My Mother's Fatal Song
by Pastor Don Elmore
September 15, 2013
Scripture Reading: Psalms 139:19-24
The Song My Mother Sang
I was born in 1942; my mother in 1913. She would have turned 100 years old this year. The Federal Reserve System went into effect in the last days of the year in which she came into this world. What a sinful disaster this banking system has been! But there was something else that happened the year that she was born and I want to tell you about it today.
All through the time that my mother was alive, I remember a long song that she would break out and sing. The lyrics of the song seemed difficult to understand the real meaning and she didn’t know all of the song; only about one-fourth of it. We (I and my brother and sister) would ask: “Mother, what does that song mean?”
She would always just laugh and say that she really didn’t know. It was just about a little girl who was murdered in a pencil factory. “Murdered in a pencil factory?” I would answer. “What does that have to do with anything?”
As the years rolled on, I gradually learned a little bit more. So this past Tuesday, November 3rd, 2009; I was excited when I saw that there was a movie about what mother used to sing about. I read the explanation of what the main points of the movie that was going to broadcast on MONDAY! Monday, I thought; today is Tuesday. I missed it. It was being televised on cable.
But that was the break that I needed. I “googled” and “dogpiled” the topic and I was SHOCKED at what I learned. It took almost 67 years but I finally learned what the song was about and that it played a major part in American History. Situations and events that I had taken part in and visited over my lifetime began to be put together into the right view of what really happened. I worked the rest of the week on the message that I was excited to bring to you on Sunday.
It is now four years later. I went rummaging through my past sermons and found this one that I gave. My last sermon I talked about what happened in America 50 years ago; so it seems fitting that today I would speak about what happened in America 100 years ago.
Our mother was a singer. She sang with her sisters all over Northern Kentucky in church after church. They also sang on WLW 700 AM radio. Music just flowed out of her as she did her daily chores. But there was one song that mother did not know what it meant. She only knew about one-fourth of the verses of this long song.
Here are all the verses from the song that my mother used to sing:
“Little Mary Phagan
went to town one day,
And went to the pencil factory;
To see the big parade.
She left home at eleven,
And kissed her mother goodbye,
Not one time did the poor child think;
That she was going to die.
Leo Frank met her,
With a brutal heart we know,
He smiled and said, ‘Little Mary,
Now you will go home no more.’
He sneaked along behind her,
Till she reached the metal room,
He laughed and said, ‘Little Mary,
You have met your fatal doom.’
She fell upon her knees,
And to Leo Frank she pled,
He took this stick from the trash pile
And hit her across the head.
The tears rolled down her rosy cheeks,
While the blood flowed down her back,
But still she remembered telling her mother
What time she would be back.
He killed little Mary Phagan
It was on a holiday
And he called on Jim Conley
To take her body away.
He took her to the basement,
She was bound hand and feet,
And down in the basement
Little Mary lay asleep.
Newt Lee was the watchman;
He went to wind his key;
Away down in the basement
Was nothing he could see.
They phoned for the officers;
Their names I do not know;
They came to the pencil factory,
Says to Newt, “You must go.”
They took him to the jail house;
They bound him in his cell;
The poor old innocent negro
Had nothing he could tell.
Mother sits a-weeping;
She weeps and mourns all day
And hopes to meet her darling
In a better land some day.
Come, all ye good people,
Wherever you may be.
Suppose that ‘Little Mary’
Belonged to you or me.
I have an idea in my mind
When Frankie comes to die
And stands for an examination
In the courthouse in the sky.
He’ll be so astonished
To what the angels say
And how he killed little Mary
Upon that holiday.
Judge Roan passed a sentence;
He passes it very well;
The Christian doers of heaven
Sent Leo Frank to hell.”
What a strange song. Did you notice the last two lines?
“The Christian doers of heaven
Sent Leo Frank to hell.”
How did they do that? Who were the Christian doers of heaven? And why and how did they send Leo Frank to hell?
The Meaning of the Song
After almost 67 years, I finally learned the meaning of this song. Before I give the explanation, let’s look at a couple of Scriptures:
John 7:1 “After these things Jesus walked in Galilee; for he would not walk in Judaea, because the JEWS sought to kill him.”
