Bible Biology - Part 4

Our bodies have a God given government. 


By Walt Giddings

December 15, 2019

Scripture Reading: Romans 1:20

In Lesson three we asked ourselves some questions. Is one of the marks of a Christian his ability to see the invisible? If we understand “the things that are made”, our bodies, the houses for our spirits and souls, are we understanding the invisible things of Him?

In Lesson 3 we asked, Does the Bible mention Nerves, the cells of the body’s master communication system? Believing Romans 1:20 we trusted we could see the invisible by understanding the things that are made: nerve cells. We asked, How is nerve tissue structured to time messages out to all parts of the body and back again in a cycle?

Bearing His Reproach

by Pastor Everett Ramsey, DD

December 8, 2019

Scripture Reading:  I Timothy 4:10

Testimony of the Power of Prayer

  • Prayer request for Pastor McCurry, who is reportedly now in hospice.  Samples of Pastor McCurry's newsletters are on our website:  Wake Up Herald
  • Brief discussion of imprecatory prayer
  • Several examples given of the power of prayer

Our people are in mortal danger

Many people hate God and His people. There were peoples here before Adam. There has been a battle between pre-Adamites and Adamites since God created Adam and that battle continues today, because they know and are resistant to our dominion mandate.  God's people are White and bright, in His image.  We have a body, soul and spirit.

Bible Biology - Part 3


by Walt Giddings

November 17, 2019

Scripture Reading:  I Corinthians 4:15

Greetings kindred. We are on a first name basis here. My name is Walter. The Holy Spirit is our real Teacher. If Jesus Christ is our Real Teacher, what, then, is my role in His Classroom today?

The King James English word “instructers” is translated from the Greek word “paidagogos”{paheedag-ogos], from which we obtain our English word “pedagogue”. May I read you the explanation for this Greek word “paidagogos”?

A servant whose office it was to take the children to school. By implication [figuratively] a tutor. Strong’s Greek Dictionary. Is my role in the Master’s classroom to lead you to The Real Teacher?

How many here attended both Bible Biology Lessons I and II? How many here attended neither? Those of you who attended either one or both know I bring an interesting background. Seven years after graduation from chiropractic college, I chose to reexamine all four years of four thousand six hundred twenty hours of anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, pathology, lab analysis, diagnosis, and clinical work using The Bible as my road map, template, and “light unto my path”. These lessons are the result of that ongoing choice.

Trust and Obey

by Pastor Brian Jones

September 30, 2018

Scripture Reading:  Psalms 115:9-18

The more you trust God, the easier it will be to obey Him.  The following scriptures were discussed and are recommended for a bible study.

Proverbs 15:3  You can't hide from God.  Our God is loving and forgiving.

Jeremiah 7:21-23  God led His children out of Egypt. His command was that they love and obey Him.

Jeremiah 7:24-28  Israel did not listen and obey.  They did not love the truth.  It happened then and it is happening now.

Why Do We Suffer?

by William Finck

August 26, 2018

Scripture Reading: Psalm 44:19-23:

Being here [at FGCP] in March after the death of Pastor Mark Downey, and now passing through again after the burial of Clifton Emahiser, I thought I should seek to offer our community some encouragement.

Disaster and Death: Why Do We Suffer?

This is a broad topic. I won't ever be able to discuss every detail. But Yahweh willing, here we will hit on the important aspects. Perhaps anyone who hears this will stop blaming God for our woes.

In modern times when we have floods and drought, when we have pestilence and disease, very few people who are affected by these things ever even consider what manner of sin they have committed, or what manner of sin they have allowed to exist in their communities, that they should suffer such things. But as our ancient ancestors believed, when such calamities befall us, they are clearly punishments from Yahweh our God. The proof that such a concept was prevalent even in relatively recent times is found in the very origin of the word that is used to describe such calamities, which is crisis. In English, a crisis is a time of danger or trouble. But in Greek the word is decision or judgment, and in our Scriptures it describes the judgment of God. While modern secularized dictionaries attempt to obfuscate this connection, it is the true origin of the modern English use of the word.

