racial, moral, or religious restrictions, but it doomed the private schools economically.  This Supreme Court ruling meant that no private school could refuse to admit any pupil even if he cannot pay one cent towards his education.  Such a refusal would be “economic discrimination “under the terms of the Supreme Court. 

My eight-grade teacher was right!

Blessed be the LORD God of Israel.