Notice who it says wanted to kill Jesus. It doesn’t say the Muslims, or Hindus or Buddhists or anyone else, but it says JEWS. Jesus would not go to Judaea because the JEWS sought to kill him.
John 7:13 Later, at the feast of Tabernacles, it said that “Howbeit no man spoke openly of him [Jesus], for fear of the JEWS.”
Here it says that no man spoke openly of Him because they feared the JEWS. They didn’t fear the people of any other religion, but they feared the JEWS.
In the next chapter, we find Jesus had a strong confrontation with these same people. Jesus said to them:
John 8:40-44 “But now ye seek to kill me, a man that hath told you the truth….
Ye do the deeds of your father….
Jesus said unto them, If God were your Father, ye would love me, for I proceeded forth and came from God….
Why do ye not understand my speech? Even because ye[jews]cannot hear my word.
Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own; for he is a liar, and the father of it.”
Doesn’t this teach, along with many other verses, that these people cannot be HEARERS OF THE TRUTH? They have a different father; they are antichrists! They are vipers and not sheep. And you cannot change a viper into a sheep!
The Story of Mary Phagan
Mary was 12 years old. She looked like she was 18. She was born in Marietta, Georgia and had moved recently to Atlanta. Her father had passed away and her mom had remarried. The step-father had a decent job. But this was 1913….and times were different.
Mary Phagan was 12 years old when she was murdered in Atlanta Georgia by the President of the B’nai B’rith: Leo Frank.
There were no televisions, computers, calculators, iPods, cell phones, etc. There were telephones but they were line-phones and there was a switchboard operator. Public schools were different. Mary was informed by her school that she couldn’t go until the next semester when they would have enough seats. So, Mary went to work at the pencil factory.
At the pencil factory, her boss was Leo Frank. He was born in Texas and moved to Brooklyn for his school years. He graduated from Cornell University. He married a girl who was descended from a strong Jewish family that had been instrumental in building the first synagogue in Atlanta, Georgia. It was there that they eventually moved, when Leo accepted a job supervising the pencil factory. It was owned by her uncle, who had served in the Confederate army.
The National Pencil Co., in Atlanta, Georgia; where Leo Frank was the supervisor and where Mary Phagan, a young worker, was murdered; it happened 100 years ago.
Leo Frank was Jewish and a perverted bisexual. He was President of the Atlanta B’nai B’rith. What? He was President of the B’nai B’rith? The B’nai B’rith is the Jewish lodge of the Freemasons. And he also was a frequent guest at the local whore house. And it was not uncommon for him to take advantage of both boys and girls in his pencil factory office. All this came out in court.
It was said that he would station Jim Conley (a Negro) outside his door and signal him to lock and unlock the door whenever he would get a boy or girl inside his office to molest. This was the situation when on April 26; Mary came to the pencil factory office to get her pay check.
Mary had only worked one day that week — Monday. She was off the rest of the week because the metal that she put onto the pencil was not in stock. Later in the week, this was 1913, it was told the workers that they would be paid on Friday and not Saturday because Saturday was a holiday — Confederate Memorial Holiday. The pencil factory and most of the stores was closed; but Leo Frank would be in the office and available for those who were not there on Friday.
Mary took the trolley from her home to the pencil factory; it took only about 10 minutes. She told her friends that after she got her check she would join them for the parade. At noon Mary went to the second floor office of Mr. Frank to get her check. Her pay for one day’s work was $1.20! My, how inflation has changed our lives.
Her check was given to her by Mr. Frank. This much was held to be true by both sides in the courtroom. But after this...there were some major differences.
The case went to court from July 28 till August 14, 1913. It became a major national story. Newspapers were well represented and they ran stories from both sides. There were two major detective agencies involved.
It became the case of the century...North vs. South; Jew vs. Christian; Black vs. Jew; Country vs. City; Wealth vs. Low Income; Boss vs. Worker; etc. It reminds me of the O. J. Simpson case in my lifetime—without the television and other modern technology. There were multitudes in the country that were caught up in the interest in the outcome of these two cases.
