First Hand Knowledge

by Walter Giddings

October 23, 2022

Greetings Kindred and fellow sheep in the name of Christ, our Shepherd.

Acts 4:18-20

c    18 And they called them, and com-

            manded them not to speak at all nor

            teach in the name of Jesus. 

p    19 But Peter and John answered and

            said unto them, Whether it be right

            in the sight of God to hearken unto 

            you more than unto God, judge ye. 

c    20 For we cannot but speak the things

            which we have seen and heard. 

                                     Acts chapter four. 

How potent is that?  Is their Testimony based upon first hand knowledge?

KNOWLEDGE, n.   nol’lej

1.   A clear and certain perception of that which exists, or

     of truth and fact; the perception of the connection and

     agreement, or disagreement and repugnancy of our ideas. 

                                           Encyc. Locke. 

We can have no knowledge of that which does not exist.  God has a perfect knowledge of all his works.  Human knowledge is very limited, and is mostly gained by observation and experience.        1828 Webster. 

“Observation and experience.”  Is this what Peter and John referred to when they said, “For we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard.”?  [4: 8].  Are Peter and John in court?  Are they before the Sanhedrin, “the rulers of the people and elders of Israel”?  

Was the commandment, or mandate “not to speak at all, nor teach in the name of Jesus” lawful?  Was this commandment outside the scope of authority or jurisdiction of government?  Was that commandment an in your face, prima facie transgression of God’s Law?  [Is the Law “done away”?

KNOW, v.t.   no.   pret.  knew; pp.  known. 

1.  To perceive with certainty; to understand clearly; to have a clear and certain perception of truth, fact, or anything that actually exists.

To know a thing precludes all doubt or uncertainty of its existence. 

We know what we see with our eyes, or perceive by other senses.  We know that fire and water are different substances.  We know that truth and falsehood express ideas incompatible with each other.  We know that a circle is not a square.  We do not know the truth of reports, nor can we always know what to believe.

2.   To be informed of; to be taught.   It is not unusual for us to say we know things from information, when we rely on the veracity of the informer.              1828 Webster. 

If “we know what we see with our eyes, or perceive by other senses”, does that constitute first hand knowledge?  If “we do not know the truth of reports”, does that constitute hearsay?  (Luke 24:45-48).  If we report what the report said, are we saying what we heard, or read?!  Is that hearsay?  Is relying on “the veracity of the informer” hearsay?  If we say what we hear someone else say, is it hear-say? 

p    45 Then opened he their understan-

            ding, which they might understand the


c    46 And he said unto them, Thus it is

            written, and thus it behoved Christ to

            suffer, and to rise from the dead the  

            third day. 

p    47 And that repentance and remission    

            of sins should be preached in his

            name among all nations beginning

            at Jerusalem. 

c    48 And ye are witnesses of these


“And ye are witnesses of these things.”  Did Jesus mean they testify to facts having first hand knowledge?  (Verse 48).  Who are “ye”?  To whom does Jesus say, “ye are witnesses of these things.”  (Go back to Verse 33).  Here the two disciples on the walk to Emmaus return to Jerusalem.  Who are the eleven? 

             33 And they rose up the same hour

            and returned to Jerusalem, and

            found the eleven gathered together,

            and them that were with them. 

                                     Luke chapter twenty four.  

(1 Corinthians 15:4-8).  Do we recall that 8 days later Thomas the Doubter was with them, for it was evening, and Jesus appeared to them again?  

c    4 And that he was buried, and that

            he rose again the third day according

            to the scriptures; 

p    5 And that he was seen of Cephas, 

            then of the twelve: 

c    6 After that, he was seen of above  

            five hundred brethren at once; of 

            whom the greater part remain unto 

            this present, but some are fallen as-  


p    7 After that, he was seen of James; 

            then of all the apostles. 

c    8 And last of all he was seen of me

            also, as of one born out of due time.

                                     First Corinthians chapter fifteen.

