Lying Evangelicals


Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

October 1, 2023

Galatians 3:28, 29:

28) “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are ONE in Christ Jesus.

29) And if ye be Christ’s then are ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.”

What is one of the reasons for people to study history?  Is it not to see what happened to major powers that are no longer major powers?  What occurred to cause them to lose their power and how can we use that knowledge to prevent that from happening to our nation?  What happened to Egypt, Israel, Babylon, Assyria, Media-Persia, Greece, Rome, Great Britain, Germany, United States, Russia, China, etc.?

Look at what Patrick Buchanan says about this situation:

“History clearly proves that every civilization that has existed came to the end of its life span and then died. Those who have eyes to see are now watching the decline and eventual death of Western Civilization and the American empire.  There are many obvious symptoms indicating that the America we once knew is currently no longer.  The Weeping Prophet’s [Jeremiah] lamentation for his ancient Judah nation fits our nation today.  ‘Remember, O LORD, what is come upon us:  consider, and behold our reproach. Our inheritance is turned to strangers, our houses to aliens.’  Lamentations 5:1-2.”

The interlinear translation:

“Lamentations 5:2 Our inheritance 5159 is turned 2015 8738 to strangers 2114 8801(zuwr), our houses 1004 to aliens 5237(nokri).”

In his article of July 23, 2014, Patrick Buchanan insightfully wrote:

“As we continue our descent to Third World status, perhaps we should explore more deeply the ‘diversity’ that has of late come to be regarded as America’s most treasured attribute.  In 1960, we were not nearly as diverse.  Nine in ten Americans trace their ancestry back to Europe.  We were one nation and one people.

The West has become multiracial, multilingual, multireligious and multicultural ‘universal nations:’ symptoms of our declining civilization.  America is now in a cultural war over morality involving abortion [murder] of the unborn, same-sex marriage, gender confusion, perversion of our history and the rejection of our national and racial heroes.”

Buchanan continues: 

“And when we have ceased to be an English-speaking Christian country and become instead an Asia-Hispanic-African-American White nation with large Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, agnostic and atheist minorities, and no defined borders, or common faith and culture, what holds us together? 

Today’s ‘evangelical church’ is either ignoring the problem, complicit with the cultural trend or aiding the ‘change agents’ who are engineering our nation’s demise.  Where are the men today whom the Lord has set a mark upon the foreheads that sign and cry for the abominations being committed in our national life?’(see Ezekiel 9:4).”

This was from Charles Jenning’s newsletter magazine, “Truth in History”, September-December 2023, page 2.  He quoted Patrick Buchanan about today’s demise of the Christian Church, our nation—even our Western Christian civilization.  He stated that we are in a cultural war—that is, we are accepting, because of tolerance, the things that God has told us not to do.  It is the same strategy,used of old, byBalaam, the soothsayer.


Balaam is a strange and intriguing personality—a baffling combination of supernatural spiritual gifts and corrupt character. The story of Balaam opens with Israel finally encamped on the border of Canaan. Their presence inspired fear in Balak, the king of Moab, whose territory bordered on the Israelites’ encampment. Apparently, he viewed the Israelites as a threat to his kingdom, although they had done nothing to justify his fear.

Feeling unable to confront Israel in battle, Balak decided to use spiritual weapons against them. He sent some of his princes—with a fee for divination in their hands—to call for Balaam to come and put a curse on Israel. As a “soothsayer” (fortune teller or witch doctor) Balaam had the reputation of uttering blessings or curses with a powerful effect for good or evil.

Balaam came from Pethor in Mesopotamia. He was not an Israelite.Thwarted by God in his attempt to curse Israel, Balaam proposed a different strategy against them. If the Moabite women could entice the Israelites into adultery, idolatry and immorality, it would not be necessary to curse them. God Himself would bring judgment upon them. Balaam’s strategy succeeded, and 24,000 Israelites perished under God’s judgment.

