The Language of Covenant - Part 2

By Walter Giddings

March 16, 2025

2 Chronicles 29:10  
“…it is in mine heart to make a covenant with the LORD God of Israel.”   

In Lesson 4, Covenantkeepers, from The Light and the Glory, pp. 207-208, authors Marshall and Manuel quoted from the Puritan Pastor Rev. Thomas Hooker’s Sermon, “The Sum of Church Discipline”?  

“Mutual covenanting and confederating of the saints in the fellowship of the faith according to the order of the Gospel, is that which gives constitution and being to a visible church...”
                                             Marshall and Manuel.  The Light and the Glory.  pp. 207-208.

On the basis of this quote from Hooker’s Sermon, we faced this Question:  What must happen first before “mutual covenanting and confederating of the saints in the fellowship of the faith according to the order of the Gospel” can occur?  Before we could struggle long with that Question, one of our Elders, here, in Fellowship of God’s Covenant People answered “Separation”!  Can we have “mutual covenanting and confederating of the saints in the fellowship of the faith” outside “the order of the gospel”???  Do we recall the Pilgrims becoming the Pilgrims when they separated themselves from the Church under control of the Monarchy?  From that point on The Counterfeit persecuted the Genuine Remnant Church!  Does The Counterfeit always persecute The Genuine?!!  Is American Israel willing to fulfill its Destiny in dwelling alone?

Paul's Missionary Journeys - Part 3

First Missionary Journey

Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

March 9, 2025

Galatians 3:27, 28:

Where did the Kenites, Canaanites, and Edomites dwell? The Kenites (Cain’s offspring) originally were in what is known as India (land of Nod) today. They spread over the land nearby and many of them intermarried with the Canaanites, who began in the “promised land of Israel." In fact, it was called the Land of Canaan before Israel went there. The Canaanites, through the Hittites, alsohad, an Empire in what is now the modern country of Turkey and other lands that surrounded the nation of Israel, like Lebanon and Syria.

The Psalms - Psalm 105

God of the Covenant

by Rev. Jim Jester

March 2, 2025



The first 15 verses of Psalm 105 are also found in I Chronicles 16:8-22 and presented there as a composition of David, written and sung for the bringing of the ark of the covenant into Jerusalem. We can conclude then, that though this psalm is not here specifically attributed to King David, he is the author of it.

The history of Gods grace to Israel described in Psalm 105 is the history of Abraham, Joseph and Moses. This same topic is covered in the address of Stephen in Acts chapter 7:

Paul's Missionary Journeys - Part 2

First Missionary Journey

Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

February 23, 2025

Scripture Reading: Galatians 3:28:  

Saul was in his youth a member of the Jews’ religion  (Judaism) and “…persecuted the church of God and wasted it” (Galatians 1:13). But when it pleased God to reveal His Son to Paul, that he might preach among the lost tribes of the former divorced House of Israel, Paul, to prepare for this task, spent three years in Damascus and Arabia. From there he thwarted an attempt to murder him by the Jews in Damascus, and went to Jerusalem to see Peter, and abode with him for fifteen days (Galatians 1:18) until he escaped another plot by the Jews to murder him. He then went into the regions of Syria and Cilicia for about five years. (Galatians 1:21). Saul later was found by Barnabas in Tarsus and was brought to the church in Antioch, Syria, where they both taught for over a year. It was to Antioch in Syria that a host of Christian Judeans in Jerusalem and nearby areas fled after the death of Stephen.

The Psalms - Psalm 78

God’s Wonders & Israel’s Rebellion

by Rev. Jim Jester

February 9, 2025



This psalm is titled, “A Contemplation of Asaph.” The author Asaph was the great singer and musician of David and Solomon’s era, and he was a prophet in his musical compositions. Psalm 78 is the longest of the historical psalms.

The purpose of the psalm is to teach God’s family lessons from the past; to warn them not to fall into the same mistakes as their forefathers, and to encourage them to commit to faith in God. This history also shows what God is capable of despite our failures. History must not repeat itself.

Paul's Missionary Journeys - Part 1

Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

February 2, 2025

Scripture Reading: Galatians 3:28  

“There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.”

This is one of the verses in Scripture that is used the most to destroy the continuity of the Old Testament with the New Testament. It is used by many to say that there are different kinds of people addressed in each of the two Testaments:

  • The Old Testament: the Jews. In Imprimis, a publication of Hillsdale College, December 2024, page 2, “We read in the Old Testament of God’s special covenant with the Jews, who are repeatedly described as a ‘chosen people.’”

What book in the Bible, chapter, and verse?

  • The New Testament: Everyone in the world, including the non-Jews, who are called the Gentiles, or Greeks. In the Hillsdale College’s previous article, page six, it says that in Christianity, “salvation was open to every human being.”

Again, what book in the Bible, chapter, and verse?

The purpose of this sermon is to show that it is the literal descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob that are the people of both Testaments. I should add that it is not “Testaments” but should be “Covenants.” Israel is the only people of the Old Covenant and the New Covenant (Jeremiah 31:31 and Hebrews 8:8).

Paul's Missionary Journeys

by Pastor Don Elmore

Part 1:  Where was the Apostle Paul born? What church laid hands on him and sent him out? This is the first missionary journey of Paul.  Others to follow.

Part 2:  What was the meaning of the vessel that was shown to Peter three times? Did it teach that the unclean animals were now clean or that the Gentiles were now clean or was it something else?

Part 3:  Is "Greek" the same word as "Gentile"? Are they interchangeable? Do they both have the same meaning?

The Truman Property

By Garry Maddux

January 26, 2025

The Truman Property, located in Grandview, KS, near Kansas City, holds historical and spiritual significance. Originally owned by President Harry S. Truman, this 50-acre property ties his legacy to the work of the International House of Prayer in Kansas City (IHOPKC). IHOPKC purchased the land from a Jewish couple, intending to develop it as a hub for prayer, worship, and support for the nation of Israel. This story reveals how mainstream Christian organizations have supported the nation of Israel through financial contributions, prayer, and personal involvement. As Baldwin (2008) explains, this is an example of how organizations are often led into false teachings about modern Israel and its place in biblical prophecy.

The Language of Covenant - Part 1

“.. they saw God, and did eat and drink.”

by Walter Giddings

“I was an husband unto them, saith the LORD.” (Isaiah 54:5).  Is a matter established at the mouth of at least two if not three witnesses

           5 For thy Maker is thine husband; 

            the LORD of hosts is his name; and

            thy Redeemer the Holy One of Israel;

            The God of the whole earth shall he 

            be called. 

                                                  Isaiah chapter fifty-four. 

Shall we give Verse 5 a close lookIs God speaking through the end time Prophet Isaiah?  To whom is He speaking?  Does Israel have a “Kinsman Redeemer”?  At the end of the Age (future), will He be called “The God of the whole earth”?  Will that put to an end that rebel Angel Satan’s serious Case of Adverse Possession of the earth that began with Adam’s Abdication of The Throne of Dominion? 

The Language of Covenant

by Walter Giddings

Part 1:  Are covenant keepers in obedience to God? According to the 27 accusations against King George III (to which he neglected to plea), was he a Tyrant in disobedience to God? Did our Forefathers succeed in preserving "just" government?

Part 2:  Did the elders of Israel under the Old Covenant have the Authority to sit down to dinner with God at the Marriage Feast on Mount Sinai?  Will there be a wedding feast under the New Covenant?