Did Paul tell the Corinthians that more than 500 Brethren were witnesses to Jesus and his Resurrection?  Did they have the same mind as Peter and John did?  “We cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard.”  Did more than 500 Brethren see Jesus after his Resurrection?  Did more than 500 Brethren hear Jesus speak after his Resurrection?  Did more than 500 Brethren give testimony “based upon first hand knowledge”?  Has God ever left himself without witness?  [Acts 14:17]. 

The term “first hand knowledge” does not seem to be found in 1843 Bouvier.  The term “first hand knowledge” does not seem to appear in any edition of Bouvier’s Law Dictionary, the last of which was 1914.  The term “hearsay” appears in 1843 Bouvier, the 2nd Edition, under the entry for EVIDENCE : 

           [  7  ]   5.  Hearsay, is the evidence of those who

     relate, not what they know themselves, but what they

     have heard from others.  Vide Hearsay.

                                          1843 Bouvier.  p. 529. 

        EVIDENCE, HEARSAY, in practice.   The mere decla-

     rations of third persons as to a fact, are called hearsay evi-

     dence.  Such mere recitals or assertions cannot be received

     in evidence, for many reasons, but principally for the fol-

     lowing:  first that the party making such declaration is not

     on oath; and, secondly, because the party against whom it

     operates, has no opportunity for cross examination.  1 Phil

     Ev. 185.  ...

                                          Ibid.,  p. 532-533. 

(Acts 1:8).  In the first chapter of The Acts Jesus, assembled together with the Apostles after his passion, commanded them not to depart from Jerusalem until they were “baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days hence”.  

              8 But ye shall receive power, after

            that the Holy Ghost is come up-

            on you:  and ye shall be witnesses 

      unto me both in Jerusalem, and in 

            all Judaea, and in Samaria, and un-

            to the uttermost part of the earth. 

                                     Acts chapter one. 

Did the Apostles become “witnesses” whose testimony was made upon “first hand knowledge”?  Had they all both “seen and heard” what Jesus did and spoke?

(Acts 2:32-33).  Ten days later at Pentecost the Galileans “were all with one accord in one place”.  And Peter in the Pentecost Sermon said: 

p    32 This Jesus hath God raised up, 

            whereof we all are witnesses. 

c    33 Therefore being by the right hand

            of God exalted, and having received

            of the Father the promise of the Holy

            Ghost, he hath shed forth this, which

            ye now see and hear

                                     Acts chapter two. 

“Which ye now see and hear.”  Are all who attended Pentecost, and saw and heard the tongues, witnesses whose testimony was based on first hand knowledge?  Were they witnesses seeing “cloven tongues like as of fire” and hearing Galileans speak to them each in their own tongue wherein they were born?  Were they as Peter and John and the Apostles?  “For we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard.” [Acts 4:20].  Are the Courts of Heaven the Courts of Haven?  Do American Courts strive to counterfeit the Courts of Heaven?  Are Sheep deceived by the Counterfeit?  Does the Counterfeit always persecute the Genuine?  Did the American Supreme Court on the last day of the 2021-2022 Session hand down 5 of 6 Decisions to keep the Counterfeit credible, much to the dismay of the Bolshevik supporters of the Beijing Biden Regime, CCP West (Chinese Communist Party West)? 

(Acts 3:13-18).  When Peter and John went up into the Temple at the ninth hour, the hour of prayer, a man, lame from his mother’s womb, asked alms of them at the Beautiful gate.  Peter and John, looking upon him, said, “Look on us.”  The lame man gave heed.  Peter said, “Silver and gold have I none, but such as I have give I thee:  In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk.” [verse 6]. 

The lame man entered into the Temple with them, leaping and walking, praising God.  As the lame man held Peter and John all the people ran together unto them on Solomon’s Porch.  Peter addressed the people, “Ye men of Israel,” and denied the man’s healing was as though by their own power or holiness. 

c    13 The God of Abraham, and of  

            Isaac, and of Jacob, the God of our

            fathers hath glorified his Son Jesus

            whom ye delivered up, and denied

            him in the presence of Pilate, when

            he was determined to let him go. 

p    14 But ye denied the Holy One and

            the Just, and desired a murderer to

            be granted unto you: 

c    15 And killed the Prince of life,  

            whom God hath raised from the dead,

            whereof we are witnesses. 

p    16 And his name, through faith in   

            his name hath made this man strong,   whom ye see and know:  yea, the

            faith which is by him hath given him

            this perfect soundness in the presence

            of you all. 

c    17 And now, brethren, I wot that

      through ignorance ye did it as did also

            your rulers. 

p    18 But those things, which God before

            had shewed by the mouth of all his pro-

            phets, that Christ should suffer, he hath

            so fulfilled. 

