Get Off the Fence

by Pastor Brian Jones

March 27, 2016

Scripture Reading: Psalms 2:1-6

God's Way versus the world's way.  God chose the elect of Israel and that is why we are different.  Love not the world.  The world will try to pull you into its sin, including pulling you away from God's law and His covenant and rejoices when even one person falls away from the covenant.  Get off the fence and quit wrestling with God.  Your body is a temple to God and it is NOT yours!  Read the Bible and examine yourselves.  Truth only works if you accept it.  Grow in God.  Open your Bible, read it and KNOW it.  God knows that you will stumble, but He will correct you.  Ensure that you are clothed in white because the wedding garment is a sign of purity and is CRITICAL to God.   White is the ONLY acceptable color of the wedding garment.  God did not divorce the world, but only the 10 Tribes of the House of Israel.  God will remarry ONLY the Covenant people.

The Gold Nugget

by Pastor Brian Jones

October 25, 2015

Scripture Reading: Job 23:10-11

Gold has to be tested with fire.  The hotter the fire, the more impurities are burned away.  Our Father loves you.  Be an overcomer.  God's timing in your life is perfect.

Unity and Divisions

William Finck of spoke at the Fellowship of God's Covenant People this Sunday June 21st.

This presentation is really a compendium of things I have done presented over the past several years. If one has read or heard my commentaries on the minor prophets, and the recently completed Romans exegesis, all of these things will be familiar, while I hope to have added a new perspective or two. This is because the grounds for Christian communion do not change, and the lines where Christian unity and divisions are drawn should indeed be very clear. Yet I find many Identity Christians who do not understand them, so I continually reiterate these same messages, and in as many ways as I can.

Christians are raised wondering whether they will be accepted by God at the end of their lives. With this, perpetual doubt is sown which causes men to turn away from the interests of their community and their race, in favor of their own interests whereby they pursue the materialistic desires of the flesh. When they face difficult times they feel abandoned by God, and because they have doubt it is just as easy for them to abandon God. By abandoning God, they are of no use to their communities and instead they work against the interest of their kinsmen because they seek to fulfill their own material needs at the expense of the needs of the community.

Samson, You Died Too Young

by Pastor Brian Jones

October 12, 2014

Scripture Reading: Galatians 6:5-10

Overall Lesson: We make mistakes, but God doesn't give up on us! Samson had the power to kill 1000 men, but it took one woman to bring him down. Available in Audio only. The following verses are explored:

Judges 13:1-5 Samson is chosen to be a deliverer of Israel out of the hands of the Philistines.

Judges 14:1-4 Samson craved after a wife from the Philistine women against his parent's wishes

Judges 14:5-9 Samson killed a lion. Later Samson found honey in the body of the lion, for bees had made their comb there. He took the honey out of the carcass and also gave some honey to his parents, even though he wasn't supposed to touch the carcass.

Judges 14:10-18 Samson gives the Philistine men a riddle which they couldn't answer. The Philistine men went to Samson's Philistine wife to find out the answer.

Judges 14:19-20 Samson kills and steals

  • Proverbs 5:1-23 Lesson for sons to not marry a 'stranger'
  • Psalm 27:11-12 Asking God to teach us His ways

National Covenant Renewal

by Pastor Everett Ramsey

August 3, 2014

Scripture Reading: Psalms 79:1-13

Dr. Ramsey is remembered for his church in Nebraska being America’s first padlocked church for courageously refusing to bow to the government demand that he license their church school.  He went to federal prison for standing his ground on Christian principles.  He is also known for his super conferences and the Court of Divine Justice.  Pastor Everett is a well known and respected Christian Identity author and speaker.  Click here to visit his website.

Kingdom Authority

by Dr. Lawrence Blanchard

September 22, 2013

Scripture Reading: Genesis 1:26-28

  1. The Reality: The USA, as a Nation, is Dissolved
  2. Our Response
  3. Do We Have a Defined Mission? (What are we doing and what is the point of it?)
  4. Review of the Kingdom Plan and Purpose in the Bible
  5. Kingdom Authority Illustrated (How God's Power is Manifested) - Luke 7:1-10
  6. Dominion In and Through the Church
    1. God's Power Revealed - Ephesians 1: 15-19, 20-23
    2. God's Intended Purpose - Ephesians 3:8-12
    3. God's Necessary Order In The Church - Ephesians 4:10-13, 5:22- 33; 6:1-4