The Stranger's Religion


Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

July 14, 2024

Scripture Reading: Deuteronomy 4:1:

1) “Now therefore hearken, O Israel, unto the statutes and unto the judgments, which I teach you, for to do them, that ye may live, and go in and possess the land which the LORD God of your fathers giveth you.”

Map showing location of Beth-Baal-Peor Who is talking and who is he talking to?  Moses is about to die, and he is giving his final instructions to God’s covenant people--Israel.  Moses was in the valley over against Beth-peor, near Mt. Pisgah.     

Israel had been freed from being slaves in Egypt but had wandered around the Promised Land for about 40 years due to their sin of not believing what their LORD had told them.  Moses was 120 years old and was about to die.  He tells God’s people to hearken or pay attention to the statutes and judgments which he was teaching them. 

Moses was not talking to the Amalekites, the Amorites, the Hittites, the Kenites, the Edomites, the Moabites, the Philistines, the Perizzites, the Hivites, the Girgashites, the Phoenicians, the Ammonites, the Syrians, the Jebusites, the Egyptians,or any of the other neighbors that surrounded Israel. He certainly was not talking to the countries that were far away from the middle east, like China, Japan, South America, Central America, North America, etc.All these individuals that were not addressed were currently in a mongrelized state; there were none which had pure blood.  He was talking exclusively to His pure seed of Israel and not the mixed multitude that lived in the nation.

Deuteronomy 4:2:

2) “Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the LORD your God which I command you.”

Moses told Israel that they were not permitted to add any new statutes or judgments or diminish in any way from what God had instructed them.  God’s Law was to be perpetual and would be true all throughout the ages.  It was to be taught to their children. 

If they added or subtracted any laws or failed to teach them to their children, they would suffer greatly for this sin.  Keeping these Laws of God was what made them different from the rest of the inhabitants of the world.  These commandments were given exclusively to Israel and to no one else.  If they kept these Laws, they would be blessed by Almighty God and would be very prosperous and wise.  They would be the head.

If they would keep His statutes and commandments, it would be well with them, and they would have the opportunity to live long lives.   The remainder of the world was not given the Laws of God to keep.  Their traditions, culture and ways of living were to be ignored by the Israelites.  The Israelites were to be separate and not make any covenants or agreements with the other races.  To do so, would bring disaster to them.

Deuteronomy 4:3:

3) “Your eyes have seen what the LORD did because of Baal-peor: for all the men that followed Baal-peor, the LORD thy God hath destroyed them from among you.”

What happened to Israel at Baal-peor, near the place where they now were listening.  Many of the Israelites were enticed and seduced by the most beautiful of the women of Moab and Midian to commit the sins of idolatry and adultery (interracial dating or marriage). The Israelites came together with these prostitutes of Baal and ate and bowed down to the stranger’s Baal god.  There were 1000 chief men of Israel and 23,000 others who fell into this trap that was laid out by Balaam.

God’s wrath was turned away from Israel by the actions of Phinehas the priest, as he threw a javelin into the bellies of two people who were carrying on in this manner.  The man, an Israelite was named Zimri, and the Midianite woman was named Cozbi.  They were both leaders in the countries that they represented: Israel and Midian. Phinehas was justified in his murders and was rewarded by God with an everlasting priesthood.  The murder was committed in the sight of the people of Israel who were weeping at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation. 

The one thousand leaders were hanged, and the 23,000 others were executed by other Israelites.  It is one of the few times that it is permissible to kill your kin.  When Israelites are not doing God’s law but doing the law of another god, they are ripe for their brother’s actions against them.  It is a serious sin not to know the Law of God!(Number 22-25, 31).

Deuteronomy 4:4:

4) “But ye that did cleave unto the LORD your God are alive every one of you this day.”

This contrasts with the 24,000 Israelites who were no longer alive, but the rest of Israel was preserved.  The plan of Balaam was succeeding as more and more Israelite men were enticed with the prostitutes of the attractive, strange (foreign), women.  They not only committed adultery (mixed their pure seed with their unholy seed) with them, but they ate and bowed down to their god—Baal. 

Deuteronomy 4:5:

5) “Behold, I have taught you statutes and judgments, even as the LORD my God commanded me, that ye should do so in the land whither ye go to possess it.”

