Biblical History Part 11

"Inherit the Wind"

Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

February 26, 2016

Scripture Reading: Proverbs 11:29

My wife and I saw on the cable channel, two weeks ago, on Turner Classic Movies--Inherit the Wind. I had seen it when it first came out, which was a long, long time ago--1960. That was the year that I graduated from high school. That was so long ago that I forgot almost the entire movie. I just remembered a few of the scenes.

It was a movie that told the story of the Scopes or Monkey Trial that was held in Dayton, Tennessee. I had mistakenly thought, in my own mind, it was Cleveland, Tennessee. But that’s how long ago I saw the movie. It was the trial that depicted Evolution Versus Creation in the public schools.

It's Going to Get Worse; It's Going to Get Better

by Pastor Mark Downey

The commonly accepted perceptions of doom and gloom is examined in contrast to Christian principles of hope and blessings.  Victory over pessimism and how God's plan for the ages spells defeat for the enemies of Jesus Christ.

Part 1:  The commonly accepted perceptions of doom and gloom is examined in contrast to Christian principles of hope and blessings.

Part 2:  Optimism's victory over pessimism and how God's plan for the ages spells defeat for the enemies of Jesus Christ.

Biblical History Part 10

Our Deadly Enemy Part 3

Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

February 12, 2017

Scripture Reading: Jude 1:4

Have you ever wondered, “How did it get this way?”

  • How did gays become one of the most protected peoples on the stage of life?

  • How did illegal immigrants become so popular in the land of legal immigrants?

  • How did the legal system have a bias against the victims of a crime?

  • How did drinking and recreational drugs become so highly promoted in this nation?

  • How did sexual deviance in society become systematically promoted?

  • How did so many of the population become dependent on state benefits?

  • How did the media become so controlled and dumbed-down?

  • How was there an all-out attack on Christianity and the emptying of the churches?

There is nothing that happens unless it is first planned. Who planned this?

Biblical History Part 9

Our Deadly Enemy Part 2

Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

January 29, 2017

Scripture Reading: Titus 1:14

There were at the time that this verse was written, fables--in particular Jewish fables, which the Christian was instructed to pay no attention to. We were warned not to get comfortable with these distortions of truth. Jewish fables or fictions or myths are still very much all around us. Do we still give heed to them?

Esau hates Jacob. Jews hate Israel. The Edomite Jew believes that if all the descendants of Jacob/Israel were no longer alive, then the covenant recipient would have to go back to the one before Jacob, i.e. Esau, because of default. Remember, Esau once was in possession of the covenant and all its blessings, but he despised it. He sold it to his younger twin brother Jacob. And a little later he lost the blessing because Jacob and his mother plotted against him and deceived his father.

It had to be a good deception to fool Jacob’s father, Isaac. For Isaac loved Esau while his wife loved Jacob. Isaac’s eyesight at that time was very bad, so Jacob had to disguise himself as Esau. Fixing the venison wasn’t hard, as his mother helped prepare the meal. But putting goat hairs on his arms and the smooth of his neck and wearing Esau’s goodly raiment convinced Isaac that it had to be Esau because Jacob smelled and felt just like Esau. And the twin boys were so different. Esau was an avid hunter and outdoorsman while Jacob was a shepherd. (Now it is just the opposite—Esau is deceiving Jacob’s descendants that Esau is Jacob.)

Isaac felt the skins of the goat hairs and smelled the raiment that Jacob wore, and that convinced him that Jacob was indeed Esau. It was the only time in the Scriptures that man depended upon his feeling, and he was deceived.

It's Going to Get Worse

by Pastor Mark Downey

Scripture Reading:  I Peter 4:12-14

February 19, 2017

Have you ever heard the phrase 'it's gonna get worse before it gets better'? Of course you have. They've pounded it into our heads more times than the number of McDonald's hamburgers ever made. Speaking of which… have you heard about this documentary movie called 'Super Size Me'? It's about this guy that lives on a McDonald's fast food menu for one month. I guess you could call it the 'Golden Arches Diet'; nothing else but Big Macs, Eggs McMuffins, Chicken McNuggets and greasy fries. This gentleman, being under medical supervision, was almost hospitalized near the end of his little experiment. But, it just goes to show you that things can get worse depending on what you put into your body, mind and spirit. Like junk food, we can feed our heads with mindless mantras of doom 'n gloom.

