Biblical History Part 8

Our Deadly Enemy Part 1

Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

January 15, 2017

Scripture Reading:  1 Thessalonians 2:14-15

Two weeks ago, there was a “swastika” spray painted across the welcome sign of Hebrew Union College. Rabbi Daniel Bogard said: “We say ‘not in my country,’ or ‘not in my city,’ or ‘not in my school.’ But this IS our country, and it Is my city, and this IS the quiet and peaceful campus that I spent my rabbinical school years at, defiled with a swastika” (Cincinnati Enquirer, January 6, 2017, Page 8A).

Is the United States a Jewish country? Is Cincinnati a Jewish city? Is that what the Rabbi is saying? It is where the Rabbi spent his years of schooling to learn to become a leader in Judaism. It is where he learned the Talmud. And it is the Talmud that says that the Jews are the chosen people of god and the rest of the people are “goyim.” Do you believe that? Is that true?

When I visited the Hebrew Union College several years ago, I found that the doors to all their campus buildings were locked. You had to buzz someone who was inside the building and identify yourself. You had to tell who you were and what you were going to do there. In my case, I had to explain that I was going to look for a certain pamphlet in the library. It was a little nerve-racking, but I did it, and I was let in. While at the library, I found out a lot of stuff that I didn’t know. It was contrary to what I had been taught. It was quite an interesting library! It had all the Jewish articles about Jewish people and what they have done to push their Communist agenda. It was very progressive and liberal.

A Christian Inaugural Address - 2017

Sermon notes of Pastor Mark Downey

January 8, 2017

Scripture Reading: Proverbs 29:18 “Where there is no vision, the people perish

When was the last time you heard another Christian share a vision with you, that wasn’t floating in the ether of raptured prose or pious platitudes, but rather something of a vision that was down to earth, unpretentious, understandable and provides the kind of hope that foments victory?  Well, this is a sequel to my sermon ‘Jesus Christ for President,’ because I realized what good is that premise without a follow-up as to how things would be should people rally together in their desire for the government of Christ Himself.  Therefore, a vision is a plan with a purpose and a Christian Identity Inaugural address serves the purpose of familiarizing ourselves with what could be our destiny and reality. Unfortunately, our people have been more conditioned and programmed to an apocalyptic end of the world, than an end of the Mystery religions and prophetic Babylon.  I think the point of Christ’s return is that the bride has finally made herself ready. And if we could envision an inaugural address, fictional as it may be, where God’s people Israel are on the verge of renewing her vows of marriage, we may not perish after all.  I have only given this sermon twice before at the time of George W. Bush being crowned for a second term, during the deification of Obama’s second term (2013) and I give it now (1-8-17) just prior to the Trump era beginning January 20th. Let us now prepare our lives for what must come to pass.

This is an inaugural address that Trump should give, but won't.

Biblical History Part 7

With Whom did Jesus Fight?

Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

January 1, 2017

Scripture reading:  Genesis 27:41  “And Esau hated Jacob because of the blessing with which his father [Isaac] blessed him [Jacob]: and Esau said in his heart, The days of mourning for my father are at hand; then will I slay my brother, Jacob.”

We have seen in our Biblical History studies, several different races of people. The Canaanites are one interesting group of people that the Judeo-Christian movement (branch of Roman Catholicism) cannot answer with a consistent view on their issue of equality. The Canaanites became a mongrel mix from Canaan, a descendant of Ham, and the Kenites, who were descended from Cain. Many of these people, in the days of ancient Israel, had very tall and strong giants living among them and mixing with them.

The Judeo-Christian will agree that the Canaanites were to be completely killed by God’s people. They were instructed by God’s own words. He didn’t instruct His people to send missionaries first with the intent to try to convert some of them; but to kill every man, woman, child and infant, including even their animals. There is not one descendant of the Kenites or Canaanites who ever heard [obeyed] the words of God. They are not, even once, referred to as being His sheep.

But the answer of the Judeo-Christian is “That was the Old Testament. We are living in the New. The death of Jesus Christ hadn’t happened yet, and when that occurred a major change happened. One of the major changes was that Jesus’ death was for all races of people from His death forward not backward.”

