Twins - Part 4


By Walter Giddings

March 21, 2021

Greetings kindred and fellow sheep.  We are on a first name basis here.  My name is walter.  This lesson comprises Scriptures that have puzzled me for a long time.  We return to where we ended in Twins Lesson 3:   Romans 9. 

Romans 9:9-10

9 For this is the word of promise, At this time will I come, and Sarah shall have a son. 

10 And not only this;  butwhen Rebecca also had conceived by one, even by our father Isaac; 

When we read these verses at the end of Lesson 3, we asked a question.  Shall we review briefly how we came to ask it? 

In Twins Lesson 1 we noticed a divine supplement from the Holy Spirit in Acts 28.    The Alexandrian ship that carried Luke and Paul and company off the island of Malta and on toward Rome had a sign or figurehead that represented the twins of heaven, Castor and Pollux,  These are two stars found in the Constellation Gemini, the tenth sign or house in the Zodiac.  Historically Castor and Pollux were two small “g” gods in the Pantheon of Roman mythology venerated by sailors as the patron saints who swept the seas of pirates.  That explains the worldly reason why the ship would bear the sign.  It did not explain why the Holy Spirit would call our attention to it for nineteen hundred years! 

We saw that Christians view the circle of the Heavens, the Zodiac, from Virgo the Virgin to Leo the Lion of Judah.  The Bible is God’s handiwork.  The second witness to the Bible are the stars in God’s handiwork, His heaven.  God arranged and named the stars in His heaven.  In Twins Lesson 2 we learned that the Bible story in the heavens had endured trespass.  Greek and then Roman mythology were the intruders, bringing a clever counterfeit in place of, or instead of the older and original composition.  This causes confusion even today.  A credible scholar of the Antiquities, E. W. Bullinger, taught us the greatest confusion occurs in connection with the 10th sign of the Zodiac, Gemini the Twins.    The chief cause of the confusion with Gemini, the Twins, hints at a profound secret or mystery.  Paul in his first letter to the Corinthians calls it “the hidden wisdom” which God ordained and kept until after Calvary.  Raymond Capt and E. W. Bullinger in their books The Glory of the Stars and The Witness of the Stars both show their readers that Gemini illustrates in the ancient names of the stars the twin nature of Christ on Earth, Very God of Very God, and Very man of Very man.  And Paul says that The Devil and his angels, “the princes of this world” did not know this Secret.  Shall we review that?

Psalms for Turbulent Times - Part 7


by Pastor Jim Jester

March 14, 2021

Scripture Reading: Psalm 6:1-10

Through the centuries, the church has regarded Psalm 6 as the first of the seven Penitential Psalms. The psalmist was dreadfully sick and thought he was going to die. It was common in those days to believe that sickness unto death was in punishment for some sin. Now, while this is a possibility, it obviously is not always the case:

“And as Jesus passed by, he saw a man which was blind from his birth. And his disciples asked him, saying, Master, who did sin, this man, or his parents, that he was born blind? Jesus answered, Neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents: but that the works of God should be made manifest in him.” – John 9:1-3

However, the psalmist pleads with God to stop his chastisement. He speaks of his bones being troubled because his bones represent the whole man. His reference to flooding the bed with tears is a typical exaggeration made for emphasis. David pleads for deliverance by appealing to God’s steadfast love. He maintains that there is no praise to God while in the grave. His prayer is expressed in the words of Jeremiah, “O Lord, correct me, but with judgment [i.e., tempered judgment]; not in thine anger, lest thou bring me to nothing.” – Jer. 10:24

Four Hundred Year Argument - Part 4

Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

March 7, 2021

Scripture Reading: Acts 26:6, 7

6) “And now I stand and am judged for the hope of the promise made of God unto OUR fathers:

7) Unto which promise OUR twelve tribes, instantly serving God day and night, hope to come. For which hope’s sake, king Agrippa, I am accused of the Jews.

