by Bill Perry
July 28, 2024
Opening Scripture: Ezekiel 37:15-22:
15. And the Word of YHWH came again to me, saying.
16. Moreover, you son of man, take one stick, and write upon it, Judah, and for the children of Israel his companions: then take another stick, and write upon it, For Joseph, the stick of Ephraim, and for all the House of Israel and his companions:
17. And join them one to another into one stick; and they will become one in your hand.
18. And when the children of your people will speak to you, saying, Will you not show us what you mean by these?
19. Say to them, This is what YHWH Elohim says; Look I will take the stick of Joseph, which is in the hand of Ephraim, and the tribes of Israel his fellows, and will put them with him, with the stick of Judah, and make them one stick, and they shall be one in my hand.
20. And the sticks whereon you wrote will be in your hand before their eyes.
21. And say to them, This is what YHWH Elohim says, Behold (look) I will take the children of Israel from among the heathen, whither (wherever) they have gone, and will gather them on every side, and bring them into their own land:
22. And I will make them one nation in the land upon the mountains of Israel; and one king will be king to them all: and they will be no more two nations, neither will they be divided into two kingdoms any more at all:
And he opened the bottomless pit, and smoke ascended from the pit like the smoke of a great furnace, and the sun and the air had become darkened from the smoke of the pit. Revelation 9:2
The cloud that came from the pit when Satan and his demon seed were released, was a massive cloud of deception and confusion. This cloud over our reasoning ability was the concealment of our own history, the understanding of who we really are, and our purpose for being. It was also to conceal the evil and vile essence of Satan, and the creatures of his demonic lineage, who have been our sworn enemy from the start of this Earth age.
The essence of him, and who they are is what they are. They are the very essence of indescribable evil. They were released for a season, but to kill, steal, and destroy.
The ever billowing stench from the cloud of their lies, causes continual confusion, perversion, and all manner of temptation, seduction and fear to the Father's children if they are not grounded in the Word of Truth. This is the evil from the pit of hell and it has the world in its controlling clutches.
Be strong in Yahweh, and in the power of His might? Yes but; Know who you are.
2 Tim. 2:15 tells us; Study to show yourself approved unto YAHWEH, a workman that need not be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of Truth.
The failure of parents for generations to educate their children in the Father's Way, has affected our inability to discern what is right and what is wrong. Our parents were the product of their upbringing. The sins of the parents are visited unto the children even unto the 3rd and 4th generations.
The erroneous teaching from our pulpits and the lies ingrained in this society, are all part of the cloud of smoke from the pit; that muddles our proper ability to reason, and interferes with our understanding of the Truth and Righteousness of Yashua.
He brought His message for us to see, to understand, to know, and to grow to what He created us to be.
He is the Way the truth and the Life.
Hosea 4:6 “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shall be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy Elohim, I will also forget thy children.”
Our Father was telling us what was inevitable. We Forgot Him, he would reciprocate, and would forget us.
Now, this is the truth about spirituality.
The Spirit of the Father is His Holy Spirit. His Spirit is the essence of who He is, and He is Holy. Holy is righteous, and the absence of wrong. We were created in His image and in His likeness. We were to be the image of Him on the earth, in this domain, in this realm or plane of existence. He told us we were supposed to be His priests.
We were not created as gods. There is but one Yahweh. We were however, created in the image of Elohim to fulfill our commission for Him on earth. All power and authority are ours. Christ said, “These things I do, you will do, and greater things also.”
In the hierarchy of divine order we were created a little lower than the angels. We are in the family of Yahweh.
What is the service order of the family unit?
The greater shall serve the lesser. A father in proper obedience to the law of YAHWEH, will serve his children until the maturing process is completed. Raise up a child in the Way he should go and when he is old (meaning matured) he will not depart from it.
In this Way, the cycle of divine righteousness continues and prospers. This is the seed of the Mustard Tree. Of the tiniest of seeds the greatest tree grows. We have failed in that endeavor.
The spirit of Adamic man was created in perfect harmony, union with the Father. Didn't He say I knew you before you were in your mother's womb? He knew what He had made.
We were created by the hands of the Father. We are born of the flesh, and molded from the earth. He combined dust and water to form the body, the receptacle, the vessel of honor to contain our being.
By His breathe He breathed the essence of our spirit into Adam and we became living man. We, the White Race of Adamic man are eternal beings. We are vessels of honor to the Father, YAHWEH.
A man is the created being for his soul, which is the essence of who he is, his spirit.
The essence of who he is is Intrinsic, and the Indispensable determination of his character. The intrinsic element of his character means its natural and essential. By reiterating the indispensability of man's character it is emphasizing its absolute need. To him as a person, and to his portion in the completeness of Father's Kingdom.
Man's spirit is the nonphysical part of a person which is the seat of his emotions and character. It is the soul of who He is. We are of God and created in His image and His likeness. Everyone of us, the white children of God are essential to the Father.
Remember: Jacob He loves.
