Is Martin Luther King Day Christian?

By Jim Jester

The national holiday honoring the civil rights activist, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (not the name at his birth), is a national disgrace. It is the only holiday that bears the name of a man who had nothing to do with the founding of America. This alone could qualify it as a racist holiday. Most Americans will respond that we have Washington’s and Lincoln’s birthdays honored. But the fact is, these names have been dropped from the calendar in lieu of the generic “Presidents Day.” Those not born in America or immigrants coming in could rightly ask, “Which presidents?” Dead presidents, living presidents, presidents of debating societies? To be fair and equal, MLK Day should actually be called Civil Rights Day. Instead, the Negro, Mr. King, is honored simply because of his race, not because of his character. This is hypocritical, because I recall that he spoke about a person being judged by his character, not by the color of his skin. American’s should ask, is this holiday a Christian observance worthy of honor and was Mr. King a Christian?

Psalms for Turbulent Times - Part 4


by Pastor Jim Jester

January 10, 2021

Scripture Reading: Psalm 25:8-22

Psalm 25 David’s Lament

Our Scripture reading (Ps. 25:8-22), begins with the statement, “He will teach sinners in the way.” In this, King David is acknowledging his past and his many sins, and perhaps even present shortcomings and/or sins; but David’s heart is not as a rebellious type of “sinner”, but as a sinner who is humble enough to be taught by the Spirit of God. Thus, the next verse confirms this by saying, “The meek [humble] will He guide in judgment: and the meek will He teach His way” (v. 9). As people, we have not always been perfect, but we are learning; and we are humble enough to keep on learning of God’s perfect ways for us. These verses are not speaking of habitually sinful or rebellious people who reject God’s ways, or His forgiveness. God’s faithfulness and Covenant love are available for those who take seriously their Covenant relationship as expressed in the Law: “All the paths of the Lord are mercy and truth unto such as [those who] keep His covenant and His testimonies” (v. 10).

Four Hundred Year Argument

by Pastor Don Elmore

Part 1:  Have you ever thought about if the theology you have learned if correct?  Is it God's election or did He know in advance what your decision would be before you were ever born?  Is the whole world made up of every one either being "saved" or "lost".  This week's sermon is about the history of two of the most taught theologies in our nation.

Part 2: Joe Biden is called the second Catholic president of the corporation of the UNITED STATES.  On his inauguration day, Biden went with other invited leaders of Congress (of both parties) to St. Matthews Catholic Church for a prayer service and mass.   There were Jews invited as well.  How would the Covenanteers of Scotland, Presbyterians, 400 years ago, react to the above paragraph?   What has changed?

Part 3: Calvinism and Arminianism are the two main theologies of today's Christian world.  But they are both wrong. See why Christian Identity is superior to either of these two theologies and what is wrong with their views.

Part 4:  Who can eat an animal that dies of itself?  Who can rule over the Israel people?  Who can Israel charge usury to?  If you can answer these three questions correctly you are probably not an universalist.

Four Hundred Year Argument - Part 1

Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

January 3, 2021

Scripture Reading: Acts 26:6, 7

6) “And now I stand and am judged for the hope of the promise made of God unto our fathers:

7) Unto which promise our twelve tribes, instantly serving God day and night, hope to come. For which hope’s sake, king Agrippa, I am accused of the Jews.

The apostle Paul makes his defensive argument in the court in which he states that he is “judged for the hope of the promise made of God unto our fathers.” What promise was that? What promise was “made of God unto our fathers?” And if the promise was made unto our fathers, that would make it a racial promise because it is made with a family!

It is this racial promise that the Apostle Paul is said to be “accused of [by] the Jews.” It is this racial promise that “our twelve tribes” hope to take part in.


by Walter Giddings

Part 1: Studying the heavens for God's glory

Part 2:  Historical Astronomy claims mythology fathered these remarkable delineations of the heavenly bodies. But it is evident that classic fables and myths, surrounding the constellations are mere corruptions and imitations of an older and original composition.

