An Identity Rebuttal to Jewish Voice Today Part 4

by Pastor Mark Downey

Scripture Reading: Romans 8:35-39

January 25, 2015

Today's message is the last installment of this series, but certainly not the conclusion of my life's work exposing jewish perfidy nor an end to identity rebuttals proving an endless litany of falsifications and deception by the sworn enemies of God and His true Israel people.  In fact, we must balance the Identity message with as much evidence proving that the biblical and historical Israel can be none other than the White race.  And that will be the focus of forthcoming sermons, which any honest reader will not be able to deny, simply because of a preponderance of factual witnesses.  It will be denied by the antichrist adversaries via judaism and what Lenin called “useful idiots” regurgitating the spirit of hate, hypocrisy and confusion.  Jews have always considered White people as cattle (goyim) and held in the highest contempt, being cynically exploited to subvert our own culture and heritage.  For the limited time and space for this presentation, we've been looking at what the jew has done in the realm of religion to pursue political ambitions.  And there is no better example than the reversal of Gen. 12:3 to falsify the object of that verse, having it pertain to jews by blessing them. The cruel joke is that the more we bless, the more they curse us with their Big Lie.  However, our love for the Truth will overcome Babylon in these last days. 

2015 Wake-Up Herald

The Wake-Up Herald

Robert McCurry, Editor & Publisher

And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed. The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light.

The Minority Prophets

by Pastor Don Elmore

January 18, 2014

Scripture Reading: 2 Kings 17:13

In today's scripture reading, God reveals that House of Judah (Benjamin, Levi and Judah) also committed the same sins as did the nation of the other ten tribes: the House of Israel.  Many were the prophets God had sent to both nations of Israel in an attempt to turn them from their many sins.  This was addressed to Israelites only.  It was not addressed to any other nation or nations.  It was a racial statement.

14 prophets sent to the House of Israel:

  1. A man of God (1 Kings 13:1-21)
  2. Abijah (1 Kings 14:1-18)
  3. Jehu (1 Kings 16:1-4)
  4. Elijah (1 Kings 17:1-2; 2 Kings 2:11)
  5. Elisha (1 Kings 19:19-21; 2 Kings 2:1-13, 25)
  6. An unknown prophet (1 Kings 20:13-14, 22)
  7. A man of God (1 Kings 20:28)
  8. A son of the prophets (1 Kings 20:35-42)
  9. Micaiah (1 Kings 22:17-28)
  10. A son of the prophets (2 Kings 9:1-10)
  11. Jehu, the king (2 Kings 10:30)
  12. Jonah (2 Kings 14:25)
  13. Iddo (2 Chronicles 9:29)
  14. Oded (2 Chronicles 28:9-15)

An Identity Rebuttal to Jewish Voice Today Part 3

by Pastor Mark Downey

January 11, 2015

Scripture Reading: Romans 8:28-34

Today's message is somewhat of a refresher course, because we can't just say the White race is the true Israel, because most of this generation is invariably persuaded that jews are Israel.  So, we are compelled to explain why that is not possible.  Why is it so important to talk about jews when they seemingly have such an upper hand influencing the theology of most churches today?  The task of enlightening our kindred about the greatest hoax ever perpetrated against mankind, the jewish fraud of assuming the identity of Israel, can be incredibly daunting and seem to be far more trouble than what it's worth.  And that is what the enemy is counting on...


by Pastor Don Elmore

January 4, 2015

Scripture Reading:  2 Timothy 3:1-9

In the last days, the Bible says that men will have a distorted view of love.  They will be lovers of themselves and lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God.  Men will love the world.

“Do not love the world or the things of the world.  If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him, for all this is in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, the pride of life—is not of the Father, but of the world.”  1 John 2:15-16

“If the world hates you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you” John 15:18.

Rio De Janeiro

In Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in 2016 is where tRio-de-Janeiro-statue-of-Christhe Olympic Games are scheduled to be held.  The whole world will have their eyes on this site. We know that these universal games play a major part in the formation of the New World Order. Rio de Janeiro is where the huge statue of the false Jesus stands.  The famous Christ the Redeemer statue suffered damage on its right thumb when it was hit by a furious lightning bolt last January, one year ago.  Roman Catholics said that they will fix the thumb on this Jesuit statue.  Rio-de-Janeiro-statue-of-Christ-lightening-strike

There was also another lightning bolt strike that hit St. Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican on the same night that Pope Benedict XVI announced his resignation, stunning the world.  In fact, there wasn’t just one, but two strikes a few hours apart.  The lightning touched the dome of St. Peter’s Basilica, one of the holiest of all the Catholic churches. 

