Overcomers of What?

by Pastor Mark Downey

An examination of the end-time overcomers from a Christian Identity perspective.

Part 1:  The role of the overcomer between the fall of Babylon and the Kingdom of God.  The foremost qualification for being an overcomer from a Christian Identity perspective.

Part 2:  Overcoming is the spiritual business of networking the Truth, which is fraught with dangers as well as rewards.  The overcomer has victory in defeating the world.

Exclusiveness Part 6

Copied from the Sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

August 14, 2016

Scripture Reading  Galatians 3:28:  “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female; for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.”

Most Christians believe what the Muslims and Jewish religions believe about the origin of all the races.  They say that all humans come from Adam and Eve.  Some say that Adam was a black man, others reason that he was a tannish color.  They all conclude that there is only one race and interracial marriage should not be forbidden because we are all one race and of the same kind.  Why do Christian Identity students disagree with this belief and say that it is a major doctrine of our enemies?

Make America Born Again

Sermon notes of Pastor Mark Downey

August 7, 2015

Scripture Reading:  Isaiah 51:1-4 

The ulterior motive for today's title is nothing more than a hook; more precisely, a fishing net. “And He [Jesus] said to them, Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men” Mt. 4:19. Biblical fishing “gathers the good into vessels, but cast the bad away” Mt. 13:48. The theme of the recent 4 day GOP convention (2016) had four permutations of Trump's “Make America Great Again” slogan, which were: make America safe again, make America work again, make America first again and make America one again. I thought I heard that the last night would be 'Make America Born Again,' but I was mistaken. Nevertheless, I thought: Wow what a wonderful Christian punctuation to an otherwise secular “interfaith” kumbaya fest, even though “born again” is one of the worst translations in the Bible causing untold damage to the real “lost sheep of the house of Israel.” And I'll get into that later as well as who or what makes America anything, what is the right work for America and what do we mean by “one.” But, the whole idea of making America one thing or another has been the ideology of many facets of the American political/religious landscape; when it should only be the Christian Identity of our founding fathers; who understood the racial theocracy at its inception or rather conception, because America was the rebirth of true Israel, not the antichrist jews in 1948. We must ponder whether God will make America America again or whether the antichrists will make America Babylon again. Well, America is up to its eyeballs in Babylon if you look in any direction. We are lost again. But, there is solace in knowing that Babylon is destined for a fall.

Exclusiveness Part 5

Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

July 31, 2016

Scripture Reading: Galatians 3:28

The Democratic National Convention started on Monday. What a day that was. It should be called the Anti-Christ National Convention or the Jewish National Convention.

  • Monday was Jewish day. The big speaker was first lady, Michelle Obama.
  • Tuesday was family and friends day. The big speaker was husband, Bill.
  • Wednesday was black support day. The big speaker was President Barack Obama or Barry Soetoro.
  • Thursday was Hillary day. The big speaker was herself.

Jews were very prominent at the Convention. Look at what happened on Monday:

Dallas Malice

Sermon notes of Pastor Mark Downey

July 24, 2016

Scripture Reading: Revelation 18:23-24

It's become rather self evident lately that Babylon is spiking the frequency of headline violence. By spiking I mean the addition of intoxicants into adult beverages. They are serving spiked drinks and drinks are on the house... of cards. 'House of cards' is an idiom going back to 1645 and means a tiered structure, plan, organization or argument built on a weak foundation or precarious balancing act with the slightest wrong move putting it in a constant state of imminent collapse if a necessary element is removed, which is often overlooked or unappreciated. What has been removed from our society? It is God. Have public and private schools fallen apart because of forced integration and the removal of prayer and our Bible? Only a blind fool could not see the spike in teen violence, suicide, drug and alcohol abuse, illicit pregnancy and divorce. Even America's first dictator, Abe Lincoln, knew the consequences: “The philosophy of the school room in one generation will become the philosophy of government in the next.” it has. K-12 years of Marxist indoctrination has created a state-of-mind communist wrapped in red, white and blue mobocracy.

The religion of secular humanism is taught in the schools today whereby right and wrong, moral and immoral behavior, is a matter of a so called free will. Children are thus allowed to self-approve their lifestyle of sin. “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law” said an occult Satanist. But, the God of the White race said, "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you from being My priest. Since you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children. Hosea 4:6. Our children have been taught the philosophy to love all races and religions contrary to the Word of God. If a child today deviates from what the government deems correct, they are labeled with the 'hate' tag. They are nurtured to fear the government. But, the Bible says, "The fear of the Lord is to hate evil” Prov. 8:13. Conversely, the fear of today's government is to love evil. The flip-flop of calling good evil and evil good is a clear and present danger.

