Deuteronomy Part 23

Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

June 24, 2018

Scripture Reading:  Deuteronomy 12:19

There are three “take heeds” in this chapter. One was before verse 19, one is in verse 19, and the last is after verse 19:

  1. Take heed to yourself that you offer sacrifices only in the one place chosen by God (v. 13-14).

  2. Take heed to yourself that you do not forsake the Levite as long as you live (v. 19).

  3. Take heed to yourself that you be not snared into following the nations which you are to dispossess (v. 30).

The Israelites were, at this time, to offer sacrifices only in the ONE place that their God chose. This one place has long been destroyed, so this first “take heed” is no longer in effect.

Deuteronomy Part 22


Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

June 17, 2018

Scripture Reading:  Deuteronomy 12:17-18

These regulations and ordinances are now over. There is no Temple in existence, so we couldn’t keep these ordinances if we wanted to. Jesus the Christ is our sacrifice. It was God, Himself, who paid the sin debt for His peculiar people. That put away all the animal sacrifices forever.

Was this time prophesied? Was there a remnant of God’s people who knew what was the correct time that the true Passover Lamb would be offered? And if they did, then how did they know?

Deuteronomy Part 21


Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

June 10, 2018

Scripture Reading: Deuteronomy 12:15-16

Notwithstanding thou mayest kill and eat flesh in all thy gates—Every animal designed for food, whether ox, goat, or lamb, was during the abode in the wilderness, ordered to be slain as a peace offering at the door of the tabernacle; its blood to be sprinkled, and its fat burned upon the altar by the priest. The encampment, being then round about the altar, made this practice, appointed to prevent idolatry, easy and practicable. But in the settlement in the promised land, the obligation to slay at the tabernacle was dispensed with. The people were left at liberty to prepare their meat in their cities or homes.

The unclean and the clean may eat thereof—The unclean here are those who were under some slight defilement, which, without excluding them from society, barred them from eating any of the sacred meats (Leviticus 7:20). They were at liberty freely to partake of common articles of food.

Do you think that our LORD is angry at His people? We are living in very dangerous times. The world has been turned upside-down. What used to be against the law, is now politically correct. Every person is learning that what used to be “free speech” is no longer. A citizen is not allowed to criticize certain people who are pulling the strings or who are the people who are having their strings pulled. If they do, they either lose their jobs or they are killed!

We are awaiting the fall of the controlling power of mystery Babylon. The United States, ever since the Federal Reserve Act, but even sooner in some of the other Christian Israel Nations, has indeed been handed over to the beast with all the people of the earth being deceived by the unclean spirts emanating from the mouth of the Beast and from the mouth of the False Prophet, while under the economic control of the Jew. Almost the entire book of Revelation has already occurred. All we are awaiting is the fall of Babylon and the return of our Savior.

God Gives Us a Song

by Jim Jester

June 3, 2018

Scripture Reading: Deuteronomy 32:44-47

This lesson could be considered the sequel to my other lesson, “The Handmaiden of God’s Word.” In this sermon, we want to take notice of the time in Israel’s history when God gave them a song.

Perhaps we should begin with this question. What is the music of your church: classic, blended or “let it rock?” Some churches use religious rock, others use Jesus jazz, or holy ho-down. For many, the question of church music is of little consequence since the mantra of most church leaders has become: “Lighten up: our MTV culture demands new methods and new music!” Other churches, perhaps a bit more conservative, but unwilling to alienate anybody; build a church with a little bit of everything, attempting to be inclusive. They ought to be called the Schizophrenic Church. Well, here at our church we just keep it simple and use traditional hymns.

Does God really care what kind of music we sing? Our unequivocal answer – He cares! From the ancient Israelite nation, to the 21st century church, God’s concern for His people’s music has not changed. From Scripture and church history, we find that God’s people have always guarded their music carefully.

