Is Genocide the Final Solution?

By Pastor Dan Gayman

According to pop culture and everything we read and hear today, everyone is born a racist. Racism has been systemic in America since our beginning. Columbus and the Pilgrims were White, as were the Puritans and even the successive waves of immigrants from Europe and Scandinavia. Each of these White ethnic groups brought with them their White superiority, or a least so says the new wave of Communists grasping for power in the Untied States today.

The Far Left in the United States insists that systemic racism can be remedied only by removing our “Whiteness.” America has been racist since its origins and is embedded in every aspect of our culture and in every institution. Racism, they say, is even engrained into our DNA. Consequently, Whites can fit into the new America (born this past January, 2021) by pledging to give entirely their Whiteness. What in the world does this entail? This means we must remain childless, unless we will practice interracial marriage or at least adopt a child of color. Further, we must surrender our wealth, status, and vocational positions and give them all to non-Whites.

We White people must limit any speech or freedom of expression that discredits or in any way compromises the integrity and worth of people of color. “Equal opportunity for all” and believing in the traditional ideal that all individuals and races in America should be judged by their character rather than the color of their skin is no longer relevant. Equity can be achieved only by “equal outcome,” and equal outcome can be achieved only when all White people cease their racism by  un-doing their Whiteness. Equity can be achieved when Americas share equally all the wealth. Every part of America that applauds “Equality of opportunity” and resists programs and policies that assure equality of results is empirical evidence of “White racism” and must be rooted out. The old American adage that the "equality of God” means “equal opportunity” for all is not relevant in Marxist/Communist thinking. The Bolshevik mind perceive our America as riddled with historic racism that came over to Jamestown in 1607 and later on the Mayflower and ever since.

To achieve equity for the Black race in America, CRT demands that the traditional American ideal of rugged individualism, a strong work ethnic, self-reliance, ambition, innovation, and initiative must be discarded in order to achieve qual outcome among the diverse races. These considers all these character trails as embedded in systemic racism that fuels White culture and creates a level of competition that is unfair to Blacks and other people of color. Under Marxist ideology, the new American paradigm is equity, which we can achieve only when there is equity of outcome, We cannot achieve equity util every individual in America shares equally in the distribution of wealth and power.

The new racial imperative surfacing theological seminaries is best understood in this context: Whiteness is a religious system of pagan/idol worship that thrives in mutually reinforcing circularity between the image, the idle or form, and the social instruction of those who worship it. Just as with idolatry, Whiteness must be dealt with lie any cult. Its high places must be torn down and its altars laid low. Christin discipleship that entails a de-conversion for Whiteness is necessary if any true experience of reconciliation with God others, or ourselves is to occur.

White America is an oppressive culture locked into systemic racism that reaches back into the achieves of time to the Founding Fathers in the 1700s and before that into Colonial America. James Cone, a leading advocate or CRT and of Liberation theology, said this: “White supremacy is the American Church's greatest, original, and most persistent sin.”>


 Do not be afraid to speak out and go on the offense against the dogmas of Critical Race Theory. Be grateful, humble, and eternally thankful for your genetic heritage.

Acts 18:9b:  “...Be not afraid, but speak, and hold not thy peace.”

Be resolute in your commitment to Jesus Christ and emulating His lifestyle:

· Focus on your family,

· Build up your marriage,

· Multiplying children, and

· Train them to be goldy little Christian, with integrity and a good work etic.

· Return to the soil and teach your children the lifetime skill of producing your own food.  Your life and future may depend on this!

Keep Jesus Christ as the center of your life:

· Worship regularly,

· Read your Bibles,

· Pray as a family,

· Invest your talents, time and tithe in a local church.

· Make the church body the locus of your community or neighborhood,

· Serve and encourage and admonish each other in Christian love.

Severely limit time you spend on all forms of media, especially the cell phone and television. Instead, focus on those areas of life that you can control, and make a difference for the glory of God. The U. S. is a nation under much deserved judgment! Be circumspect about your geography, for it is vital to your future. Spend your time wisely doing what a Sovereign God tells His Covenant people to do. Remain focused on your goals and encourage one another. Remember this: our Eternal God will never forsake His faithful remnant! Read. Jeremiah 15:11:

Follow your kinsman David and say,

Psalm 121:1, 2, 4:

1) “I will left up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.

2) My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth.

4) Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep.”