The State of America's Security

By Pastor Everett Ramsey

November 11, 2012

Scripture Reading: Revelation 20:1-9

The first fourteen verses of the 26th Chapter of Isaiah Sets forth the triumph of the Kingdom and the destruction of the enemies of the Kingdom. In the 13th and 14th verses Isaiah referred to lords who had ruled over God's people in the past, stating in the 14th verse that they were now deceased that they would never live again. We say that the expression, '''they are deceased,'' is ''they are Rephaim. '' Attention was called to the fact that Rephaim referred to shades, fearful ones! Ghosts etc.

Thus the Rephaim were the disembodied spirits of the offspring of the angels who begat children by taking the daughters of men for wives. As a result of these forbidden marriages, we found that added to the sensual and carnal- the result of the temptation and fall-was now added highly-increased discernment and understanding but wholly devoid of spiritual direction. This enhanced the violent and power of those who exercised control over the population, the lords who ruled over them.

Because of the rule of the antediluvian giants, the earth became corrupt, meaning genetically mixed and degraded and filled with violence, necessitating its destruction by the waters of the Floods so that the offspring of all genetically mixed plants, animals, Adamites and fallen angels might be destroyed and the rule exercised by the angels themselves brought to an end.

The Worst Church in America

by Pastor Brian Jones

October 21, 2012

The worst church in America is one who had the glory of God and lost it.  Available in audio only

Study of I Samuel 1-7.  Related topics include:

  • Warnings to Israel of bad churches: Acts 20:28, Matthew 7:15, II Peter 2:1
  • Heresies: Acts 24:14
  • We live in perilous times: 2 Timothy 3:1-6
  • Israel shall be saved from the wrath of God: Isaiah 45:17, Rev. 15:1
  • Jesus said to Mary go to the Brethren: John 20:11
  • God never changes: Hebrews 13:8

Living With God's Peace

by Pastor Brian Jones

July 22, 2012

Available in audio only

Discussed in this audio:  Peace in church, peace in marriage and peace in your personal walk with God.

Scriptures include:  Psalms 29:11, James 3:13, Proverbs 6:16, John 13:34-35, Ephesians 5:20, Ephesians 6:1, Acts 5:29, Proverbs 21:9, I Peter 4:14, Galatians 5:15, Hebrews 12:6, I Corinthians 6:9, John 16:33, I Corinthians 5:9, Psalms 26:5-12, Phillipeans 2:1-4

Should God Bless our Troops? by Dr. Eric Benson

By Dr. Eric Benson

Don't Serve, Don't Go!

December 26, 2010

If we have a military force that endorses homosexuality, engages in sneak attacks for shock and awe value, allows foreigners to serve in leadership over our troops, allows women to serve in the military, destroys non-combatants and civilian assets, engages in draft or conscription or forced retention (not allowing individuals to get out because of the new policy), if we have a standing army that exists on a regular basis whether at war or not, are we honoring God's word? If not, then you as a believer have to make a choice. How can we ask God to bless our troops when we are not honoring God?