Don Elmore Sermons

The Unholy Seed - Part 5



Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

January 20, 2019

Scripture Reading:  Revelation 21:8

Today’s history lesson is also an important study with warnings taken from the Bible.

David Sassoon was the son of a wealthy jewish banker in Iraq who was also the treasurer of Baghdad. David held the same jobs in the financial field as his father had when he grew up. Seems to be a common occupation of this hybrid race. When the governor of Baghdad was overthrown due to corruption, the Sassoon family fled to Bombay, India via Bushire, Persia (Iran). David was 40 years old when he came to Bombay, and it was here that this our story really becomes interesting.

The year was 1832 when the Sassoons landed in Bombay, India, and what happened when they were there changed the world. Bombay was on a major trade route and Sassoon had the “monopoly rights” to sell the manufactured cotton goods made in Lancashire and surrounding counties in England. He also had the “monopoly rights” to buy tea, silk products, and porcelain from China. But there was soon a problem, and the answer given by the Sassoon family to this solution has created even a greater problem in today’s world.

The Unholy Seed - Part 4



Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

January 6, 2019

Scripture Reading:  Exodus 32:17-19:

Shortly after being delivered from slavery, the Israelites forgot about all the wonderful and magnificent things that the LORD God had done for them and reverted to the way that many of them had worshipped in Egypt. They even worshipped their old gods. Moses and Joshua had been gone for over a month and many of the people had surmised that Moses or maybe both had been burnt up on the mount, and they were ready to go back to Egypt. So, what did the Israelites do--they partied!

They shouted, they sang, they danced to the beat of the music that they had learned while they were in Egypt for the last part of the 215 years that they were there. A few verses later we learn that the Israelites were given in idolatrous and immoral behavior to orgies in worship to their idol. They were sexually being led by the music and the drum beat.

Now, what would you do if you were God?

The Unholy Seed - Part 3



Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

December 30, 2018

Sripture Readng:  Psalms 106:34-36

Two Saturdays ago (12/15/2018), I saw the movie, starring Jimmy Stewart, called “Broken Arrow.” It also starred Debra Paget, born Doralee Griffin, and a person who my father was in drama class with in high school. The high school was Maysville, Kentucky Senior High School. My father was born Newell Jouett Elmore in Richmond, Kentucky, and Will Geer, Grandpa Walton, was born William Aughe Ghere in Frankfort, Indiana. They both moved to Maysville when they were teenagers, where they were in a couple of drama shows at the school together. But their lives took different paths as the years rolled on.

The Unholy Seed - Part 2



Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

December 16, 2018

Scripture Reading Deuteronomy 4:1“Now therefore hearken, O Israel, unto the statutes and unto the judgments, which I teach you, for to do them, that ye may live, and go in and possess the land which the LORD God of your fathers giveth you.”

Today, the 16th day of December, is the anniversary of the Battle of Blood River. It happened 180 years ago, in 1838. They made a covenant with the LORD. It reads as follows:

“My brothers and fellow citizens, here we stand in the presence of the Holy God, creator of heaven and earth, to make a vow unto Him, that if His protection shall be with us and (He) give our enemy into our hand so that we might be victorious over him, that this day and date every year shall be spent as a birthday and a day of thanksgiving, just as a Sabbath is spent, and then we shall erect a temple to His honor wherever it will be pleasing to Him, and that we shall also instruct our children that they must also share in it, as well as for our generations yet to come. Because the Honor of His name shall thereby be glorified, and the glory and honor of the victory shall be given Him.” (Original in Dutch).

The Unholy Seed - Part 1


Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

December 9, 2018

Scripture Reading: The Life of Adam & Eve 18:7-9 (Pseudepigrapha):

7) “The Word of God came to the serpent and said unto it…

8) Be thou dumb; and speak no more, thou and thy race because…The ruin of my creatures happened through thee…

9) And a wind came to blow from heaven by command of God that carried away the serpent from Adam and Eve, threw it on the shore, and it landed in _______.”

Where does this passage, that used to be studied by Biblical scholars, tell us in what country the serpent landed? Many Christians would say that there is no country at this time in existence. There is just Adam and Eve. The serpent would have been blown away into the barren outskirts of the Garden. That is because they believe that there were no other races on the earth. And if there were no other people on the earth, there certainly weren’t any countries.