The enemy of God’s covenant people are employing the same strategy today.  They have caused God’s people to be in favor of a “melting pot” integration, mixing of races in the military, schools, neighborhoods and sport teams; being pro-murder of the child in the womb, tolerant of miscegenation, pornography, same-sex marriages, homosexuality; tolerant of prison sentences and now no sentences in many areas of the country for robbing and thievery, as well as no executions for murder, rape, and/or usury, etc.  Violating of these laws would require their God to punish His people in judgment.  And He has and is. 


Another strategy is to either change or misinterpret the Holy Scriptures and/or to write books that teach heretical doctrines.  As an example, there is one book that interprets Galatians 3:29 in what a few would call a very strange and heretical way.  And it still is a very popular book among many so-called Christian-Identity believers and other conservatives.

The book was written by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock and the foreword was by bestselling author Texe Marrs.  The name of the book is The Synagogue of Satan.The quote is taken from page 15, which is part of the foreword:             

“Please keep in mind that God is no respecter of persons, and that racial advantage has no part to play in God’s heavenly Jerusalem.  Indeed, contrary to the doctrines of devils spread by lying evangelicals, God does not distinguish between races in choosing a people for His name. Galatians 3:28-29 is marvelous in dispelling satanic notions of racial superiority.  God does not favor those who are ‘Jew’ or those of any one race or ethnic heritage.  Instead, the Bible invites men and women of every nation and race on earth to come and drink of Jesus’ living water:‘And if ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed and heirs according to the promise.’”

This foreword teaches that salvation is universal, i.e., everyone in the world of all the races can be “saved.”  No one is exempt.  And the ones that are now “saved” are responsible for helping to get as many of the other people of the earth “saved” too.  So, they must go to all the nations of the world, or support missionaries that do, and preach the gospel of salvation to the other races.

Texe says that we are lying evangelicals because we teach that God distinguishes a particular race that He chose for a people. Is he right or wrong?  His statement says the “God does not favor those who are ‘Jews’ or those of any one race or ethnic heritage”.  Why? 

Because the Jews and the White Race (Israel) are bitter, life-long enemies fighting each other to the death. That was one reason why Martin Luther said to kick all the Antichrists out of your nation.

But Hitchcock and Marrs don’t believe in two seeds; they believe in just one seed line.  That is the dangerous theme that they teach. All races are equal. 

And there are many websites, like “Twelve Bible Verses About Race and Ethnicity”, by George P. Wood, posted in WHAT DOES THE BIBLE SAY, that agrees with what Marrs argues. 

In his introduction, the website describes the terms most used in the Bible to describe racial and ethnic others are“nations” (Hebrew, goyim; Greek, ethne).  

  • But then he gives 12 Bible verses that he says teaches that the creation of humanity in God’s image is the basis of human dignity and equality. 
  • He implies that all peoples are humanity. 
  • All races are no more sacred or more sinful that the others.  All humanity is created equal, and all are equally fallen.
  • God does not show favoritism—God treats any person, whether heis a “Jew” or a “Gentile” (non-Jew)with equality.
  • God chose Abraham and his descendants to bless all the nations of the world. He then quotes Galatians 3:16 in The New International Version:

Galatians 3:16:The promises were spoken to Abraham and to his seed. Scripture does not say ‘and to seeds,’ meaning many people, but ‘and to your seed,’ meaning one person, who is Christ.”

[Let’s look at two other versions;  First, the King James Version:

Galatians 3:16: “Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made, He saith not, And to seeds, as of many, but as of one, And to thy seed, which is Christ.”

Second, the Christian-Identity position which is shown in the Christogenea New Testament:

Galatians 3:16: “Now to Abraham the promises have been spoken, and to his offspring (race).  It does not say ‘and to offsprings’(races), as of many (races); but as of one(race): ‘and to your offspring,’ (race) which isanointed.”

To which seed or offspring or race were the promises that were made to Abrahamgiven to?  If one stops and thinks a little bit, there are several races that are involved. 