The testimony informs us after Mr. Frank gave Mary her check she asked if the metals had arrived. Remember, that is why she hadn’t work the last four days.
Mr. Frank told Mary that he did not know for sure. They would have to go to the back of the building and see if the metal had arrived. So they both went to the back room at the end of the building. There Mr. Frank, in a cocaine induced rage, made his advancements on Mary. She was a virgin and resisted his moves. Mr. Frank slapped her real hard and she lost consciousness.
Shortly thereafter, Mary woke up and Mr. Frank grabbed a stick and hit her. Her underwear was pulled way up and torn and placed around her neck. Eventually, the cord that was used in the pencil business was also tied tightly around her neck. Suddenly, she was dead!
Mr. Frank called for Mr. Conley and he helped take her deceased body two floors down to the basement. They planned to burn her in the furnace, but then they remembered that it was a holiday, and people would recognize something was wrong if they furnace was on. So after dragging Mary to the basement she was so full of cinders and ashes that the police when they first found her thought that she was a black girl. And that is where they left her—hoping that no one would discover her until they could burn her in the furnace the next day.
But the night watchman went to the bathroom in the basement. And he happened to see the body near the furnace. He called the police at 3 o’clock in the morning. The police arrived and ruined the drag marks and the crime scene—including the finger prints.
The police called Mr. Frank at 4 o’clock in the morning, but there was no answer. But he was not their first suspect. It was a few days later when the police’s attention turned to him. It seemed that he was so nervous when they talked to him and he gave detailed answers to small questions that the police naturally suspected him.
It was a long case. I will give you a few of the major developments in the case:
- Mr. Frank said he was all day in his office. Another female worker testified that she came 5 minutes after Mary arrived (12:05pm) and Mr. Frank was not in his office. She waited for about 5 minutes and then left. I will talk more about this at the end of the list.
- Mr. Frank told his brother-in-law that he would go to the baseball game with him on Saturday afternoon. He failed to go; he cancelled his appointment.
- Mr. Frank got a lawyer to represent him before he was arrested. An anonymous jew put up $100,000 for his defense money.
The testimony of Jim Conley, a sweeper at the factory, was devastating to Leo Frank. In fact his testimony was so lurid that Judge Roan ordered all women and children cleared from the courtroom. Conley testified he had “watched out” for Frank on several occasions, while he entertained young women in his office. Conley testified that Frank had confessed the murder to him and had tried to get him (Conley), to burn the body in the factory’s basement furnace. But it was a holiday and he was unwilling to do it. Frank’s lawyers were unable to shake Conley’s story.
Jim Conley was one of the most damaging witnesses on the stand against Leo Frank. He testified that Leo had confessed to him that he had murdered Mary. He also testified that Leo had many sexual encounters with both boys and girls at the factory.
- Many of the girls testified that Mr. Frank went into their dressing room unannounced. Some of the girls were completely undressed when he entered the room.
- The foreman of Mary’s work area testified that she saw Leo on the day of the murder and he appeared to be on drugs.
- Robert House, an ex-policeman, had said he once caught Leo Frank and a young girl in the woods at Druid Hills Park engaging in immoral acts. According to House, Frank had pleaded with him not to report the incident.
- The defense then argued that Frank was the latest in a long line of Jews who were persecuted for their religious beliefs, and again asserted that Jim Conley was the true murderer. Conley, and many other prosecution witnesses, had shady characters, while Leo Frank had been a pillar of the community who had many well respected people, plus many of his employees, testifying on his behalf. If the case came down to Leo Frank's word against Jim Conley's, then it was obvious who should be believed. Frank's attorneys argued that the South blamed the Jews for the Civil War and the buying up of land and businesses that followed.
- Mr. Frank’s cook testified that she heard Leo’s wife tell her mother about unusual conduct on the night of the murder. She said that his wife said that Mr. Frank told her to sleep on the rug as he slept on the couch and for her to bring his pistol to him. Afterwards, the cook testified, that she received a raise in pay to “keep her silent.”
- Mr. Frank called the whorehouse the day of the murder and asked if she could help in getting rid of Mary’s murdered body. Nina Formby, the person Leo called, quickly went to New York and recanted her story. Another witness bribed.