Definitions; (Definitions were taken off of the Internet)
Essence: The Intrinsic or indispensable quality of something especially something abstract, that determines its character.
Intrinsic: Belonging naturally or essential.
Indispensable: Absolutely necessary
Soul: The spiritual or immaterial part of a being regarded as immortal.
Spirit: The nonphysical part of a person which is the seat of emotions and character, the soul.
.This mortal life existence became our training period, during which we are to mature in spirit. It has been a continual learning experience to culminate in spiritual maturity. When we, as the family of God, have matured to the level of bonding Spirit to spirit, and spirit to spirit; we will then finally assume our position and our responsibilities in Kingdom life.
If you are of the White Race, you are the Family of Yahweh (God). Our family grew, multiplied, and for a period of time matured while living obediently to YAHWEH's Law. This was called the time of the Judges.
YAHWEH considered Israel His bride; Kind after His kind and blood of His blood; But, because of our relentless denial of our divinely created bond to Him, He divorced us. His separation from us meant that His Divine Essence was no longer joined with the essence of who we were. He never left us or forsook us, but from that point on we did not have the benefit of His protection, guidance in right decision making, or His assistance when we made the wrong choices. We wanted to serve other gods? That was our freedom to do so.
As a loving husband to Israel, and Father to us, his children individually: He watched from afar.
We still had to go forward in our divine destiny to fulfill His promises to our forefathers. For more than 7 centuries we advanced in our migrations into our promised nations. We multiplied and spread throughout Western Asia, Europe, and beyond. We were becoming those 'Great Nations' He pledged to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. All this time without our spirit link to the Father. Again, this was all part of our training and maturing.
The Cross of our Savior's Crucifixion were the two sticks joined together for the reunification of both nations, Israel and Judah.
The central point of their joining was directly below His head which established His Divine Authority over the rejoining.
The central alignment of YHWH, Yashua's body with the cross was immediately behind His Heart, symbolizing His Spirit and the Essence of His being. The rejoined spirits of Judah and Israel were all the tribes of His chosen children, reunited with His Spirit and central to His very essence.
The Blood pulsating through His heart is the same blood that courses through our bodies. He could give no more. Such was His Love for us.
In His Sacrificial posture; Suffering the agony of His ultimate gift for His beloved, He endured the pain and suffering due all His children. We were entitled to the pain He so willingly endured on our behalf.
We were symbolically represented as the very instrument of His death. It could not be a more exacting symbol of His Love for us, than for Christ to die for us being bound to us at His demise. He took all of our sin and misdirection with Him, never to see it or acknowledge it again.
We all died together, fixed and attached by His bloody nail pierced hands and feet. He took His bride with Him when He was rejected and removed from this plane of existence by the evil ones that could not tolerate coexistence with the purity of the Divine.
And we all live.
When He departed, He left us with a promise; “I will never leave you or forsake you.” Through Yashua Christ, YAHWEH, as a man came to this earthly realm of physical existence to fulfill all His promises to His blood family. While He was here He re-educated us in the Way, and before He left He bonded back with us, His Spirit to our spirit.
The last thing He did before departure, was the commissioning of His disciples. (Matthew 28:18-20) And Yashua came and spake unto them, saying, “All power is given unto Me in Heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all our nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, low I am with you always, even until the end of the world (society). “Where I go you cannot come, but I will leave My comforter with you.”
Such was the re-bonding or re-marriage of The Father to us, The Children of Israel.
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish, but will have everlasting life. (John 3:16)
The Father did not love or have regard for this world. In the many transcriptions and translations from ancient languages, progressing to our modern languages; a lot of words changed, were misinterpreted, or misunderstood; usually very purposefully.
When we need Him we were instructed to call upon His name for there is power in His very name. However, throughout the Bible, His name was replaced with 'Lord'. It was removed over 68,000 times. His name is: YAHWEH., not Lord. Lord is a title, not a name. There is no power in a title, only submission, and we are told to come boldly to the Throne of Grace and make our petition known. That is what a Father would expect from His children. Right? Besides, how can you call Him by name if you don't even know what His name is.
Don't you know your dad's name? Try saying, “Hey you, give me the keys to the car.” How quick do you think you are going where you need to go? It may be pretty quick. But probably not where you were expecting. It sure doesn't say much about the quality of your relationship either. Now, does it?
Strong's concordance says; Lord: #H1168: Baal the same as H1167, A Phoenician deity,. H1167: Baal, (along with many names and descriptions) near the bottom we find; Lord.
Yep, that's right! When that preacher stands at the pulpit with out stretched arms and cries out, “Oh Lord, help us in our hour of need.” Yep, your right again, and the Father just shakes His head and sighs. The Man doesn't know who he's trying to appeal to. He just called upon the god (with a little g) of this world, Baal.
Now, this take a look at John 3:16
In John 3:16; God; Thompson #G2316: Tells us; Just like the word 'lord'. This is not a name, but again a title.
