Who Was Cain?

by Pastor Don Elmore

July 2024

In the America’s Promise Ministries Newsletter, July/August 2024, they published an article by Earl Linville of Oklahoma entitled, “Who Was Cain?” This violated what I had said about preaching about this doctrine. If they would quit harping about their belief that Adam was the father of Cain, then I would stop preaching that it was Satan who was the father of Cain. But America’s Promise Ministries presented another article about this topic, so there needs to be an article that presents the other side.

The article starts out with the following:

“There is a doctrine out there that Cain was born as a result of a supernatural being named satan [Satan] who seduced Eve. Therefore, according to the doctrine, Cain is the son of the devil. But is this true?”

Then on page 15 in the newsletter, he makes his comment on John 8:44.

John 8:44:   Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own, for he is a liar, and the father of it.”

The author then says,

“Well, who was the first murderer and liar from the beginning? It was Cain! Jesus is saying that the Jews followed after the way of Cain, so therefore, they were figuratively ‘his children’ as have been many others we find listed in the first few verses of Jude.”

The author says that the first murderer and liar was not the serpent but Cain. But why did Eve eventually die? Eve could have lived forever if she wasn’t seduced by Satan and sinned. Did Satan tell her that she wouldn’t die, but she did. Wasn’t that a lie? And didn’t the serpent have sex with Eve and that eventually caused her death? Didn’t the serpent murder her? Didn’t the serpent lie and become a murderer with her which was, of course, before Cain was even born.

He says that the Jews were figuratively “his children”, i.e. figuratively the children of Satan. But he is silent on why Cain had “no truth in him” if he was the son of Adam and Eve. Abel was also the son of Adam and Eve, and he had truth in him. What was the difference? You will have to ask the author.

Then the editor, not the author, says on page 15 of the newsletter, “Editor’s Note: In verse[s] 33-34 Jesus spoke to Jews that believed on Him.

John 8:33, 34:

33) “They answered Him [Jesus], We be Abraham’s seed, and were never in bondage to any man: how sayest thou, Ye shall be made free?

34) Jesus answered them [Jews], Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whosoever committeth sin is the servant of sin.”

Jesus was having a discussion with the Jews in this section and when it ended the Jews took up stones and attempted to kill Jesus. How the editor gets from these two verses that some of the Jews believed on Jesus is beyond me.

But this is one of the important points in the whole discussion. Are the Jews “sheep” or “goats”? Are the Jews “wheat” or “tares”?

Is the editor saying that some Jews are “sheep” and not “goats” and that some Jews are “goats” and not “sheep?”

John 10:26, 27:

26) “But ye [Jews] believe not, because ye [Jews] are not of My sheep, as I said unto you.

27) My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me:”   

Jesus tells the Edomite Jews that they are NOT of His sheep. He didn’t die for them, for He only died for the sheep. The Jews have a different father than do His sheep. And the Jews have a different destination than do the sheep. They all are going to be where they say in their “holy” book—the Talmud, that Jesus is now—in hell.     

Four verses later, “the Jews took up stones again to stone Him.” The Jews are not the sheep, they are goats.

Matthew 25:32, 41:

32) “And before Him shall be gathered all nations and He shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats:

33) And He shall set the sheep on His right hand, but the goats on the left

41) Then shall He say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from Me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels.”

If the Jews are goats, do any have eternal life in the kingdom? And what do you say to those who say there is no Satan, no devils, no demons, no evil spirits, no angels, etc. and that Satan and the devil means man’s physical fleshly nature?

So what race are goats? If there is no Satan, there is no genetic enemy of God and His followers. They teach that (Cain, Abel and Seth) have the same father and mother. So, are we supposed to read Matthew 25:41 that the goats will be put in everlasting fire, prepared for the “fleshly nature” of each person and his angels which do not exist?

The author then says that the Jews are an evil seed, an evil race, an evil people. Does the author just ignore Genesis 3:15?

Genesis 3:15:  “And I will put enmity between thee [serpent] and the woman, and between thy [serpent] seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy [serpent’s] head, and thou [serpent seed] shalt bruise his heel.”

Who is the serpent and the serpent’s seed then? The LORD God put enmity between the two seeds. That is why anyone who married a spouse who was of the “seed of the serpent,” their offspring, seed, or children were doomed to hell.

That is why Louis IX of France, King of France from 1226 to 1270, put the Talmud on trial with Rabbis trying to defend their unholy book. The Talmud lost. So, Louis IX rounded up all the hand-written Talmuds in the country of France (remember there were no printing presses yet) and burned them in a large fire. The king was made a saint in the Catholic Church. Several years later, the Jews were kicked out of France.

This is another point that they must answer. No other people have this intense hatred for Jesus the Christ, His followers, and His laws and statutes.