Two notes were written supposedly by Mary Phagan and left near her body which accused the Negro night watchman of the murder. But Jim Conley testified that he wrote the notes and that they were dictated to him by Mr. Frank. The grand jury, which had 5 jews on it, only took 10 minutes to hand down a murder indictment against Leo Frank.
The Grand Jury only took 10 minutes to decide that Leo Frank needed to go to trial.
Adolph Lewisohn, Samuel Untermeyer, Louis Marshall, Rabbi Wise, and other leading Jewish bigwigs begged for clemency. Samuel Untermeyer was a jewish lawyer who blackmailed President Wilson and got the United States in WW1 and also got the first jewish Supreme Court Justice—Louis Brandeis.
And on and on it went. There was a bloody shirt that the night watchman was found washing; Mr. Frank had committed oral sex many times previous to the murder (the penalty in Georgia for this crime was death), Mr. Conley was the murderer according to Mr. Frank;….
I mentioned that I would talk about the fact that Mr. Frank was in his office all day. Something very interesting happened one week after the murder of Mary Phagan on Saturday, May 3, 1913. The event was an unexpected major breakthrough that occurred when detectives stumbled upon one of the child laborer employees who had formerly worked at the National Pencil Company (NPCo). Inside the business office that formerly belonged to Leo Frank, there was a young 14 year old girl whose name was Monteen Stover with her incensed stepmother. She was there to make what astonishingly turned out to be a second attempt at collecting her step-daughter’s pay envelope, because she had failed the first time on Confederate Memorial Day, when she came to the factory alone at five minutes past noon.
When Atlanta police thoroughly questioned Monteen Stover, she revealed something rather curious. Stover said when she had arrived at the NPCo exactly one week ago and made her first attempt to get her wages, Leo Frank was not in his office like he normally was in the past at the normal payoff time at noon. More chronologically specific, Stover said Leo Frank's office was empty when she waited inside it from 12:05 pm to 12:10 pm on based on the clock in his office.
This was earth shattering news to investigators, because on Monday, April 28, Leo Frank in the presence of his elite attorneys made an unsworn deposition to a room full of Atlanta police detectives that was stenographed, where Frank precisely stated he was in his office alone with Mary Phagan between 12:05pm and 12:10pm (State's Exhibit B). Even more significant is that Leo Frank told the police on Sunday, April 27, 1913, not only that Mary Phagan had come to his office at 12:03pm, but that he had not left his office until 12:45 p.m.
Sunday, May 4, 1913: The Moment of Truth
Without Leo Frank knowing the police had discovered and questioned 14-year old Monteen Stover, Detectives John R. Black and Pinkerton Detective Harry Scott, approached Leo Frank in his jail cell on Sunday, May 4, and asked him again to confirm again if he had been in his office every minute on Saturday, April 26, from noon to 12:45PM, and Leo Frank responded with an affirmative “Yes”.
The officers then took a different angle and asked Leo Frank if he had been in his office every minute on Saturday, April 26, from noon to half passed noon, and Leo Frank responded again with an affirmative 'Yes'. It was then at 8 days after the murder of Mary Phagan, the police had discovered a possible discrepancy in Leo Frank's murder alibi. Leo Frank would maintain stoically up until his trial that he had never left his office, from noon, until he went upstairs to the fourth floor at 12:45pm, to tell two employees he was getting ready to leave the building for dinner (what they called hot lunch in 1913).
As far as the police were concerned, the murder alibi of Leo Frank had possibly been unintentionally shattered by 14-year old Monteen Stover, but they would have to wait three and a half months to find out how Leo Frank would account for his new murder alibi dispute, because that's how long Leo Frank would maintain that he never left his office, but then something electrifying happened...his murder trial, Leo Frank would directly respond to contradiction in his murder alibi caused by Monteen Stover's trial testimony, about specifically why his office had been empty at the exact same time he claimed Phagan was with him alone in his office.
Leo Frank changed his original murder alibi that he maintained for over three months, to explain the REAL reason why his office was empty on Saturday, April 26, 1913, between 12:05pm and 12:10pm, and not only was it deliciously ironic, but in doing so, he ineluctably gave away the solution to who killed Mary Phagan!
