Church of the Slam Dunk Part 1

By Pastor Mark Downey

August 31, 2014

Scripture Reading: Acts 2:37-41

Researching the subject of baptism has taken many twists and turns in an attempt to discover the truth.  In our series, "The Shining Light of Glory", not only were many parallels made between biblical light and water baptism, but also that they were one and the same.  This prompted some curiosity as to why there is such a diversity of interpretations as to what baptism really is and where those dogmas come from.  After reading assertions about full body immersion-styled baptisms that came from the pagan mystery religions, I began research to prove whether or not this was true, because I didn't want to advocate something that was contrary to the Word of God. However, what I discovered was far from such a simple premise.

Over the expanse of time, the history of baptism has become very convoluted.  I dare say that if you ask a dozen Christians what the meaning of baptism is, you'll get a dozen different answers.  After half a year, I had traversed, in depth, hundreds of articles, dozens of books and prayerfully seeking what God would have us do. "Seek, and ye shall find" (Mt. 7:7).  I think I've found some unconfusing resolves to this issue.  It is not my intent to create controversy or jerk anyone's emotional chain. 

The Kurtis Monschke Story Part 2

by Pastor Mark Downey

July 27, 2014

Scripture Reading: Genesis 18:23-32

In criminal law, William Blackstone formulated the principle that: “It is better that ten guilty persons escape than one innocent suffer.”  The actual numbers or ratio is not as important as the idea that the State should not cause undue or mistaken harm "just in case."  Historically, the details of the ratio change, but the message that government and the courts must err on the side of innocence is constant.  The concept is much older than The Commentaries on the  Laws of England, which is why I choose today's Scripture in Genesis 18, about the destruction of Sodom which, it must be noted, God did eventually destroy, but with the  innocent getting out of Dodge beforehand.  Similarly, we are told in Rev. 18:4 to, “Come out of her [Mystery Babylon] My people [Israel]... that ye receive not of her plagues.”  Blackstone's maxim was also absorbed into American common law, cited repeatedly by our Founding Fathers, later becoming a standard drilled into law students all the way into the 21st century.   I would be shocked and dismayed if Kurtis' prosecutors never heard of this fundamental precept of law.  Perhaps it's as diminished as one hour of instruction on nutrition in medical schools.  Or the spiritual analogy from seminaries that religion is only for people to feel good. 

The Kurtis Monschke Story Part 1

by Mark Downey

July 13, 2014

Scripture Reading: Hebrews 13:3

Remember those who are in prison, as though in prison with them” Heb. 13:3 ESV.  I wonder how many Christians heed this passage or even understand the ramifications of what they're being admonished to do.  Although it's not Scripture, we have heard the idiomatic expression, “There but for the grace of God go I.”  I wonder how many people have committed crimes and have never been caught?  I wonder how many Christians think so and so should be in jail for something they think he did wrong, when in fact incarceration is no where to be found in God's Law.  The only justice meted out in the Bible is restitution or death, which is a pretty good deterrent against crime or what we call sin.  But, this passage in Hebrews isn't necessarily talking about criminal actions, or debt or immorality and certainly not your more heinous crimes of malevolence, but rather those who are in bondage for the sake of Christ.  Today we call them political prisoners or prisoners of war (POW's).  This is often the case with God's elect standing on principles and demonized in a nation under occupation and not under God.  You know you're doing something right when “men shall revile you, and persecute you, an shall say all manner of evil against you falsely” for the sake of Christ (Mt. 5:11).  I dare say that the antichrist jew would like to put every racist, what they consider an “antisemite,” and every politically incorrect hate group in concentration camps to die.  They are so bold today, to talk of the White race and Christianity in the past tense, in the most disparaging terms.  But in spite of this, the Holy Spirit compels White men to proclaim the Good News of the Gospels and to produce good fruit.  You usually won't find them in the churches, but you'll find them in the trenches of racial consciousness.  That's where the real battle is being fought, in the hearts and minds of our kind. 

We should not forget those who dare take a stand.  We should admire those who, as the KJV puts it, “Prove[s] all things; hold fast [hold on to] that which is good” I Thes. 5:21.  The CNT renders it, “But scrutinize all things, hold fast that which is right.”  Unfortunately, when a society has a government that no longer adheres to proof or scrutiny, it no longer is a terror to the evil, but to the good and righteous.  In lieu of jewish death camps for the goyim, we have instead a criminal justice growth industry, whereby innocent men and women can be thrown into prison on the flimsiest of pretext(s). 

Churches Warned

The Wake-up Herald

And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed. The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light. Let us walk honestly, as in the day; not in rioting and drunkenness, not in chambering and wantonness, not in strife and envying. But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfill the lusts thereof. Romans 13:11-14

No Fault Birthing; Weapons of Mass Diversity

by Pastor Mark Downey

August 17, 2014

Scripture reading:  Revelation 17:3-7

If our people don't understand why they were born into this world, they certainly won't understand why other races occupy the same planet.  In light of the recent alien invasion under the guise of “children” and the congressional clamor for immigration reform, I've been hearing this inane cliché that 'it's not their fault they were born that way.'  What way?  As mongrels, or as the Bible identifies them as 'strangers.'  In other words, anyone who is not born White, cannot be blamed for what they are.  Does that make any sense?  Perhaps to the thinking of a universalist or egalitarian, it would be heartless to blame these little Latinos crossing our borders illegally.  But to Christian Identity, the issue should not be the legal status of young goats, but rather their racial disposition.  The last two messages about Kurtis Monschke dealt with the subject of innocence.  Today, I want to discuss the theology of guilt, because if we don't know the source of unrighteousness, how can we ever hope to know what is righteous? 

