Eyes That See

by Pastor Mark Downey

An explanation showing the difference between one of our five senses (sight), and what Jesus meant by "eyes that see" spiritually.

Part 1: A number of examples are given to show what spiritual blindness is as it relates to the idols of the heart.


Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

November 12, 2017

Scripture Reading: Ezra 10:10-11

10) “And Ezra the priest stood up, and said unto them, Ye have transgressed, and have taken strange wives, to increase the trespass of Israel.

11) Now therefore make confession unto the LORD God of your fathers, and do His pleasure: and separate yourselves from the people of the land, and from the strange wives.

Have you ever seen children of a mixed-race couple? Which race do they look like? The majority look like they are a blend of both races; they are what the Bible calls them: a “confusion of faces.” They have genes from both races, and they can usually be very confused as to what race they come from. The children are certainly not born in the image of either parent.

The Israelites had committed two main sins:

  1. They hadn’t separated themselves from the people of the land, and

  2. They hadn’t separated themselves from their strange wives.

Let’s go back into Chapter 9 and see if we can find what led up to the controversy in Chapter 10. Let us read verses 1-4:

The Church and The Kingdom

by Dr. Everett Ramsay

November 5, 2017

Scripture Reading: Matthew 16:13-19

We all agree...

  • According to the Septuagint, God created Nephesh/man in Genesis 1
    • Genesis 1:26 And God said, Let us make (create) man(nephesh) ............
  • God formed white Spirit/Adam/Man in Genesis 2
    • Genesis 2:7 And the LORD God formed man (Adam) of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath (spirit) of life; and man became a living (spirit) soul.

Bible about That Adam

  • Genesis 5:1 This is the book of the generations of Adam. In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God made he him;
  • Bible about Adam's descendants: Seth to Noah to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob Israel

God made an exclusive covenant with Israel and no one else, no other race

Eyes That See - Part 1

Sermon Notes by Pastor Mark Downey

October 29, 2017

Scripture Reading: Luke 10:21-24

From an anonymous quote I found years ago: “I see said the blind man as he opened his Bible.” A closed Bible availeth very little. The sights and sounds that Jesus spoke of in Luke were figures of speech. It was no more literal than Romans 11:25, “that blindness in part is happened to Israel.” The “blindness” was a hardening of the heart of which the good news of the Gospels could not enter a man. Thus, Jesus was speaking to His inner circle who would be receptive after being under the present influence of the Lord's teaching about Himself. Even though their faith was weak and wavering, they got a glimpse of His Divinity. It must have sunk so deep into their hearts, that they made the transition from physical sight to spiritual sight. They were blessed beyond measure. We find a lesson in Mark 8:24 in which a blind man, who was not born that way, was healed by Jesus. “Regaining his sight he said, I see people, but they look like trees walking." Interestingly, there are some who place more significance on the tree as “people”, than the knowledge of good and evil in the Garden of Eden. If we were to point out a parallel of these trees, which not everyone will see, they represent a prejudice and presumption that prevents them from seeing the intents and purposes of God. The first sin and thus the Fall of man stems from the presumption that there would be no repercussions. Eve thought, 'well, this isn't going to kill me' (Gen. 3:4-5). God knew she would disobey Him and He said, “Your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods.” Is that a good thing? Small 'g' gods are never good and you can never mix good with evil. The Fall of man was a curse, a combination of positive and negative, which results in a spiritual short circuit, the loss of immortality. Likewise, the healed blind man saw walking trees as such, because the restoration of sight was not immediate; he was seeing things in a state of confusion; obscured yet with imperfection.

Christ Killers

Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

October 22, 2017

Scripture Reading: Genesis 4:14

This verse tells us of the objection of Cain to the LORD God of his punishment after he committed the murder of his brother Abel. The descendants of Cain were to be fugitives and vagabonds in the earth. Are they still that way? Are they still wandering all over the earth?

And what group of people would ever be described by the name of “Christ-killers”? Who would be charged with the guilt of plotting, instigating, and executing the murder of someone who they felt was an enemy; a person who was so dangerous to them that He had to be eliminated. What group of people are described in the Holy Scriptures as the ones making the following accusations against Jesus the Christ?