The jury did not take very long—Mr. Frank was found GUILTY and he was sentenced to death.
He was sent to a jail for men prisoners at Milledgeville, Georgia. He was not roomed with the other inmates. His room was right next to the Warden’s office.
While there, he was viciously attacked by a fellow inmate. His throat was slashed and he would have died except for the emergency help. They put pressure on the wound and preserved his life.
The Christian Doers of Heaven
On the last day of the term of Georgia’s governor, he commuted Leo Frank’s sentence from death to life. There were complaints of back-room deals (with Jews) and the populace was very upset by this move. All of the courts that were appealed to rejected to hear Mr. Frank’s case. Now Mr. Frank was not to be killed, but would spend the rest of his days in jail.
Two Major Organizations
Here is where the story gets very interesting—for two major organizations began from the MURDER or EXEUCTION that was about to happen. The mansion of the governor was attacked. The Armed Forces saved the governor from harm. But twenty-five of the elite members of the town of Marietta, Georgia:
- A former governor of Georgia
- A son of a senator
- Judges
- Attorneys
- Major manufacturers
- Other prosperous members
of the community came together and planned a miraculous kidnapping. They planned to kidnap Leo Frank from jail. Twenty-five of the most elite men of Marietta, Georgia drove their cars to the prison, cut the telephone lines and walked in to the jail, went to Leo Frank’s room, and kidnapped him. Not a shot was fired (they had some inside help).
The courtroom where Leo Frank was found guilty of murder. They put Mr. Frank in one of their cars and drove off to Marietta on the back roads, which was about a 200 mile journey. The trip lasted most of the night. They got to Marietta, and found a large oak tree that was across the house where Mary was born. Around the limb they tossed a rope, had Mr. Frank climb upon a table, put the lasso around his neck, and then kick the table away. Mr. Frank’s neck did not break, so he twisted and turned as he suffocated to death.
The only lynching of a Jew in America had just occurred. No one who was involved in this lynching was ever punished or even identified. When the news spread that there was a dead body hanging from the oak tree in Marietta, thousands descended upon the scene.
Two Major Organizations Begin
1. Shortly thereafter, a group met at Stone Mountain, Georgia. Many who were there in the kidnapping and lynching of Mr. Frank were there in Stone Mountain. They read Bible verses and burnt a cross; thus giving rebirth to the Ku Klux Klan. The Klan grew to include representatives and senators, governors and judges all over the country. In fact, it was the Klan that kept particularly the South in its apartheid situation.
2. A total of one-half of the 3,000 Jews in the entire state of Georgia fled to other parts of the country. As has happened so many times previously, the Jew has been hated for his lying and for his hatred of the descendants of Jacob. He has remained, at best a second-class citizen, for almost 1700 years. From the time of the Caesars in Rome until the adoption of the U. S. Constitution—which guaranteed him the possibility to hold federal office (Article 6); the Jews finally became a first-class citizen.
With the trial of Leo Frank, the President of the local B’nai B’rith, the issue of the Jew was once again being brought out. It was a time for the birthing of a new organization to help in the fight to save the Jew. In Chicago, the ADL was born. From the ADL’s own official website:
“This was the cry of the furious mob outside the Atlanta courthouse where Leo Frank, a Northern Jew, stood trial after his arrest in 1913 for a murder he did not commit. Anti-Semitism hung heavy in the courtroom as Frank was found guilty and sentenced to death. Though a courageous governor later commuted the death sentenced to life imprisonment, Frank never did serve the term. In August 1915, the ‘Yankee Jew’ was lynched by a mob calling themselves a ‘vigilance committee.’
The brutal murder of Leo Frank did not occur in a vacuum. As the 20th century dawned, anti-Semitism was rampant in an American society where resorts commonly advertised, ‘No dogs! No Jews!’ and magazines featured ‘humorous’ caricatures of Jewish people.
