Don Elmore Sermons

Who is Kamala?


By Pastor Don Elmore

August 11, 2024

Scripture Reading: Deuteronomy 17:15

Who may the Israelites set over them;  an individual who is not their brother or a person who is their brother? The verse says that they mayest not set a stranger (foreigner) over them!

What is Kamala's racial make-up? What race is she? Is she black? The Democratic Party has for its presidential candidate an Irish/Hindu Indian (with maybe a little bit of black) with a husband who has committed adultery with his first wife and is antichristian (Jew). Her vice-president is a very liberal politician who is a lukewarm Lutheran, who has never read, and probably ever knew, of Luther’s book that he wrote near the end of his life.

Her opponent, Donald J. Trump, has his eldest daughter, who has converted to the Talmudic religion and is married to a member of an important antichristian family, Jared Kushner. His vice-president, JD Vance is married to a Hindu Indian and he has three mulatto children. What a complete mess. In a supposedly Christian Protestant nation!

The Stranger's Religion


Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

July 14, 2024

Scripture Reading: Deuteronomy 4:1:

“Now therefore hearken, O Israel, unto the statutes and unto the judgments, which I teach you, for to do them, that ye may live, and go in and possess the land which the LORD God of your fathers giveth you.”

Who is talking and who is he talking to?  Moses is about to die, and he is giving his final instructions to God’s covenant people--Israel.  Moses was in the valley over against Beth-peor, near Mt. Pisgah.     

Israel had been freed from being slaves in Egypt but had wandered around the Promised Land for about 40 yearsdue to their sin of not believing what their LORD had told them.  Moses was 120 years old and was about to die.  He tells God’s people to hearken or pay attention to the statutes and judgmentswhich he was teaching them.

Gideon's Son


Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

June 30, 2024

Scripture Reading: Judges 8:34

God told Gideon to send home 22,000 men from his army of 32,000 (Judges 7:1-3). And if reducing Gideon's army by two-thirds was not enough, our King then reduced the army further. He took it down to 300 men. From 32,000 to 300!  That is more than a 99% decrease!

The rest of Judges, chapter seven, details how Gideon’s army defeated the Midianites. First, Gideon received confirmation that Israel would be victorious. Then, his 300 soldiers went up against Midian with torches and empty jars, not with ordinary weapons. They broke the jars and held aloft the torches when Gideon blew the trumpet, creating such a confusion that the Midianites fought against one another. God delivered Midian into the hands of Israel, yet Israel won not because of its superior battle prowess but because the LORD made the Midianites use their swords against their own comrades—they killed themselves. Salvation of Israel from its enemies is of the LORD alone.

The Most Powerful Thing in the Universe


Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

June 2, 2024

Scripture Reading: Deuteronomy 7:6“For thou art an holy [separate] people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto Himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth.”

Who is this written about? It can’t be everyone who is alive in the world, for the LORD, the God of these people said, that He has chosen them“to be a special people unto Himself.”And if the LORD God chose a people to be special unto Himself, wouldn’t there be other peoples who are “un-special” unto Him?

One can learn much about God’s character by studying His various names. One of these names is “the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.” Early in the Scriptures, one can realize that God is a God of people and relationships. Understanding God’s covenants is critical to understanding God’s plan for Israel, His “special people unto Himself.”  The first thing worth mentioning about the Abrahamic Covenant is the fact that God ratified it with Abram alone. Even though Abram was the recipient of the Covenant and the representative of the Israel nation,

Difference of Opinion


Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

May 12, 2024

Scripture Reading: Genesis 5:27:

“And all the days of Methuselah were nine hundred sixty and nine years; and he died.”


The book of Hebrews tells of the Hebrews who were living in the beginning of the New Testament days. What did this epistle say to this group who were the ancestors of the Abrahamic covenant? This was not the people who are known as the Jews today, but it was the people who were of the Abrahamic covenant, the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. It was the descendants of Eber (Hebrews), who was the great-great grandson of Noah.

David's Downside


Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

April 21, 2024

Scripture Reading: Psalm 55:12-14

King David is one of the great heroes of Israel. He was a shepherd, who as a boy and young man, killed a bear and a lion, protecting his flock. As a teenager, he slew the giant Goliath when there was no one in Israel’s army who would even attempt to fight him. He was a loyal subject of King Saul who refused to murder him when he had the chance, for he refused to kill the Lord’s anointed.

Jews and Christian Identity - Part 2


Sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

March 24, 2024

Scripture Reading: Matthew 13:39, 40:

39) “The enemy that sowed them [tares] is the devil; the harvest is the end of the world; and the reapers are the angels.

40) As therefore the tares are gathered and burned in the fire, so shall it be in the end of this world.”

These are the concluding scriptures of the parable of the wheat and the tares. The wheat was sown by the Son of Man, while the tares were sown by His enemy, the devil. Who are the tares that are to be gathered and burned in the fire? The wheat is to go into God’s kingdom, while the tares are to go to the place where the Talmud, the Jews “holy book,” says that Jesus is now—in hell....

