The Unholy Seed - Part 10
Copied from the Sermon Notes of Pastor Don Elmore
March 17, 2019
Scripture Reading: Ephesians 1:4, 5
There can be a lot of sermons taken from these two verses that are in our introductory Scripture. When was “before the foundation of the world”? One popular commentary, Dake Bible, says in its notes on this verse that it was when “Lucifer ruled before Adam.” Who did he rule? And if he ruled before Adam, he would have ruled over pre-Adamites.
But then this same Bible Commentary says about “predestination” in verse 5, that “God has predestined all children of God to be adopted into His family, but who becomes a child of God is left up to each individual.” But as Christian-Identity scholars say, “If the Bible commentators forget about the blood of the everlasting covenant that God made with Abram, they will wind up with a universal theology that is difficult to comprehend; like it is in the explanation of this verse.”
In the past two sermons I have explained why I am not a Roman Catholic, a Judeo-Christian, or a Hindu-Judeo-Christian. Most Christians are now a member of one of these three rotten branches of false Christianity, even though they could be unaware of the latter one. Christianity has left its roots and has joined the world’s religions—so that it will not be offensive to anyone’s religious group.