The Unholy Seed - Part 21


By Pastor Don Elmore

September 8, 2019

Scripture Reading Judges 1:28

Israel (not the Jews) had been slaves less than a half-century previously in Egypt. Their God had led them out of Egypt in a very dramatic fashion by performing many miracles. He led them like a shepherd leading the sheep from Goshen (Egypt) to the Promised Land (Canaan Land).

But Israel failed to believe that they could conquer the giants who had intermingled into the family of the Canaanites living in the Promised Land. Because they believed this lie, they were made to wander till forty years had expired. Therefore, only two of the men of the 12 spies older than 20 years old, could enter the land west of the Jordan River. They were the only two men, Joshua and Caleb, who spoke for the Israelites to fight against the Canaanites. So much for democracy. Democracy failed. That was one reason that ancient Israel never had one—they were a theocracy and then a monarchy. Moses then died, being 120 years old, and Joshua became the next commander of Israel.

Joshua led Israel in conquering the Canaanites in the Promised Land. But even though the Israelites were strong, they failed to drive out all the Canaanites. Chapter one of the book of Judges tells us what happened after Joshua died. It first tells of the victories of Judah, the first tribe of Israel who fought against the Canaanites. The latter part of the chapter tells of Isreal’s failures: it names the tribes that were strong and didn’t have the courage to drive out all the Canaanites. If they had, they would have been a separate nation. But they weren’t. What happened next?

The Unholy Seed - Part 20

There are a 


Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

August 18, 2019

Scripture Reading: Exodus 33:16


Jeffrey Epstein was found dead in his jail cell at 7:30 am in the morning last week, according to police. He was under “suicide watch,” which was of course a designation placed on him roughly two weeks ago to set up the back story for what just happened. Jeffrey Epstein was murdered for the simple reason that dead men don’t talk. And Epstein had a lot to say that would have implicated Bill Clinton and dozens of high-profile global power brokers who happily raped young boys and girls that were provided by Epstein as part of his blackmail-based wealth creation scheme.

The Clinton Body Count is already about 70 dead; people who have mysteriously died after possessing potentially damaging information about the Clintons. Think about this for a little bit. From the two teen age boys who were supposedly killed by a train while they were lying down on the tracks in a drug stupor, to the suicide of Epstein, there has been about 70 others murdered in mysterious ways. Found dead in a car, killed in a plane crash, found dead after supposedly jumping off a high building, found dead at home with a gun shot wound, etc

The Unholy Seed - Part 18



Compiled from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

July 21, 2019

Scripture Reading:  1John 3:10“In this the children of God are manifest, and the children of the devil: whosoever doeth not righteousness is not of God, neither he that loveth not his brother.”

there was the headline in the Cincinnati Enquirer newspaper on July 11, 2019 which said that Cincinnati’s Redeemer had died. Cincinnati’s redeemer…did Cincinnati have one? Was their redeemer a he, she, or an it? I quickly scanned the article and I found that they were referring to Marian Spencer who had died on July 8th. She lived from 1920 till 2019—99 years.

She was born in Gallipolis, Ohio, home of the Bob Evans farm which later became a restaurant chain, and she was descended from a former slave named Henry Walker Alexander. Her parents were Harry Donal Alexander and Rosanna (Carter) Alexander. But she grew up in her grandfather’s home, a freed slave with her brothers and twin sister and her parents. There was very little information available about her family tree, except for the fact that she was a mongrel. She was a mixture of Scottish, Indian and Negro seed. I couldn’t find out what ethnic group the Scottish man was, whether he was Ashkenazi Jew or not, or about what tribe of Indian—but that “if she had one drop of black blood in her, then she would claim to be black.” So, she called herself “black.”

She was named “Cincinnati’s redeemer” by United States federal judge, Nathaniel Jones in the 1970s.

The Unholy Seed - Part 17


Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

June 29, 2019

Scripture Reading: Genesis 19:24-25

Zoar was the smallest of the five cities that were on the same very fertile plain of the Jordan River. It was there where Lot begged the two angels that his family could go instead of into the mountains. As soon as they entered the city (minus his wife because she died when she disobeyed God’s command and looked back, and his two married daughters who remained in Sodom) the destruction quickly followed. The smoke from this fire and brimstone was so great that Abraham could see the smoke from where he was living which was in Hebron (Mamre).

Maybe Zoar had 10 or more righteous people living in the city? Maybe the 10 or more righteous individuals referred to each city separately not collectively? If it had, then it could have been spared by Abraham’s intercession given in Genesis 18:23-33. Anyway, Zoar continued for many centuries, not because of Abraham’s request only, but no-doubt also because it was not as ripe for judgment as the other cities. But Lot and his two remaining daughters did not stay in this small city very long. They very quickly left town and went to the mountains. All their cattle were destroyed—they were homeless and desolate.

The Unholy Seed - Part 16



Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

June16, 2019

Scripture Reading:  Genesis 19:1-3

Thus, begins the story of the destruction of Sodom along with the three other cities that were close by. All four towns were lying in one of the most fertile areas of the world. It has been compared to being close to the fertility of the Garden of Eden.

Two angels came to town while Lot was sitting in the entrance of the city. What did Lot do when he saw them? Did he:

  1. Shake their hands?

  2. Watch them go by?

  3. Bow down to them with his face to the ground and offer them to stay all night in his home?

  4. Offer them a place to stay in a local inn?

How did Lot recognize that they were angels? The Bible doesn’t tell us, but it says that when they turned down his proposal, which is listed above, he made another request for them to go and stay at his home where he would fix them a large, delicious meal. This offer was accepted by the two angels.