Another Hoax

by Pastor Don Elmore

August 10, 2014

Scripture Reading Galatians 1:6-9

Mormonism strives with great effort to masquerade as the restored Christian church complete with an exclusive message, infallible prophets, higher revelations for a new dispensation which the Mormons would have us believe began with Joseph Smith, Jr. in the 1820’s.   Joseph Smith wrote in the Pearl of Great Price, Chapter 2, verses 1-25; that when he asked the Personages who stood above him in the light, which of all the sects (Christian churches) was right and which one should he join, he received the following answer:

  • All Christian churches were apostate; they were all wrong; No Christian church.
  • All Christian creeds were an abomination to God; No Christian theology.
  • All professors of Christianity were corrupt; No Christians.

In other words, a restoration of true Christianity was needed, and that he, Joseph Smith, Jr., had been chosen to launch the new dispensation.  It all began in 1823 when the angel Moroni came to Joseph’s bedside and told him where the golden plates were hid in the hill Cumorah near Palmyra, New York.  Smith began to “translate” the “reformed Egyptian” hieroglyphics inscribed thereupon by means of the “Urim and Thummin,” a type of miraculous spectacles which the always-thoughtful angel Moroni had the foresight to provide for the new budding seer of the new Christian church. 

The “miraculous translation” taken from the hidden “golden plates” that the angel had told him where to find them; that translated word for word, even the mistakes, from the King’s James Version of the Bible which was written almost 2000  years after the golden plates were buried in the ground; became known as the Book of Mormon

Mormon theology is a polytheistic teaching that the universe is inhabited by different gods who procreate spirit children which are in turn are clothed with bodies on different planets; Adam-god being the god of this planet.  Adam-god had sexual relations with Mary to produce Jesus, the Son of god.  Lucifer was a spirit brother of Jesus prior to His birth.  The Garden of Eden was located in Missouri and not in Asia!  Mormonism is a universal religion; for they believe in universal salvation that all men will be saved, but each one in their own order.  Jesus will return to Missouri when he returns. 

Can you tell from the above that Mormonism is definitely not Christian?  It didn’t restore Christianity; it eliminates it. 

National Covenant Renewal

by Pastor Everett Ramsey

August 3, 2014

Scripture Reading: Psalms 79:1-13

Dr. Ramsey is remembered for his church in Nebraska being America’s first padlocked church for courageously refusing to bow to the government demand that he license their church school.  He went to federal prison for standing his ground on Christian principles.  He is also known for his super conferences and the Court of Divine Justice.  Pastor Everett is a well known and respected Christian Identity author and speaker.  Click here to visit his website.

Dangers in the Constitution

As viewed from Biblical Law by James Jester

The Constitution of the United States has long been regarded as the document that protects our God-given Rights. It is a well-known fact of history that the Constitution would not have been ratified by the states without some protection of these Rights. The result was the Bill of Rights, the first 10 amendments to the Constitution. The people reasoned, what good is a Constitution without some guarantee? They had just fought a tyrannical government and did not want their new centralized government to become too powerful. As the actor, Mel Gibson, asked in his movie, The Patriot, “What difference does it make if we have one tyrant a thousand miles away, or a thousand tyrants one mile away?”

The Preamble introduces the Constitution as a Trust, with the words, “to Ourselves and our Posterity.” It was designed for no one else. Many

Founders knew that the new Constitution would only work for Godly men and understood that if the ungodly came to power nothing would stop them.“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”Evidently, John Adams (and others) knew something that most today do not. Were they aware that this document had loopholes in it? Are our God-given Rights really guaranteed? Can the Constitution contradict and violate these Rights? Could it be that immoral and irreligious people now run our country? It is obvious today that very evil people do run this government for there is no limit to what they have done or can do. Neither is there any accountability or punishment found in the Constitution for evildoers. There are at least four ways that the Constitution allows the “fearful taskmaster” that George Washington warned us about.

The One Room Schoolhouse of Yesteryear

By Ed Sommerville

There was a time in America that the one room schoolhouses were the only schools available in small towns and rural America.  Their schoolteachers were very dedicated to do the job they were chosen to do.  During the cold winter, the only heat was a wood or coal stove in the room.  She as well as her students had to find their own way to school regardless of rain or snow.  There was no such thing as a thermostat at that time so it was necessary to add wood or coal during the day.  She would have to teach all grades through 8th and prepare for the next day’s lessons.  Would you say these conditions were desirable for these young children to receive a good education in a schoolhouse that only cost a few hundred dollars?

Now a little over one hundred years later we have what it takes to get a good education.  We have built multimillion dollar schools with central heating and air conditioning and millions of dollars in school buses to take them to school in any weather, along with all the comforts imaginable.  They have state of the arts in electronics along with gymnasiums, cafeterias and some with swimming pools.