                                     Acts chapter three. 

(Verse 15).  “And killed the Prince of life, whom God hath raised from the dead, whereof we are witnesses.”  Did Paul tell the people that they were, along with them, witnesses to the legal murder of Jesus Christ?  (Verse 17).  Did Peter tell them we and the rulers murdered Christ through ignorance?  As witnesses, was their testimony based upon first hand knowledge? 

In Acts 5, we find lying to the Holy Ghost was summarily punished, and great fear and respect toward the Church reigned among the believers and all who heard. The Lord wrought many signs and wonders among the people by the hands of the Apostles.  And the Apostles and people “were all with one accord in Solomon’s Porch.” [Verse 12].  Multitudes of men and women, believers, were added to the Lord.  From the cities round about Jerusalem came the sick and those vexed with unclean spirits, “and they were healed everyone.” [Verse 16].  The High Priest and all the sect of the Sadducees were filled with indignation and committed the Apostles into the common prison.  The Lord’s angel busted them out, and commanded the Apostles, “Go, stand and speak in the temple to the people all the words of this life.” [Verse 20].  In the morning the Chief Priests called the council together and all the senate of the children of Israel.  They sent to the prison to bring the Apostles before them.  (Acts 5:27-33).  The Captain of the Temple found the prison secure but no man within.  An informant told them on the heels of the Captain’s report that the prisoners were standing in the Temple teaching the people.  The Captain with the officers brought them without violence, for they feared the people would stone them. 

p    27 And when they had brought them

            they set them before the council:  and

            the high priest asked them, 

c    28 Saying, Did not we straitly com-

            mand you that ye should not teach in

            this name?  and behold ye have filled

            Jerusalem with your doctrine, and in-

            tend to bring this man’s blood upon us.

p    29 Then Peter and the other Apostles

            answered and said, We ought to obey 

            God rather than men. 

c    30 The God of our fathers raised up

            Jesus, whom ye slew and hanged on a


p    31 Him hath God exalted with his  

            right hand to be a Prince and a Sa-

            viour, for to give repentance to Israel,

            and forgiveness of sins. 

c    32 And we are his witnesses of these

            things;  and so is also the Holy Ghost 

            whom God hath given to them that

            obey him. 

p    33 When they heard that they were

            cut to the heart, and took counsel to

            slay them. 

                                     Acts chapter five. 

A doctor of the law and a Pharisee on the council, interposed and told them by 3 examples how that if this counsel or work be of men it will come to nothing.  If it be of God ye cannot overthrow it and fight God.  The assembly agreed, called for the Apostles, beat them, and commanded them not to speak in the name of Jesus, and released them.  The Apostles rejoiced they were worthy to suffer shame for Jesus’ name, “and daily in the temple and in every house, they ceased not to teach and preach Jesus Christ.” [Verse 42]. 

(Back to Verse 32).  Did Peter and the other Apostles tell the Senate of the children of Israel they and the Holy Ghost were “witnesses”?  Did the Apostles and the Holy Spirit give testimony based upon first hand knowledge?  For all of us who are witnesses giving testimony based upon first hand knowledge:  have we become like unto the Apostles and the Holy Spirit?  “For we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard”?

