America’s Most Popular Idol!

The Wake-up Herald

And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed. The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light. Let us walk honestly, as in the day; not in rioting and drunkenness, not in chambering and wantonness, not in strife and envying. But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfill the lusts thereof. Romans 13:11-14


Robert McCurry, Editor & Publisher 
January 11, 2013 

America’s most popular idol!

by Robert McCurry

Church getting into the Seahawks spirit

By Elisa Jaffe – Published: January 9, 2013,

BOTHELL, Wash. -- In honor of Seattle's playoff run, one local pastor will trade in his church robe for a Seahawks sweatshirt during Sunday's sermon.

Pastor Ryan Meeks has faith in the Seahawks. He doesn't worship football, but he is canceling Sunday morning services at most of his Eastlake Community Church campuses and plans to complete his own sermon by kickoff.

"I promise the message will not go overtime," Meeks said.

Instead of a standard service, Meeks will bring in tents and coolers and Eastlake will become "Beastlake" for a congregation tailgate party

"It's not even a strategic decision," Meeks said. "Frankly, as soon as they won that game I was like, 'I want to watch that game,' so we didn't get a committee together and think about it, we all want to watch the game.

The congregation, which happens to include a few former Seahawks, will get the message this weekend that faith is a lifestyle, not an event. Meeks believes people can follow football and God at the same time.

"Churches will be full of people this weekend who are there because they would feel guilty watching the game," Meeks said

If the Seahawks win on Sunday, the following weekend's game has a noon kickoff, so it shouldn't interfere with Sunday morning services.

The church canceled services for the Seahawks once before when the team played Chicago in the 2011 playoffs.

Idol n. = That on which the affections are strongly (often excessively) set; an object of passionate devotion; a person or thing greatly loved or adored.

I·dol·a·try n. = Worship of idols. Blind or excessive devotion to something. 

The Apostle Paul warns that Satan would subtly deceive many with “another spirit” (II Cor 11:4). “Another spirit” is any spirit that displaces and becomes a substitute for the Holy Spirit in the Lord’s Church. But without the Holy Spirit the Lord’s Church and her ministries are powerless. Without the Holy Spirit the Lord’s Church is like a blinded and enslaved Samson making sport for a sneering, mocking, and unbelieving world. The idol of sports may make a church popular with the world, but it renders it useless to Jesus Christ and His Kingdom.

God has never authorized His Church to either entertain sinners on their way to hell or to entertain Christians on their way to heaven. He has ordained that His Church preach the Gospel, exalt Jesus Christ, glorify Jehovah God, command sinners to repent, edify the saints in biblical holiness, and teach them to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world.

Such a calling is out of step with the world and even, sadly, with much of professing 'Christianity.' But it is in step with God. It will not win the world’s applause, but it will enjoy the approval of God. It is not popular with man, but it is pleasing to God.

Remember. The sovereign Lord God abides no rivals. “Thou shalt have no other gods before me . . . for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God” (Exodus 20:3, 5).

Wake-up, Pastors! Wake-up, Christians!

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The Wake-Up Herald is published by Robert McCurry. The publication is designed to exalt the true God of the Bible, the Lord Jesus Christ, and inform, inspire, and challenge its readers regarding biblical truth and real-life issues. The contents are the sole responsibility of Robert McCurry and do not represent or speak for or on behalf of any other person or group. There is no subscription charge. The publication is a ministry of faith dependent on the contributions of its readers. Contributions are not tax-deductible. Send all correspondence to: Robert McCurry, 605 Moore Rd, Newnan, GA 30263 or Remove? Send reply with “remove” in Subject line