It was in this atmosphere that the Anti-Defamation League was established in 1913 by a lawyer and fearless visionary by the name of Sigmund Livingston. Starting with only two desks in Livingston’s Chicago office, $200 and the sponsorship of the INDEPENDENT ORDER OF B’NAI B’RITH [a Jewish branch of the Freemasons] Livingston spelled out the League’s ambitious, compelling mission: ‘to stop, by appeals to reason and conscience, and if necessary, by appeals to law, the defamation of the Jewish secure justice and fair treatment to all citizens alike...put an end forever to unjust and unfair discrimination against and ridicule of any sect or body of citizens.’”
KKK, ADL, Leo Frank & Memorial Day
Founding of the ADL. The Times of Israel posted an interesting article today pondering the historical connection between the Ku
Klux Klan, Memorial Day, the Leo Frank lynching and the founding of the Anti-Defamation League 100 years ago. Also mentioned is Birmingham segregationist Bull Connor.
"Few Americans know that Memorial Day evolved from the vanquished southern states' own Confederate Memorial Day, launched in 1866," the story begins. "Even fewer Americans remember what happened in Atlanta on Confederate Memorial Day in 1913, when a young woman's murder led to the creation of the Anti-Defamation League and reinvigorated its nemesis, the Ku Klux Klan."
The Anti-Defamation League, which today is one of America's most recognized and respected human relations organizations, combats anti-Semitism and other forms of hatred worldwide and receives funding from The Birmingham Jewish Federation's Annual Campaign.
Graphic is of the original B'nai B'rith announcement of the formation of the ADL in 1913.
The ADL, a Communists hate group, has been very successful in turning America away from the GOD they use to serve into a nation that serves other gods, knowingly or unknowingly. As a result, America is being cursed instead of being blessed. Here are a few of the accomplishments of the ADL as listed on their official website:
- Stopped to eradicate the negative images of Jews in print and their stereotyping on stage and in the movies. By 1920, the practice had virtually stopped.
- Soldiers targeted as being “slackers” and “war profiteers” in the United States Army Manual (Jews); the manual was promptly ordered recalled by the Commander in Chief — President Woodrow Wilson.
- During the Russian Revolution, cartoonists portrayed the Bolshevik as a bearded fellow with a Jewish countenance, hiding a bomb behind his back. This was traced to the AP and stopped.
- Fought a successful battle against the KKK. In 1923, the KKK Imperial Wizard condemned Jews as “an unblendable element...alien and mad.” The ADL called Protocols of the Elders of Zion a forgery. They attacked Henry Ford and his Dearborn Independent newspaper.
- They circulated pamphlets against the Dearborn Independent. President Wilson and other former Presidents denounced Ford’s anti-Semitism [it was really anti-jewishism/zionism].
- The ADL established facts to influence public opinion against job discrimination and quotas in higher education, and sought legal remedies.
- They attacked Father Charles E. Coughlin; the progenitor of hate radio and leader of the pro-fascist Christian Front. ADL produced a monograph which analyzed Coughlin’s PROPAGANDA line and contained a thorough refutation of his anti-Semitic [anti-jewish/zionist] charges.
- In the 1940’s the ADL fought against bigots and fascist groups on American shores.
- Post-War tensions pointed to the need for enactment of civil rights laws. It began its effort to change IMMIGRATION laws that had prevented the rescue of many European Jews.
- Played a major role in McCollum v. Board of Education: arguing that the government remains distinct from religion.
- Fought against the Georgia KKK by infiltrating the Klan; causing widespread damage.
- Fought against Joe McCarthy. [I happened to meet Mr. McCarthy’s private Secretary; her name was Larry Lent. She was a Christian Identity believer. She wrote a book about the times that Joe accused many of the elite in American society as being Communist. She told me that he was correct.] The ADL agreed with President Eisenhower when he spoke at the 40th anniversary dinner of the League as a platform to make his first public condemnation of McCarthyism and the character assassinations common during the period in the years that ensued. ADL embarked on one of its earliest campaigns to thwart right-wing extremism by fighting the terrifying plague of McCarthyism.
- Fought the case of Brown v. Board of Education which ended “separate but equal” school systems.
- In the 1960’s the ADL marched in the forefront of the fight for freedom, advocating for the individual’s right to be judged by virtue of his character and not by immutable characteristics. Civil Rights Acts of 1964 and 1968 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 were major accomplishments.
