Joshua 4: The Two Twelve Stone Memorials

by Pastor Don Elmore

January 1, 2012

Scripture Reading:  Joshua 3:1-7

Today we have a lesson that most of the Judeo-Christian churches would tell its congregations that it is about other people; that it is NOT about them—it’s about the Jews. But I will tell you just the opposite. This is a story about our great-great-great-great? - grandparents and how their GOD kept His Word to them and also to us. It is a marvelous historical happening that I hope will increase your faith in God; for our God is the same one who they had, who acts in the same way that He acted in this saga.

This is a true story; not a myth or some fancy story line. Everything in this tale is true—and there were monuments built to keep this saga in the mind of the children to tell them about what happened and to keep the story alive. It is a small part of the fascinating historical event of Israel’s journey to the Promised Land.

What is Wrong with Catholicism?

by Pastor Don Elmore

August 14, 2011

Fifty years ago, when I graduated from high school, I knew that I didn’t know anything about the Bible. I knew that the church that I had been going to in my younger days was not the right one. I began my search for the true church…Roman Catholic, Presbyterian, Christian Science, and many others.

I eventually went to Roman Catholic classes (one a week for about 8 weeks). They taught that their church was the true one, with one of the apostles of Jesus, Simon Peter, their first pope. Here is what they said:<--break->

Judging Xmas

By Pastor Mark Downey

December 25, 2011

Scripture Reading: Isaiah 1:11-16

In case you didn’t notice, I spelled Christmas X-m-a-s, because that’s the way pagans spell it.  They don’t believe Christ is in their celebration and they would be correct.  Christ is not IN Christmas any more than the Federal Reserve is in the federal government.  If you corner an honest Christian, they will admit that the Bible does not sanction Christmas and that it does indeed have pagan origins… but, but, but.  Therefore, judging this Christ-less celebration with Christ arbitrarily interposed in the name of the so called holy day or holiday is justified and deserving of adjudication, even though some Christians think that it’s Christian.  Let’s keep it simple: if a pagan god is the reason for the season, would this not be having another god before the Almighty?  A violation of the First Commandment?  “Thou shalt have no other gods before Me” Ex. 20:3.  In other words, even if the word “Christ” is used, it is not the same Jesus, the Messiah we worship.  It is a vicarious identity that has no relationship to Christianity. 

The Seven Times Punishment

by Pastor Mark Downey

July 10, 2011

Today we're going to look at God's Law of chastisement, prophetically, as it pertains to the White race and the USA. If we ask the question: what happened to the northern house of Israel, who were rooted up from Samaria and deported into Assyrian captivity, we find some answers in the expression 'seven times'.

We not only find the fulfillment of prophecy, but an explanation as to what happened to the tribes of Israel after their Assyrian bondage. God removed from His sight and divorced Israel because they broke the covenant. This was the beginning of Israel being lost, with the birthright blessings being withheld for a period of time known as 'seven times punishment'.

Spirit Steady – Combat Ready

by Pastor Mark Downey

A look at our spiritual and physical demands required from God. 

Part 1: A fair and balanced examination of spiritual warfare; how to deal with an increase in knowledge; preparing for the harvest. 

Part 2: The antichrist enemy is prepared to destroy White Christians; ungodly economics of Babylon; being in agreement with God is a release of sin/debt; arming ourselves with the Word of God.

The Truth About Lies

by Pastor Mark Downey

What is the truth about lies? It’s that the truth doesn’t matter. “An enemy hath done this” (Mt. 13:28), that sowed good seed with tares, that mixed the holy with the profane and spiritual with carnality… that makes the Truth of none effect.

Part 1: We should pursue the truth as to when America stopped being a Christian nation with scholarship, because that will help us to identify when we stopped being a White nation. We are no longer a White Christian nation, but rather a third world multicultural country.

Part 2: These days there is a monumental disparity between what someone believes and the truth. Just because someone believes something is true doesn’t mean it is the truth. And this is the great dilemma in awakening our people to the fact that they’ve been lied to or what they believe to be true is in fact false.

Your Papers Please

by Pastor Mark Downey

In a police state you need documentation of who you are ...  but what’s more important is our identification in the eyes of God. 

Part 1: our God given right to travel; can the POTUS prove his citizenship?; killing Osama; the truth shall make us free. 

Part 2: no papers to preach; trust God, not the godless lying government; more on Osama and Obama.

Should God Bless our Troops? by Dr. Eric Benson

By Dr. Eric Benson

Don't Serve, Don't Go!

December 26, 2010

If we have a military force that endorses homosexuality, engages in sneak attacks for shock and awe value, allows foreigners to serve in leadership over our troops, allows women to serve in the military, destroys non-combatants and civilian assets, engages in draft or conscription or forced retention (not allowing individuals to get out because of the new policy), if we have a standing army that exists on a regular basis whether at war or not, are we honoring God's word? If not, then you as a believer have to make a choice. How can we ask God to bless our troops when we are not honoring God?