(Acts 10:37-41).  In Caesarea Peter visited the household of Cornelius, a centurion of the Italian band.  Peter found many gathered at Cornelius’ house.  He said God had showed him he should call no man “common or unclean”.  He preached God had sent “the word” unto the sons of Israel, “preaching peace by Jesus Christ (he is Lord of all)”: 

c    37 That word, I say, ye know, which

            was published throughout all Judaea,

            and began from Galilee, after the bap-

            tism which John preached. 

p    38 How God anointed Jesus of Naz-

            areth with the Holy Ghost and with    

            power:  and healing all that were op-

            pressed of the devil:  for God was

            with him.

c    39 And we are witnesses of all

            things which he did, both in the land

            of the Jews, and in Jerusalem; whom

            they slew and hanged on a tree; 

p    40 Him God raised up the third day,

      and shewed him openly; 

c    41 Not to all the people, but unto  

      witnesses chosen before of God, even

            to us, who did eat and drink with  

            him after he rose from the dead. 

                                     Acts chapter ten. 

(Verse 41).  “Witnesses chosen before of God.”  Did those Witnesses “eat and drink with him after he rose from the dead”?  “Seen and heard”?  What makes testimony from a witness reliable?  Is it testifying truthfully based upon first hand knowledge? 

(Mark Matthew 28:2-4).  Among all the attempts to deny the Resurrection, do they all mirror the attempt at the very beginning?!  What happened to the watch, the Temple Guards, the keepers at Jesus’ Tomb? 

c    2 And behold there was a great ear-

            thquake:  for the angel of the Lord 

            descended from heaven, and came  

            and rolled back the stone from the

            door, and sat upon it. 

p    3 His countenance was like light-  

            ning, and his raiment white as snow:  

c    4 And for fear of him the keepers did

            shake, and became as dead men

                                     Matthew chapter twenty eight. 

“The keepers did shake and became as dead men.”  Did the keepers see and hear?  How awesome is this (!) to have first hand knowledge of The Resurrection?!  (Phillipians 3: 8-11).  Did Paul write that he counted earthly gains as dung that he might win Christ and know Him and the power of his resurrection?  

c    8 Yea doubtless, and I count all    

            things but loss for the excellency

            of the knowledge of Christ Jesus

            my Lord:  for whom I have suffer-

            ed the loss of all things, and do   

            count them but dung, that I may  

            win Christ, 

p    9 And be found in him, not hav-

            ing mine own righteousness,  

            which is of the law, but that which

            is through the faith of Christ, the 

            righteousness which is of God by faith. 

c    10 That I may know him, and the  

            power of his resurrection, and the 

            the fellowship of his sufferings, be-

            ing made conformable unto his death.  

p    11 If by any means I might attain un- 

            to the resurrection of the dead. 

                                     Philippians chapter three. 

“That I may know him and the power of his resurrection.”  (back to Matthew 28).  The 1st day of the week the women came to the tomb, as it began to dawn.  The Angel that sat on the Stone told them Jesus was going into Galilee and they would see him there.  As they were going to tell the Disciples, Jesus met them and told them to tell the Disciples to go into Galilee where they would see Him.  If we had been one of the keepers, one of the Temple watch, what would be our Testimony?  (28:11-14). 

c    11 Now when they were going, be-

            hold, some of the watch came into 

            the city, and shewed unto the chief

            priests all the things that were done.

p    12 And when they were assembled 

            with the elders, and had taken coun-

            sel, they gave large money unto the


c    13 Saying,  Say ye, His disciples came

            by night and stole him away while we


p    14 And if this come to the governor’s

            ears, we will persuade him, and secure


                                     Matthew chapter twenty eight. 

(Verse 13).  “Say ye, His disciples came by night and stole him away while we slept.”  Do we see anything wrong with that Testimony?  Did the keepers at the sepulcher   have first hand knowledge of the Resurrection?  What did some do with that first hand knowledgeDid they lie against the truth of the Resurrection?   

Did all the keepers, did every member of the Watch, take the bribe?  What would happen if one or more of the keepers did not take the bribe and did not lie against the truth of the Resurrection?!  (28:11).  Did every member of the Watch, report to the chief priests

             11 Now when they were going, be- 

            hold some of the watch came into

            the city, and shewed unto the chief

            priests all the things that were done.

                                     Matthew chapter twenty eight. 