  • Abraham had relations with Hagar and produced Ishmael which is the Arab race today.Ishmael (Arabs) married into the Canaanite line.
  • Abraham had relations with Sarah, which produced their son Isaac.
  • Abraham had relations with Keturah, after Sarah’s death, and had six sons.  This was the white race that was not a part of the covenant, unless they married into it.  This part of the White race eventually married interracially.
  • Isaac had two twins with his wife Rebakah, Esau and Jacob.
  • Esau married a couple of Hittite wives and one wife from Ishmael.  They are today’s Jews.
  • Jacob married two wives, Leah and Rachel and their handmaids, Bilhah and Zipah who bore him 13 children.  They are today’s nations of Israel, except for the ones that didn’t keep their race pure.

[So, Galatians 3:16 stated that the Arabs, the Jews, the other races that produced mongrels from Israelites marrying Canaanites, the Shelahites, and all the other races like the Negroes, Orientals, Pacific Islanders, Incas, New Guinea natives, etc., that were not living in the Middle East were not even given a possibility of receiving the promises made by God to Abraham.

There is only one seed, one offspring, one race that isthe pure descendants of Jacob/Israel. They are the only ones who are the recipients of the promises made by God to Abraham.

 So, how did the Bible translators and commentators, make such a very bad translation?  They misused words that completely changed the meaning of the whole verse.The sons of Abraham that kept their race pure, not joining themselves to other races, are the ones that the promises to Abraham are given to.  The mainstream translators of the Bible twisted the meaning and grammar of the Greek words to agree with their false conclusions.

When you consider that at the time of Jesus’ birth and short life, most of the Judaeans were Esau/Edomites and not Israelites.  The preponderance of the rulers in Judea were Edomites.  The Edomites were the enemy of God, Jesus and His people—Israel.  They were not the recipients of the promises made by God to His people.  They were not his anointed. 

Galatians 3:16 refers to only one line of Abraham’s offspring which was anointed, as compared to the other line of Abraham’s offspring.  The denominational commentators try to say that that this compares all of Abraham’s descendants to Christ alone, but that is not the context of the balance of the Holy Scripture.]

Mr. Wood, then gave his fifth of twelve reasons by saying: 


Because God is impartial and desires to bless the nations[all the nations of the world],He commanded his chosen people Israel to love foreigners[all the people except Israel], that is, to treat them impartially (Leviticus19:34):The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt. I am the Lord your God.”

This is an interesting interpretation.  Notice in Mr. Wood’s introduction he gave both the Hebrew and Greek words for “nations.”  But he translated the word “stranger” as foreigner twice in the verse that he gave in Leviticus.  By foreigner he means non-Israelite or non-Adamite.  Mr. Wood teaches that we are instructed to love everyone in the world as ourselves!  Is that practical or even possible?  We are even to love the evil seed as ourselves! 

Let’s look at this verse in the King James Version:

Leviticus 19:34:   “But the stranger that dwelleth with you shall be unto you as one born among you, and thou shalt love him as thyself: for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt:  I am the LORD your God.”

Here is the interlinear translation:  “19:34 [But] the stranger 1616 that dwelleth 1481 8802 with you shall be unto you as one born 249 among you, and thou shalt love 157 8804 him as thyself; for ye were strangers 1616 in the land 776 of Egypt 4714: I [am] the LORD 3068 your God 430.”

The words translated in English “stranger” and “strangers” is from the Hebrew word #1616, “ger.”  What does this Hebrew word mean?  Does it mean a fellow Israelite who was born outside of the boundaries where the Israelites were or does it mean a non-Israelite who was born outside their boundaries, i.e., a foreigner.

Look at all the disagreements on what these words mean.  In a website ( that encourages discussion, look at this exchange:

First, Dustin says:

“Thank you for your [Yigal] reply.  And while I agree with you [Yigal] on this (your) interpretation/definition, allow me to ask specifics just for the sake of my own clarity.