Who would call Raphael Warnock, one of the two new senators of Georgia, a valid Christian pastor? “America needs to repent for its worship of whiteness,” he preached from his pulpit. Warnock is a black pastor of a black church in Atlanta. It is the church where the former communist civil rights leader, Martin Luther King, Jr. (real name: Michael King) pastored. Warnock hates the military, the police, the nation and he is very, very, very pro-abortion. Is any true Christian, especially a pastor, pro-abortion? He also is a communist. And he is a so-called Christian pastor! Hogwash!

The second Georgia senator, Jon Ossoff, said the following: “I’m descended from Ashkenazi [Jewish] immigrants who fled pogroms in the early 20th century, and I grew up among relatives who were Holocaust survivors.” [Ossoff (has an Australian mother and a Lithuanian Jewish father, who came to the United States in the early 1900s) was born in Georgia in 1987. The second world war ended in 1945. Ossoff was born 42 years after the war was over. So, when Ossoff was growing up, it would be around the year 2000, (he would have been 13 years old), his relative holocaust survivors (on his father’s side) had to be at least 75 years or older. Do you think that he grew up among relatives who were Holocaust (death camp) survivors? Did all the survivors from the death camp, who survived, who he mentioned above, move to Atlanta from Lithuania? Or do you think he just said this for political advantage?

Twins - Part 3

by Walter Giddings

February 28, 2021

Scripture Reading:  Acts 28:11

This is Lesson 3, Twins. In Lesson 2 we questioned the mention of the Sign on the Alexandrian ship, Castor and Pollux, two bright stars in the tenth Sign of the Zodiac, Gemini. We concluded the Holy Spirit’s divine supplement was not a call to worship the Host of Heaven. Pursuant to The Laws of Bible Study we weighed the Evidence in The Scriptures. The Holy Spirit’s Revelation of the ship’s figurehead is in accordance to His Eternal Purpose and Will. We remained in remembrance that The Holy Spirit gave us this Divine Supplement to call us to do something. What is this a call to do?

Psalms for Turbulent Times - Part 6

Psalm 77

by Jim Jester

Scripture Reading: Psalm 142:1-7

In our scripture reading, David was praying while in the cave of Adullam. First Samuel chapter 22:

1 “David therefore departed thence, and escaped to the cave Adullam: and when his brethren and all his father’s house heard it, they went down thither to him. 2 And every one that was in distress, and every one that was in debt, and every one that was discontented, gathered themselves unto him; and he became a captain over them: and there were with him about four hundred men.” – I Sam. 22:1-2

God answered David’s prayer by sending him 400 (later 600, 1 Sam. 23:13) men to surround him. Notice how the common folk gathered around him, and the “discontented;” not a particularly savory group, but “deplorables.” It is the same today – most of the common working class of America have gathered around Trump who is now in exile in Florida (his “cave” in Mar-a-Lago). However, there must be times when Trump feels that “no man cared for my soul” (v. 4), when one by one those with political aims switched sides in betrayal and persecution. White America now faces discrimination and oppression from the Left.

I cried unto the LORD with my voice…” (v. 1). Have you ever literally cried before the Lord Jesus Christ? Certainly, there are times when all of us have come before the throne of God in such a manner, for one reason or another. This is good, and this is normal, for God has made us emotional people.

Four Hundred Year Argument - Part 3

Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

February 14, 2021

Scripture Reading: Acts 26:6, 7

The Apostle Paul, at his trial, was not accused by the Jews of saying that God chose certain people of all races to salvation by His secret will. In other words, he was not accused of being a Calvinist.

The Apostle Paul, at his trial, was not accused by the Jews of saying that any individual of any race could chose Almighty God as their Savior by saying a sinner’s prayer. In other words, he was not accused of being an Arminian.

He was not accused by the Jews of not starting a soup kitchen for everyone in his community where he was preaching. In other words, he was not accused of being a community preacher.

