The Unholy Seed - Part 21
By Pastor Don Elmore
September 8, 2019
Scripture Reading Judges 1:28
Israel (not the Jews) had been slaves less than a half-century previously in Egypt. Their God had led them out of Egypt in a very dramatic fashion by performing many miracles. He led them like a shepherd leading the sheep from Goshen (Egypt) to the Promised Land (Canaan Land).
But Israel failed to believe that they could conquer the giants who had intermingled into the family of the Canaanites living in the Promised Land. Because they believed this lie, they were made to wander till forty years had expired. Therefore, only two of the men of the 12 spies older than 20 years old, could enter the land west of the Jordan River. They were the only two men, Joshua and Caleb, who spoke for the Israelites to fight against the Canaanites. So much for democracy. Democracy failed. That was one reason that ancient Israel never had one—they were a theocracy and then a monarchy. Moses then died, being 120 years old, and Joshua became the next commander of Israel.
Joshua led Israel in conquering the Canaanites in the Promised Land. But even though the Israelites were strong, they failed to drive out all the Canaanites. Chapter one of the book of Judges tells us what happened after Joshua died. It first tells of the victories of Judah, the first tribe of Israel who fought against the Canaanites. The latter part of the chapter tells of Isreal’s failures: it names the tribes that were strong and didn’t have the courage to drive out all the Canaanites. If they had, they would have been a separate nation. But they weren’t. What happened next?