What? It wasn’t a redemption for anyone who lived prior to His death? Adam? Seth? Noah? Abraham? Isaac? Jacob? Joshua? Samson? Samuel? Joseph? Moses? Judah? David? John the Baptist?; Just to name a few of the millions of God’s people who lived prior to the death of their Kinsman-Redeemer. They were not saved from their sins by the death of Jesus Christ?

The Christmas Meme Must Perish

Sermon notes of Pastor Mark Downey

December 25, 2016

Scripture Reading: Proverbs 26:23-27

There is nothing worse than people who can't tell the difference between blessings and curses, except for perhaps the shepherd who can't tell the difference. Such a mentality completely nullifies the meaning of Deuteronomy 28. In past sermons I have rebuked Christmas biblically; I have reproved Christmas spiritually; I have chastised Christmas lawfully. I can say unequivocally that I hate Christmas with a perfect hatred; I count it an enemy of Christ and the White race. There are some oxymorons in our movement that would have you believe that if you hate Christmas, you're no different than the talmudic antichrists. This is based on the false premise that Christmas is exclusively Christian. On the contrary, it is inclusive of any savage beast that sports a Santa hat or greets you with the proverbial “Meddy Christmas.“ In Christian Identity we prove that only White people, the true descendants of Jacob-Israel, can be Christians. All other missionary fiascos to non-Israelites are an exercise in futility. Christmas is an open invitation for racial and religious tolerance. Those who promote and perpetuate the unchristian Christmas are missionaries of racial reconciliation. Jews consider Christmas a curse, not because they know there is no blessing in it for the White race, but because judaism is a schizophrenic religion. The jew hates Jesus every day of the year, but if they can sell their cheap trinkets during the holidays, they love to cash in on the goyim. Likewise, Muslim radicals love Christmas as a time of the year to get the most propaganda bang out of their bombs. The talking heads at FOX news have been squealing for the last week that “judeo-Christianity is under attack.” And rightly so: God uses His rod of chastisement against His people when the idols of their heart supplant the Divine Law written in our heart. The only blessing for the true Christian is to boycott the Christmas abomination altogether, as you would any other fraud under the color of Christ.

Biblical History Part 6

Jacob's Family

Copied  from the Sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

December  18, 2016

Scripture Reading: Genesis 30:1-2

If you believe that the modern soap operas that are visible on television daily are bad; if you believe that the representatives of the people in the executive, legislative and judicial branches are bad; if you believe that the modern morals of the nation are bad; if you believe that the past three sentences are true, what will you believe about Jacob’s family?

The first two verses in our scriptural reading give us a short glimpse at an ongoing argument between Rachel and Jacob. Rachel was blaming her husband for the fact that she was not bearing him any children. Jacob replied that it wasn’t his fault. He hadn’t closed her womb. What is going on here?

Why is this chapter in the Bible anyway? In fact, why are the details of this very dysfunctional family in the Bible? Jacob had how many wives? Two. And who cares if one wife (Rachel) was jealous of the other wife (Leah)? And the wives were also sisters. And who cares if the other wife (Leah) felt that she was not loved by her husband (Jacob) as much as he loved her sister (Rachel)? And what is the big deal about all the children? What wife bore what child to Jacob?

The Friction Christian

Sermon notes of Pastor Mark Downey

December 11, 2016

Scripture Reading: James 4:7 “Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you

An unknown cowboy, who, judging by his saddle, side arm and rifle was riding the trails circa 1870 or 1880. On the back of this early photograph is simply inscribed “Indian fighter.”They say a picture is worth a thousand words. So I'm going to talk about this unknown cowboy, who, judging by his saddle, side arm and rifle1 was riding the trails circa 1870 or 1880. On the back of this early photograph is simply inscribed “Indian fighter.” The more I look at this young man, the more I can see the disappearing manhood from our heritage of the Aryan warrior, the rugged individual or even the Phinehas priest. His boyish look of a young King David should not be confused with youthful indiscretions. To the contrary, I see a determined lad living a fearless life of Joshua, with faith in his bloodline, boldly running through his veins. He was fighting the Canaanites of his day, in a wilderness-turning Promised Land.