The Will of God is the Word of God

by Pastor Brian Jones

April 1, 2017

Scripture Reading:  Mathew 13:10-17

The following scriptures were discussed and are recommended for a bible study.

  • James 1:22-25
  • Malachi 3:6-7, 16-18
  • Romans 2:13-15
  • Isaiah 66:1-2, 5, 15-17, 22-24
  • James 2:17-23
  • Acts 13:22-30
  • I Peter 2:5-10
  • Galatians 4:16
  • Proverbs 8:13
  • Proverbs 6:16-19
  • Philippians 2:12-16
  • Matthew 10:32-38
  • John 3:18-21
  • I Corinthians 13:1-3
  • Mark 14:32-36
  • John 18:11

The Church and The Kingdom

by Dr. Everett Ramsay

November 5, 2017

Scripture Reading: Matthew 16:13-19

We all agree...

  • According to the Septuagint, God created Nephesh/man in Genesis 1
    • Genesis 1:26 And God said, Let us make (create) man(nephesh) ............
  • God formed white Spirit/Adam/Man in Genesis 2
    • Genesis 2:7 And the LORD God formed man (Adam) of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath (spirit) of life; and man became a living (spirit) soul.

Bible about That Adam

  • Genesis 5:1 This is the book of the generations of Adam. In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God made he him;
  • Bible about Adam's descendants: Seth to Noah to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob Israel

God made an exclusive covenant with Israel and no one else, no other race

Love Not the World

by Pastor Brian Jones

October 1, 2017

Scripture Reading:  Psalms 7:8-11

God is truth and His truth is forever and never changes.  His truth is for the people that He chose. You must be willing to receive the spirit of truth.

The following scriptures were discussed and are highly recommended for a bible study.

  • 1 John 2:15-16  Love not the world.  Lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the boastful pride of life is not from the Father, but from the world
  • Romans 12:1-3  Change your way of thinking.  Be a humble servant.  Cleanse yourself of the garbage the world feeds us.
  • Romans 12:19-21  This verse has a second witness: Leviticus 19:18.  This has to do with a brethren, not the enemies of God and our people.  We are not to serve the enemies of God.
  • Ephesians 5:21-26   Change your way of thinking.
  • Colossians 3:1-10  Kill the Old Man!  The old man is the spiritual condition of a worldly man.
  • Colossians 3:15 How we should treat our family
  • James 1:1-8   Tribulation works patience.  Count it all joy.  it's something that God has to do.  The world watches how we endure hard times.
  • James 1:12-15  When you get tempted, you either get better or bitter. The world wants you bitter.  God needs better and stronger Christians.  You will be blessed.

Scatterers and Gatherers

by William Finck

October 30, 2016

Scripture Reading: Matthew 12:30-33

This visit to the Fellowship of God's Covenant People was decided on relatively short notice, and when I considered what I should present, I thought to speak on this subject of scattering and gathering upon being informed of certain events which took place recently here in this congregation. When I discussed my planned talk with Pastor Downey, he informed me that he himself had already said some of the same things which you may hear from me today. Mark even quoted from an essay on this topic which I had written a few years ago, and which I will incorporate into this discussion.

So when Mark asked me if I wanted to read what he had written, I politely declined, explaining that if I said the same things independently, that would better serve as a second witness to what he has already said here over the past few weeks. In my opinion, if we really do seek to please Christ and edify the body of Christ, we cannot entertain those who despise our core message. We cannot entertain those who in any way work contrary to our core message. None of the things which I say here today are for your admonishment. Rather, I would commend you for supporting Pastor Downey in his decision. Therefore I hope to say these things for your edification, that you have another assurance, knowing that you have made a necessary decision. I pray you continue to make such decisions in the future, because we should always expect that our faith may be tried in the fire.