The Biblical Doctrine of Music

By Jim Jester

Music plays a major role in most people’s lives – as much as what we eat, wear, or in our personal relationships. As seen in II Chronicles 7:4-6, it certainly played a major role in Israel; and, it still does.

Part 1 "The Handmaiden of God's Word":  A study in the biblical doctrine of music. What does the Bible reveal about the music in the temple?

Part 2 "God Gives a Song": The second in the series on music in the Bible. The time in Israel's history when God gave Moses a song to teach to Israel. Some research into the alleged "Solfeggio Frequencies."

Deuteronomy Part 20


Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

May 27, 2018

Scripture Reading:  Deuteronomy 11:29-32

What a book Deuteronomy is! In fact, what a novel the book of the Bible is! Sixty-six books that tell of the history of only what people? The Orientals? Negroid? Brown? The first eleven chapters in the book of Genesis give the first 1500 years of the White man’s tenure on the earth, while, beginning with chapter twelve of Genesis to the last chapter in Revelation, is the story of the White family of Abraham and Sarah; most specifically, the seed of Jacob and his wars with the seed of the serpent.

The Book of Acts tells us of Stephen, one of the descendants of Jacob, gave a history lesson on this subject, and as a result, he was martyred by members of the wicked seed line. The Bible tells what happened, what is happening now, and what will happen in the future to the seed of Jacob, or the Israelites. They are in a life or death battle with their enemies, the seed of the serpent.

Mark Downey

A Tribute to Mark W. Downey

Naked came I out of my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return thither: the LORD gave, and the LORD hath taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD [Yahweh].” – Job 1:21

Mark Downey passed from this life, March 26, 2018, about 7 a.m. He was nearly a week from his 69th birthday. He died at home in the mercies of our God, without pain, and in dignity and honor, after a long struggle with a cancer. He will be greatly missed by his church, the men of his prison ministry and many others all across the nation.

Justice or Injustice?

by J. Christian

May 20, 2018

Scripture Reading Acts 5:29:   We ought to obey God rather than men.

Unless you’re not watchful, you know that there are severe issues in our land that need attention. We are not sure our country is moving in the right direction. Our core beliefs once assumed seem to be in shambles. One area of concern is our justice system.

Do we have swift justice anymore? Do we have justice anymore? Do we have borders anymore? Is there a basic sense of decency still there?

How we handle justice has evolved over the decades in our land. We’ll look at different approaches that have been taken, and hopefully see where we have gone wrong.

How many murders occur in America each year?

Are we dealing out justice as it should be?

What does the Bible say?

Let’s look at some facts about murder.

Deuteronomy Part 19

Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

May 13, 2018

Scripture Reading:  Deuteronomy 11:1-7

What an opening introduction of verses! How can anyone read these verses and still believe that the Bible teaches that all races are of an equal standing? There is no difference in God between the races? There are differences even between the same race! Moses is talking to the older generation rather than the younger.

Let’s look at a couple of things that the first verse tells us.

The first verse repeats that we [Israel] are to love the LORD our God, and are to “keep His charge, and His statutes, and His ordinances, and His commandments, _ _ _ _ _ _ .” What word in missing? What word should go in the blanks?

A Tribute Service to Pastor Mark Downey

Celebrating the Life of Pastor Mark Downey

May 6, 2018

Scripture Reading: Romans 12:1-2

Mark Downey passed away from this life on March 26, 2018.  He was nearly a week from his 69th birthday.  He died at home in the mercies of our God, without pain, and in dignity and honor after a long struggle with cancer.  He will be greatly missed by his wife, his church, the men of his prison ministry and many others across the nation and around the world.

The Fellowship of God's Covenant People held a Christian Identity tribute service to Pastor Downey on Sunday May 6th.  The audio portion is complete with shared testimonies and memories of Mark's life and ministry and the impact he made on others as a friend, brother and man of God.  What follows is the text of Jim Jester's and Debra Downey's contributions to the service, as well as a few other testimonies that were sent by e-mail.