  • The Muslims believe that Jesus was a prophet of God—not the last one, but He was a prophet of God.
  • Mormons believe that Satan and Jesus are brothers.
  • Hindus believe that Jesus was a good man.
  • Christians believe that He was the Son of God.
  • Jews believe that he was a blasphemer and is now in hell, boiling in a hot cauldron.

That brings up another point. How can the Jews and Christians be united if one believes that Jesus is the Son of God and the other believes that He is now in hell? The Jews are antichristian. So how can you unite anti Christians with Christians?

If a person believes that there are some Jews who are believers in Jesus the Christ, as the editor stated, who then, in my opinion, that is a dividing line for me. I believe in the exclusiveness of Israel. The gospel message that was preached was the “gospel of the kingdom” i.e. the Israelite kingdom.

If a person says that some Jews (not Israelites) are believers, then that is universalism. For if some Jews are believers that means that some are God’s sheep. If the Jews are believers, that means that any one of any race can be a believer. That is not Christian Identity.

If the Jews were believers, as the editor said, then why did they do what they did when the discussion was over?

John 8:59:  “Then took they [Jews] up stones to cast at him [Jesus]: but Jesus hid Himself, and went out of the temple, going through the midst of them, and so passed by.”

I think that the editor is wrong. There were not any Edomite/Jews or any other Jews who believed on Jesus. There are no Jewish ancestors who have ever or Jewish descendants who will ever believe Him. They tried to kill him in the past. They still hate His name being said so much that many will spit when they hear it.

And I don’t think that the author of this article believes that there were any Jews who believed in Jesus, for at the end of his article he called the Jews “tares who will be burned at His return.” Therefore, these “tares” are all destined for hell.

The author ends his article (pages 16 and 17 of the Newsletter) with the following statement:

“I do believe that the Jews are genetically people who are hated and cursed by God and contain the seed/blood of Cain, Esau, the Canaanites (which takes in the Hittites, the Girgashites, the Amorites, the Perizzites, the Hivites, and the Moabites), Khazars, Ashkenazi and others [giants]. The above people and their descendants are people God has cursed.

Yes, they have a genetic makeup in them to cause them to hate God’s true covenant people, the children of Adam, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob who are the Germanic, Celtic, Anglo-Saxon, and kindred Christian nations. They hate and work against Jesus Christ, His people, and His Kingdom. They are the tares that Jesus spoke of who will be burned at His return. They are an evil seed, race/people.”

The author then adds the following statement. (I wonder if he is trying to satisfy both sides, dual seed liners and the no Satan doctrine;  but I think he will fail at both):

“But, are they the offspring, seed, descendants of an evil spirit being. No!”

If this is true, who are they the descendants of? There are only two possibilities as to who the father of Cain was—the serpent or Adam. So, the author is saying that the father of Cain was Adam.

Why were these people cursed? The author says in these two paragraphs that they are “genetically people” and have a “genetic makeup” in them to cause them to hate God’s true covenant people. People inherit their gene containing chromosomes from their parents. All their chromosomes come in pairs—twenty-three from their mother and twenty-three from their father. What genes caused them to hate God’s true covenant people if both had the same parents?

If Adam was the father of both Abel and Cain, then why was one son good and the other one “genetically” evil?  Why does Cain have the only descendants that have an intense hatred of God? This is one of the major points of this discussion. Why are the Kenites, Canaanites, Edomites so evil if Adam was the father of both Cain and Abel/Seth?

They say that Cain, after he was guilty of murdering Abel, was thrown out of the land of Eden and married someone of another race. But didn’t this happen to all of Adam’s descendants after about 1500 years of existence, except for the one family of Noah and his wife and his three sons and their wives? Why didn’t the descendants of Cain drown in the flood of Noah, along with all the other mixed-breed Adamites? There shouldn’t be any Kenites alive after the flood of Noah.

Genesis 15:18-21

18) “In the same day the LORD made a covenant with Abram, saying, Unto thy seed have I given this land from the river of Egypt unto the great river, the river Euphrates:

19) The Kenites, and the Kenizzites, and the Kadmonites,

20) And the Hittites, and the Perizzites, and the Rephaims,

21) And the Amorites, and the Canaanites, and the Girgashites, and the Jebusites.”

Why would the descendants of Cain (Kenites) be alive after the flood of Noah? It wasn’t just Satan who had sexual relations with an Adamite, it was all his angels who were cast out of heaven after the war in heaven. The pure-blooded Adamites were reduced to eight people in one family 4,500 years ago. All the other Adamites who had married non-Adamites were drowned in Noah’s flood. Cain and his descendants had interracially married too.

They had a different father. Another question: who were the fathers of the giants? Why were they so tall and muscular? The giants were “alien” to the Israelites.