Merry Mass of Christ


Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

November 25, 2018

Scripture Reading:  Luke 1:71

The name “Christmas” or Christ-Mass is a short form of the phrase, the Mass of Christ. It is a Mass service which is sometimes called Communion or Eucharist. It is where Catholics remember that Jesus died “supposedly for everyone” in the world and then came back to life. Catholics are universalists, and this is a holiday for universalists. The “Christ-Mass” service was the only one that was permitted to take place after sunset and before sunrise the next day. So, when is it held? It is held at midnight!

Love and Hate


Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

November 18, 2018

Scripture Reading: Genesis 3:15

California has just experienced another crisis. It has just seen its biggest outbreak of wildfires—it broke all past records. Some 750,000 acres were burned, about 9700 homes destroyed with 57,000 more in danger, and 74 and climbing, lives lost, with about 1,100 individuals missing. There could be as many as 300 or more lives lost before the fires are under control.

Here is what the November 10th U.S. News & World Report wrote about this devastating event:

“Throughout the American West, trees already short of nutrients because of crowding are suffering from a four-year-old drought, the worst in 300 years. Bark beetles have attacked the weakened trees across much of the West, killing up to 70 percent of them in some areas. In San Bernardino National Forest, beetles have ravaged half a million acres so far. When fire does break out, the crowding allows flames to leap treetop to treetop in a fast-moving crown fire, as happened in parts of Southern California last week.”

California had a six-year drought at the end of the 1980s. Now it has suffered through another multi-year drought. That state also has a $38 billion deficit, the worst of any state in the United States.

What is happening in California? One disaster after another is striking California. These deadly disasters are repeatedly labeled the “worst ever!” With all the disasters that have struck California the past few years, it’s as if the state is under a CURSE.

The Wolves are Howling Again


Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

November 11, 2018

Scripture Reading:  Judges 10:6-9

This was the situation that caused many tribes of Israel to be under servitude of the Philistines and Ammonites for 18 years. They were in servitude until they “cried unto the LORD, saying, We have sinned against thee, because we have forsaken our God, and also served Baalim” (Judges 10:10b).

God, at first, told His people to “Go and cry unto the gods which ye have chosen; let them deliver you in the time of your tribulation” (Judges 10:14). He added that He would deliver the descendants of Jacob no more (Judges 10:13b). But after Israel put away the foreign gods from among them and served their LORD; and God was grieved for the misery of Israel (Judges 10:15, 16).

Would the LORD God of Israel tell His people the same thing today?

Israel Forsook the Lord and Served Baal - Part 3


Copied from the Sermon Notes of Pastor Don Elmore

October 21, 2018

Scripture Reading:  2 Kings 21:1-3, 6, 9

Halloween has now progressed to second place in the holiday spending in America. This will be the message as to why I do not celebrate this non-Christian holiday. My family does not decorate or pass out any candy. It is one of the holidays of the pagan.

King Manasseh seduced the citizens of the kingdom of Judah to do much more evil than did the Canaanite nations whom the LORD destroyed before the children of Israel. What a sad commentary this is. King Manasseh, the longest reigning king of either house, 55 years, did as much evil as he could. He sacrificed his son to Baal by having him burnt to death in his arms while the drums beat to drown out his son’s cries of anguish. He built the high places, built altars to Baal, worshiped all the host of heaven, observed times, used enchantments, dealt with familiar spirits and wizards, set up a graven image in the temple, shed much innocent blood, and seduced Judah to commit more sins than the nations which had been destroyed out of Canaan.

Israel Forsook the Lord and Served Baal - Part 2


Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

October 14, 2018

Scripture Reading:  Judges 2:20-23

Who are “this people” referred to in verse 20? What did their LORD say they were guilty of? They had violated the covenant that God made with their fathers. Who were their fathers? It was Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, not anyone else. It wasn’t Abraham and Ishmael (the Muslims). It wasn’t Abraham, Isaac and Esau (the Jews). The fathers referred to in verse 20 was Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (the White race). It was the pure children of Jacob/Israel who broke the covenant that was made with their fathers.

In verse 21, what was the consequence of their breaking the covenant that was made with their fathers? God told His covenant people that He would not drive out any more of the Canaanite nations (the future Jews) that were left after Joshua died. They were left as a test for Israel. Would they keep His laws, or would they serve their gods? Most of Israel’s history they served Baal, the god of the Canaanites. They are still doing it.