Israel was told by Moses that when they crossed the Jordan River and eventually began to live in Palestine, they were to continue to live by the statutes and judgments that Moses was teaching them.  Israel had to live by some laws.  Everyone does.  Would it be the Laws of the LORD God of Israel that Moses was teaching them, or would it be the laws of another god?  The gods of your neighboring countries? This was the key point of the message.  If they kept God’s Laws, they would be blessed.  If they failed to keep His Laws, they would be cursed and eventually scattered or lost in punishment.

Deuteronomy 4:6:

6) “Keep therefore and do them; for this is your wisdom and your understanding in the sight of the nations, which shall hear all these statutes, and say, Surely this great nation is a wise and understanding people.”

When Israel obeyed their LORD and did what He told them to do, they were, in the sight of the other nations of the world, a wise and understanding people.  When the Queen of Sheba came for a visit when King Solomon was on the throne, she remarked that only half had been told her.  Israel’s laws (God’s Law) were the wisest and most understanding of any nation in the world. 

Deuteronomy 4:7, 8:

7) “For what nation is there so great, who hath God so nigh unto them, as the LORD our God is in all things that we call upon Him for?

8) And what nation is there so great, that hath statutes and judgments so righteous as all this law, which I set before you this day?”

A nation that is great is following these laws that God gave exclusively to Israel. Would that be the only thing that would MAKE AMERICA GREAT?

Psalms 147:19, 20:

19) “He sheweth His word unto Jacob, His statutes and His judgments unto Israel.

20) He hath not dealt so with any nation:  and as for His judgments, they have not known them.  Praise ye the LORD.”

The LORD God was the literal king over Israel for several centuries.  If you stop and think about it for just a second, why would He give His holy laws to His enemies and His people’s enemies?  Do you understand why the LORD God commanded His people to annihilate the Canaanite nations with no missionaries sent to them?  Why would God send missionaries to a people who “could not hear the words of God?” Why is it that they cannot hear the words of God?They were different from His own people, for they had a different father.

The Canaanites had their own gods and their own laws that they kept.  It produced death.  Israel was instructed to not learn their ways of doing things.  This included their religious ways.

For the Law that was given to them by Moses differed from the Canaanite’s law of their gods.  Here are a few examples: 

God’s Law:

  •  Only one LORD God. No temples, altars and rituals of any other god allowed—they were to be destroyed.  Any person attempting to entice an Israelite to worship another god was to be executed.
  •  No interracial adultery.
  •  No abortion.
  •  No trans genders.
  •  No sodomites.
  •  No usury loans to your brother.
  •  Release from all debts every 7 years.
  • All land reverts to the original owner every 50 years whether it was sold or leased.
  •  No prisons.
  •  Live separate.
  •  Forbidden to bow down to any idol.
  •  Forbidden to steal.
  •  Forbidden to murder without cause.
  •  Forbidden to kidnap.
  •  Etc.

These fourteen laws, and there are many more, contrast with the laws our nation now says are legal:

  •  All gods are accepted.  There are many ways or paths to god.  There are no gods that are criticized.The people of the nation have their right to build their synagogues, temples, mosques, and meeting places and practice their religious rituals in peace.
  •  All people originate from the same two people, Adam & Eve.  All are brothers and sisters.  Therefore, anyone can marry a person of another race, for there is only one race—the human race.
  •  Sacrifice of your children, especially the first born is acceptable.  It is the woman’s choice what she should do with the baby in her belly.  It is not murder; it is her choice.
  •  All children have the right to choose what gender they think that they are.  That is realizing the way that they were born is not always the correct gender.  A boy can choose to become a girl and vice versa.
  •  Being a sodomite is a choice of an alternate lifestyle, even though God destroyed the valley of five cities, including Sodom and Gomorrah.We are now living in the New Testament and God’s Law is abolished.  That means that the God of the Old Testament has been replaced by the new god—called “Jesus.”  God loves every person, no matter what.
  •  Banks can charge usury to any race of the world including their own brethren. It was a capital offense in the Old Testament, but even though the Christian world did not have usury banks for many centuries, it is now okay to have their enemies charge them outlandish rates that can never be paid back in full. What is wrong with a world where the usury banks control and own most of the property of the world?
  • Most debt is not to be released at any time.  For example, some student debt is one of these that can never be released unless it is done by a Presidential executive order.  How silly that God’s Law states that His people could be released from debt and experience freedom after every seven years.  Is that why they could only be a slave for six years?  On the seventh year they were to be released with provisions given to them to start their life of freedom.
  • Land is sold and then it is owned by that person or financial institution if money is borrowed to pay for it. But the land given to an Israelite is to be never sold-forever.  It could be sold or rented for a short period, but never for more than 49 years.  Every 50 years was a Jubilee Year—all property reverted to the original family who was the original owner.
  • Capital punishment is very seldom used. The punishment for most crimes is time in prison. This terrible punishment of an increasing number of citizens is alarming.  God’s law used restitution and execution of certain capital crimes—such as, murder without a cause, kidnapping, rape, charging usury to a brother.  Restitution to the victim of a robbery would be that the robber would pay the victim double the amount that he stole; four times if it was used in his business.
  • Multiculturalism is the glory of the nation.No foreigners were to be living in Israel. No mosques, synagogues, pagan temples were to be allowed in their land. Israel nations were to be made up of a separate people only. 
  • Many idols are even in many churches. But they are all to be destroyed. This includes Santa Claus.
  • Stealing is rampant in the land. No stealing was allowed .Restitution if caught.
  • Murder has been getting worse and worse. No murder was allowed, without cause.  If caught, the death penalty was enacted with the victim’s relatives the first to begin the process of executing the murderer.
  • Kidnapping is also increasing. No kidnapping was allowed. If committed the death penalty would be enforced.