Some of the watch came into the city.”  Where did the others go?  Did some become convicted, and leave the lies of the organized church?  Is there always a remnant?

Why did the chief priests give “large money”?  Are the rich usually reluctant to part with their riches?  Did the 2000 Mules get paid enough to retire for Life?  Why did the chief priests and the elders have to destroy the report of the Angel who rolled away the Stone, and sat upon it?  If the Angel did not do it, would the chief priests and elders have to tell the keepers to say some other did it?  How about blaming Jesus’ Disciples for stealing the body?  (Matthew 27:62-66).  Did the chief priests and Pharisees try to head off this trouble on the 1st day of Unleavened Bread?

c    62 Now the next day, that followed

            the day of the preparation, the chief

            priests and the Pharisees came toge-

            ther unto Pilate,

p    63 Saying,  Sir, we remember that   

            that deceiver said, while he was yet

            alive, After three days I will rise  


c    64 Command therefore that the sepul-

            chre be made sure until the third day,

            lest his disciples come by night, and 

            steal him away, and say unto the peo-

            ple, He is risen from the dead:  so the

            last error shall be worse than the first. 

p    65 Pilate said unto them, Ye have a  

            watch:  go your way, make it as sure 

            as ye can. 

c    66 So they went, and made the sepul-

            chre sure, sealing the stone, and setting

            a watch. 

                                     Matthew chapter twenty seven. 

(Verse 64).  “So the last error shall be worse than the first.”  No Grave could keep His body down!!  Did sealing the stone, and setting the watch prevent the Resurrection?  The chief priests and the elders receive tithes and offerings under a clever counterfeit Law of Moses that Jesus exposed at every turn with His preaching! Their Income River from this, and The Feasts, was so wide they could not see from one bank to the other! Who needs or wants the Resurrection?  (Matthew 19:23).  What did Jesus say about “a rich man”

             23 Then said Jesus unto his disciples,

            Verily I say unto you, That a rich man

            shall hardly enter into the kingdom of


                                     Matthew chapter nineteen. 

The Last Thing on Earth the chief priests and elders needed is fulfilled Prophecy of the Resurrection!  It would expose them as The Counterfeit and show Jesus to be The Genuine Christ!  (John 12:9-13).  Did the chief priests and the elders have reason to worry about losing their power base and income?  

c      9 Much people of the Jews there- 

            fore knew that he was there:  and 

            they came not for Jesus’ sake only, 

            but that they might see Lazarus also,

            whom he had raised from the dead. 

p    10 But the chief priests consulted   

            that they might put Lazarus also to


c    11 Because that by reason of him   

            many of the Jews went away, and be-

            lieved on Jesus. 

p    12 On the next day much people

            that were come to the feast, when

            they heard that Jesus was coming to


c    13 Took branches of palm trees, and

            went forth to meet him, and cried, 

            Hosanna:  Blessed is the King of Is-

            rael, that cometh in the name of the 


Many of us will recall that the cry of the multitude fulfilled the prophecy in the 118th Psalm (verse 26).  And when he sat on a young ass and entered Jerusalem on the palms He fulfilled the prophecy at Zechariah 9:9!  (vv. 16-19).    [stand].  

c    16 These things understood not his

            disciples at the first:  but when Je-

            sus was glorified, then remembered

            they that these things were written 

            of him, and that they had done these

            things unto him. 

p    17 The people therefore that was

            with him when he called Lazarus out

            of his grave, and raised him from the

            dead, bare record. 

c    18 For this cause the people also met 

            him, for that they heard that he had

            done this miracle. 

p    19 The Pharisees therefore said      

            among themselves,  Perceive ye how 

            ye prevail nothing?  behold the world

            is gone after him. 

                                     John chapter twelve. 

Does the counterfeit always persecute the genuine?  Were they at the cliff’s edge of losing everything, both power and income stream?  (Back to Matthew 28:12-13).   Can we imagine what went on in that synod of the chief priests and the elders as they struggled to fabricate a believable Lie that would nuke this claim of Resurrection?! 

p    12 And when they were assembled

            with the elders, and had taken coun-

            sel, they gave large money unto the 


c    13 Saying,  Say ye, His disciples  

            came by night, and stole him away

            while we slept. 

