
By Matthew Luckey

I fail to understand widespread support of libertarianism.

Libertarians hate the idea of America. They consider borders a frivolous limitation on the free flow of markets. Immigrant labor should be able to move anywhere in the world where capitalists refuse to pay a living wage to their own countrymen. They believe “America” should simply be the name for an open space to sell stuff, like that old drive-in theater that doubles as a flea market on the weekend.

Amazon Bans Books

By Don Elmore

March 2017 New Covenant Messenger

Shortly after Amazon banned the selling of the Confederate flag, Jewish organizations put the pressure on the company to ban all books which denied the holocaust. Rabbi Mendy Cohen of Sacramento, said: “To deny the holocaust is a mask of blatant anti-Semitism.” This hatred of the German merchandise goes even further. They are calling for the removal of all Nazi memorabilia. The Rabbi continued his onslaught by saying: “When you have darkness, you don’t add a broom to kick out the darkness. You add in light.” (Lucifer = light; ed.).

Wait a minute! Didn’t the officials of Auschwitz lower the amount of Jewish deaths on their “official plaque” that is outside the concentration camp from six million to four million to now just one of a half million? And these weren’t just Jewish deaths, but all the different people that were put in concentration camps: homosexuals, gypsies, Communists, Jehovah Witnesses, Freemasons, and government enemies. And that number is still too high.


Copied from the Sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

March 26, 2017

Scripture Reading:  Genesis 3:22 “And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever:”

September 11th is when some Christians believe that Jesus Christ was born. They believe it was not on the popular day of December 25th, in the middle of winter, when most of the Christian churches celebrate His birth. December 25th happens to be the birthday of a whole hosts of other false gods, like Mithras, and is in the season of winter which is cold and the time of daylight is at it shortest time.

April 3, 33 A.D. is the date when many of His followers believe He was crucified. I am not sure if this date is correct, but I believe that it is very close to being right. Let’s believe that these are the correct dates. If they are, then how many years are between the death of Jesus Christ and the year 2001? The number of years between 33 and 2001 is 1967.

Thus, we get the date of the Newsweek magazine: April 3, 1967. April 3 is the date of the murder of Jesus Christ and then 1967 years later is the false flag event known as 9/11. Is that wild or what?

It's Going to Get Better

Sermon notes of Pastor Mark Downey

March 19, 2017

Scripture Reading:  II Cor. 4:1-6

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Madison Square Gardens for the World Heavyweight Championship. Introducing in this corner, the reigning world champion from Jew York City... Pessimism. And in the other corner, the contender hailing from New Jerusalem... Optimism. Well, you know I'm hamming it up a bit, but I wanted to convey the great fight before us. This is 2017, which could be called the year of the epic brawl between Jacob-Israel and Esau-Edom. Today is March 19th and in four days (3-23-17) we will begin to launch the first rounds of firepower in spiritual warfare against the pride and haughtiness of the Mainstream Media followed by 39 other days of unrelenting imprecatory salvos heard in the Court of Divine Justice, which of course is much higher than the Supreme Court, because it is adjudicated upon by Almighty God. It's going to be one hell of a main event. For the good and faithful Israelite, it's all positive Christianity. It don't get any better than that. I have gotten nothing but affirmation for our imprecatory campaign. Nobody in Christian Identity is whining about how it's going to get worse. Well, maybe for the jews and their shabbez go; things aren't working out as they thought they would under the Protocols of Satan.

For those who say it's going to get worse before it gets better, let me just say, "Give me a break." I just find doom and gloom boring. Conversely, I find David's well placed sling shot between the eyes of Goliath exhilarating and inspirational. Indulge me for a moment while I paraphrase Mt. 24:5: "Many shall come yapping their mouths as some kind of expert giving Christianity lip service… and shall deceive many (causing our people to err)." It occurs to me that those who heed the Lord's warning and avoid babbling buffoons must be what constitute the Remnant, who sees things in an entirely different perspective than most people.

Surrender to the enemies of Christ is not in the vocabulary of onward Christian soldiers. The only thing we surrender is our hearts and minds to the will and purposes of our God.

Fear of the _____ Sermon Notes

Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

March 12, 2017

Scripture Reading: Deuteronomy 11:23-25

Who are these verses talking about? The LORD will drive out what nations before who? What nation will be the victor over all the nations that it encounters?

This verse pertains only to His Covenant People—Israel; the elect of God. The LORD will drive out all these seven nations of the Canaanites from before Israel. And anywhere that Israel goes, God will lay the fear and dread of His nation upon all the land that Israel shall tread upon--if they keep the commandments that God gave them. In other words, Israel will be a special nation over all nations on the earth—if they keep His commandments.

Fear of the _____

by Pastor Don Elmore

Part 1:  Sermon Notes of Pastor Elmore. The United States government has a lot of Satanist and occult leaders.  May our God eliminate all these evil people from our midst.

Part 2:  Addendum to sermon showing graphic images of the “Spirit Cooking” dinner for Museum of Contemporary Art Annual Gala in Los Angeles, California in 2011. Images consist of red velvet cakes shaped the form of full size naked women's bodes.  Actresses were hired and their job was to either lie naked under plastic skeletons revolving on the dinner table tops of those who paid $100,000, or poke their heads through the table tops of those who paid $50,000 and $25,000. 

Imprecating the Media

William Finck’s
Christogenea Internet Radio Program

with William Finck and Pastor Mark Downey

Subject:  Imprecating the Media

March 11, 2017

William Finck joins Pastor Mark Downey in his call for a 40-day period of imprecatory prayer (which may, of course, be complimented by fasting) against the Mainstream Media. We strive to call attention to the phenomenon of "Fake News". The news has always been fake, to one degree or another, but with the #Pizzagate scandal, the Trump candidacy and now Trump's victory, the fact that at least much of the news is fake is being brought into the public consciousness.  We pray that this helps us to bring to our fellow White Americans the fact that the Mainstream Media does publish fake news, when it is not lying by ignoring news-worthy stories, all in order to manipulate public opinion and steer the nation in a manner which fulfills a more nefarious agenda.  

Pastor Downey's sermon notes:  Christian Identity Imprecation Against Fake News

Follow up reading on pedophelia:  Lambs to the Slaughter by William Finck

Christian Identity Imprecation Against Fake News

Sermon notes of Pastor Mark Downey

March 5, 2017

Scripture Reading: Psalms 58:3-11

A call to prayer and fasting from March 23 to May 1, 2017 for the Court of Divine Justice dealing with the Mainstream Media covering up the greatest pedophile ring in history.

Enough is enough. The horrible abuse of power is so far gone that there is no political spine to address the problem of how we receive information. Even with the election of Donald Trump, the Mainstream Media (MSM) is out of control, although it is very much controlled by an insidious group of madmen. Most of Christendom is totally unaware of the Court of Divine Justice, for lack of a better term, whereby we have an appellate jurisdiction when all else fails. When Moses could not adjudicate an impasse of the Law, he had recourse to take it directly to God to reconcile. I could sit back and watch America being raped and plundered, but that's just not me. And I don't think that's the position of many White Christian Americans. But a lot of folks are flustered as to what to do. Yes, prayer is fine and dandy, but we can go one step further in what's called imprecatory prayer, which is a curse upon the enemies of God.

Upcoming Imprecatory Prayer Event

Christian Identity Imprecation of Fake News

From March 23 to May 1, 2017, Christian Identity sponsors will conduct a national campaign of prayer and fasting for 40 days.  A plan of action, a Court of Divine Justice will be forthcoming in the days and weeks ahead, so please get ready to do your part.  Details will be posted at: