The Kurtis Monschke Story

by Pastor Mark Downey

Part 1:  A real life chronicle of one outstanding skinhead falsely accused of murder and sentenced to life imprisonment.  He exemplifies the true grit of what young Identity Christian men should be.  An amazing story of an innocent man fighting for his freedom and yours.

Part 2:  Evidence from Washington state transcripts and witness testimony that proves the innocence of a man who has spent the last ten years in federal prison and who has exhausted all legal remedies, leaving one last option of clemency and your prayers.

Lincoln’s War against the Declaration

by Joel Taylor

The Gettysburg Address is so full of holes when compared with the Declaration of Independence that I do not see how anyone can miss what Lincoln did. A close examination shows us that the Address is the foundation, the new constitution, of the nation in which we now live. It did away with the Declaration of Independence and the original Constitution, and it formed a new nation, a nation dedicated to empire building — enforcing its will on all others. We have seen many examples during our lifetime of Lincoln’s new nation’s goal of subduing all to its will; such as the Ten Commandments issue in Alabama, the Florida election, gun control measures, etc. All these establish Federal control over the local states. Lincoln’s Federal nation believes it has the right to enforce its will upon the states, and, if necessary, will use military might to enforce its will. Here are a few of the obvious statements showing Lincoln’s overthrow of the nation founded by the Declaration of Independence, a nation no longer in existence.

First, our fathers did not bring forth on this continent a new nation. Lincoln brought forth that new nation. Our fathers brought forth thirteen new nations. The union of those thirteen individual and independent nations was known as these united States, not this United States. America was conceived as thirteen individual nations, united together for their common good. But Lincoln’s War forced the individual nations into one nation, quite contrary to what our fathers fought and died to give us.

Second, that nation was not dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal; that is, founded so all people would have equal rights. The common unity of the original thirteen individual and independent nations was over the problem of oppressive government intervention. Read “The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America as presented in Congress, July 4, 1776.” (Note the name tells us that the Declaration was by thirteen united States located in America.) The complaints of the thirteen independent nation-states against the oppressions of the King of Great Britain sound very much like the complaints of the fifty states against the Federal Government established by Lincoln.

Which Way America?

The Wake-up Herald

And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed. The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light. Let us walk honestly, as in the day; not in rioting and drunkenness, not in chambering and wantonness, not in strife and envying. But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfill the lusts thereof. Romans 13:11-14

Apostasy Rising

The Wake-up Herald

And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed. The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light. Let us walk honestly, as in the day; not in rioting and drunkenness, not in chambering and wantonness, not in strife and envying. But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfill the lusts thereof. Romans 13:11-14

False Apostles

by Pastor Don Elmore

July 6, 2014

Scripture Reading: Jeremiah 25:1-7

This portion of Scripture gives the reference of when it was spoken:  the fourth year of Jehoiakim, king of Judah.  For twenty-three years, God had sent Jeremiah and His prophets to them telling the Judahites to repent.  Notice they all got up early.  Did any of the Judahites listen?

Athaliah    17 kings 
Ahaz / 
716-687Hoshea 732-721
Manasseh                          Assyrian Captivity 
JOSIAH640-608 627--  Started
Jehoahaz 608 23 years
Jehoiakim 608-597 604--  NOW
Babylonian Captivity                  18 years

You can tell from the chart that the Kingdom of Judah went into the Babylonian Captivity eighteen years after this portion of Scripture was given.  The House of Israel was already taken into the Assyrian Captivity as well as most of the House of Judah.  It was given in the fourth year of the reign of Jehoiakim and in eighteen more years Judah no longer existed as a nation.

The Gettysburg Address

By Charles Adams

In years past, many of us of the older generation had to learn the Gettysburg Address given by president Abraham Lincoln to dedicate the cemetery at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. It is chiseled in stone at the Lincoln Memorial and most Americans rank it with the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. That it has survived with such reverence is one of the most bizarre aspects of the war, for while it may be good poetry, it certainly lacks good thinking. It reflected Lincoln’s logic, which was based on errors and falsehoods, and did not fit the world of his day. The following is taken, in part, from When in the Course of Human Events by Charles Adams:

Congregations of Blasphemers

by Pastor Mark Downey

June 29, 2014

Scripture Reading:  Matthew 12:31-32

In the 1st century AD Jesus was born into the world where the timing and location had to be perfect for Him to fulfill His divine destiny.  Judean culture at that time had a great expectation for the prophesied Messiah in anticipation of being delivered from the Roman occupation of what comprised the territories of ancient Israel.  Our people had to wait over 700 years for the prophesied Messiah of Isaiah 53.  Likewise, the Second Coming is a long wait and Israel would again be under a beastly occupation.  But, when the Anointed of God finally came 2000 years ago with His Plan of Deliverance, the people of the land refused to acknowledge the authority He brought with Him.  The Pharisees were among the people who did not approve of Jesus; Christ was not behaving in the manner they expected the Messiah to behave in.  Christ was not validating the religious establishment; the commonplace everyday blasphemies of the good old boys club; nor was He submitting himself to peer psychology whereby He was the clay and the people were the Potter.  He just didn't play the game of the orthodoxies of error that had become the matrix of society.  We feel the same rejection in Christian Identity, because we don't fit in to most congregations out there. 

