Who Cares?

The Wake-up Herald

Robert McCurry, Editor & Publisher
January 23, 2016

Who Cares?

Do you know how many babies have been murdered in America since 1973?  It is a number that is almost too horrible to think about.  An astounding 60+ million American babies have been killed by various abortion methods since Roe v. Wade was decided back in 1973.  So what should be done to a country that kills 60+ million of its own people?  We rightly condemn other totalitarian regimes throughout history such as Nazi Germany, the USSR and Communist China that have killed millions (or tens of millions) of their own people. 

But what about us? 

Sadly, most Americans don’t even think much about abortion these days.  Most Americans consider it to be a “political issue” that has already been “settled”. The truth is that the percentage of Americans that consider themselves to be “pro-choice” has been declining over time.  Perhaps it is still possible to see a shift on this issue in the United States.  We just need more people to start standing up for those that cannot stand up for themselves.  

The following are 26 facts about abortion in America that every American should know…


2016 Wake-Up Herald

The Wake-Up Herald

Robert McCurry, Editor & Publisher

And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed. The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light.

The Future of Prophecy Part 8

Sermon notes of Pastor Mark Downey

January 24, 2016

Scripture Reading: Revelation 3:1-6

We are creatures of habit sometimes moreso than creatures of God.  The first thing most people do when they wake up in the morning is to wake up, stretching, yawning and other bodily functions.  Then you shuffle to the kitchen to get a pot of coffee going in order to wake up and smell the coffee, which is also a euphemism used to tell someone that they are wrong about one thing or another and need to pay attention to what is really happening.  I woke up last week to a smoke alarm blipping; there was no fire, it's just that the batteries were low.  It got my attention and I was immediately focused to correct the situation.  Most people wake up to their routines and are not yet focused on what is really happening.  Their only alarm is their alarm clock and you turn it off as it so rudely interrupts a dream you were having.  The body and mind are activated to get out of bed.  But, how long does it take to charge your spiritual batteries?  What if our habitual routine of things were preceded by something completely different.  What if the Holy Spirit took charge right off the battery of life before the demands of body and mind.  This is what is called a paradigm shift, a change from one way of thinking to another.  Let's suppose that the first thing we do, the first minute of waking from sleep, whether laying down or sitting on the edge of your bed, your eyes are open and you contemplate the invisible presence of God and your second thought is that this could be the day that He makes His presence visible.  Quite a profound prospect don't you think?

How Can We Have Victory?

Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

January 17, 2016

2 Chronicles 15:9-15

What did the Kingdom of Judah do which enabled themto have rest from their enemies?  They made a covenant with their LORD God; just like the Vortrekkers of South Africa did in 1838. This covenant gave the covenant seed of Jacob/Israel another miraculous victory; one that saved their race from complete annihilation in South Africa by the Zulus.

In fact, the covenant that Judah and many of the righteous people of the House of Israel, who had come to Judah, was a covenant with a death penalty attached with it.  Any person who failed to participate in making this covenant was to be put to death.  It was a serious covenant that each person who was living in Judah made.

The Future of Prophecy Part 7

Sermon notes of Pastor Mark Downey

January 10, 2016

Scripture Reading: Isaiah 40:21-25

This is my first sermon of 2016.  If I were to encapsulate last year with one word I would say that it was the year of thunder.  I think there was an escalation of political, religious and economic rumblings and a whole lot of shaking going on; loud noises coming from all quarters.  Before we moved to Kentucky from Washington state, we had never heard thunder as loud as it gets here.  We live an area of northern Kentucky where the cold Arctic currents of wind clash with the warm winds coming up from the Gulf of Mexico and thus a great amount of thundering results.  Thunder usually precedes the winds of a storm.  Therefore, observing the signs of the times, 2016 looks like it will be the year of the winds, not only meteorologically, but the three components mentioned above, which happen to constitute Mystery Babylon.  Last year I wrote a two part sermon simply called 'Wind'.  Since I've been indulging in prophecy, I can now see a prophetic significance to wind, being that it has a lot to do with spiritual warfare.<--break->  In today's Scripture reading, verse 24 speaks of a whirlwind that separates the worthless chaff from the grain (“and shall take them away as stubble”); Israel is likened to wheat, because it bears godly fruits. However, there are other seeds that never should have been planted i.e. the seeds of hybridity, half breeds, and that is the “many waters” that the “great whore” of Babylon sits upon (Rev. 17:1), the world of mongrelization and the “chaff” that supports and promotes it.  The good guys in this spiritual warfare are opposed to the “many waters” and “chaff,” and they are called racists.  Nobody wants to be called a racist, except the racial messengers of God.  White lives matter.  The Bible calls it “the breath of life” (Gen. 2:7) breathed into the DNA of Adam by God; anyone who believes this is a bigot i.e. by God.  This breath or righteous bigotry was only given to the White race.  This Bible is the book of Adamic genetics (Gen. 5:1) to have the discrimination of God.

King Palindrome

Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

January 3, 2016

This sermon will be different than most of the ones that I have brought.  First, we won’t have an introductory Scripture.  This will not continue in the future, but I didn’t know what Scripture to use without giving the answer to who “King Palindrome” was.

Naming a child is one of life’s most unusual gifts.  Does the name affect the child as he grows up?  Some thinks that it does. A strange name certainly might.  But what if you name them with a palindromic appellation, one with perfect symmetry and balance—meaning one that reads the same backwards and forwards. 

For example:  Hannah.  It reads the same backwards and forwards:  H + A + N + N + A + H.

Other examples include:  Bob, Anna, Eve, Nan, Ada, and Otto. 

Palindrome SquareAnd there are palindromes that are long sentences, ignoring punctuations and capitals:

Wont cat lovers revolt?  Act now

Or, a word square in which every row and column reads as a word in both directions:

Now, let me give you a couple of clues and see if you can guess who is this King Palindrome that is the focus of our study today:

  •  This King is in the Bible.
  •  He was one of the Kings of Judah.
  •  He has a very short name, three letters.
  •  He is listed in the Bible as a king that “did that which was good and right in the eyes of the LORD his God.”
  • He was the third King of Judah.

Does anyone know what his name is?

Yes, it was King Asa:  A + S + A.  And today’s sermon will be a study of King Asa’s life as found in 2 Chronicles chapters 14-16. 

The Future of Prophecy Part 6

Sermon notes of Pastor Mark Downey

December 27, 2015

Scripture Reading: Isaiah 46:9-10

Prophecy is our heavenly Father's business and it's what His Son told His earthly parents, Mary and Joseph, when inquiring as to His whereabouts, still a mere child, “Jesus said to them, Why is it that you were looking for Me?  Didn't you know that I had to be in My Father's house?” Luke 2:49.  In other words, it was necessary for Him to be engaged in matters concerning God's occupation of time; His time on earth was a divine work.  “The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy” Rev. 19:10.  God created time and therefore transcends the past, present and future.  The Lord is not bound by time and space as we are.