Biblical History Part 5


Copied  from the Sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

December  4, 2016

Scripture Reading:  Jeremiah 10:1-2   “Hear the word which the LORD speaketh unto you, O house of Israel.Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the sign of heaven: for the heathen are dismayed at them.”

I got underwhelmed on Monday (November 21st) when they began to play Christmas music at my workplace, songs like Jingle Bells, Santa Claus is Coming to Town, Silent Night, Noel, White Christmas, etc. Repeatedly they play this Christmas serenade every day, every hour, every minute without ceasing. It will drive me very close to the point of insanity.

This will happen because they will play this mostly secular Christmas music until the second week of January. I thought in my mind that, for sure, there was no way that Christmas was a Christian holiday—it had to be misnamed. Why would the world get so excited about it each year if it was truly a Christian holyday?

Lucifermas should be its correct name, not Christmas.

Giving Thanks

by Pastor Mark Downey

November 27, 2016

Scripture Reading: Psalms 95:1-11

There are multitudes (or should I say mixed multitudes) who have benefited from living in the U.S.A., but cannot or will not attribute those benefits to the Benefactor from whence all blessings flow.  In this message, I’d like to take a look at the history of gratitude in America; specifically the nature of Thanksgiving Day and how it has evolved.  There is something terribly wrong with a White nation that had a Christian beginning, but several hundred years later cannot express the same spirit of thankfulness. 

If we are nearing the end of this age, the so called church age, we should also know that the merchants of Babylon will consider the ‘souls of men’ to have the least value of anything, even below the merchandise of horses and chariots and slaves (Rev. 18:13).  How did we ever mutate to such a level of decadence and greed and ingratitude? 

The Thanksgiving holiday didn’t start in America.  It started in ancient times when our race, the men of Israel, were called three times a year to stand before God (Ex.34:23).  The feast of Tabernacles was the third and final time for gathering together.  It was the most joyous of the three festivals, a time of thanksgiving for all the fruits of the land that had been harvested.  Tabernacles reminded Israel of their dwelling in tents in the wilderness, but also pointed to the final harvest when God’s purpose for Israel would be fulfilled and that is the gathering of all the holy nations of a peculiar people, a chosen generation, a royal priesthood gathered unto the Lord.

Biblical History Part 4

Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

November 20, 2016

Scripture Reading: John 10:26-28, 31

Were you taught in the public school system that anyone can become president of the United States if that person wants it? Could your next-door neighbor, Susie, be a candidate when she became over thirty-five years old? What about your best friend, Bill?

In today’s multicultural world, it could be Ki-Ki or Quez or even a transgendered person. But they are told by their high school social studies teacher that they could be picked by either party to run for the presidency. But that would be counter to what the Bible would say.

The Bible declares that the “scepter shall not depart from Judah…” (Genesis 49:10). What does that mean? What does that mean? In fact, what do all the blessings that Jacob gave to these twelve sons mean, if they are not the truth?

Racism Is NOT a Bad Word - Book by James Jester

by James Jester

“Racism is NOT a Bad Word” Front CoverRacism, the most feared and intimidating word of our age. Why are we so afraid of being called a Racist? And why are we ridiculed and scorned if we even hint in some way in what appears to be Racism? I believe White people fear this word because we have been so thoroughly conditioned and brainwashed by the media, government, schools, colleges, and libraries from our youth up.

I bring up White people because the attitude of the media implies that only White folks are racists and all other races are not. Of course, this is absurd and contrary to the facts. Only Caucasians are made to feel guilty for being White; and only White countries are forced to accept non-white immigration. This policy is never required for countries of other races. White Americans have so feared the word racism that they now hinge on the extinction of their race.

It will come as a surprise to most Christians that the Bible has anything at all to say about race. “Racism is NOT a Bad Word” is a Bible study to prove that the most revered book of western civilization is primarily about race. Christians must become aware of a Bible doctrine that has been deliberately concealed from them. This book is not a complete study on the subject, and does not answer all the questions and objections to such a topic; but it is enough to cause one to think and consider God’s view on the subject.