And I have to wonder, is it any different today with Pharisees behind the pulpits of America, indicting those who function in the power of God with the same kind of inane disdain.  How dare you implicate Jesus having a racial message.  And yet we come for the same lost sheep of the house of Israel that Jesus Christ said He came for (Mt. 15:24).  The Pharisees within Identity and without in judeo-churchianity can say all manner of evil against me and other Bible believing Christian Israelites falsely, but when they perjure the authority of my witness or misrepresent testimony of our brethren with outright lies, they have blasphemed the spirit of one's calling from God.  Perjury is the deliberate falsification of the facts under oath.  So if one calls themselves a Christian, they are automatically sworn to tell the truth; otherwise they commit the sin of bearing false witness.  Are we not oath-bound to the God of Israel?  If they did it to Christ, they will do it to His followers.  Jesus said, “If the world hates you, understand that it hated Me before it hated you” John 15:18.  I tend to believe that our detractor's problem is not with us, but with God.  The Disciples of Christ had the same problem of people becoming Christians for the wrong reasons. 

Who is Behind the Mixing of the Races?

Flyer by the Christian Anti-Jewish Party

In America there is a lot of hostility towards Blacks, Mexicans, Asians and other minorities.  And the Whites have a lot of complaints too.  Which race or races are behind multiculturalism?  Which one(s) are behind race-mixing?  Which one(s) are for miscegenation?

The United States used to practice segregation, not integration.  Now segregation is gone and it is politically incorrect.  So, even though it was in existence for over 85% of the nation's existence, it is now considered evil.  When an incident happens that is close to "racism" it is immediately covered in the press and put down as being evil.  Who was against it?

What religion is prominent in the United States in the days when it practiced segregation?  What religion was South Africa when it experienced "Blood River" and practiced segregation?

Was there one that pushed the civil rights movement?  And who was the one who influenced the other races to come to the lands of Israel to mongrelize them?


What is the Bible About?

By Pastor Don Elmore

June 22, 2014

Scripture Reading:  Map of Abram's journey through the Promised LandGenesis 12:6-9

6) “And Abram passed through the land unto the place of Shechem, unto the oak of Moreh.  And the Canaanite was then in the land.

7) And the LORD appeared unto Abram, and said, Unto thy seed will I give this land:  and there builded he an altar unto the LORD, who appeared unto him.

8) And he removed from there unto a mountain on the east of Bethel, and pitched his tent, having Bethel on the west, and Hai on the east:  and there he builded an altar unto the LORD, and called upon the name of the LORD. 

9) And Abram journeyed going on still toward the Negev.” 

When one reads the Bible what does one find?  The contents are not what the average Christian thinks should be in there.  Most churches do not teach anything about biblical history; only most of their Sunday schools do--if they have one.  But they teach very little about the kings, battles, religious views and genetic purity or mongrelization of each country; and it is totally disorganized.  They believe that it is not important.  Maybe this is one reason that most Christians don’t read their Bibles:  because it is so different from what they are taught in church.

The Bible tells the story of different races, primarily two; one pure and the other mongrel.  What does history have to do with the story of Christ’s birth, death, resurrection and ascensions?   What does the history tell us about personal salvation?  One would think this is what the Bible teaches from what the churches instruct; practically no biblical history.

I Love to Hate

by Pastor Mark Downey

June 15, 2014

Scripture Reading: Romans 13:10-12

This is a message guaranteed to irritate politically correct liberals or even kosher conservatives who pretend to be defenders of a moral culture, when in fact, both contribute to the decadence and corruption of society.  My original title was “A Time To Hate' from the book of Ecclesiastes and then changed to 'Hate Is A Family Value,' but I decided to settle on the proactive title 'I Love To Hate,” because it's self explanatory (which I'll explain in a moment) and logical.  It would be a contradiction to say I hate to hate.  That's like Bill Clinton saying, “We will not tolerate intolerance.”  Let me say from the onset that there's nothing wrong with hate unless someone comes along and redefines it to mean something malicious, malevolent, sadistic or satanic etc, which is exactly what totalitarians do in a dictatorship; they can make words mean whatever they want; and it becomes a war of words.  Thought PoliceOrwell exemplified this in his classic novel '1984' with three slogans: war is peace, freedom is slavery and ignorance is strength.  If they make sense, you're either a master of doublethink or have stopped thinking altogether.  The last thing a dictatorship wants, is it's subjects hating what the regime wants you to think.