Part 3:  Discussion of various twins in the Bible and searching if any of these are the Gemini twins.

Part 4:  Did the enemy, the wicked one, the devil sow the tares? In Matthew 13 and John 8 it seems we would have at least two witnesses that two fathers have sown seed or begotten children.  Is one of these fathers not God?  How can some people not have God for their father?

Part 5:  Discussion of twins in the womb by two different fathers

Part 6:  At the very end of Lesson 5 we asked the question, was the woman alone with the serpent?   Shall we examine the Scriptures to see if, at any time, the woman was alone, and her husband away? 

Twins - Part 1

by Walter Giddings

December 20, 2020

Scripture Reading:  Jeremiah 10-1-3

Greetings Kindred. We are on a first name basis here. My name is walter. This lesson comprises Scriptures that have puzzled me for a long time.

Acts 28:11 And after three months we departed in a ship of Alexandria, which had wintered in the isle, whose sign was Castor and Pollux.

This ship’s sign was Castor and Pollux. Ships have names. The most famous names for ships in elementary school in the 1950’s were the Nina, the Pinta, the Santa Maria, the ships of Columbus’ first voyage to the New World, and the Mayflower. The Mayflower was the place the Pilgrims composed their Deed of government, the Mayflower Compact. That solemn Christian Covenant of their formation into a Civil Body Politick, the Law of the Land, was drawn up on that ship in Cape Cod cove.

Scripture does not tell us the name of the ship that wintered at Malta. What is this ship’s “sign” in Acts 28:11? Is it the flag the ship sails under? We see from the Scriptures that it is “a ship of Alexandria”. Alexandria was the major Mediterranean port for Egypt. “Castor and Pollux” is not an Egyptian flag. What does it mean that the ship’s “sign was Castor and Pollux”?

Psalms for Turbulent Times - Part 3


by Jim Jester

December 13, 2020

Scripture Reading: Psalm 13

What if America were a dictatorship, or perhaps a monarchy? A dictatorship usually has a negative connotation; and a monarchy, not as feared; but no matter what the case, it can be good or bad, depending upon the individual in charge. A dictatorship in America may sound preposterous and unthinkable because it is not a part of our constitution; but really, we have seen it before not too far back in our history; the prime example being the jew, Abraham Lincoln and the War Between the States.

Is it possible that America could come under a dictatorship? We wouldn’t think so; but this week I discovered something I had not previously known. It is a law revealed in the following post.

Let Us Worship

Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

December 6, 2020

Scripture Reading:  Psalm 15:1:   “LORD, who shall abide in Thy tabernacle? Who shall dwell in the holy hill?

What great questions in today's scripture reading! These are some of the greatest questions that could be asked by man. What is your answer to these two questions that are asked by King David? What is the answer given by the God of David? The answer is given in the rest of the verses of this short Psalm.

The word abide means to dwell there continually. It does not mean to visit or to be a guest or spend a short time in worshipping there. The ungodly might worship in the earthly tabernacle, but would they abide in the city where God lives forever?

Road To Richmond


By Richard Hoskins

Events are history. Most events revolve about wars and their aftermath. War winners write the history. If one does not have a reason to know better he must accept the victor’s version — there is nothing else he can do. The victor’s version is often twisted or downright wrong.

When a person has lived on the same land as his ancestors for ten generations, the history handed down to him is often different. He has a personal interest in it. A different history results in a different worldview. Not only is his worldview often different — it can be the correct one while the official version is not.

To many, the road to Richmond is just another Virginia two land back-road; trees, creeks, hills, an occasional unworked farm. I know the road and have had reason to travel it countless times. It crosses battlegrounds, a scalping place, a massacre, worked out coal mines, a canal — the list goes on. It seems that every rock and hill has a story. The road is a long memory trail.