Race Mixing is Not Christian

by Pastor Mark Downey

April 14, 2013

Scripture Reading: Nehemiah 10:28-30

Christian Identity has restored one of the most prevalent issues found in the Word of God and that is the subject of race. However, in an attempt to bring forward the righteous corrections of faulty teachings, it is somewhat like revisionist historians dealing with the holocaust industry. Christian Identity does not enjoy the glut monopoly of merchandising information as does the establishment religions and media, although we do have a gift of discernment and an unwavering love for truth wherever it may lead. What we have been told about race in the Bible has been an unmitigated fraud to destroy us. What the Bible actually says about race will preserve us. We are like David standing up against Goliath having a wealth of encyclopedic facts to sanction the mixing of the races. This has been accomplished over a long period of time by contaminating the historical record and the Bible itself with disinformation.

The Ungodliness of Being a Coward

by Pastor Mark Downey

February 10, 2012

Scripture Reading: Numbers 13:30-33

Let me begin by recollecting a scene from the movie, "Patton", in which George C. Scott reenacts the encounter General Patton has with a soldier at a field hospital. The General is honoring his wounded men until he comes to this one guy shaking like a leaf and he asks a nurse, "What's wrong with the man?"  She said something like, "Oh, sir, he's suffering from the emotional stress of the battlefield."  At that point, Patton takes off his gloves and starts smacking the soldier in the face, calling him a coward; telling him there's nothing wrong with him and running him out of that hospital where other soldiers were bleeding, bandaged and dying on their deathbeds.

Do you think Patton understood the implications of cowardice among his troops if gone unchecked?  For one thing, you're not going to win a war, if your men lose the will to fight.  By the same token, do you think our God understands the ramifications of a coward in and among His people, Israel?  When the Lord declares in Jeremiah 51:20 that our race is His battle axe and weapons of war, the thought of a coward doesn't even enter the picture.  In fact, the word coward is not even in the Bible, although, as we'll see, there are cases of cowardice.  God's Word is more focused on the godliness of victory and the means in which to achieve it than having a preoccupation with defeat.  The enemy works very hard to instill a mindset of doom and futility, which leads to our surrender to the world.  

A Christian Inaugural Address

by Pastor Mark Downey

January 11, 2013

Scripture Reading: "Where there is no vision, the people perish” Proverbs 29:18

When was the last time you heard another Christian share a vision with you, that wasn’t floating in the ether of raptured prose or pious platitudes, but rather something of a vision that was down to earth, unpretentious, understandable and provides the kind of hope that foments victory?  Well, this is a sequel to my sermon ‘Jesus Christ for President,’ because I realized what good is that premise without a follow-up as to how things would be should people rally together in their desire for the government of Christ Himself.  Unfortunately, our people have been more conditioned and programmed to an apocalyptic end of the world, than an end of the Mystery religions and prophetic Babylon.  I think the point of Christ’s return is that the bride is finally made herself ready; and if we could envision an inaugural address, fictional as it may be, where God’s people Israel are on the verge of renewing her vows of marriage, we may not perish after all.  I have only given this sermon once before at the time of George W. Bush being crowned for a second term and I give it now during the deification of Obama’s second term (2013).   

You will have to use your imagination to appreciate this vision.  It is not Mark Downey giving the speech, but someone else much more qualified to represent the office.  I would envision a composite of Patrick Henry, Charles Lindbergh and perhaps George Lincoln Rockwell; an archetype man of God with a racial consciousness being fully equipped with the Christian Identity message; having been duly elected as the presiding officer of the united States, in subservience to the King of kings, Jesus Christ, and His eternal jurisdiction; giving this potent historic speech to “We, the people” of God. 

Why We Hate Jews Part 2

by Pastor Mark Downey

March 10, 2013

Scripture Reading:  Revelation 22:14-15

Lies:  Kol Nidre

We've been lied to, as the real meaning of the word 'devil' in Scripture has been misinterpreted as some kind of malevolent spirit-being or biped monster.  The devils are two-legged for sure, but there's nothing supernatural about people who lie for a living. The Greek word for the New Testament devil is diabolos and simply means false accuser, calumniator and slanderer.  Nowhere is it used of a superhuman-being tempting men to sin.  When Jesus spoke of the Pharisees being of their "father the devil," Christ was speaking figuratively of the parent corporation "Babylon" from whence the 'traditions of the elders', or Judaism, came.

The Big Lie of Nimrod, the mongrel king of Babylon, was that he declared himself God. "For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil" (I John 3:8).  Here we have the classic contrast between the truth and lies. Jews, or those who carry the tradition of false accusation from ancient Babylon, cannot believe Jesus because He speaks the truth.  "He who is of God hears the words of God; for this reason you [jews] do not hear, because you are not of God" (John 8:47).

The Godliness of Courage

by Pastor Mark Downey

January 27, 2013

Scripture Reading: Acts 27:1, 9-11, 21-26, 30-32 and 44

Perhaps one of the best examples of Christian courage is the story of Paul facing a trial in Rome, standing before Caesar.  Paul was in the custody of a Roman centurion who would escort him back to Rome and was treated favorably, because he most likely heard the story of Cornelius 25 years earlier and how the Christians had broken past the barriers of Judaism treating Romans as their racial kindred.  And now on the trip to Rome, Julius the centurion would witness the power of the Gospel in real life.