How did the United States change from one set of laws to the other?  If you look at what the church taught in 1820 and what the church teaches today, you will notice a big difference.  The same is true politically and socially.  If you look at the War between the two nations, did the South have a standing army?  No. It was served by volunteers. In fact, Tennessee has as its nickname, the Volunteer State.

The same is true if you wanted to marry a Japanese spouse.  You couldn’t legally marry her until after 1967 in the United States.  What if you wanted to have an abortion?  You couldn’t legally have one until after 1973.  What if you were a man who didn’t have any property and were a homeless person—could you vote in 1800?  What if you were a prominent White woman—could you vote in 1900?  What if you were an Oriental—could you vote and hold office in 1840?

Then what happened?  A new religion had to come on the scene to change the beliefs of the mainstream American.  What religion was that?  It wasn’t a particular church; it was a common belief?  It is called “Judeo-Christianity.”

The term Judeo-Christianity did not originate with the merging of a Jewish synagogue and a Christian denomination.  It didn’t come from any views of any of their own rabbis or theologians.  In fact, it originated from an English novelist who was born in the land where the serpent born son went after he murdered Abel--India.  The novelist lived in India until he was five years old and then went back to England to live, while his father lived in India.  The Englishman then went back to India to work for about five years before he returned to England.  His name:  Eric Arthur Blair.  You probably never heard of him by his birth name. But I would say that probably all of you know his pen name, George Orwell.He is famous for his books Animal Farm and 1984.

Eric or George wrote this hyphenated word, “Judeo-Christian” as a linguistic attempt to fight against anti-Jewishness in the late 1930s. By using “Judeo-Christian,” Orwell meant to indicate tolerance and solidarity with a persecuted religious minority (i.e. the Jews). The National Conference of Christians and Jews (now called the National Conference for Community and Justice) subsequently adopted the term.It should be called, the National Conference of Christians and antichristians.

But one might think that Christianity and Judaism are theologically linked in a way that merits a special term to describe their shared history and belief system. But this notion fails to hold up under scrutiny. The Jewish theologian Eliezer Berkovitz perhaps put it most concisely when he wrote that:

“Judaism is Judaism because it rejects Christianity, and Christianity is Christianity because it rejects Judaism.”

Earlier in the beginning of our Nation’s history, the Jews had been denied citizenship in some colonies and early states because of their religion. The Jews were blamed for plotting the murder of Jesus and for saying in their “holy” book, the Talmud, that Jesus was now in hell, boiling in a hot cauldron.

But the boundaries of American religious pluralism have since expanded to a position of tolerance since the early 1800s. But questions about whether religious pluralism applies to all religions — or even to those “nones” who claim no religion — have hardly abated.

It has been almost 90 years, and now the term, Judeo-Christian, means that:

  • Jesus was a Jew,
  • His disciples were all Jews,
  • The early church were all Jews,and
  • Christianity is an outgrowth or a sect of Judaism. 

It is commonly believed that the Jews believe mainly the Old Testament, while Christians believe mainly the New. Christianity is growing into a sect that is almost all pro-Jewish; pro-antichristian.

The establishment, ever seeking support to continue to rule, looks upon those who obey its edicts with favor.  Those who follow the Laws of God instead may find themselves looked upon as rebels.

