Missionary Kid Part 1

By Sandi B.

I was born and raised a missionary kid (MK), but I never allowed myself to really think about it until last year (when I was 54 years old) — believe it or not. That’s because we were told from as early as I can remember that we must not do or say anything that would reflect negatively on Dad. I was not sure I could honestly look at my life without dishonoring my Dad or God…. When I let myself think, it was like a dam broke….

On October 6, 1953 a little baby girl was born to the Nelson family in Malaybalay, Bukidnon, Philippines. That was me. I was one of five children. As a baby I had bad colic and cried for the first three months — so I was often placed in another room at the other end of the house to cry by myself, or the house girls (maids) would put me on their backs while they skated our wooden floor with their feet on coconut shells, which gave the floor a beautiful shine and kept me quiet at the same time. Once the colic passed, I became a very outgoing, happy little girl.

I grew up in a simple, rural settling way out in the province — sort of like Little House on the Prairie gone native. My parents were a doctor and nurse medical team. We lived on a compound of missionaries who all worked at my Dad’s hospital or in the area doing other things. Of course, all my friends were the children of the other missionaries on the compound.

Missionary Kid

by Sandi B.

Introduction by Pastor Don Elmore

The following is Sandi B’s excellent article on her life; especially about her school days in the Philippines. She rightly questioned the method of schooling the missionary kids (MKs) received — that is, they were sent many miles away to schools that were set up for this purpose. Some, even as young as kindergarteners, were and are sent, a long distance away from home to go to school.

It is like going to college — except all of the MKs are a lot younger. They only get to see their missionary parents on holidays and during the summer. And this is not the time to question this behavior.

Even brothers and sisters are many times separated. This happened in Sandi’s family. And for many of them this time of difficulty is just something to "suck it up" and put on a happy smile. To question this behavior is almost the same in the minds of these children as to question the command of God.

For those of you who know Sandi; you can appreciate the pain and awful memories she had in remembering these days. She only recently had the power to find out, herself, how bad these days really were. As she wrote, for those living these days they were always just "fine." I want to publically thank her for not only writing this article, but also for telling us that even pastors must be duly awake for the "wiles of the devil." Not only are the duties of the mother and father so important; nothing can ever separate their importance in the life of a child.

In His Service vs. Lip Service

by Pastor Mark Downey

March 4, 2012

Scripture Reading: Mark 7:1-9

The populist cry of the American Revolution was "Resistance to tyranny is obedience to God."  Fast forward to the present time and we can witness a complete reversal. Treason within church and state has become as commonly accepted as watching TV.  Both ironically call good evil and evil good. Resistance to God is obedience to tyrants. Too many of our people have lost the Spirit of '76 in standing up against evil and the church world doesn't know how or even why it should obey God.  They don't know what to obey.  Thomas Jefferson said, “I prefer dangerous freedom to peaceful slavery.”  Orwell picked up on that idea in his mythical totalitarian state, whereby freedom is slavery, war is peace and ignorance is strength.  The thing is it’s not a myth anymore.

The mind-numbing process to substitute God's sovereignty with pious paganism or self indulgent morality is in plain view.  In fact, the adversarial façade of a vicarious manifestation of Christianity can be too obvious for most people to detect.  Audacity is taken to extreme limits.  All that is seen is the whited sepulcher and not the soup of vile remains inside.  The Big Lie grows exponentially.

The Battle Hymn of the Republic

by Pastor Don Elmore

Part 1:  This song became the best-known song of the Union Army during the war, and has come to be a well-loved American patriotic anthem; even though the theological and political meaning of the song is not only anti-Christian, but also humanistic.

Part 2: The background of Julia Ward Howe and her motive for writing"The Battle Hymn of the Republic" is discussed.

Bible Study Notes: "Fulfillment of the Abrahamic Covenant"

Pastor Don Elmore's Review Notes on

"Fulfillment of the Abrahamic Covenant Promise"

Bible Study Course written by Pastor Lawrence

Pastor Lawrence has written a great Bible study course that he gives to those who are desirous of learning about what the Bible teaches.  The purpose of the course is to develop and form a consistent biblical theology based on the examination of the evidence of the Old and New Covenant Scriptures through objective interpretation of what the Bible says and what it means by what it says. What is presented here are Pastor Elmore's notes of the first few sections of the course.  Pastor Elmore completed the course with several Judeo Christians, most of whom came to the realization of who true Israel is

This Bible study course has many parts and is currently under review by several Christian pastors.  We hope to make it available to you in complete form once it is finalized.

To Become Many Nations
:  To discover the fulfillment and meaning of God's promises to Abraham to become many nations.

To Become Kings:  The promise was first given to Abraham,  "I will make you exceedingly fruitful,and I will make nations of you, and kings will come forth from you"  -- Genesis 17:6.

To Possess the Gates of Their Enemies:  According to Genesis 22:17, God promised to Abraham that his “seed” would “possess the gates of their enemies”; this means that His covenant people would  1) have enemies and 2) possess their enemies gates.

TV Jurors

The Wake-Up Herald

Robert McCurry, Editor & Publisher

And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed. The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light.

Why We Are Where We Are

The Wake-Up Herald

Robert McCurry, Editor & Publisher

And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed. The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light.

Welcome to Sodom USA

The Wake-Up Herald

Robert McCurry, Editor & Publisher

And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed. The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light.


The Wake-Up Herald

Robert McCurry, Editor & Publisher

And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed. The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light.