Two Nations in One Womb

Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

April 24, 2016

Scripture Reading:  Genesis 25:21-23

It had been twenty years since Isaac and Rebekah had been married.  And they had no children.  So, Isaac, the husband, went to his covenant God and asked Him to help his wife get pregnant.  Isaac was the only covenant child of his father, Abraham, so he had to have children, but he didn’t.  How could Abraham become the father of many nations if his one covenant son had no children?  God did answer his prayers; in fact, Rebekah became pregnant with twins. 

But Isaac’s wife had a problem with her pregnancy.  It seemed like the two future children in her womb were fighting.   So, she went to her covenant God and asked Him about this situation.  God’s reply was:

  • She was carrying in her womb two boys who would become two nations.
  • The descendants of these two nations would become two different manner of people.
  • One nation would be stronger than the other one.
  • The first born would serve the second born.

The first born was named Esau while the younger son was Jacob.  So, Esau would serve Jacob.  Both nations would have to be in existence for one to serve the other!

What nation did the descendants of these two twin boys become?  How different were the mannerism of these two nations?  And did Isaac and Rebekah love both twin boys equally?  The Bible answers that politically correct question with an absolute no!  For “…Isaac loved Esau, because he did eat of his venison:  but Rebekah loved Jacob” (Genesis 25:28).  It was a split household.

The Future of Prophecy Part 10

Sermon notes of Pastor Mark Downey

April 16, 2016

Scripture Reading: Revelation 11:3-12

In this last chapter of our series, 'The Future of Prophecy,' it is sobering and awe-inspiring to think that we might be the generation that will witness the most important fulfillment of prophecy in the history of mankind.  We should “Count it all joy, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith results in endurance” James 1:2-3.  If this is the end of the age (not the world), then there's still a rough road ahead.  There are some prophecies that could not have been fulfilled until this generation, simply because of the primitive communications of times past and the recent advances in technology to connect the entire planet with unheard of speed and efficiency.  With that thought, let us consider Jesus prophesying a great fear among people worldwide, outlining calamities that would increase in magnitude and frequency (Mt. 24:7 i.e. “there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places”).  Therefore, to discern the fulfillment of these disasters, people must have the means to know and react to them.   Modern electronics now facilitates “an increase in knowledge” (Daniel 12:4).  Without this blessing of invention from above, Christian Identity would not be possible.  “And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come” Mt. 24:14.  All Aryan nations shall be informed of their identity and all mongrel nations shall turn against the White race.  That's what we're seeing in 2016 with outrageous calls for the elimination of the White race and the implementation of flooding White nations with strangers and their strange gods.

Jesus or Bel?

Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

April 10, 2016

Scripture Reading: Jeremiah 10:4-6

Just like these ancient Israel Baal worshippers, who lived in the kingdom of Judah, we are a society that is engaged in child sacrifice.  We call it “abortion”, but the motives are still the same.  If an unplanned or unwanted pregnancy comes along, we have a mechanism “for getting rid of it” just like they did. 

Since Roe vs. Wade was decided in 1973, we have slaughtered more than 24 million of our own children.  I would venture to say that the ancient Israelite Baal worshippers never got quite that much blood on their own hands.  In plain English, I do not think that they murdered as many babies as we have!

But what’s going on in this world?  The best-known account regarding Baal in Scripture is the showdown between his priests and the God-fearing prophet Elijah at Mount Carmel. It was in the kingdom of Israel, that Elijah challenged 450 of Baal’s priests—whichever god answered the call to send fire down from the sky would be declared the true God. When the LORD answered Elijah, sending enough fire to consume offering, altar, and the surrounding water, the people worshiped the LORD and put the prophets of Baal to death (1 Kings 18).

The Future of Prophecy Part 9

Sermon notes of Pastor Mark Downey

April 3, 2016

Scripture Reading: I John 2:18-26

The average Christian of whatever stripe may wonder how there can be so many interpretations of prophecy.  They can't all be right.  Bible prophecy is the business of predicting the future, sometimes literal and sometimes in figures of speech, and is usually not established until it happens.  Its fulfillment must conform to the elements of the prediction.  A controversy emerges between several schools of eschatology, the study of end time prophecies.  The three major positions are the historicist, the futurist and the preterist.  For our purposes in identifying the truth, the historicist position has been the most widely accepted and accurate means of understanding prophecy in Christian Identity.  Likewise, before the Protestant Reformation, there was no other position than the historicist; as the name implies, it explains God's Word in sacred and secular history, both of which is His Story and proves God is true. The Protestant Reformers understood correctly, events that had come to pass fulfilling the veracity of Scripture. On the other hand, the futurists disregard the past and place the works of God in the distant future.  And then along came the preterists to say all prophecy has come and gone.  The Reformation was a great threat to the RCC and both factions were a danger to jews.  So the jews created an opposition to the historicist view within the church, both Protestant and catholic.  We will see how they spread their confusion, and know them today by their rotten fruit of false interpretations.  The righteousness of prophecy can only be ascertained by identifying the right people in the right time frame of divine prediction.  False prophets have thus rejected God's plan and purposes.

