by Pastor Mark Downey
Prophecies in both the Old and New Testaments, fulfilled and unfulfilled, have been revealed in the word of God, and subsequent prophecies are false and shall fail according to God's purposes.
Part 1: There is only one key that unlocks the enigma of Bible prophecy and that is the exegesis of Christian Identity scholarship. Prophecy is the exclusive relationship between God and the White race.
Part 2: An exclusive look at what Christ meant by "harvest" in Luke 10:2 as it relates to agricultural analogies, parables and prophecies against Edom from a Christian Identity perspective. The "Day of the Lord" is a terrible day.
Part 3: The predominant theme of prophecy is the Kingdom of God; what it is and is not; who will see and enter the Kingdom.
Part 4: The rise of Islam pits the three major religions of the world against each other as an ultimate dialectic of God.
Part 5: Covering the deception of our enemies and the urgency of racism in prophecy coincides with recent events in San Bernardino and Donald Trumps call for a Muslim ban.
Part 6: The singular integrity of the one true God of Israel is opposed by the plurality of idols, i.e. 'ancient astronauts', subverting Ezekiel 1:16; the mysticism of CERN; finding the tree of life by following the signs.
Part 7: The winds of spiritual warfare for 2016 point to the self fulfilling prophecy of what we do with our lives and the day we stand before the judgment seat of Christ.
Part 8: The imperative nature of being awake and not asleep to be an over comer and what constitutes your name being written in the book of life.
Part 9: A debunking of the two false schools of eschatology, i.e. futurism and especially the encroaching misinterpretations of preterism. We examine the historical antichrists of whom there are many.
Part 10: As we conclude this series we take a special look at 2016 and focus on the 'two witnesses' of Revelation 11, which can only be understood from a Christian Identity perspective amongst a myriad of false interpretations.