Burying the Bad Figs in the Sand


by Pastor Mark Downey

December 30, 2012

Scripture Reading: Jeremiah 24:3-10

Sand castles will eventually wash back to the sea. The jewish reign of terror will eventually fall of its own weight like a house of cards. And when it comes tumbling down it will fall quickly: “For in one hour is thy judgment come” Rev. 18:10. Those people, who have their heads buried in the sand, think that if they can’t see you, you can’t see them; but their rear end is sticking up in the air for an enemy to stick a sign on it saying “kick me.” In their minds they cannot hear or see what’s happening and therefore it really isn’t happening at all. Oblivion can happen to victims and victimizers. Romans 13 is perverted when government becomes a terror to good people. Crime does not pay. Oh, it may pay handsomely for a season, but nothing escapes the attention of God and certainly not the justice due the bad guys or as the Bible puts it, the bad figs. Our society is an emerging police state in which public servants think of themselves as the masters of the universe.  If your life is dependent on the bureaucracy, you need to be in the upper echelons of the food chain in order to survive the alleged coming depopulation of 5 billion to a reduced 500 million people on the earth.  Or you can bank on God’s plan for the ages where He likewise has a depopulation program, but it’s eliminating the eliminators, those who think they’ve gotten away with murder.  I much more prefer to anticipate the Second Coming of Jesus Christ and what that entails rather than the predictions of false prophets, which we have no shortage of. 

Why We Hate Jews Part 1

by Pastor Mark Downey

February 24, 2013

Scripture Reading: Malachi 1:1-5

Now that I have your attention from that provocative title, let me say that by using the word 'hate' I do not mean to imply some sort of alleged systematic gassing and cremation of the most hideous and satanic breed of people on the face of the earth, although that may be a future consideration in light of Bible prophecy.

George Orwell predicted newspeak, which today is called political correctness under a jewish communist totalitarian state called democracy.  We have 'hate crime' laws which Orwell termed 'thought crimes'.  Lenin and Stalin instituted 'hate crime' laws early on in the officially atheistic Soviet Union.  One of the first being to outlaw any anti-jewish speech or writings, which were punishable by death. Under the 'hate crime' laws, the career politicians have legislated what is called 'hate speech'.  Hate speech means anything the jews hate to hear, especially the truth about themselves.  Therefore, truth is hate to those who hate the truth.

Pray For Naphtali

by Pastor Mark Downey

Scripture Reading: Deuteronomy 33:23

December 16, 2012

Today, December 16, in Israelite history we observe a covenant made in 1838 with the tribe of what many in Christian Identity consider to be Naphtali, known as South Africa.  There is very little to find or to ascertain from what we know about this tribe of Israel.  There is a great deal of disinformation attributing Naphtali to just about every ethnicity other than the White race, so we can dismiss these canards as simply more feeble attempts by jewish scribes to deceive the true Israel people in the world today.  And for good reason if one’s spirit is evil, because South Africa has one of the richest deposits of precious metals and minerals in the world.  Therefore, the interactions between geo-political factions and theological realities have significant ramifications.  Naphtali might not be important to most Christians, however once that old city of Jerusalem is totally destroyed forever and the Edomite imposters with it, the New Jerusalem will appear, having the glory of God, that have twelve gates, which are the twelve names of the twelve tribes of the children of Israel (Rev. 21:11-12).  The twelve tribes of Israel have to exist in the world today in order for prophecy to be fulfilled.

I’ve written a narration of the Battle of Blood River and the underlying document of that period was a covenant made called Vow of the Voortrekkers, in which the Boers promised to memorialize in perpetuity if God would deliver them from the Zulus.  A lot has happened since 1838 and today’s young White South African is about as aware of this piece of paper as young Americans are aware of the Mayflower Compact.  May today’s message resonate with the mercies of Heaven and know that not all of Israel has forsaken His many deliverances.  Let our congregation be the proxy to honor that ‘Day of the Covenant’

You Eat What You Are Part 2

by Pastor Mark Downey

December 2, 2012

Scripture Reading: Ezekiel 36:21-29

Today’s Scripture reading from Ezekiel just goes to show you how unworthy we are as a people and how great God’s mercy is.  The atheist and the unbelief of a professing Christian rationalize that God does not see our unrighteousness; otherwise the God of Creation would clobber whole cities with a loud voice from Heaven.  Little do they realize that in this life, He is always revealing His divine character and purpose upon the earth.  The Lord gives us time between Katrina and Sandy to repent and change. This begins at the center of our motivations, in our personality.  If we are not Christ-centered or have “the mind of Christ” (I Cor. 2:16), we are not eating right, we have an unhealthy diet, we have an unclean spirit i.e. a motive that

Why We Hate Jews

by Pastor Mark Downey

An expose of the jewish religion and why it has fomented animosities since the time of Christ.

Part 1: An explanation of hate and how Judaism creates antipathy through historical practices of ritual murder.

Part 2:  A well kept secret of Jews in the religious rite that sanctions lying and rationalizes stealing.

Part 3:  The deathly role of Jews institutionalizing the mongrelization of Christianity and the White race.