Israel Forsook the Lord and Served Baal - Part 1


Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

October 7, 2018

Scripture Reading:  Judges 2:11-13

11) “And the children of Israel did evil in the sight of the LORD, and served Baalim:

12) And they forsook the LORD God of their fathers, which brought them out of the land of Egypt, and followed other gods, of the gods of the people that were round about them, and provoked the LORD to anger.

13) And they [Israel] forsook the LORD, and served Baal and Ashtaroth.”

Joshua had died. Israel had served the LORD all the days of Joshua. And they had continued to serve the LORD all the days of the elders that had out-lived Joshua. The elders had known all the works of the LORD that He had done for Israel.

Joshua 24:31:

31) “And Israel served the LORD all the days of Joshua, and all the days of the elders that overlived Joshua, and which had known all the works of the LORD, that He had done for Israel.”

So, for the thirty years that Joshua was in Canaan and afterward during the few years of the elders who out-lived him, Israel served the LORD. The elders remembered the works that the LORD had done on behalf of Israel while they were freed from bondage in Egypt, when they were in the wilderness and when they had entered Canaan. What happened when these elders died?

Unasked Questions Part 1


Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

September 16, 2018

Scripture Reading: Lamentations 3:32 and Ephesians 2:11, 12

There is a whole host of different options that a person hears from the Judeo-Christian churches regarding how a person is saved. Does God save you, or do you save yourself, or is it a partnership? If God saves an individual, what individuals does He save?

Most Judeo-Christian churches today would say that salvation is a partnership. I have heard in my past, many sermons that said, “Jesus votes for you, Satan votes against you, and you have the deciding vote. Come up here at the end of my sermon and say the sinner’s prayer and be saved.”

In the country’s early history, almost all the Christian churches were Calvinistic in their theology. Lutherans, Presbyterians, Baptists, Puritans, Pilgrims were a major part of the churches who taught that God was sovereign; that it was He, alone, that saved individuals. If God elected you, you were saved. If God rejected you, you were condemned to hell. You were born totally depraved, meaning you were going to hell, until the Holy Spirit came and saved you.

It is like the hymn that says: “Born a child of hell, comforted by the Holy Spirit.”

The churches of America taught that every individual of the world was born a child of hell. They had to be turned into a person who was “born again.” Whether God did it alone, or it was done in partnership, it had to be done. In the early days of our nation, it was God who “saved” an individual. The person didn’t do anything. God elected who was going to be saved before the foundation of the world. Their mistake? They ignored the blood of the covenant. They preached that God could save any one of any race. They were universalists.

But by the early 1800s, the process changed completely. Instead of God being sovereign, the individual was sovereign. It was up to man to choose to be saved. God elected those who were going to be saved? It followed the theology of a man and they called it Arminianism.

When They Had Crucified Jesus


Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

September 9, 2018

Scripture Reading: John 19:23

Who do you think the “they” are in this verse? Some interpret the word to mean the “Roman soldiers”; others to mean “the band of chief priest, Pharisees and scribes of Israel(i).” Was it the Roman soldiers who took His garments after the Roman soldiers crucified Him or was it the chief priests, Pharisees and elders of Israel(i) who crucified Jesus and then the Roman soldiers took His garments. Which one do you think it is?

Michigan Court Case - Part 5


Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

September 2, 2018

Scripture Reading: Joshua 8:1, 2

There were two separate articles that appeared in the Cincinnati Enquirer and the USA Today newspapers on Friday, August 17, 2018. The first article was about the death of the “Queen of Soul”—Aretha Franklin. It was titled: “Aretha Franklin’s Civil Rights Legacy.” It wasn’t about all the gold records that she recorded, but it was about her support of her Baal preacher father’s anti-Christian civil rights movement. Aretha was needed in the civil rights struggle that her father, Negro preacher, C. L. Franklin, helped lead. Aretha had helped fund the Communist movement quietly and anonymously for decades.

Michigan Court Case - Part 4


Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

August 19, 2018

Scripture Reading: John 2:16: “Make not my Father’s house an house of merchandise.”

Andrew and I went to Grand Rapids, Michigan to witness the Law case of the two Michigan prisoners vs. the State of the Michigan Department of Corrections. The case was held on Monday, August 13, 2018. It was an eye-opening experience for me. It gave me a vivid impression of what the federal court system was all about. It is not about the truth, at all.

We went first to an Christian Identity service on Sunday in Indiana, had dinner afterwards, and then traveled the three hours to Grand Rapids. We found the federal court house in downtown and then drove to the suburbs to find a motel.


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