Get Off the Fence

by Pastor Brian Jones

March 27, 2016

Scripture Reading: Psalms 2:1-6

God's Way versus the world's way.  God chose the elect of Israel and that is why we are different.  Love not the world.  The world will try to pull you into its sin, including pulling you away from God's law and His covenant and rejoices when even one person falls away from the covenant.  Get off the fence and quit wrestling with God.  Your body is a temple to God and it is NOT yours!  Read the Bible and examine yourselves.  Truth only works if you accept it.  Grow in God.  Open your Bible, read it and KNOW it.  God knows that you will stumble, but He will correct you.  Ensure that you are clothed in white because the wedding garment is a sign of purity and is CRITICAL to God.   White is the ONLY acceptable color of the wedding garment.  God did not divorce the world, but only the 10 Tribes of the House of Israel.  God will remarry ONLY the Covenant people.


By Pastor Don Elmore

March 27, 2016

Passover was a special time for the special people known as the covenant people of God.  They were the ones, the ONLY ones, who experienced the first Passover.  Their time in Egypt was expressed in the covenant that God made with their father, Abram and later Abraham.

OZ: Behind the Curtain Part 2

Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

March 20, 2016

Scripture Reading: Psalm 83:1-6a

Psalm 83 lists 10 nations as the enemy of the Covenant people of God and those enemies now reside in the modern day countries of Lebanon, Syria, Turkey, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, United Arab Emirates, Jordan, Egypt, Libya, Sudan, Morocco, Tunisia, etc., and the pseudo-nation of Palestine --IsraeLie.  And people from these countries live in practically all countries of the earth in this multi-cultural world we now live in.  To put it into modern language, the Jew is the head of this Confederation.

OZ: Behind the Curtain

Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

Part 1:  Who was the "brains of the Confederacy? Who held three major positions in the Cofederacy: Attorney General; Secretary of War and Secretary of State. After the War he fled to England where he died a wealthy man. If you don't know the answer; why don't you?

Part 2:  Who was the main cause of the War between the States?  Learn of some of the unknown facts of the American Civil War.

The Establishment

Sermon notes of Pastor Mark Downey

March 13, 2016

Scripture Reading: II Thessalonians 2:1-4

I've been writing about “The Establishment” for decades and decided to dedicate a sermon, not to the Establishment, but to the establishment of the Truth.  There is a lot of fanfare and talk of the Establishment in this election year, 2016.  Ever wonder why they call it the Establishment?  Do Christians really yearn for the establishment of the Kingdom of God?  Who or what is the Establishment in the United States?  Well, if we were to synthesize the divine dialectic, the Establishment is not the Kingdom or vice versa.  The antithesis of God's Kingdom is often cited as Babylon.  The Establishment is a hive of secret societies that have connections to the mystery religions and they want the world.  Any Christian worth their salt should know that in prophecy, the Establishment is known as Mystery Babylon.  Well, that was pretty easy to connect those two dots, but what and why is the Establishment doing what they do?  Where and when did this Establishment rear its ugly head in America?  How did they establish themselves as the Establishment?  I'll tell you something: nothing can succeed politically without a spiritual resolve, and by that I don't necessarily mean something good. It can be an evil spirit, a corruption of the soul that becomes the Establishment.  The soul of our nation has become corrupt, because of the Establishment. 

OZ: Behind the Curtain Part 1

Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

March 6, 2016

Scripture Reading: Matthew 2:16

What time was it that Herod had diligently enquired of the wise men?  King Herod was an Edomite, not an Israelite.  He would be known as a Sephardic Jew in today’s world.  He questioned the wise men very thoroughly to find out when the future king was born, so he knew at what age his murderous rage would occur.  The evil king murdered every child that was under the age of 2 years old in about a 10 mile radius!  Why would he murder children under the age of 2 years old if Jesus was a new born infant?  In verse 11 it says that the wise men found the baby Jesus in a house, not a stable.  Does that mean anything?

Why would this Edomite/Jewish King get so upset about the birth of a young child?  Why would he attempt His murder when He was only 2 years old?  He wouldn’t be one that would challenge Herod’s rule for several decades, for He was too young.  And Herod died shortly after this incident, when Jesus was just an infant.  What a vicious hatred the Jews had for the birth of Israel’s king! 

But we live in a different time period.  Our government is similar to the government that was in Judah over 2000 years ago.  Edomite/Jews controlled the kingship, the Pharisees, and the judicial courts.  But ours is sort of like the “Wizard of Oz.”  It is based on deception.  The wizard ruled behind the curtain.  No one knew who he was--he just gave out his instructions over a loud speaker.  Everyone just obeyed his instructions, until the day that he was finally exposed.

That’s the way our government now operates.  There is a “wizard” behind the curtain that tells the elected officials what they are to do and say.  Once one figures that out, they are on their way to understanding what they have to do to save their country from total disaster.  They have to expose the person(s) who is/are giving the instructions, but is behind the curtain.