Most of the Lawful, those who follow the Laws of God and identify their way of life with them, simply call themselves “Christian,” or “Christian Identity” instead of Catholic, Baptist, Presbyterian, Lutheran, Methodist, etc. The names of the lawless cults are legion.

Western Christianity has always had someone who tried to avoid some restraining part of the Christian Law.  Sometimes it was church officials, sometimes the king, sometimes strangers.

To survive, the strangers attempted to bribe the Christian rulers and convert individual Christians to ensure their safety.  If the strangers succeeded, the Christian learned the stranger’s ways and a transition religion was born which follows the teaching of the stranger’s god, still calling itself “Christian,” but which ignores its Laws.

Today’s transition religion is called Judeo-Christianity. Biblical truths taught at many churches were dropped as easily as they had been selected. Over the years the beliefs and practices of the church reversed themselves to become the exact opposite of what they had been earlier. The Southern Baptist Convention even states that they had once taught the “devil’s doctrine--racism” and now they have changed to teaching God’s doctrine.  The change happened in 1995.  They had been changed to accommodate changed political and social conditions (integration) which ensured continued tax-exemption. They say that they now teach the Godly doctrine of racial reconciliation.

But there are other sins that Judeo-Christianity commits besides saying that racism is the “devil’s doctrine.”  Some of their sins are:

  •  Selling of church bonds. Christians are encouraged to buy church bonds, the interest to be paid with money donated by Christian tithers—thereby gaining the buyer the stigma and punishment due a usurer.

This violated the law dealing with false witnesses.If the buyer of the bond is condemned, so is the witness that convinced him to commit the act.

  • Strangers approached the altar and taught from its pulpit. Numbers 1:51: “And when the tabernacle setteth forward, the Levites shall take it down:  and when the tabernacle is to be pitched, the Levites shall set it up: and the stranger that cometh nigh shall be put to death.”
  • Many interracial marriage ceremonies are performed in their main sanctuaries.
  • Strangers became members of the church as well as becoming pastors and choir directors.
  • The pastor never teaches against usury being charged to its members.
  • They are a corporation, a 501(c)(3) organization of the state.

Most ordinary people are ignorant of the difference between Christianity and Judeo-Christianity. They see only Judeo-Christianity’s omnipresence.  It’s everywhere. It is almost the only form of Christian religion that is allowed to be widely advertised in Western society today. It is on television, in books, on billboards, and in newspapers.It is the sole repository of recognition and honors dispensed by government. In return for the establishments tax exemption, it avoids offending the establishment by ignoring Christian Law that condemns those who dispense the honors and tax-exemption.

Judeo-Christianity may be described as an ecumenical Christian sect created by the International Trade Cartel to dissolve Christian religious objections to the presence of the international merchant. This has been done by giving media-access, and its accompanying riches to Christian ministers who favor International Trade Cartel policy.

Successful Judeo-Christian preachers can become fantastically rich from the offerings of credulous viewers. Their personal wealth is often measured by the tens of millions of dollars.

Here is the top 13 of the Judeo-Christian ministers who have a net worth of at least $5 million.  The net worth may have changed some since this article was written, but if anything, the net worth has gone up:

  • Kenneth Copeland; net worth $760 million.
  • Bishop T. D. Jakes; net worth $150 million
  • David Oyedepo; net worth $150 million
  • Pat Robertson; net worth $100 million
  • Benny Hinn; net worth $42 million
  • Joel Osteen; net worth $40 million
  • Creflo Dollar; net worth $27 million
  • Billy Graham; net worth $25 million
  • Rick Warren; net worth $25 million
  • Joyce Meyer; net worth $25 million
  • Juanita Bynum; net worth $10 million
  • John Hagee; net worth $5 million
  • Paula White; net worth $5 million


Does anyone doubt the tremendous power of the media? Does anyone now doubt that the media has lied to us about the political world? About President Biden’s ability to be president? They have known for years about his lack of memory and cognitive ability. They said that the case against President Trump by the Russians was true and not paid for by Hillary Clinton.They said that Hunter’s computer was not his but was Russian misinformation. They said nothing about Biden insistence that his “Uncle Bosie” was eaten by cannibals in Papua New Guinea, instead the truth that he died when the plane he was on crashed in the Pacific Ocean. Biden constantly lies about former President Donald Trump leaving behind a 9% inflation rate. The inflation rate was only 1.4%. And on and on.       And they keep on saying that we have elected a black president and a black vice-president. But we haven’t. Barack Obama is not a pure-blooded black; he is the mixed seed offspring of a Jewish mother and a black father. And the vice-president, Kamala Harris is the offspring of an Indian, from India, and a black plantation slave owning man from Jamaica. She spent most of her high school years living in Canada.