But shortly after their feast, before they laid down for the evening, they experienced some tribulation. All the men, (old, middle-aged, and young), of the city of Sodom, (that must have been a large crowd), came to Lot’s house and asked for the men (angels) to come out to them so that they may know them.

The Unholy Seed - Part 15



Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

June 9, 2019

Scripture Reading: Genesis 24:2, 3

Do not these verses teach that the marriage of a member of the Abrahamic family to a Canaanite was strictly forbidden as seen in Abraham’s command to his servant?

And let’s look next at who did Abraham’s grandson marry.

Genesis 28:1: “And Isaac called Jacob, and blessed him, and charged him, and said unto him, Thou shalt not take a wife of the daughters of Canaan.”

This is what Esau had done when he had despised the covenant that God had made with his grandfather and confirmed with his father.

The Unholy Seed - Part 14



Compiled from the notes of Pastor Don Elmore

May 26, 2019

Scripture Reading: Genesis 5:3-9

When you read Genesis 5, are you just itching to draw a timeline? The antediluvian timeline really is fascinating, and there are many lessons to be gleaned from it.

Many people, when they read Genesis and because of the way it’s written, gain the impression that these people lived back-to-back, i.e., one dies before the another starts his life.

Because the genealogy would describe the complete life of one person first before going to the next, the overlap is not so obvious. In fact, the overlap is remarkable because Adam did not die in verse 5; he was still alive 874 years later when Lamech was born in verse 25! These overlaps paint an entirely different picture of life back then, and here is the version of the antediluvian timeline.

The Unholy Seed - Part 13


Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

May 12, 2019

Scripture Reading:  Judges 2:11-13

I received a very disturbing email (on May 3, 2019) from an organization that is headed by the nationally known preacher (John Hagee) who divorced his wife and married a woman who was a member of his congregation; who was disbarred from his church’s denomination as a preacher; and who just moved a couple of miles down the road and started a new ministry. Listen to what this email says. Is it true or false?

“Dear Donald,

Today, on Holocaust Memorial Day (Yom HaShaoh), we commemorate the slaughter of 6 million Jews at the hands of the Nazis. Sadly, as we do so, we are simultaneously seeing the rise of that old enemy wearing a new mask. Where once, anti-Semitism was displayed by those in white hoods or wearing the twisted cross of the swastika, today, this hatred hides in plain sight. Only a decade ago, anti-Semites were shunned and despised. Now this appalling bigotry has a platform on Twitter and the New York Times and is applauded in the public square…

Don’t be fooled by those using words like “anti-Zionism” as a fig leaf to hide their bigotry. Let us not become blind to the anti-Semitism that hides in plain sight, where false arguments are used to mask efforts to destroy Israel through Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS)…”

It ends with the following pledge: 

"I Pledge to "Shine the Light" by:

- Opposing anti-Semitism in all its forms, wherever it may be found

- Educating my friends, coworkers and elected officials about how to identify and condemn the anti-Semitism that hides in plain sight

- Fighting those who would use opposition to Israeli policy as a thin veil to hide their hatred for the Jewish state

- Supporting our Jewish neighbors should they ever be victimized by anti-Semites"

Is this email true or false? John Hagee said, “…today we commemorate the slaughter of 6 million Jews at the hands of the Nazis.” How many Jews were slaughtered by the Nazis? How many Nazis were slaughtered by the Jews? The Christians United for Israel organization says that the Nazis slaughtered 6 million Jews, but is it true?

The Unholy Seed - Part 12

"Nimrod, Semiramis and Tammuz" Do you know what the holidays of Christmas, Easter are all about?  There is no Scripture that tells us to celebrate the birth or the holiday with eggs, rabbits and a universal salvation.  If this is true, why do the majority of Christians celebrate these holidays?


Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

April 28, 2019

Scripture Reading:  Genesis 11:4

There was a very damaging fire in France. The Cathedral of Notre Dame, translated into English means “the Chair of Our Lady”, was partially destroyed by the flames and smoke. Our Lady is the “Queen of Heaven.” There was a statue of her with her son/reincarnated husband in the right side of the Cathedral.

After one week, there is already over one billion dollars pledged to rebuild and fix all the damage that was done to the Cathedral, with all its statutes, pictures and carvings throughout the massive tourist attraction. This famous Roman Catholic Church is named after who? The “Queen of Heaven? Why is this the case? Why isn’t it named after Jesus the Christ? This sermon will attempt to answer this question.

The Unholy Seed - Part 11


Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

April 21, 2019

Scripture Reading: Genesis 9:18, 19

The Age that ended just before these verses was called the Antediluvian Age. This Age was from the time of the sin of Adam till the flood of Noah. It lasted 1656 years. Most Christians don’t really consider, even if they know how long Adam lived, that Adam lived over half of that time—930 years out of 1656 years. In fact, Adam has lived about 1/6 of all time—from his sin till the present.

The Antediluvian Age was about 30% of the time to the present. In other words, there has only been about 4300 years from Noah’s flood to the present time. What was the Age before ours like?

The Bible reveals very little about that Age. There was a Garden that was made by Almighty God, and that is where He placed both Adam and Eve. The Garden was on the eastern portion of Eden. And there was the land of Nod to the east of Eden. And there were lands and oceans to the north, south, west and east of Eden.