The Jews had a different father than the pure-blooded Israelites had. One had Adam as his father and the other had the serpent.

Another question: If they had a different father, how could Adam have been their father?

John 8:42-44a:

42) “Jesus said unto them, IF God were your father, ye would love Me: for I proceeded forth and came from God: neither came I of Myself, but He sent Me.

43) Why do ye not understand My speech? Even because ye cannot hear My word.

44) Ye are of your father the devil…”

He then says that the Jews were the “tares,” which is a reference to one of the parables that Jesus gave in Matthew 13.

Matthew 13:38, 39a:

38) “The field is the world; the good seed are the children of the kingdom; but the tares are the children of the wicked one;

39) The enemy that sowed them is the devil…”

If the father of the “tares” is the wicked one—how could it be Adam and not the serpent? The author says that the Jews are the tares that Jesus spoke of who will be burned at His return. That means that all of them, no exceptions, will be burned. None will achieve eternal life in the kingdom. I don’t know how the editor can say that some Jews achieve personal salvation!

If it was possible that a Jew could believe, as the Editor suggests, then another question: Why did the LORD God of Israel command His people to slay every single one of the Canaanites who were living in their promised land? They were to kill all the old, middle-aged, young men and women, boys and girls, infants and those who were pregnant. All were to be slaughtered.

The Editor at the end of this message in his newsletter recommend several booklets for more information on this subject.

  • One of these was “Did She or Didn’t She? by Ted Weiland. Ted is an admitted universalist and I wrote my objections to this book several times in previous sermons.
  • Give the Devil His Due. Eight sermons by Sheldon Emry. Here is his conclusion of his eight-part series:

“I say this: if you remove the Satan of the churches, Christians would realize many things. They would realize that the antiChrists—the enemies of Christians—are flesh and blood men who make sin their god. As deliberate sinners who refuse to repent and turn, they are to be punished under God’s Law. If we accused them of the corruption that they are causing in the world, instead of laying the charge to a ‘devil,’ we would begin to remove the individual wicked men who are fighting Jesus Christ, Christians and Christendom. At the same time, in recognizing that our own great adversary is our own fleshly lusts within our body, we would more readily understand what it is IN US which must be brought under control in order that we, of Israel, may serve the Living and True God.

We would more truly see and understand that we are to be God’s servants and we are to war against our own fleshly nature.”

All people are not the same. Israelites have a fleshly nature and a spiritual nature. That is a war. But there are people who are the genetic enemy of God and His people. They only have a fleshly nature. This Emry totally forgot at the end of his ministry.

  • The editor also cited the booklet, Satan Dispelled, written by “Kalamos.” The editor wrote that “This small booklet was discovered by a friend of Pastor Emry’s. Pastor Emry reprinted the booklet for everyone to study about who satan is and who is not.”

The booklet was not written by a person with the name “Kalamos.” The author wrote under two pseudonyms. One was “J. Fergus Graham”, who she wrote under when she supported the thesis that Marlowe was the writer of Shakespeare’s plays. The other was, of course, Kalamos, when she wrote “Lucifer Scrutinized, Satan Dispelled.” The author’s name was Jessie Elizabeth Burt.

She was a very famous Christian Identity believer, or was she? She was a woman. I think that she lived in New Zealand, but I am not sure. Who was she? I never heard of her from anyone. Was she in a Christian Identity church? I doubt it. Can anyone tell me anything about her? Why is it her book that tells the truth about how Satan is and is not?

I recommend that everyone gets this book and read it and decide for yourself if it is true or not. It eliminates any genetic enemy that God or Christians have. The person who got this book reprinted said that it helped change her view from a personal Satan to Satan meaning one’s own fleshly nature. I guess Christendom was wrong for over a millennium for blaming the Jews for being Christ killers and children of the devil!

Why people who believe that there is no Satan say that the Jews are our genetic enemy is stating an oxymoron. They can’t be a “genetic” enemy if they had the same original mother and father.


The author finished his article by saying what is probably a very true statement: “The dual seedliner and those who believe there is no literal devil and satan could debate until the return of Christ and probably will.”

But there is a big difference. For those who believe the Jews are the eternal enemy of God and His people, how did they get that way? They are a special people with an intense hated of our God and His followers. No other people have this intense hatred. It can’t be genetic if they had the same mother and father.

  • Do you think that Cain will be in the kingdom or in hell?
  • Do you think that Cain was a priest of God or was it, Abel and then Seth and his descendants?
  • Do you think that when Jesus saw Satan fall from the sky (Luke 10:18) that He saw a “fleshly nature” or was it a particular entity?

If there is any other article published by an organization that claims to be Christian Identity about Adam being the father of Cain, I will answer it with another article that presents the other side.

Blessed be the LORD God of Israel.