- Fought against the John Birch Society and the anti-Catholic sentiment for President John F. Kennedy’s campaign.
- Fought for integration in the United States but whole heartedly supported Israel, which is exclusively apartheid. [In fact, you face the penalty of death or serious jail time if you try to convert a Jew to Christianity in the homeland of Israeli. Jesus called the fathers of these people—hypocrites. And that is exactly what they are doing—they want us to embrace diversity while they cling to exclusiveness].
- And on it goes. Now they are in favor of homosexuality being nothing more than a life-style way of living — not an abomination to our GOD. They are in favor of same-sex marriages, abortion, birth-control pills, etc.
They yell “Anti-Semitism” and over 90% of them are not even Semites. They have a list of hate groups in America, and yet their name is missing from their own list; for they are one of the major hate groups. They are just like our Saviour said they would be—“liars and hypocrites.”
There have been several movies and books written about the Phagan murder—one Jewish author, Harry Golden, in his book, A Little Girl is Dead, wrote that Mary Phagan was not a virgin—a lie. Natalie Holloway who was murdered on a trip with her senior class to Aruba discovered what it is to “play” around with the Jews. They didn’t count on her mother being so forthright and persistent.
My mother sang a song about Mary Phagan—A young girl who was murdered in an Atlanta pencil factory. She was murdered by her Jewish supervisor, the President of the B’nai B’rith, who had raped and sexually harassed girls and boys before. He was found guilty and sentenced to death.
Leo Frank was represented by the law firm: Rosser, Brandon, Slaton and Phillips (the Slaton was Governor John M. Slaton).
The departing Governor of Georgia decided to commute the death sentence of his own client at the 11th hour, to life in prison on June 21, 1915, just days before the end of his term as Governor. It was an act of political suicide, but it didn’t matter, as Slaton was leaving office anyway on June 26, 1915, and he was likely rewarded handsomely behind the scenes in other ways. Slaton left Georgia and went on a tour of the United States with a briefcase full of greenbacks.
This was after numerous appeals were made by the Leo Frank defense team to:
- The Georgia Superior Court
- The Georgia Supreme Court,
- The United States Federal District Court
- The United States Supreme Court.
All appeals were denied after careful review, with lengthy decisions written and rendered. In April of 1915, Leo Frank had exhausted all of his court appeals, so he went back to his lawyer Luther Rosser, asking him to request a commutation from his law partner Governor Slaton.
After the Governor, part of his own law team, had commuted his sentence, the population was in an outrage. An elite group of citizens from Mary’s hometown took the law into their own hands — probably the last time this has ever happened. And now they no longer say anything about the Jews because of their fear of them.
Leo Frank was a bisexual pedophile, and a suspected drug addict, who managed a pencil factory in Atlanta in 1913. One day he demanded sex from a 12 year old employee named Mary Phagan. She refused and so then he brutally raped and murdered her.
Frank and a factory handyman dragged the deceased body to the basement where they were going to burn it in the furnace the next day. That night, a watchman finds the body and calls the police. Mr. Frank is arrested, found guilty and sentenced to hang. The governor commutes the sentence, and Marietta’s finest families broke into jail and drove him to Mary’s home town and lynched him.
This incident lead to the creation of the ADL in 1913. Today the Jewish community hails Leo Franks as an innocent martyr, a victim of anti-Semitism.
Isn’t that what former Congressman Jim Traficant says? The United States government is controlled by a Jewish gang of thieves, robbers and murderers. They have given to America in recent days: 9/11; the murder of Usama Bin Laden; the 30 elite Seal troops, who killed Usama Bin Laden, were killed in Afghanistan in a helicopter crash; Oklahoma City bombing; Waco slaughter; Iraq has weapons of mass destruction; Aurora Movie Theatre shooting; Sandy Hook Elementary School murders; Boston Marathon bombing; Syrian government accused of a gas attack on its own citizens; etc; nothing but giant hoaxes. That is the reason that Jesus Christ did not go to where they were living, until the time was right for his death.
Commemorative Plaque Mary Phagan
Blessed be the LORD God of Israel.