Don Elmore Sermons

Weeping for Tammuz


Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

November 6, 2022

Scripture Reading:  Ezekiel 8:13-14

The House of Israel and twenty-two cities of the House of Judah were taken captive by the Assyrians.  The House of Israel was given a bill of divorcement from Almighty God.  This ten-tribe House of Israel wouldn’t be put back into the covenant that God made with their fathers for about 700 years from the time that Ezekiel was shown this vision.  By the time they were put back, they had become many nations living in different parts of the world.  They had no hope of salvation without the sacrifice and resurrection of their Messiah.  There wasn’t one thing that they could do.



Who Do the Calvinists Say Receives the Promises of the Covenant? 

Taken from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

October 2, 2022

Scripture Reading: Matthew 24:24

Replacement Theology is common in Western churches. It teaches that since the Jews were scattered amongst the nations due to their rejection of God’s way, then the Christian church has replaced national Israel regarding the plan, purpose, and promises of God.  I am going to examine part of two articles of two of Calvinist’s great modern-day theologians, R.C. Sproul and Loraine Boettner.

The Bible is so Easy to Read

By Pastor Don Elmore

Presented at the September 2022 Annual Homecoming Conference. Audio/video will be added once it's made available.

Scripture Reading:  MATTHEW 13:36

Have you ever wondered why the LORD Jesus spoke in parables?  One example would be the parable of the “tares of the field.”  After speaking this parable, the crowd left and Jesus went into the house.  His disciples shortly joined Him and asked for an explanation of the parable.   Jesus only gave the interpretation of the parable to His disciples.  Why?  Because the crowd was not there; they had been sent away.

One of the questions that was asked by His closest followers, was why He spoke in parables.  His answer would be astounding and very confusing to the modern-day Judeo-Christian.  It would be hard for them to understand.  For the Messiah said that it was only His disciples that were granted to know about the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to the crowd it was not granted.  What?  Jesus said that the multitudes were not given the opportunity to know about the mysteries of the kingdom of God.

Great Britain's Chaos - Part 4



Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

August 7, 2022

Scripture Reading:  Deuteronomy 28:48

This is the last part of this current series.  Great Britain was in complete chaos.  John Knox was one of the founders that converted Scotland from the Church of England to Presbyterianism in the 1500s.  It eventually became Scotland’s state church.

The four Stuart kings wanted to be the head and rule the new Protestant church of Scotland, like they did the Church of England.  King James I, a skillful politician and a suspected homosexual, made a balanced compromise between Calvinistic doctrine and episcopal practice. 

Great Britain's Chaos - Part 3



Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

July 17, 2022

Scripture Reading: Colossians 2:8

Are many Americans spoiled by philosophy, psychology and other subjects which use vain deceit?  If they are, who is spoiling them?  Is it philosophers who teach after the tradition of men; is it after the rudiments of the world?  So, we can conclude from this verse that such topics are evil teachings; for they are set in opposition to the doctrines of the Bible.

The Apostle Paul sent this warning to the Christians in Colossae, Turkey.  James Moffatt renders the same verse as, “Beware of anyone getting hold of you by means of a theosophy [a branch of philosophy] which is specious make believe, on the lines of human tradition.”

The Secret


Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

July 3, 2022

Scripture Reading: Daniel 2:16-19

Daniel was taken by his Assyrians captors to their country, but they choose this "seed of David" to be a ruler of Babylon. He lived a flawless life and the only sin his co-rulers could find was that he served his LORD God flawlessly.  Pastor Elmore contrasts his life with someone else.

Who Returned to the Ukraine?


by Pastor Don Elmore

June 26, 2022

Matthew 23:33  “Ye serpents, ye generation [race or nation] of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell.”

“The people we today call ‘Jews’ are the very disciples of the evil entity whom the Bible describes as, ‘that old serpent, the devil.’”  The above is a quote from an American preacher.  I will tell you who it was at the end of this short message as I have other quotes from him in the remainder of the article.



by Pastor Don Elmore

June 19, 2022

When I accepted my school position this summer, I was informed that there would be two holidays in the summer that there would be no school.  I wasn’t told what they were…I was just given the dates.  One was Monday, July 4th which I immediately recognized as a holiday.  The other one was Monday, June 20th.  I had no idea what holiday this was, but I knew that we had that day off.

Reading the Cincinnati Enquirer newspaper after church last Sunday (6/12), I came upon an article entitled, “What to know about Juneteenth.”

Great Britain's Chaos - Part 2



Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

June 5, 2022

Scripture Reading:  Deuteronomy 28:48

This is part 2 of the four-part series on the conditions of Great Britain while America was a colony.  If you think that things are bad in America today, they will have to get a lot worse, and I think that they will, to surpass what happened in Great Britain.  Great Britain had:

  • Three civil wars in ten years;
  • Wars between the Church of England and the Presbyterians of Scotland;
  • Wars between the Puritan Parliament and the Catholics of Ireland;
  • Wars between the Puritan Parliament and the Protestant/Catholic Royalty; and
  • The Jews were readmitted back into their country; after being absent for almost 400 years, and started issuing usury loan debt to the kings, nation and citizens.