The Jews accused the Apostle Paul of preaching a racial message. It was about the hope of the promise” that was made unto the twelve tribes’ fathers. That was the promise that the twelve tribes hoped to come. The Jews accused the Apostle Paul of being a racist, of preaching a racist message of hope to a group of people who were kin to each other. He was accused of being a Christian Identity preacher.

Calvinism and Arminianism are the two main theologies of today's Christian world.  But they are both wrong. See why Christian Identity is superior to either of these two theologies and what is wrong with their views.

Psalms for Turbulent Times - Part 5

Psalm 74

by Jim Jester

February 7, 2021

Scripture Reading: Psalm 28

If I could bring a State of the Union Address to America, I would say this.

My fellow Americans, Covid-19 is cover for a Communist coup! Resist! How long will you wear the mask of submission? One year, two years, or beyond? The so-called “experts” have already said it will never end. This PLANdemic is only the conditioning part of preparing you for an economic reset to take America into a communist state. It can end, if you dare to end it! 

Fear Not the Disease ... Fear the Dictatorship

Twins - Part 2

By Walter Giddings

January 31, 2021

Greetings kindred, and fellow sheep. We are on a first name basis here. My name is walter. We need help from our Real Teacher, the Holy Spirit. This Lesson comprises Scriptures that have puzzled me for a long time.

Acts 28:11 And after three months we departed in a ship of Alexandria, which had wintered in the isle, whose sign was Castor and Pollux.

This is Twins, Lesson 2. The last time we met on the subject matter of this Lesson, Twins, we discovered that the sign on the ship of Alexandria that wintered at Malta was a figurehead of the twin sons of Jupiter, known to the Romans as Castor and Pollux, and, earlier, to the Greeks as the twin sons of Zeus, Apollo and Hercules. We asked ourselves this question:

Why does the Holy Spirit call our attention to the figurehead of a ship that pictures the mythological twin sons of Zeus?

Upon the vast expanse of the ocean under clear skies at night, sailors, navigating by the stars, had opportunity to become very familiar with the “signs” of heaven:

Four Hundred Year Argument - Part 2

Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

January 24, 2021

Scripture Reading: Acts 26:6, 7


Calvinism, Arminianism or Christian Identity – which one is correct? Or are they all wrong? Calvinism and Arminianism would both deny that a person who was elected by Almighty God could be a Baal worshipper – he would either be a non-elect or an individual who had fallen from grace. The Calvinists would say that the person was a “non-elect”. The Arminian would say that the Israelites didn’t choose God. They both would state that the majority of Israelites in the Old Testament were “unsaved” or “lost”.

It's the Betrayal, Stupid

Sermon notes of Pastor Mark Downey

April 23, 2017

Scripure Reading:  Luke 21:15-19

The assassination of the Roman emperor, Julius Caesar, and a betrayal by an entrusted friend.Et tu, Brute?” from Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare. Just seconds before the assassination of the Roman emperor and being stabbed to death, Caesar sees one of the young Senators with knife in hand and exclaims “you also?” Imagine the last words out of your mouth is the surprising question to someone you thought was a loyal friend, but instead your executioner. To live by the sword is to die by the sword has become a common refrain for pacifism, but Jesus' admonition to Peter lobbing off the ear of the high priest's SWAT team member was not anti-sword; it was protecting Peter from being arrested himself, even though Peter was just trying to protect his Master. After Jesus was betrayed by Judas, the cops moved in to make the arrest. In hindsight, Peter should have aimed his sword at Judas, but this was a perfect moment of predestination as Jesus told him, “Am I not to drink the cup that the Father has given me?" John 18:11. The metaphor of a cup often signifies a measure of divine affliction, possibly derived from the custom of some nations putting someone to death with a cup of poison. Jesus had come to die as a sacrifice for sin and betrayal was a necessary ingredient to teach us many lessons which we'll explore today.