Christian Identity today is split into three main groups.  Why is this?  This message gives one opinion.

Jews and Christian Identity - Part 1


Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

March 3, 2024

Scripture Reading: John 10:26

America has experienced and is experiencing the judgments of Almighty God. Texas and a small part of Oklahoma are experiencing the greatest bush fire in its history. Close to one million acres has already burned. California and Nevada are experiencing a huge windstorm (up to 100 mph) and as much as twelve feet of snow. What will we experience next week?

Brother Nathanael Kapner grew up in a Jewish household. Both of his parents were Jewish, and his father took him behind the scenes,when he was young, to where the B’nai B’rith met after the synagogue meeting was over. As a result, he was an eyewitness to a lot of the evil work that the Jewish influencer of Freemasonry (B’nai B'rith) had accomplished and were accomplishing.  He is a Jew who claims that he is now an Orthodox Russian Christian.

Wars of the Lord


Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

February 11, 2024

Scripture Reading: Numbers 21:14

Beginning from the separation of Joseph from his older brothers to the reuniting with them in Egypt,\ after being in Egypt for 215 years and experiencing the miraculous escape from the Egyptians, to their being punished for forty years before they could enter the Promise Land, to their wanderings on the eastern side of the Jordan River, we come to one of the most intriguing events in Israel’s history. For the land east of the Jordan River was ruled by two Amorite kings; Sihon and Og.Both nations of Amorites were very strong and had a reputation of great military might.  God gave His covenant people instructions on how they were to fight any battle.

Who Killed Jesus?


Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

January 28, 2024

Scripture Reading: Acts 5:30:

“The God of our fathers raised up Jesus, whom ye slew and hanged on a tree.”

Who is the “ye” in this sentence? Who this pronoun represents identifies at least one of the killers.

Who is represented by the pronouns in the Bible is a big key to understanding the Scriptures. A pronoun can never be used first before the noun that it represents. The noun must be used before a pronoun is used to replace it. Pronouns refer to a noun that has already been mentioned. If the pronoun is used first, then the reader doesn’t know who it represents.

Rebekah's Gift to the Covenant


Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

January 7, 2024

Scripture Reading: Genesis 17:4-6

Why is this subject almost never, if ever, talked about in most of the Christian churches of our day? The Bible is clear with the details of the people who are closely involved in this covenant and the ones that are put off to the side. The descendants of the objects of the covenant are very important because it is an everlasting covenant. It would be very important for the churches to study this most special event in the history of the world and see who is included and excluded. 

2 Kings 19



Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

December 17, 2023

Scripture Reading: Deuteronomy 20:4

God gives His covenant nation, Israel, the rules for war in this chapter. He says in verse one that when you go out to battle against your enemies, and see their weapons of war and their soldiers, don’t be afraid of the armament or them.  For when you are close to battle, the priest (of Israel) shall approach and speak unto the covenant people (Israel) and say unto them (Israel) that they should not let their (Israel) hearts be full of fear or be terrified against your (Israel’s) enemy. For the LORD your (Israel’s) God will fight for you (Israel).

Let’s investigate the Bible for a story of one of Israel’s battles against an enemy. It was a battle in which they were so overwhelmed that the King of Judah (southern Kingdom of Israel) had no good option to do except one. It was a very dark moment, one of the lowest in the history of God’s kingdom on earth. The kingdom was about to be destroyed forever.

Who Was the Father of Cain? Part 2


Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

December 3, 2023

Scripture Reading I John 3:12

A couple of Friday nights ago (11/10/2023), I turned on the television to watch the game-show network and the show “Split-Second” was on.It was in the middle of the game, and the first question that was asked was the following. It was asked to the three contestants.  Who is the father of the following people?

  • Isaac
  • Shem, Ham, Japheth
  • Cain and Abel

The three contestants only answered one of the questions. One contestant answered that Abraham was the father of Isaac. That was the correct answer, but the game show then supplied the answers to the other two questions that were not answered. The answers they gave to the two remaining questions were that Noah was the father of Shem, Ham, Japheth, and Adam was the father of Cain and Abel.

I thought to myself, how would I have answered that question, “Who was the father of Cain and Abel?”

Who Was the Father of Cain?

by Pastor Don Elmore

Part 1:  Why do the Kenites, Canaanites and Jews, if their ancient father was Adam, have no chance of salvation, but are guaranteed a place in hell?  Remember the law of “kind after kind”.

Part 2:  If Adam fathered Cain, why would their descendants not have been destroyed in the flood of Noah? If the serpent didn't have a seed with Eve, then there is no physical enemy of God.  Then who are the Jews?

Who Was the Father of Cain? Part 1


Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

November 5, 2023

Scripture Reading: John 10:26:

If the Jews are not one of Jesus’ sheep, then what does today's scripture reading mean? Doesn’t that mean that they have another different father than the Sheep have?  Didn’t Jesus tell them that: “I [Jesus] speak that which I [Jesus] have seen with My Father; and ye [Jews, verse 31] do that which ye [Jews] have seen with your father.”  John 8:38

The Jews have a different father than Jesus had!  What father is that?


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