America hasn't Learned from Great Britain's Chaos


A short lesson by Pastor Don Elmore

May 29, 2022

In the Sunday Cincinnati Enquirer of May 22, 2022, there was a one-half page article entitled, “Jewish group criticizes [Some one’s] vote [in the House of Representatives].”  The vote was 420 to 1.  The vote was a week-and-a-half ago on Wednesday May 18th.  There were eight other members of the House that abstained from voting on this bill. 

What bill was this?  Who voted against it? 

Great Britain's Chaos - Part 1



Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

May 15, 2022

Scripture Reading:  Deuteronomy 28:48

Oliver Cromwell was a Protestant Puritan Calvinist, but the crimes which he committed were many.  A few of his major atrocities were:

  • He replaced Parliament with his own people


  • He confiscated the lands of his one-time friends, then declared them his enemies, and gave their lands to his close followers.
  • He killed thousands of non-Puritan Christians who surrendered to his armies.
  • His armies looted cities, killed his opponents and their wives and children.
  • Ships were loaded with tens of thousands of Catholic captives from Ireland to be sold into slavery in Virginia and elsewhere in the Caribbean.
  • In the 1650’s, against public outcry, he opened England’s gates to international Jewish bankers, thereby infecting England with usury for the first time in almost 400 years.

This last crime committed by Cromwell is not well known to the world.  It is left out of many history books.  But it is written in enough books that it is well-known among true historians.

FGCP Church Discussion on Communion


Does the Scripture Sanction the Sacraments? by Pastor Jim Jester

April 10, 2022

The question before us as a church is, does the Bible demand that we observe the alleged sacraments of the historic Christian faith?

Holy Communion by Pastor Don Elmore

There are different ways and different formulas that every church uses.  Which one is correct or are several correct?  Which ones are wrong?  They all can’t be correct.  Maybe none are correct. What are we as a covenant church to believe and do?

I Have a Dream


Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

March 13, 2022

Scripture Reading: Jeremiah 23:21, 25, 31, 32

Who is Jeremiah writing about?  Who are the false prophets who are lying to His covenant people?  Who prophesies false dreams which shall not profit His people at all?

The following is from an email that I received from Pastor Lawrence Blanchard.  He got it from the American Renaissance website, January 17, 2022.  The article was written by Jared Taylor and was named, “Eyewitness Report:  A Multi-cultural Inauguration for Virginia”.

“In 2020, Virginia voted 55 percent to 45 percent for Joe Biden over Donald Trump, so Glenn Youngkin’s upset is supposed to herald great things for Republicans. Republicans depend on whites —  85 percent of Mr. Trump’s 2020 voters were white — and the huge crowd at the inauguration was more than overwhelmingly white.

Who is Ruling America?


Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

February 6, 2022

Scripture Reading: Deuteronomy 32:4

America is ruled by the mafia:  Genovese, Gambino, Lucchese, Colombo, Bonanno or as they are called:  the American Mafia.  They, along with Yale University’s Skulls and Bones secret society, started in 1832, and the government’s CIA, have assassinated and/or controlled Presidents to protect their investments. 

The robber barons consisted of Carnegie, Brown and Rockefeller.  Dulles, Liddy, the Bushes, LBJ, Nixon, etc.; they have ruled as puppets with the mafia pulling the strings behind the scenes. 

President Biden is an international mafia criminal too.  Look at what his son, Hunter, has done, and look at what has happened to him!  Practically Biden’s entire family; brothers, son, wife, brother-in-law, etc. are mixed-up in performing the business of the mafia.  And what is done about it? – a lot of threats, but nothing.

The Second Song of Moses

Compiled from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

Audio not available.  Published, in part, in the New Covenant Messenger Jan 2022

PSALMS 90:1-2

This psalm (Psalm 90) was written by Moses and was called a prayer.  It is supposed that this psalm was penned upon occasion of the sentence passed upon Israel in the wilderness for their unbelief.

  • They were punished for all their unbelief, murmuring and rebellion that their carcasses should fall (all those over 20 years old) and be buried in the wilderness. 
  • That they should be wasted away by a series of miseries for thirty-eight years together. 
  • And that none of them that were then of age (20 years and older) should enter Canaan.

What if we were living at this time?  Suppose we were thirty years old when the punishment was explained to us by Almighty God that we would not be allowed to go into the Promise Land.  Everyone over the age of 20 years old, except for the faithful two Israelite spies, Caleb and Joshua, would spend the next 38 years being buried in the wilderness.  We would just wander around till the 38 years ended and all of us had died.  How depressing would that time period be?  Would we need something to help us get though this long time?  We couldn’t enter the Promise Land, we just had to wait and wait and wait.  How depressing.  Moses’ second song was written for this purpose.


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