                                     Matthew chapter twenty eight. 

(Verse 13).  There it is.  That is The Lie! The Lie against the Resurrection!  Is that Lie hard to memorize?  Does that solve their every problem?  What did their Lie require of the chief priests and elders? 

(Verse 12).  Why did the chief priests and elders have to give “large money”?  Did the chief priests and elders give “large money unto the soldiers”?  Why?!   What did the chief priests and elders have to do to give The Lie against the Resurrection credence?  Plausible Denial!! 

What happens to soldiers caught sleeping on guard duty?  Court Martial!!!  What soldier ever lives that shame down?

Are these Temple soldiers fired?  Is the entire Watch at Jesus’ Tomb gone?  If they are all promoted, what happens to The Lie, “while we slept”?  Does the Lie lose credence?  If the Watch is awake, how do Jesus’ disciples come by night and steal his body away?  Do we have our [thinking caps] on?  Is “large money unto the soldiers” qualifying early on the pension plan?  Was “large money” chump change for the priests and elders? 

Look back at verse 11.  Did every member of the Watch at Jesus’ Tomb report in to the chief priests?  Does verse 11 say,  “some of the watch came into the city”?

Were a few of the Watch at Jesus’ Tomb suddenly disillusioned with working to defend the counterfeit  Is organized religion of our day counterfeit?  Is there anything new under the sun?  Did the Temple Watch, that went not into the city, give testimony based upon first hand knowledge?  Did they say why they no longer work there?

How on God’s green earth can the bribed soldiers testify “His disciples came by night and stole him away”, when they were sleeping?!!  Are witnesses that testify to events that occurred, while they were asleep, reliable? 

Of all that is in this world, what do liars most fervently desire?  Do liars fervently desire their lies to be successful truth claims?  What liar does not want his lie believed?!  Were the chief priests, elders, and the keepers cornered into the only lie that had any chance to be believed?  According to their narrative, sleeping on guard  duty barred them from preventing Jesus’ disciples from stealing the body away.  Can we see that “His disciples came by night, and stole him away while we slept” is testimony not based upon first hand knowledge?!  For that reason, is their claim a claim that eats itself?  Is their claim a self-refuting claim?  Does it make any more sense than a cannibal eating himself?  


Acts 4:18-20  “things which we have seen and heard.”

1828 Webster’s 1st American Dictionary of the English Language.  KNOWLEDGE

1828 Webster.  KNOW. 

Luke 24:45-48.  “ye are witnesses of these things.”

Luke 24:33.  “the eleven gathered together, and them that were with them.”

1 Corinthians 15:4-8.  “seen of above five hundred brethren”. 

[Acts 14:17].  Has God ever left himself without witness? 

1843 Bouvier, 2nd Ed., page 529.  “hearsay”. 

Ibid., pages 532-533.  EVIDENCE, HEARSAY, in practice. 

Acts 1:8.  “ye shall be witnesses.”

Acts 2:32-33.  “we all are witnesses”. 

[Acts 4:20].  “we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard”. 

Acts 3:13-18.  v. 15:  “we are witnesses”. 

Acts 5:27-33.  v. 32:  “we are his witnesses of these things”. 

[Acts 5:42].  “ceased not to preach and teach”. 

Acts 10:37-41.  v. 41:  “witnesses chosen before of God ”. 

Matthew 28:2-4.  “for fear of him the keepers did shake”. 

Philippians  3:8-11.  “know him, and the power of his resurrection”. 

Matthew 28:11-14.  “His disciples came by night and stole him away while we slept.”

Matthew 28:11.  “Some of the watch came into the city”. 

Matthew 27:62-66.  v. 65:  “Ye have a watch.” 

Matthew 19:23.  “a rich man”. 

John 12:9-13.  v. 11:  “many of the Jews went away, and believed on Jesus”. 

John 12:16-19.  v. 19:  “the world is gone after him”. 

Matthew 28:12-13.  “we slept”.