“But if a stranger[ger] sojourns with you and celebrates the Passover…” (Exodus 12:48).

Would this “stranger” be an Israelite who had left the land, become a “stranger,” and then returned; or would this “stranger” be a non-Israelite?

“If an alien (ger) sojourns with you, or one who may be among you throughout your generations, and he wishes to make an offering by fire…” (Numbers 15:14).

Would this “alien” be an Israelite who had left the land, become a “stranger,” and then returned; or would this “stranger” be a non-Israelite?

“When the LORD will have compassion on Jacob and again choose Israel, and settle them in their own land, then strangers (ger) will join them and attach themselves to the house of Jacob” (Isaiah 14:1).

Would these ‘strangers’ be an Israelite who had left the land, become a ‘stranger,’ and then returned; or would these ‘strangers’ be non-Israelites?

Thank you,


It was answered by Yigal Levin:

Re: Foreigners, sojourners, strangers

 by Yigal Levin » Thu Nov 07, 2013 9:17 pm

Dear Dustin,

First of all, the answer is no. A "ger" is a "sojourner" or "temporary resident" or "resident alien" dependant[dependent] on the context. "Nokhri" simply means "foreigner". "Goy" is "nation"; "Goyim" are "nations". And while "ger" and "nokhri" can apply to an Israelite who is living among non-Israelites, in the Bible they usually apply to non-Israelites living among Israelites. "Goy" can refer either to the nation of Israel or to another nation. The later Jewish use of "goyim" as "gentiles" (that is, non-Jews as individuals) only developed after the biblical period. The interpretations that you cite below are incorrect.


Yigal Levin

Is that what Dustin said in his response?  No.  Dustin said that “strangers” were Israelites who were living elsewhere who returned and were living in the land of Israel.  But in answer to this, Yigal said that the words meant that Israelites living among non-Israelites or non-Israelites living among Israelites; he didn’t answer Dustin’s questions. He cleverly came close to answering them, but he gave other scenarios.  He bypassed Dustin’s questions, i.e., only Israelites could keep the Passover, for example.

Numbers 9:2: “Let the children of Israel also keep the Passover in its appointed season.”

Dustin said that the word “stranger” in Exodus 12:48 had to mean Israelites who were born in another land but were now living among Israelites in the promised land because they were they only ones who kept the first Passover and were the only ones who were required to remember the Passover annually.  Why would the Egyptians remember Passover—it was a disastrous time for them as they not only lost their Israelite slaves but their first-born sons too! Could you imagine that if it happened in the state of Kentucky?  Every first-born son would die on the same night in the entire state!  Yikes!

So, which one do you believe?  The Synagogue of Satan? who says that we are teaching the “doctrine of devils” and are “lying evangelicals”?  Do you believe Dustin or Yigal?  Or do you have another opinion? It makes a big difference which view that you believe is true. 

The question is: 

  • Does God choose people for His name distinguished only by what race that they are, or
  • Does God choose people from among all the races of the world?

Most books, most (if not all) preachers on television or radio or in today’s churches and most websites agree with the second position:  i.e., that God chooses people from among all the races of the world.  Very few believe the first position. 

But today, only 18% of Americans go to a church.  That’s down from 52% fifty years ago.  But today, most churches are Arminian, integrated, multiracial, multicultural, 501C3, dispensational, etc.  So, of that 18%, how many do you think receive good Bible teaching?

Where are the men today whom the Lord has set a mark upon the foreheads that sign and cry for the abominations being committed in our national life?’Ezekiel 9:4.”


First, let’s examine what George P. Wood said on the website given above.  

“Because God is impartial and desires to bless the nations,He commanded his chosen people Israel to love foreigners, that is, to treat them impartially (Leviticus19:34):The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt. I am the Lord your God.”