God, Guns and Government

Sermon Notes by Pastor Mark Downey

October 15, 2017

Scripture Reading: Luke 22:35-38

Forgive me for the alliteration (a series of words starting with the same letter) in our title. Perhaps a sequel could be Baal, Bongos and Babylon. The Titanic ship of Babylon keeps getting closer and closer to the iceberg of God. The Admiralty jurisdiction wants to confiscate all life preservers and life boats with the artificial storms of Marxist Dialectics. There will be some who jump ship into the great whore that sits upon many waters (Rev. 17:1, 15). They would rather surrender their souls to the final beast empire of prophecy than walking on water as Peter did momentarily. I'm waxing a bit poetic, but can you feel the crescendo of our times hitting the boiling point of Christians in the saucepan? The antichrists probably think of us as the frog, but don't want us jumping out of their century long conspiracy to boil us to death. They want voluntary compliance; for us to beg them to please turn up the heat. But be warned, the first breath you take after you surrender will not be the breath of life, but the polluted air of zombies. After so many years of senseless gun-related shootings, they envision the White Christian American to march down to their local police station and tell the Chief, “Please take my gun”. Hardly any of these sensational shootings make any sense and most have an uncanny pattern of coincidences, always aided and abetted by the mainstream jewish media. They very seldom tell the whole truth about a shooting and suppress revealing information that would suggest others were involved besides the lone nut. However, God goes so far as to say, “And in her was found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth” Rev. 18:24.

Who Chooses? Part 11

Who Are the Jews?

Compiled from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

October 8, 2017

Scripture Reading: Genesis 25:34

What happened at this meal between the two men who were twins: Jacob and Esau? What did Esau do to despise his birthright? Did all that he accomplished that day was to eat some bread and drink some lentil soup that was prepared by his brother? How many individuals have done this in 6000 years? Who are the descendants of Jacob and Esau?

Was that all that Esau did? There must have been something else. But what difference does it make to today’s average Christian regarding what Esau did at that time?

Love Not the World

by Pastor Brian Jones

October 1, 2017

Scripture Reading:  Psalms 7:8-11

God is truth and His truth is forever and never changes.  His truth is for the people that He chose. You must be willing to receive the spirit of truth.

The following scriptures were discussed and are highly recommended for a bible study.

  • 1 John 2:15-16  Love not the world.  Lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the boastful pride of life is not from the Father, but from the world
  • Romans 12:1-3  Change your way of thinking.  Be a humble servant.  Cleanse yourself of the garbage the world feeds us.
  • Romans 12:19-21  This verse has a second witness: Leviticus 19:18.  This has to do with a brethren, not the enemies of God and our people.  We are not to serve the enemies of God.
  • Ephesians 5:21-26   Change your way of thinking.
  • Colossians 3:1-10  Kill the Old Man!  The old man is the spiritual condition of a worldly man.
  • Colossians 3:15 How we should treat our family
  • James 1:1-8   Tribulation works patience.  Count it all joy.  it's something that God has to do.  The world watches how we endure hard times.
  • James 1:12-15  When you get tempted, you either get better or bitter. The world wants you bitter.  God needs better and stronger Christians.  You will be blessed.

The Christogenea Hymnal

Compiled by James Jester

The Christogenea Hymnal

The Christogenea Hymnal contains 108 traditional hymns, topical index, alphabetical index, an Appendix which contains two articles, “What is Christian Identity?” and “Model Prayers.” The prayers and hymns in the back will be a great resource for church or for family worship time.

This compilation of hymns relies heavily upon the post-Reformation period. There are hymns traditionally known as Methodist, Baptist, or Lutheran hymns. Now there are hymns that will come to be known as Christian Identity hymns, such as, “O Israel Awaken,” or “Jerusalem” (The Glastonbury Hymn), or “God’s Covenant People.

Many of the hymns will be familiar to most Christians regardless of their religious background; however, there will be some hymns you have never heard of before, until now.

Harvey Reichstag

Sermon Notes by Pastor Mark Downey

September 24, 2017

Scripture Reading: Exodus 18:19-23

This is not a sermon about a person named Harvey Reichstag, but rather the conjunction of the worst ever US natural disaster (according to AccuWeather.com) and the worst ever political arson fire. The recent hurricane in Texas and the German Parliament building set ablaze have a common denominator. In 2011 I wrote a sermon called “Katrina? You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet!” Six years later, we're seeing something. We're seeing a storm of devastation nearing 40 inches of rain and $200 billion in damages. In fact, we are seeing a slew of hurricanes. Both the hurricane(s) and the arson are not what they appear to be. Both exploitations are borne of political expediency for propaganda purposes. Both have an impact on national security. Both have a calculated future because of the evil inherent from the events. Both have an inevitable clash between Christianity and jewish communism.  Both foment extraordinary extremism. Both have biblical implications. That may not be specific enough yet to draw some corollaries. So please allow me to explain if you can handle the truth. I say that because most people have been programmed to automatically close their minds to anything having to do with race, God and government; the latter two falsely euphemized as church and state. But, the walls of our minds were meant to be overcome. The Truth shall make you free from the barriers of disinformation.