The Psalms - Psalm 105

God of the Covenant

by Rev. Jim Jester

March 2, 2025



The first 15 verses of Psalm 105 are also found in I Chronicles 16:8-22 and presented there as a composition of David, written and sung for the bringing of the ark of the covenant into Jerusalem. We can conclude then, that though this psalm is not here specifically attributed to King David, he is the author of it.

The history of Gods grace to Israel described in Psalm 105 is the history of Abraham, Joseph and Moses. This same topic is covered in the address of Stephen in Acts chapter 7:

The Psalms: Psalm 68

The Victorious Procession to Zion

by Rev. James Jester

SCRIPTURE READING: Numbers 10:35-36

January 12, 2025

The Psalms: Series Introduction

The Book of Psalms is the hymn-book of the Bible. Besides being the hymn book for the religious services of the second temple, it has perhaps served as the greatest source of material for hymns and gospel songs throughout the centuries. The Psalms are the oldest surviving complete collection of poetry in the world, and is likely the most prominent devotional source of the Scriptures. Its uses are many:

  1. It is a hymn book intended to be sung
  2. It is a devotional book for both public and private use
  3. It is a poetical book
  4. It contains praise, prayer, thanksgiving, affirmations of faith, liturgies, wisdom poetry, history, and prophecy 

This collection of Hebrew poetry is not divided into chapters as the other books of the Bible are — it is the exception to the rule. It is not a divided book, but rather, it is a collection. It is of course, divided in one sense only, that of its division into separate books:

Most commentators believe that Psalm 68 is connected with the coming of the Ark of the Covenant into Jerusalem (II Samuel 6), celebrating not only that event, but also the faithfulness of God to give Israel victory over her enemies, and to make Jerusalem secure enough to bring the ark into the city. Thus, King David is musing in this psalm about the wonderful provisions of the Lord God of Israel.

Music in the Temple

by Rev. Jim Jester

December 30, 2024

SCRIPTURE READING: Ephesians 5:14-20 RSV

There are many kinds of music in the world, and each kind has its purpose for which it was created: Music for drama in movies, music for dancing and entertainment, music for exercise, music for relaxation, and music for the Temple, or Church. Should the Church use any or all of these styles of music?

The Bible speaks much about music. The word “sing” and “singing” appear in the Bible 148 times. The most used Hebrew word for “song” is shiyrah, found 90 times, and the second most used Hebrew word is shiyr, found 82 times. Music is addressed regularly in the Old and New Testaments: 63 times in the Old and 5 times in the New, the specific direction is given, “Sing to the Lord.”

There is also an interesting omission: Nowhere in the Bible is there a command to sing to the heathen, or to mankind in general. This fact alone ought to set straight those evangelicals who are attempting to “win others to Christ” with their music; many going so far as to use Rock music for their “worship” services. Rather, the only purpose of sacred music in light of Scripture is to direct praise to God.

The Faith Once Delivered

by Rev. James Jester

December 1, 2024


The letter of Jude is essentially a sermon. In it, Jude preached against the dangerous practices and doctrines that put the gospel of Jesus Christ in peril. These were serious issues that Jude dealt with.

The picture presented by Jude of professing Christianity is not a picture that brings us joy, but it is reality. If that reality were withheld, we would miss the necessary warnings that should help us recognize the attacks made on God's truth. At the same time Jude encourages us. He points at the unfaltering faithfulness and omnipotence of God and the Lord Jesus for those who are willing to hold on to the truth which was once and for all handed down to them, and to defend it against the attacks.

Walk in the Light

By Rev. James Jester

September 29, 2024


A study in First John. What is sin?


I grew up in a typical Christian family during the 1960’s. My two brothers and sister and I were sent to Vacation Bible School, and our family attended the Cokesbury Methodist church. Years later, after my father was converted, we went to a different church (that’s another story).

I distinctly remember sitting in church, listening to the preacher, but not really understanding anything since I was so young. He occasionally used a word that I had never heard before, and I wondered just what it was. Was it something good or something bad? Then the next thing I heard from the preacher was a thundering, “God hates sin!” I suddenly knew that sin was something bad, something awful, and something that offended God. That event impressed the young boy for the rest of his life.

Like Precious Faith

by Rev. James Jester

Sept 8, 2024


Peter’s second letter emphasizes again holy living, just as in his first letter. But in this second letter he warns of the false prophets, who were barely mentioned in the first letter (ref. I Pet. 4:5). So, in this second letter he stresses in greater detail, the kind of people who are trying to teach false doctrine to the churches of Asia Minor.

Certain people were teaching that salvation freed Christians from the necessity of living a holy life. They twisted Paul’s doctrine of salvation by grace to support their position. Since they believed it was all right to sin, they naturally mocked at the idea of Christ’s return in judgment. For their own personal gain they lured people by promising them that they could be Christians and still live immoral lives. Peter writes to counter these false teachings and their influence on the lives of Christians. He is concerned that there be a check against false teaching even after he is gone.

Things Angels Desire to Look Into

by Rev. Jim Jester

August 25, 2024


What did the prophets know and speak about concerning the coming Redeemer of Israel? And what did the angels desire to investigate? Let us take a brief overview of the last 3 verses of our Scripture Reading:

Of which salvation the prophets have enquired (v 10):A system of faith, securing the salvation of the soul, would be revealed. This hope of the prophets seems to lead them to value the faith they professed more highly, and to encourage them to bear their trials with patience. The prophets saw from a distance somewhat vaguely, and were obliged to search that they might understand the nature of that system. They sought out with care the revelations made to them, that they might understand exactly what was implied,because they were appointed to write about the salvation which was to be made known through the Messiah.

John the Baptizer

by Rev. James Jester

August 4, 2024



In my last sermon, “Baptism in Context,” I briefly mentioned about the baptizing that was done by John; so, in this sermon I wanted to examine that topic a little further. From that sermon I had said:

“What immersionists seem to forget, is that John’s baptism was still under the Old Testament system, which of course, Jesus Christ had to fulfill as role of priest for His people. At this time, the law required this ‘washing’ (baptism) of Jesus.”

It is obvious that John the baptizer knew something about the ritual “washings” under the Old Covenant, for he lived during this time when the Judeans used water to purify themselves ceremonially; as we see by the words “ritual purification” in our text (v. 25).

Of course, John urged the Judeans to repent, for he knew that unclean people could not ultimately clean themselves, except only in a limited sense. He also rebuked the Pharisees (Edomite jews)

Baptism in Context

Rev. Jim Jester

July 7, 2024

SCRIPTURE READING: Ezekiel 36:22-25


I have spoken on this topic about two years ago. But recently, someone asked me about Baptism, so this sermon is the result of that. Keep in mind that I am not trying to make enemies here, so I am not picking on my Baptist friends. I simply want to give the topic some balance, since in my lifetime I have seen lots of imbalance on the subject. And, I want you to see how different a subject can actually be when considered in the light of its full Scriptural context (not just part of the Word).

What Was Nailed to the Cross?

by Rev. Jim Jester

June 9, 2024

SCRIPTURE READING: Colossians 2:13-15


For the most part we will be in the Book of Colossians. Paul’s letter to the Colossians was primarily written to deal with certain doctrinal heresies that were doing much damage at Colosse. It was a mixture of Judaism and an early form of Gnosticism, which taught that Jesus was superhuman but not truly God. Thus those who believe in Christ must also go through angels (ref. Col. 2:18) to obtain deeper levels of spirituality. This reminds me of Roman Catholicism, which believes in the veneration of Saints, and praying to them; thus making them mediators in place of Jesus Christ. Another error insisted upon ritualism and asceticism (strict rules to merit favor; ref. Col. 2:21) as the foundation of moral teaching. Thus their theological ideas and ethical code alike were at fault. Both errors flowed from a common source—the false conception that evil resides in matter (flesh) — a source of many heresies (no marriage for priests; ref. Col. 2:23).