The word, 'world' is a mistranslation. It is supposed to be 'society', or more appropriately, 'His Society'; the 'Kingdom of YAHWEH'.
The 'whosoever' of who is spoken of is; His Children, the lineage of Adam.
'Believe'; means to know and fully understand. To commit their being, soul, and essence to bond with His; that we do not deny our spirit bond, but nurture and grow in righteous bond.
To not be in that eternally bonded relationship; our spirit to His Holy Spirit is to be separated from His Spirit. This is the eternal position of the Liar.
Our eternal spiritual bond with YAHWEH is our proper place in Eternal Life. Eternal division of our spirit with the Holy Spirit is death forever.
That is not who we are.
The Truth of John 3:16: For YAHWEH the Father loved His Kingdom so much, which was His planned social system for all earth, that He sacrificed Himself in the form of a man once; that all His children will grow in understanding of the meaning of our mutual connection of spirit and not deny it, but will live with Him eternally in our spirit relationship.
Spiritualism is a doctrine of demons which infiltrated and morphed into beliefs adopted by the shepherds of the pulpit and became part of the religion of man. This is some of the smoke of confusion out of the pit when they were released. What is some other smoke?
You 've been freed from the law.
He said, “I did not come to abolish the law but to fulfill it.”
If you (anyone) believes in Christ you will be saved.
Salvation by works is self-righteousness and,
He said, “I came but for the lost sheep of Israel.”
I can be grafted into the vine.
That is spiritualism.
Spiritualism is the doctrine of demons.
We are saved by the blood of the Lamb, if we are of the same Blood!
When He returns I'll meet Him in the sky.
No. The tares will be gathered first, and thrown into the fire. Matt.24
Nearly all of Revelation is in the future.
No, again. The Millennium is over.
He has been released from the pit for well over 230 years ago.
This is the time of Jacob's Sorrow. We are Jacob.
The Jews are God's chosen people.
That's like the lie of all lies,
and a total slap in our face.
They killed Yashua.
Oh yea, and they are the demon spawn that was released from the pit!
This is just a few of the many false doctrines being spewed out of the so called Judeao-Christian pulpits. Unless a Pastor is awake to the truth that the White Race are the blood line seed of Adam and the lineage of Noah, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob/Israel, he is of the Anti-Christ. And He is teaching false doctrine. You are either of the Father, or not. One cannot serve two masters.
Spirituality is not religious doctrine. Spirituality is a Truth. The spirit of a being is the essence of that being. The essence of that being is the motivating force behind his thoughts and actions.
So as he thinks, so is he. So as he is, so does he do.
What separates Adamic Man, the White Family of YAHWEH, from the rest of the beings on this earthly plane is; Our blood relationship, our spirit motivation, and finally it's our Spiritual connection to the Creator.
We are Man. His Holy Spirit in us, and our spirits working in harmony is the union of marriage. Such was confirmed at the cross, when the Master said, “It is finished.” His portion of the mutual commitment was complete.
When a family member of Israel, a true Christian, awakens to who he is and what he is, his only desire is for the union to be complete. When he knows, he knows it has to be for the full House of Israel. The passion burns unabated for all his brothers and sisters to awaken. Until then it's a very lonely place. You start to understand what is meant by, “The angels in Heaven rejoice when one returns.”
When the remnant rise out of the smoke of their slumber, and cry out, “Father, oh, Father.”
He will answer our call.
Marriage is not a mutually consented form written, signed, and witnessed on some legal contract in some official Government buildiing.
No. It's only a thing between a man and a woman. A man and and a woman know in their spirits they belong together, joining in harmony is the union of marriage. The joining together of two is the union. The act of joining is the marriage. And the two shall be one is confirmed by mutual commitment: His spirit with her spirit joined completes the essence of Spiritual perfection. The Holy Spirit with a united spirit makes the union complete. My spirit with your spirit joined to the Holy Spirit completes a Holy union and the essence of Spiritual perfection. Our spirits in harmony with each other makes us one in mutual commitment. His Spirit with our spirit makes us one in the Body of Christ. The unified Body of Christ is the Bride of Christ.
That is what the Father awaits. When a true family member of Israel, a true Christian awakens to who he is, what he is, and what his eternal reality is; his only desire is for the union to be complete.
And, I mean NOW!
When a man knows who he is, he knows the Truth. You start to understand what is meant by, “The angels in Heaven rejoice when one returns.” He knows it has to be for the Entire House of Israel, because the whole house of Israel is the Bride. The passion burns unabated in him for all his brothers and sisters to awaken. Until then it's a very lonely place. So... This is what being born again means.
When the remnant rise out of the smoke of their slumber, and cry out, “Father, oh, Father.” He will answer our call.
He will answer our call.
When we cry out to the Father in unity we will be crying out in our love craved hunger. We will no longer be part and portion of the Whore of the Beast. We will be returning to our first love. Yashua, who has vowed eternal love to His Family will be there for us. .... Smiling.