The Unholy Seed - Part 32
Jews and Roman Catholics caused complete chaos and changed the history of Britain. Jews and Roman Catholics are doing the same thing in the United States.
Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore
March 8, 2020
Scripture Reading: Acts 1:3
What did Jesus the Christ speak about to His believers during the forty days between His resurrection and His ascension? Wouldn’t the topic be one of great importance? What did our Savior discuss with select Israelites for forty days before He went to be with His Father? The Bible tells us the answer. This verse says that after His resurrection, He spoke about things that were pertaining to the “kingdom of God.” He didn’t talk about Roman oppression of Judea.
Almost every church in the world today says very little about the kingdom of God. It is missing from their services. What they have substituted is the preaching of “salvation” to each lost person in the earth. They are off the tracks. They are teaching that which is missing in the Bible texts.
The United States, as it is now, is not the kingdom of God. First, it doesn’t have a king. Every KINGdom must have a king, or it is not a kingdom. It is something else.