One must put the theme of the Bible into the equation when one decides on what this word means in this verse.  The King James Bible says this:

Leviticus 19:34: “But the stranger that dwelleth with you shall be unto you as one born among you, and thou shalt love him as thyself: for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt:  I am the LORD your God.”

Does the word “stranger”, Hebrew #1616, mean foreigner or does it mean another Adamite or Israelite who was born in another land, and comes to live with the Israelites, but the Israelites are told to LOVE them as their self! 

What does the rest of the Bible say about this issue? 

  • Should the Israelites love the Canaanites whom their God instructedto kill all their men, women and children? 
  • Should the Israelites love the giant Goliath and his four brothers who teenager David and the Israelite army killed? 
  • Should the Israelites love the Assyrian army who the death angel killed 185,000 of them in one night? 
  • Should the Israelites love the savages who live in the jungles as theirselves? 
  • Should the Israelites love Balaam who came up with the strategy to make the Israelites sin and then their God would punish them?
  • And so on. 

Remember, Leviticus is in the Old Testament.  So, they can’t say it is in the Old Testament and that is why it is.  How could God say kill every single one of the Canaanites, murder the giants, and slay the Assyrian army and then say that you are to love them as yourself?  That should be enough to say that God did not tell His covenant people to love everyone in the world.


Now, let’s look at what the Synagogue of Satan said, on page 15:

“Please keep in mind that God is no respecter of persons, and that racial advantage has no part to play in God’s heavenly Jerusalem.  Indeed, contrary to the doctrines of devils spread by lying evangelicals,God does not distinguish between races in choosing a people for His name. Galatians 3:28-29 is marvelous in dispelling satanic notions of racial superiority.  God does not favor those who are ‘Jew’ or those of any one race or ethnic heritage.  Instead, the Bible invites men and women of every nation and race on earth to come and drink of Jesus’ living water:‘And if ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed and heirs according to the promise.’”

Let’s begin by quoting the King James Version:

Galatians 3:28, 29:

28) “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free; there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.

29) And if ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.”

Is it the doctrine of demons that God does not distinguish between races in choosing people for his name?  What?

Who were the people of God in the Old Testament?  Wasn’t it Israel.  Who was Israel?  Weren’t his fathers Abram (Abraham) and Isaac?  So, didn’t God choose Israel, who was only from one race?  Yes, he certainly did!

There are no Negroes, no Orientals, no Pacific Islanders, no Jews, no Kenites, no giants, no Canaanites, no Edomites, no Hispanics, none of all the other nations and races, but only the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob who are in the kingdom of God, i.e., Israel.The are the only family that He knows:

Amos 3:1, 2: “Hear the word that the LORD hath spoken against you, O children of Israel, against the whole family which I brought up from the land of Egypt, saying; You only have I known of all the families of the earth; therefore I will punish you for all your inequities.”

  • That was the nation that God was the king of for over three hundred years until He was asked to step down. 
  • That was the nation on which God sat on His throne; He didn’t sit on any other throne in any other nation in the world. 
  • That was the nation that God fought for. God didn’t fight for any other nation, unless He was chastising His nation! 
  • That was the nation that God judged. 
  • That was the nation that God gave advice on how to defeat their enemies.  So, there were no Canaanites, Orientals, Negroes, etc. that were a part of this nation.

Secondly, in verse 28, it says that “There is neither Jew or Greek…”, doesthis teach “Satanic notions of racial superiority”?  These two verses (28 & 29) in Galatians, the book, The Synagogue of Satan, says, “the Bible invites men and women of every nation and race on earth to come and drink of Jesus’ living water….” 

What the author of the above paragraph interprets “Jew” or “Greek” as meaning Jew and non-Jew.  That is the only way that he concluded that this teaches the opposite of racial superiority!  But that is wrong.  

If it is not “Jew” or “Greek”, but “Judean” or “Greek”, does that change its meaning?Does Judean mean Jew?  When one uses the word American, does it mean White, Negro, Asian, Hispanic, Jew, Hindu, etc.  All of these are Americans. 

