The Invisible Government

Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

December 20, 2015

Scripture Reading:  Jeremiah 30:11: 

“For I am with thee saith the LORD, to save thee; though I make a full end of all nations to which I have scattered thee, yet will I not make a full end of thee, but I will correct thee in measure, and will not leave thee altogether unpunished.”

This is just one verse of Scripture, but it tells a very unpopular story.  For it tells that all the countries of the world are not equal in the eyes of God.  It says that Yahweh is with some group of nations for the purpose of saving them.  And He makes the promise that although He will make a full end of all the nations that He has scattered His people to, yet He will not make a full end of them.  He adds that He will punish them, but He will not see them totally destroyed. 

Who are the nations that God will not make a “full end of?”  That is the story that is told throughout the Bible.

The Future of Prophecy Part 5

Sermon notes of Pastor Mark Downey

December 13, 2015

Scripture Reading: Isaiah 45:9-12

Full page knee-jerk headline in the New York Daily News a few days after another alleged mass shooting in San Bernardino, CA, on 12-2-15“God Isn't Fixing This” was the full page headline in the New York Daily News a few days after another alleged mass shooting in San Bernardino, CA, on 12-2-15.  This time the theater of blood focused on Muslims killing 14 people for no apparent reason other than the FBI proclaiming it an act of terrorism.  Are we to believe everything the media scribes tell us after a steady diet of false flag operations and blatant deliberate lies following 9/11?  The pattern of cliches has become so knee-jerk and predictable that people's acceptance or rejection of the dialectic have become laughable or a great time of sorrow.  Yes, people have died; others have faked it.  Are there any smoking guns?  The smokiest one appears to be an assault on God Himself, reviving the old soundbyte from the April 8, 1966 cover of Time magazine that said “God Is Dead.”  Apparently, He isn't dead, He just isn't fixing terrorism.  And this is really mocking the omnipotence of God, not the political hacks.

An Anti-Semitism True Story

Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

December 6, 2015

Scripture Reading: Leviticus 19:33-34

Referring to the Scripture reading, if these were the only verses in the Bible, then we could conclude that we must love all strangers as ourselves.  So, any stranger who comes in our land, we should consider him as being one born among us.  We could adopt Asians, marry Mexicans and welcome all the different strangers to be citizens of our land.  We could be a great multi-cultural society.  But there are other verses in the Bible.  What do they say?

Numbers 1:51: “And when the tabernacle setteth forward, the Levites shall take it down:  and when the tabernacle is to be pitched, the Levites shall set it up, and the stranger who cometh near shall be put to death.”  

Jeremiah 51:51: “We are confounded, because we have heard reproach; shame hath covered our faces; for strangers are come into the sanctuaries of the LORD’S house.”

After church service last Sunday, I got home and I read the Sunday Cincinnati Enquirer.  I eventually got to the Forum Section and I couldn’t believe the headline:  “Anti-Semitism that can’t be Ignored.”  I wondered what that was all about.  The title got me interested enough to read the article.

The Future of Prophecy Part 4

Sermon Notes of Pastor Mark Downey

Scripture Reading: Matthew 24:5-8

November 29, 2015

Wars and rumors of war.  Which is worse?  Well, don't worry, the future of prophecy is good by way of intelligent design, that no man may write the destiny of mankind without the hand of God.  That design, expressed throughout the Bible, is the preordained purpose to accomplish the will of God.  It is for our edification, which means learning and improvement.  We can look back in history (His story) and witness the veracity of the Word.  That history is an accounting of the progression of the Kingdom of God.  If we have the ears to hear it and eyes to see, we can prepare for the future and learn from the past.  Jewish supremacist decry and deny White Supremacy as something evil; whereas judaism has been the historical adversary to Christianity and the Christian faith has only been advanced by the White race.  What's wrong with that picture?  It is hypocritical and preposterous to claim the identity of God's chosen people while mocking and failing to measure up to the standards of true Israel.  The power of prophecy has the supernatural wherewithal to make an entire race of people repent, because it is the Truth and the Truth is heard and seen.  “Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ” Romans 10:17.  It changes our behavior, going from backsliding sinners to repentant believers.  Zuhr strangers cannot hear the Word.  Christ said only His people Israel can hear Him.  “My sheep hear My voice” John 10:27.  The last 2000 years has been one conflict after another.