Here are some of the things the Judeo-Christian ministers are permitted to do and some things they are not permitted to do.  They are permitted to solicit money.  They may use Biblical parables, illustrations, and terminology.  They must incorporate tolerance.  They may NOT refer to the Laws, statutes and Judgments contained in the Scriptures since the Commandments represent a different God from the one followed by the owners of the media (i.e. they may not say that the penalty for murder, kidnapping and homosexuality is “death.”)

They are also required to refer to the Khazar-Turk merchants living in their midst as being “Israel.”  This gives wolves free passes into the Saxon sheepfold. 

To continue using the media, Judeo-Christian ministers are required:

  •  To take their followers on annual pilgrimages to Palestine,
  •  Refrain from attacking other religions and peoples, except for Christian Identity,
  •  Promote ecumenism, and
  •  When instructed—advocate whatever project or opinion that the International Trade Cartel wishes to promote.

This new cult, costing nothing more than allowing certain preachers to profit from the media, has persuaded tens of millions of Christians from opposing the International Trade Cartel.  As a result, the Christian West has crumbled into a nation having many gods.

The work of the Judeo-Christian preacher cannot be underestimated or undervalued.   First comes the preacher, next comes a king to rule, and at the last comes the merchant-trader who had sent the other two to prepare his way.

Christian preachers preach to strangers in an effort to justify their missionary efforts by using one particular quote from the King James Bible and ignoring others.  The quote they use most frequently is:

Mark 16:15, 16:

15) “And He [Jesus] said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.

16) He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.”

This quote, if not interpreted by other quotes of Jesus, creates an oxymoron because it makes Jesus say one thing one time and another thing at another time.

Matthew 10:5, 6:

5) “These twelve Jesus sent forth, and commanded them saying, Go not into the way of the Gentiles, and into any city of the Samaritans enter ye not.

6) But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.”

Deuteronomy 7:6:

6) “For thou art a holy people unto the LORD thy God:  the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto Himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth.”

John 17:9:

9) “I pray for them:  I pray not for the world, but for them which thou hast given me; for they are thine.”

To keep harmony in the scripture, Matthew 16:15 must be interpreted with Mark 15:24:

Matthew 16:15 with Mark 15:24:

15 with 24) “Go ye into all the world [Israel was scattered into all the world] and preach the gospel to every creature [I pray not for the world, but I am sent but to the lost sheep of the house of Israel”].

Psalms 106:35, 36:

35) “But were mingled among the heathen, and learned their works.

36) And they served their idols:  which were a snare unto them.”

Missions to kinsmen are commanded and commended. Missions to strangers are forbidden.

John 10:25-27:

25) “Jesus answered them, I told you, and ye believed not:  the works that I do in My Father’s name, they bear witness of Me.

26) But ye believe not, because ye are not of My sheep, as I said unto you.

27) My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.”

We obey God the WORD and exclude strangers. We do what we do because:

1 Kings 8:53:

53) “For thou didst separate them from among all the people of the earth, to be thine inheritance, as thou spakest by the hand of Moses, thy servant, when thou broughtest our fathers out of Egypt, O Lord GOD.”

The entire Reformation period was brief.  The enslaved people of the West tried to regain their land and freedoms from an alien feudal system.  They fought against both the Protestant state church and the Roman Catholic international trade cartel.  Their opposition won—their victory bloody.  But the WORD brought by Jesus Christ was pried loose from the clutches of the Catholic Church and is now loose in the land.

The establishment palms off Judeo-Christianity as Christianity.  If one succumbs to this massive establishment propaganda and accepts Judeo-Christianity in place of Christianity, he tends to accept its basic teaching that God’s Law is done away with. If the person disagrees with this view, he may reject Christianity all together.  Either belief benefits the lawless promoters, who must cultivate this atmosphere to survive Christianity’s suppressed Laws that deals out capital punishment.

But most of the people don’t see any of this.  They don’t perceive that they are being sold this very attitude. They aren’t told that to love God one must “obey My commandments.”

Did God love the Afrikaners and not the Zulus? Did God love Jacob/Israel and hate Esau/Edom (Jews)? Did God love the Israelites and not the Hittites/Canaanites/Kenites?Did God love the Christians and not the strangers who are in their midst?

Blessed be the LORD God of Israel.