The Power of Faith
by Pastor Brian Jones
Passover Service: April 6, 2014
Scripture Reading: James 1:1-8
We need strength and there is power in your faith! Stand strong; stand firm; our faith will make us strong.
Available in audio only. Scriptures discussed:
- Romans 8:35-39 We all will have trials
- Galatians 2:20 Christ liveth in me
- James 2:17-26 Do your works show what you believe?
- Luke 7:36 The more we forgive, the more love we have
- John 5:1-20 What is stronger ... circumstance or fath? You are made stronger with faith
- Luke 22:31-34 Fear of proclaiming your faith
- I Corinthians 13:2 If you don't have love, you have nothing
- Ecclestiastes 4:9-10 Lift up one another
- Hebrew 11:24-25 Choose your own rather than choose sin for a season. People don't drop their faith despite tribulation
- Galatians 1:6-10 Are you going to please God or men?
- Phllippians 2:12 Take the effror to seek the truth and find His Will
- Matthew 8:5-12 Do we believe, stand for and proclaim our faith?
- Hebrews 4:1-2 Don't hear the truth and not act on it. Truth matters! Do not be lukewarm; be strong in your faith
- Philippians 2:1 Esteeming others builds their faith.
- John 13:1-5 Show humbleness; wash one another's feet
- James 4:6 Humility = growing in grace and in Christ
- Jude 1:3-4 Watch out for Pharisees. Contend for the faith
- Acts 14:22 Your faith will be tested
- Revelation 14:9 Patience of the saints who had the faith of Jesus
- John 5:39-47 Moden churches know His name, know His story, BUT DO NOT KNOW HIM.