The Ministry of Truth Opens June 21st

From Free-Man's Perspective Website

This is neither a joke nor an exaggeration. Everything we’ll cover here has already passed both Houses of the US congress and was signed into law by Barack Obama on December 23, 2016. You can find the entire 969 page bill here (PDF). I’ll be quoting (in italics) from Section 1287. Scope This new organ of the state, called the “Global Engagement Center” is of immense scope. Here are some particulars: It will address all information – from anyone – that might affect “national security,” a term which is not defined, meaning that it can be defined however it suits the people in charge. … to recognize, understand, expose, and counter foreign state and non-state propaganda and disinformation efforts aimed at undermining United States national security interests. It is authorized to work with deep state players and their networks of power, which again, are not specified. Analyze relevant information… from United States Government agencies, United States allies and partner nations, think tanks, academic institutions, civil society groups, and other nongovernmental organizations. It will be promoting its own versions of truth. … support the development and dissemination of fact-based narratives and analysis to counter propaganda…

My Perspective

by Pastor Don Elmore

My Response to the Article: The Ministry of Truth Opens June 21st

What is the main battle in life? Is it who wins the Super Bowl? Who wins the Championship? Who wins the election? Is it left verses the right? Progressive verses Conservatism? Communism verses Democracy? How much money will you make? Will you marry the prettiest girl? What is it?

It is the truth that is exposed in the Bible. Most of our people do not read the Bible, so they don’t know. Of the people that read the Bible, many are misled by mistakes in the translations. Most of our people are force fed these mistakes in sermons from their churches that are not really even true churches anymore.

The Ministry of Truth is just another nail in our coffin. Other nails include:

The Justice in Mercy Part 2

Sermon Notes of Pastor Mark Downey with William Finck

February 5, 2017

Scripture Reading: Ephesians 2:1-8 

From today's Scripture reading, we should learn at least one thing: a state of sin is a state of conformity to this world. Wicked men are slaves to the world order; whether old or new beast empires, they're all the same. The adversaries of God are the authors of confusion, of that pride that goes before destruction, of that carnal disposition of “all that is in the world,” which is in the ungodly i.e., the beings which cannot be of God. They may be alive, but they are nothing but death to the White man. They, the children of wrath, live to kill us. They live to spoil us. We are the prey upon which rests the premise that we are just like them and they are just like us. But, God's eternal love is only for one race of people to whom He makes His Covenants. It is the fountain whence all His mercies flow unto us, the children of God and heirs of glory. God's mercy is so rich that all the gold and silver of the earth does not come close to redeeming His chosen. The grace that saves true Israel is the free, undeserved goodness and favor that God looks upon exclusively, not by the works of the Law that was given to one race exclusively (Ps. 147:19-20), but through the exclusive faith in a Kinsman Redeemer. Salvation is by race, to wit “All Israel shall be saved” Romans 11:26. The cold truth is that other so called races will not be saved, and for good reason. They can never have the faith in Christ that saves them. They were never meant to be born to serve God. In fact, God says their gods will be a snare to His elect (Ex. 23:33). The Word of God is immutable: “For I am the Lord, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed” Malachi 3:6. Consumed by whom? The racial alien; the inconvertible stranger; God's enemies. They cannot convert to Christ because Christ said, “My sheep hear My voice, I know them, and they follow Me” John 10:27. Goats are not sheep.

The Justice in Mercy Part 1

Sermon notes of Pastor Mark Downey with William Finck

January 22, 2017

Scripture Reading:  Romans 9:14-18

I recently did a program with William Finck at and this sermon is an extension and enhancement of that broadcast. Thus, I rightly give credit where credit is due for Bill's help in putting the pieces of the puzzle together. In his introduction he stated, “Mercy is the most important component in the providence of God, which must be understood before Christians can understand how all Israel is saved… It is God's will, not man's, that will prevail over His Creation.” This was a tough nut to crack until Bill told me the simple answer to what I thought was perplexing, with one word: “mercy.” And that's all it took for me to begin researching and writing for today's presentation.

Our church recently received a letter with very pointed questions and all of them revolved around the seeming disparity of justice regarding various biblical characters who committed similar offences, but received dissimilar judgments of the Law. I appreciate tough questions that force us to seek answers. As Prov. 27:17 tells us, “iron sharpens iron,” suggesting how learned Christian brethren sharpen one another's minds by conversation.

The Justice in Mercy

by Pastor Mark Downey

The meaning of justice and mercy as it applies to Israel.

Part 1:  Mercy is the most important component in the Providence of God and the most misunderstood element of Scripture, because of its racial message to save all of Israel.

Part 2:  If salvation is exclusive to Israel, then mercy must follow the same race of people that Christ said hear and follow Him.