The Future of Prophecy Part 3

by Pastor Mark Downey

November 8, 2015

Scripture Reading:  Matthew 4:17, 6:33

In prophecy, what is the Kingdom?  When Pastor Elmore related his experience from 40 years ago in last week's sermon about his quest for the truth and asked a judeo-Christian minister, “What is the Kingdom?” and to his surprise, the minister said, after consulting stacks of books, “I don't know what it is either,” we can safely say that not much has changed in an entire generation. For such an incompetent reply, these kinds of retarded ministers have no business being behind a pulpit.  Perhaps I Peter 3:15 escaped his mind to “Be ready always to give an answer to every man that asks you a reason of the hope that is in you.”  For the future of prophecy is a hope in the Kingdom of God. 

It Took a Long Time

Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

November 1, 2015

Scripture Reading: Matthew 13:10-11

Jesus and his disciples preached the gospel of the ?   What is the missing word?  When I read the Bible through each month, many years ago; this question was a major inquiry that I had no idea of how to answer.  What was the gospel that our Savior and His disciples preached:  It was the gospel of the kingdom of heaven.  I had no idea what the kingdom was!  Let alone the gospel of the kingdom.

I knew the gospel of personal salvation.  I did not know the gospel of the kingdom.  So, when I went to Florida one summer for a couple of weeks about 40 years ago, to help out an independent Baptist preacher with his personal, secular contract work, while there I asked him this question:  What is the kingdom?

He answered:  “I will study it out and preach you a sermon on it this Sunday.” 

I was excited.  I would finally have a whole lot of Scriptures come out of the darkness into the light if I knew the answer to this question.  But I will never forget what happened. 

The Gold Nugget

by Pastor Brian Jones

October 25, 2015

Scripture Reading: Job 23:10-11

Gold has to be tested with fire.  The hotter the fire, the more impurities are burned away.  Our Father loves you.  Be an overcomer.  God's timing in your life is perfect.

The Future of Prophecy Part 2

by Pastor Mark Downey

October 18, 2015

Scripture Reading: Luke 10:2

In prophecy, what is the harvest?  From today's Scripture reading, the harvest simile commenced during Christ's lifetime, as He sent out 35 advance teams of 2 disciples (student interns) each (70) to the venues where Christ would go for ministering.  If the prohibition of going to the heathen and Samaritans was sound advice, is there any reason to believe that they would go to places where Christ was not scheduled to go?  Does one harvest their crops in thickly wooded forest, the frigid tundra or tropical jungles?  No, we harvest our crops from the cultivated areas from which we planted seed and gave nourishment.  Christ bids His students, whether it was directed to the 12 or the 70 is immaterial, to pray for the Lord of the harvest, which is proof of prayer being made to He who has the care and charge of the whole election of grace, to wherever the elect reside, that He will send forth laborers into His harvest.  Why?  Because the elect are scattered throughout the world and are a particularly vast multitude, specifically Christ's compassion for the lost sheep of the house of Israel; men perishing for a lack of knowledge and sheep without a shepherd.  The harvest is not found in every square inch of the earth, but in the fields of the world, where a potential bounty is planted.  Universalism would go on missions where they dared to check Christ's orders.  They lacked not only an understanding of the prophetic harvest, but hindered it as well; they gave that which was holy to the dogs (Mt. 7”6).  Global elitists, i.e. those who want to rule the world without Jesus Christ, do not want Bible prophecy to interfere with the status quo and their power structure.  And so prophecy must be distorted and managed in their favor.