The same is true with the word Judean.  It can only mean two different peoples:  Descendants of Judah’s Kingdom or Descendants of Edom (Jews).  They were the two different groups who were living in Palestine at the time.

What does “Greek” mean?  Everyone else in the world who is not a Jew;or members of the northern kingdom of Israel who were Greek speaking, after Alexander the Great conquered most of the known world, including them. 

  • Are the savages of New Guinea Greek speaking? No, they never heard of the Greeks!
  • Is the Chinese Greek speaking?  No!
  • Are the Incas Greek speaking?  No!
  • Are the Mexicans Greek speaking?  No!
  • Are the Zulus Greek speaking? No.

So, if the above were not Greeks nor Greek speaking, then how could they be considered Greeks?  If they are not Greeks, then “Jew” and “Greek” would represent only the “House of Judah” and the “House of Israel”.

You have a choice.  Is it Jew and the rest of the world or is it the House of Judah and the House of Israel?  If it is not the first choice, then the statement that this is “Satanic notions of racial superiority” is wrong.  If that is wrong, then if the second statement is correct, then the opposite is true, i.e., they are Godly notions of racial superiority!

Thirdly, let’s look at the last part of the statement given on page 15 of Synagogues of Satan:

“Instead, the Bible invites men and women of every nation and race on earth to come and drink of Jesus’ living water:‘And if ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed and heirs according to the promise.’”

What did the author of this book use as a Scripture to teach the universalities of mankind?  Galatians 3:29! 

Galatians 3:29: “And if ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed and heirs according to the promise.”

How does this verse justify their universal position?  First, the word Christ has an apostrophe.Christ’s what?  There is a missing word; a word that is there by implication.  The word is Christ’s seed.

If one is Christ’s seed, then are they also Abraham’s seed and heirs according to the promise of the covenant.  If one is Abraham’s seed, how is that everyone on the earth?  If one is Abraham’s seed, then they are heirs according to the promise; how is this an example of people from every nation and race being able to come and drink of Jesus’ living water? 

They just throw out any verse and say that it means the exact opposite!  May God help us.


Geneses 3:15: “And I [the LORD] will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy [serpent’s] seed and her [Eve’s] seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.”

What does this verse mean?

  • Does it mean that there are two seed lines?
  • Does it mean that there is one seed line?
  • Does it mean that there are no seed lines?

What does Revelation 12:9 and 20:2 mean?

Revelation 12:9: “And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.”

Revelation 20:2 And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years.”

Are these four entities, the same one?  Are the dragon and serpent a code for the Devil or Satan?

From the sermon of “Two Peoples” by Pastor Jim Jester:

“The origin of these children, Cain, Abel, and Seth, is explained in the parable of the wheat and the tares, found in Matthew 13:24-30 and 13:36-43. In Matthew 13:37 our Lord says: He that soweth the good seed is the Son of man,” meaning Himself. Since the Father and Son are one (q.v. Colossians 2:9), He is the Founder and Creator of the Adamic race. Good seed continue to be sown, every time an Adamite child is born.

He then says, ...the good seed are the children of the kingdom; but the tares are the children of the wicked one; The enemy that sowed them is the devil...” (Matthew 13:38-39). So, it is evident that the enemy who …came and sowed tares among the wheat…” (Matthew 13:25) is the devil, the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan…” (Revelation 12:9).

When may all of this have happened, except in the garden with Adam, Eve, and the serpent, as shown in Genesis chapter 3, albeit shrouded in symbolism?”

Cain, of the generation of the tares, was fathered by the wicked one or the devil or Satan, or the great dragon, or the old serpent. In addition, who were the parents of the giants or Nephilim?  Who were the parents that produced the hybrids that caused Noah’s flood?

Don't  just read and listen; STUDY and show thyself approved of God.

Blessed be the LORD God of Israel.