Shake and Bake

by Pastor Mark Downey

Analysis of one of the most massive earthquake/tsunamis ever recorded.

Part 1: the jewish conspiracy and Japan’s economy; the mysterious HAARP; global blackmail.

Part 2: prophecy says the human devils are going to be wiped out; an era of natural and unnatural disasters; the antichrists run HAARP.

Baal Worship in Judeo-Churchianity Part 2

by Pastor Mark Downey

October 23, 2011

Scripture Reading: Judges 3:5-8

How would you feel if you spent years working on a degree to enter a certain profession, spent more time and energy on materials and promotion of this business and built up a clientele that was helped immensely and within a couple of weeks you lost 80% of your customer base through no fault of your service to the community or malfeasance or adverse side effects, but rather for what you believed in? How would you feel about that? I would feel that there was a great travesty and injustice. This is what happened to a Christian Identity friend of mine who wishes to remain anonymous who is now forced to move and restart his business elsewhere. As his business grew, word of mouth spread how beneficial his business was. 

What was unique about this situation is that the recipients of this benefit had something in common. They were not only judeo-Christians, but were associated with a group that Pastor Elmore talked about recently. They are a multi-million dollar corporation that has a radical and twisted focus on the Creation of Genesis, which has as its main agenda the thesis that all races came from Adam and Eve and after a global flood at the time of Noah, a repeat performance of fast track evolution happening again.

Baal Worship in Judeo-Churchianity Part 1

by Pastor Mark Downey

October 9, 2011

Scripture reading: II Kings 17:7-17

Today there are many people who are advocating what is known in Scripture as ‘Baal Worship’ either knowingly or unwittingly, the latter being predominant.  Our people don’t know what it is, don’t understand its ulterior motives or even recognize it when they see it.  It’s like a cancerous disease manifested in many different symptoms, which the average Christian cannot detect without trained eyes.  Once America learns her identity and racial truths, we will understand why America has become a haven for abomination and occupied territory of the antichrists.  As the Israelites of Scripture (not to be confused with those who call themselves jews today) served the Baals and thus bringing divine judgment in the form of national hardships, plunder and other calamities upon themselves, so too, in more recent history has the White race once again turned from the God of their fathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. 

This constant forsaking of God to serve Baal and thus triggering misery and sorrow is continually repeated throughout Scripture. 

Baal Worship in Judeo-Churchianity

by Pastor Mark Downey

Today there are many people who are advocating what is known in Scripture as ‘Baal Worship’ either knowingly or unwittingly, the latter being predominant.  Our people don’t know what it is, don’t understand its ulterior motives or even recognize it when they see it.  It’s like a cancerous disease manifested in many different symptoms, which the average Christian cannot detect without trained eyes.  

Part 1:  Identifying Baal in the churches; finding examples of Baal in the Old Testament; the mentality of Baal.

Part 2:  Persecution from the Baals; Baal Creationists; political fallout from the liberal-conservative church of Baal; archaeological discoveries of Baal.

Part 3:  The 12 elements of Baal worship, which will determine whether a church is no longer Christian.

Part 4: How to bring down the Baals; diagnosing the cause of apostacy in order to cure the symptoms.

Christmas Part 4: The Controversial Jesus

The Wake-Up Herald 

And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed. The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light. Let us walk honestly, as in the day; not in rioting and drunkenness, not in chambering and wantonness, not in strife and envying. But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfill the lusts thereof. Romans 13:11-14



Robert McCurry, Editor & Publisher 

December 20, 2011




Part Four

by Robert McCurry

The Controversial ‘Jesus’


In a few days December 25th will be here. The streets are jammed with cars and the shopping malls and stores are jammed with people making final preparations for the long awaited day. Everywhere we see holly, mistletoe, and trees decorated with tinsel and bright lights. We see the images of rotund men with white beards and red suits. There are sounds of bells and songs about reindeer and sleighs.


There are also the ‘Christmas’ carols and manger scenes of a ‘little baby Jesus’ with shepherds and wise men. After all, so we are told—even by many pastors—this is the festive season commemorating the birth of Jesus. Every year we hear the same thing. “Jesus is the reason for the season”; “We need to ‘put Christ back in Christmas”; “Christmas is too commercial.” Of course, those who are knowledgeable know that Christ was not born on December 25th and that the observance of ‘Christmas’ did not originate with the birth of Christ or with Christianity.


The commercial world has successfully blended this ‘little baby Jesus’ into their world of fantasy and make-believe—just a once-a-year object, exploited for selfish gain—that will be forgotten and discarded as quickly as the wrapping on the packages on ‘Christmas’ morning. The world has no problem giving a token homage to a historical ‘baby Jesus’ in a manger as long as it will make the cash registers ring. But be assured that it reacts in hostility, as did Herod two thousand years ago, to a Jesus Christ as God on His sovereign throne.

The Minority

by Pastor Don Elmore

December 18, 2011

You had to hear of the story of the interracial couple who met at Georgetown College which is located about six miles north of Lexington, Kentucky.  The young woman is white and 24, who is from Pike County, Kentucky; the young man is black and 28, who is from Zimbabwe, Africa.  The woman is now working on her master’s degree in Indiana, while her finance is now working at Georgetown College.

When the two go to visit the girl’s parents in Pike County, Kentucky (a rural area), they visit the church that her parents have gone to for most of their lives—a Free Will Baptist Church.  Her mother a former Sunday school teacher; her father a former deacon and present church secretary.  They did so last summer and they participated in the service musically by her playing the piano and by his singing a hymn. 

After the service, the pastor, who retired after the incident and is still a member of the church, told both of them they could no longer participate in the church service or even become members. That was last June; by November 27th the church voted 9-6 to outlaw all interracial couples from participating in church except for funerals.

There is an interesting quote of the mother of the daughter, who is soon (next summer) going to be the mother of the daughter who had committed the abominable sin of miscegenation:  “They are both Christians and they both try to live a Christian life and serve God.  There is nothing in the Bible that we have found that tells us that that the couple should not be married.”  I wonder how hard they have looked.