R. C. Sproul and John Piper
by Pastor Thomas A. Robb
Here is another gem from the late Dr. R. C. Sproul founder and first president of Reformation Bible College located in Sanford, Fl. Dr. Sproul identifies himself with the Westminster Confession of Faith and Catechisms, the Belgic Confession, and the Heidelberg Catechism. I am sure he was a nice guy. But here is what he said: “I don’t see anything, even in Scripture, that would prohibit interracial marriage.”
Dr. Sproul assures us that the only people against interracial marriage are “racist.”
Stay far away from preachers lie this guy! And if you are a parent — Keep your kids away!...
John Piper was pastor of Bethlehem Baptist Church in Minneapolis, Minnesota, from 1980 until March 31, 2013. He is a highly respected theologian and a contributing writer for CBN (Christian Broadcasting Network). In June of 2017, he wrote a glowing praise for the 50th anniversary of the U. S. Supreme Court decision striking down all anti-miscegenation laws in the country. I want to point out that both John Piper and CBN have a long history of conservative Christian theology. Neither are trans-flag wavers. But despite this, they are both among the white genocide crowd.
Again, I am sure they are all nice people. They are the kind of people most parents would wat to teach good moral and Christian principles to their children. But both have been sucked into the One World Church.
They may not know it — and would probably deny it. That is the way deception works. That is why Jesus told his disciples to “Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees.”
Here are the words of John Piper published on CBN’s website:
“Interracial marriage in Christ is a beautiful picture of Christ’s marriage to his church.”
Jimmy Swaggart, Joel Osteen, Billy Graham, Robert Morris, Jesse Duplantis, Jentezen Franklin, Kenneth Copeland, John Hagee, Oral Roberts, and many others all promote interracial marriage — just like all the alien religions of the world and thus gives support to the teaching of demons.