Man Versus Human

Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

July 11, 2021

Deuteronomy 14:21a

There are three separate, diverse groups of people mentioned in verse 21:

  • “Ye”, “thou”, “thy” or “holy people”:  These are the seed of Jacob or the covenant people of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.  They had the LORD God as their king, until they requested that one of their own people be king instead of Him.  They were forbidden to eat any animal that died of itself, but they were permitted to give the dead animal away or sell it.
  • “Stranger” [#1616, Strong’s]: sojourner.  To this group of people, the Israelites were told that they could give the animal that died of itself to them and then the people that they gave it to could eat it.
  • “Alien” [#5237, Strong’s]: alien, foreigner, outlandish. To this group of people, the Israelites were told that they could sell the animal that died of itself and then the individuals that bought it could eat it.

Psalms for Turbulent Times - Part 12


by Jim Jester

July 4, 2021

Scripture Reading: Psalm 43:1-5

Psalm 43

The Scripture we read is actually a Part 2, or a continuation of Psalm 42, likely written by one of the sons of Korah (the Korahites accompanied David in his flight beyond the Jordan during Absalom’s rebellion). Psalm 43 is likely a supplementary stanza, added later by the same or a different author. The absence of a title for this psalm, and the recurrence of several phrases, especially the refrain, “Why art thou cast down, O my soul and why art thou disquieted within me? Hope in God: for I shall yet praise him, who is the health of my countenance, and my God” (v. 5), puts this beyond doubt, as the verse is repeated 3 times. The separation is old since it is found in the LXX (Septuagint). Whoever wrote this psalm (both Psalms 42 & 43), has given immortal form to the longings of the soul after God. He has fixed forever and made melodious the sigh: “As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God” (Ps. 42:1).

The Importance of the Church in Today's World

by Paster Everett Ramsey

June 27, 2021

1 Corinthians 12

Diversity of gifts - but the same Spirit; differences in administration, but the same Lord; diversities of operations, but the same God

The diversity of gifts in the church body:

  • Wisdom
  • Healing
  • Knowledge
  • Faith
  • Prophecy (preaching)

 As a body, we need the diversity of gifts.  The church is the only place that spiritual gifts will be blessed at their best ... within a group setting.

Twins - Part 7


By Walter Giddings

June 20, 2021

We come to the most challenging part of these lessons on the twins by two different fathers.  When the doctrine of “the mother of all living” “who conceived by” [two] was first outlined to me I was struck numb.  For a year I was in doctrinal paralysis.  My ardent curiosity why someone would believe Cain’s father was Lucifer, not Adam, stirred me.  Why were men and women with quiet reputation and ordered lives convicted Adam’s father hood of Cain is a bad paternity rap?!  How to move forward I knew not, until I reviewed the nobility of the members of the Berean congregation in Acts 17:10-11.

Is White Supremacy a Sin?

Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

June 13, 2021

Scripture Reading: Deuteronomy 10:14, 15

Are these introductory verses correct or not?  Did God say that He chose the seed of His covenant people to be above all people. Or did He say that His people would be below all people?  Or did He say that they would be equal to all people?

If there is a group of people who are above all people; is that not supremacy?   Is this not white supremacy, if you believe that the white race is the “seed” of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob?  Or is it really the supremacy of Almighty God, for He is the one who makes His chosen ones supreme?

Psalms for Turbulent Times - Part 11

Psalm 94

By Jim Jester

June 6, 2021

Scripture Reading: Psalm 52:1-9

This lament of David is different than most. It does not start out with the usual appeal to God to hear the petition for deliverance; instead, the psalmist immediately launches into an attack on the wicked man whose only commitment is to his wealth, and then sets forth the happy status of the righteous whose ultimate commitment is to God. Yes, the steadfast love of our covenant God endures “like a green olive tree.”

The historical occasion (q.v., I Samuel 22) in the title of this psalm is important to its interpretation. In verses, 1-4 is the commitment of the wicked; verses 5-7 tell of his fate (Who’s fate?); and verses 8-9 reveals the resolve of the righteous.

Who is this evil “mighty man” spoken of in the first verse of the psalm?

Go To Hell

by Pastor Don Elmore

Part 1: This topic is very seldom preached in any of the many churches in our nation.  Would you be surprised as to who they say went to hell?  There are millions of Christians who say this, some every week, in  their church services.  What is meant by this?

Part 2: White people have forgotten their God. They have forgotten that a Christian must keep the laws that were given to him by His God, or they must accept His judgments against them. Look how many of the Laws of God have been discarded, and the laws of another god have been substituted in the United States. Then ask yourself if the blight of the large cities is a judgement against the acts of the White people of America?

Oliver Brown ET AL VS. Board of Education of Topeka

By Pastor Don Elmore

In my eighth-grade civic class, we had a very usual teacher.  First, she was Jewish.  And she was as eccentric as any teacher I ever had in her dealings with the students.  She was a little elderly lady.  One of her trademark moves was that she would through a “wool” ball at students who were talking when they were not supposed to.  Another of her eccentric ways was that she would go into the boy’s bathroom if she thought there was smoking or other school violations going on.  And most importantly, she said something that I never heard anyone else ever say.

Go To Hell - Part 2

Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

May 30, 2021

Scripture Reading  Psalm 16:10

“Systemic Racism in Chicago?

  1. 2,240 Shootings, 440 Homicides from January thru July 2020.  Almost every shooter and homicides were black -- 97.7%; but Black Lives Matter and Chicago’s Democratic Politicians blame police and systemic racism.
  2. The Chicago mayor is black.
  3. The Superintendent of Police is black.
  4. The Cook County State’s Attorney is black.
  5. The Chief Judge of Cook County Circuit Courts is black.
  6. The Illinois Attorney General is black.
  7. The Chicago Fire Department Commissioner is black.
  8. The Cook County Board President is black.
  9. The State Senate Majority Leader is black.
  10. The Illinois Lieutenant Governor is black.
  11. The Illinois Secretary of State is black.
  12. The Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County is black.
  13. The Cook County Clerk is black.
  14. The Chicago Treasurer is black.
  15. The Chicago Police Board President is black.
  16. The Chicago Transit Authority President is black.
  17. The CEO of Chicago Public Schools is black.
  18. The Commissioner of the Department of Water Management is black.
  19. 40% of the City Council belong to the Black Caucus.
    1. Their average pay is $122,304 annually each, PLUS $122,000 per year in expenses.  Their pension for life is 80% of last pay.
    2. Republican head count in the City Council is ZERO.
    3. William Hale Thompson was the last Republican Mayor of Chicago in 1931.
    4. For 90 years Democrats have controlled the Chicago Mayor’s Office.
    5. At the end of fiscal 2019 the Chicago deficit was $838,200,000! 

Can someone please explain how white people in general are responsible for Chicago’s horrendously dismal condition?”

This sermon will attempt to answer this question.