Exclusiveness Part 4

Compiled from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

July 17, 2016

Scripture Reading: Galatians 3:28:  “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female; for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.”

There are many verses that contain the phrase “Jew and Gentile”, or “Jew and Greek.” Look at this one from the book of Romans:

Romans 1:16: “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ; for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth, to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.”

What is the meaning of Jew and Greek? This message will go  into the differences of what most Judeo-Christian churches teach and  what we believe is the truth. One must identify the pronouns that are used in various verses; one must find the antecedents of the  pronouns.

Manufacturing Surrender

Sermon notes of Pastor Mark Downey

July 10, 2016

Scripture Reading:  Romans 12:1-2

Where there's smoke, there's fire and where there's fire, there's light. Where there's smoke and mirrors, there's a jew and none dare call it a conspiracy. For those who wish to wave the white flag of defeatism and promise in their heart that they will no longer fight, because someone in authority says you can't, then this message is for you. For those who love the God of Creation and whose comfort zone isn't too great to exercise the mentality of a challenge to the status quo, then this message is for you also. Let's go ahead and spoil some liberal and kosher conservative's day by reciting some factual history shall we? Even though they, the republicrats, are at the heart of an insidious memory hole. America is a very unique nation in the history of mankind in an experiment to fuse God given rights with the governments of man. Most White nations in history have failed because inalienable rights have submitted to an alien authority. A vicarious power structure causes the choice between whom we will serve. “And if it seem evil unto you to serve the Lord, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord” Joshua 24:15. The Hebrew word for serve is abad (#5647) and means “to work.” For whom and for what do we labor in this life? It is “For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ” Eph. 4:12

Exclusiveness Part 3

Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

July 3, 2016

Scripture Reading: Galatians 3:28

Let’s look at these two Bible verses:

Leviticus 20:13“If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abominationthey shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.”

What does this verse say? Fill in the blank:

  • Homosexuality is ______________.
    1. Something to take pride in.
    2. An abomination.
  • The two participants in this act are _________.
    1. To be mourned if they are killed.
    2. To be put to death by the righteous government.

But many Christians take the position that there is something wrong with Christianity. It’s called the Old Testament.  Are you familiar with that homophobic, murdering text?  Most Christians called it the Jewish text and say that it does not apply to Christians.  It was part of another dispensation.  But it is right there with the Ten Commandments!

So, let’s look at a New Testament verse:

Revelation 21:27: “And there shall in no way enter into it [New Jerusalem] anything that defileth, neither he that worketh abomination, or maketh a lie, but they who are written in the Lamb’s book of life.”

What is he doing that works an abomination?  One abomination is the practice of sodomy or homosexuality.  The Bible says the LGBT—the lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgendered will not be in the New Jerusalem.  

If the Bible teaches that all LGBTs are an abomination to the LORD, then how are they the choir directors, pastors, assistant pastors, or even members of local churches?  How are the so-called “Christian” churches reacting?  Let’s look at some of the churches on both sides of the argument. 

‘Gay Pride Week’ in Boston – what the media didn’t report

Recommended by Pastor Elmore; a new link about fighting transgenderism. Warning:  adult material, not for children.  Graphic pictures.

‘Gay Pride Week’ in Boston – what the media didn’t report
Public assault on society, Christianity, public health, traditional norms.
So what’s new? It’s time for us to be honest.
Watch an 8 1/2-minute MassResistance video to see what “Gay Pride” week in Boston was really all about.


Whorlando Changes Nothing

Sermon notes of Pastor Mark Downey

June 26, 2016

Scripture Reading: John 3:19-21

A mongrel pervert and winner of this year's highest body count at a “gay” bar with an AR-15 has popped the bubble in a venue that has touted itself as “the happiest place on earth,” Orlando, Florida, home of Disney World, that has hosted a “gay” pride day for many years.  The word gay used to mean happy, but cultural Marxism has made sure to call good evil and evil good in this day and age of political correctness.  An unprecedented spotlight is now shining on what may be considered “the gayest place on earth” at least as far as political expediency and intrigue of the establishment oligarchy.  One could just as easily change the name of the entertainment complex on steroids to Dismal World as a 2 year old toddler was snatched and killed by an alligator during the same week as “the Pulse” nightclub for perverts and mongrels, who staged a false flag operation, following the pattern of other sloppy crisis actors pretending to shock the public with gratuitous and preposterous violence better left to Hollywood and Disney films.  But, a film of glazed vision blurs the sight of those who worship television and movies, the exclusive domain of antichrist jewry and the god Miramax.  And God is not happy with communities that are trying their damnedest to outdo Sodom and Gomorrah.  Through all of this, rest assured, God is not mocked.