Talking, Walking and Racing

by Pastor Mark Downey

December 14 and December 28 2014

Scripture Reading:  Jonah 1:12-17; II Timothy 4:2-5

I recently did a radio show with William Finck called 'Walking the Walk' and the audio is available for your listening pleasure.  At the time I only had scribbled notes, so I thought it might be a good idea to provide a text, which could be read at one's convenience along with a few more comments that I have on the subject of Christian order as it pertains to government and what the Identity Christian should be doing; as that is a very often asked question, going back to Acts 2:37, “Men and brethren, what shall we do?”  For years I've been trying to answer that question, because inquiring minds want to know.  Just because somebody puts forth a 'call to arms' does not mean it's time.  Some say there needs to be a tax revolt, being that taxes are so revolting.  Like so many other young men in their 20's, I was ready to bear arms in the early 1980's and overthrow the jewish nemesis; having come to the knowledge of their true identity and mine. But, God had other plans.  You know something is wrong when Pharaoh demands the slave get their own straw to make bricks.  You know something is wrong when Congress is going to cut military pay and veteran benefits, but they're going to extend amnesty to alien  lawbreakers, giving them free citizenship and financial freebies.  Ask yourself, is this the America you grew up in or want your children's future to be?  Is this the singular racial “posterity” our founding fathers specified in The Preamble?  I don't think it even crossed their minds that “to... secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our posterity” even remotely hinted at invading aliens that swarm our land like an army of locusts today.  It's not the America I grew up with, but that does not mean I have to just sit and watch this sorry free fall from God's grace and mercy.    To know what to do is to know the cause and effect of biblical principles.  I drop this ballpoint pen from my hand and it falls to the ground, because of gravity.  Gravity is not just a good idea, it's the law.  Depending on whether we obey the Law of God is what determines blessings and curses.  Now that's a pretty basic premise, but somebody who has lived a life as an unbeliever and his boat sinks and he's drowning and just before he goes down into the water for the last time, he cries out, “God help me.” Of course, there's probably some who are so proud, they will say nothing, and thus “Pride goeth before destruction” Proverbs 16:18. 

I chose Jonah today for our Scripture reading, because he typifies the developing narrow mindedness of the southern house of Judah after their exile in Babylon.  The book is a protest against the mind set of resentment for their 70 year captivity and then an equally disturbing elitism that demanded God's wrath against their enemies, even though they were of the same race.  Nineveh represents the foreigners whom Jonah really did not want to be a missionary to; although just as Semitic as he was, deserving the same portion of God's mercy and salvation.  The message of Jonah is that God loves all Israelites and all Adamites; that is the only universal message of this book and the Bible in general.  “You only have I known of all the families of the earth, therefore I will punish you for all your iniquities” Amos 3:2.  “For whom the Lord loves He chastens” Heb. 12:6.  God is to our race as a parent. 

Girl with Dove

by Pastor Don Elmore

December 21, 2014

Scripture Reading: Matthew 7:13-14:

The United Nations Peace Plaza in Independence, Missouri was unveiled on October 27, 1997, formally dedicated by United Nations General Secretary Kofi Annan on April 25, 2003, and is described by its creators as “the only memorial in the world to those persons serving in the Peacekeeping Forces of the United Nations....”  In the center of this fountain is a 12.5-foot statue named “Girl with Dove” by its sculptor Tom Corbin and in 2003, a four-foot miniature was gifted to the United Nations Headquarters in New York City.

Who is Tom Corbin?  I saw the picture of the statue that he made for the United Nations in my Miami University Alumni magazine.  Tom Corbin was a 1976 graduate of Miami University in Oxford, Ohio.  At Miami, he studied drawing while majoring in marketing.  He started out as an advertising executive until a chance meeting with a bronze sculptor led to classes and thoughts of an art career, which he began in 1986.  He made the six statues of children for the Children Fountain in Kansas City.  And he made the sculptor the stands atop the United Nations Peace Plaza’s fountain in Independence, Missouri.  

The Religion of the House of Israel

by Pastor Don Elmore

December 7, 2014

Scripture Reading:  1 Kings 12:25-33

Location of where Jeroboam's temples in ancient IsraelThis map shows the two cities where Jeroboam 1 built his false temples; one in the South, the other in the North.  From the very beginning, the House of Israel did not worship their God correctly.

Let’s see what the opening Scriptures say about how the House of Israel began; The House of Israel had the:

  • Wrong King:  Had a man who was not of the seed of David:  Jeroboam was a king who was born from the seed of Ephraim (2 Kings 11:26).  God ordained that all kings were to come from the family of David, of the lineage of Judah.
  • Wrong Priests:  Jeroboam made priests of the lowest of the people:  None were of Levi.  God ordained that all His priests were go come from the line of Levi; no other tribe.
  • Wrong Temple:  Jeroboam made two new temples; one in Bethel and the other in Dan.  Inside each temple he put what he said were the “gods that brought you out of Egypt”:  two golden calves.  God had built His house in Jerusalem.  His throne was in the inner court on the Ark of the Covenant.
  • Wrong feast days:  Jeroboam made a feast that was similar to Judah’s but he celebrated it on the wrong month; the 8th instead of the 7th.
  • Wrong laws kept:  Jeroboam kept a different set of laws than what God told them to do.   In fact, it says that the kings of Israel all followed after the commandments of other gods, particularly Baalim. 

The House of Israel experienced in 205 years: 19 kings; 9 dynasties; 7 assassinations; 1 suicide; 1 killed in battle; 1 died falling through a lattice and each new king was worse than his predecessor.  There was not one good king in the whole bunch according to the Bible.  The Old Testament refers to the kingship of Israel as all being disobedient to the Laws of God.