I Love to Hate

by Pastor Mark Downey

June 15, 2014

Scripture Reading: Romans 13:10-12

This is a message guaranteed to irritate politically correct liberals or even kosher conservatives who pretend to be defenders of a moral culture, when in fact, both contribute to the decadence and corruption of society.  My original title was “A Time To Hate' from the book of Ecclesiastes and then changed to 'Hate Is A Family Value,' but I decided to settle on the proactive title 'I Love To Hate,” because it's self explanatory (which I'll explain in a moment) and logical.  It would be a contradiction to say I hate to hate.  That's like Bill Clinton saying, “We will not tolerate intolerance.”  Let me say from the onset that there's nothing wrong with hate unless someone comes along and redefines it to mean something malicious, malevolent, sadistic or satanic etc, which is exactly what totalitarians do in a dictatorship; they can make words mean whatever they want; and it becomes a war of words.  Thought PoliceOrwell exemplified this in his classic novel '1984' with three slogans: war is peace, freedom is slavery and ignorance is strength.  If they make sense, you're either a master of doublethink or have stopped thinking altogether.  The last thing a dictatorship wants, is it's subjects hating what the regime wants you to think. 

Silence of the Goats

by Pastor Mark Downey

June 1, 2014

Scripture Reading:  Matthew 25:31-34

If Hollywood were to make a movie called 'Silence of the Goats,' it would be about jews being gassed in concentration camps by evil White Christians.  There would be “weeping and gnashing of teeth,” (Mt. 13:52), “bewailing... and lamenting... when they see the smoke of her burning” (Rev. 18:9) and “clothed with terror... trembling” Ezek. 26:16 NIV.  What?  You say they've already made that movie?  Yes, hundreds, if not thousands of fictional dramas depicting the perpetual horrors of jewish persecution... they just have different titles: Schindler's List, Sophies Choice, The Pianist ad nauseam.  Try as they may to depict the audible sounds of genocide, there has never been anything substantial to prove actual gas chambers or crematoria designed for mass executions.  Instead, we have been inundated with hysterical propaganda and neurotic jewish actors pretending to have escaped the so called Holocaust.  They preceded the contemporary batch of crisis actors that mold public opinion in the controlled media from 9-11 to Sandy Hook. 

The prostituted pulpits of America likewise butcher the Bible so that hardly anybody knows who the real sheep and the real goats are... or why Jesus is going to divide the sheep on His right hand and the goats on the left.  Those of you who are familiar with my work, know that on occasion I have said 'we owe the jews a Holocaust.'  Today, I'm going to show you, biblically, how that will come to pass; how the goats will be silenced forever.  For it is we, White Christians, who have been “accounted as sheep for the slaughter” (Romans 8:36) as it is written in the talmud.  We contemplate the near impossibility of communicating the Christian Identity message to our countrymen and it's all due to the jewish lies that have permeated most of our defeated and demoralized people, who are more lost now than ever before.  They put on the facade that they are concerned about our nation and a future for their children, but their souls are putrefying in a puddle of multicultural lies.  You see, the talmudists don't want you to get too knowledgeable about their contempt for you and how they regard you as cattle or chattle (enslaved people seen as property). 

Going Dark

by Pastor Mark Downey

May 5, 2014

Scripture Reading:  II Corinthians 6:11-16

Darkness is the absence of light, just as racial purity is the absence of mixed blood.  “And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil” John 3:19.  One of the fruits of the Holy Spirit is goodness, which is an absence of evil.  Upon God's perfect Creation of 'kind after kind', He declared, “that it was good.”  Sin had not yet entered the world.  Darkness is mentioned early on in Genesis 1:2 as simply the difference between night and day.  However, as a figure of speech it can mean misery, destruction, death, ignorance, sorrow, wickedness and obscurity.  Historically, whenever great White civilizations mingled with the dark races, their societies collapsed.  When Daniel prophesied about the beast empires, it was the once great civilizations that embraced mixed blood and hence, in the eyes of God, the darkness was destined for destruction; not necessarily without cause, but the effects of forsaking the light of goodness.  There's always a load of rationalizations for racial diversity, but there is no biblical justification.  Isaiah said, “Woe to them that call evil good, and good evil; who put darkness for light, and light for darkness... because they have cast away the law of the Lord of hosts, and despised the word of the Holy One of Israel... and if one look unto the land, behold darkness and sorrow, and the light is darkened” (5:20, 24, 30).  Are we going dark?

Going Lite

by Pastor Mark Downey

May 18, 2014

Scripture Reading:  I Timothy 4:6-11

The Lite ChurchAs a sequel to 'Going Dark,' I promised something about going light.  However, I have a four part series on 'The Shining Light of Glory” already and I don't want to be repetitive.  But, there is another word, which we're going to explore today.  I recall a cartoon I have in my files called 'the Lite Church' with a drawing of a little church and a sign that read “24% fewer commitments, home of the 7.5% tithe, 15 minute sermons, 45 minute worship services.  We have only 8 commandments – your choice.  We use just 3 spiritual laws and have an 800 year millennium.  Everything you've wanted in a church... and less.”  What I want to convey today is that half measures will avail us nothing.  You have a barn to paint that requires 2 gallons and you only have 1, so you add a gallon of water; within a few weeks or months the paint begins to crack and peel.  All that work for nothing, because you cut corners.  By the samcare token, we have a Divine Law (Deut. 23:2) that prohibits mixed blood from entering the congregation of any assembly in Israel, but somebody comes along and says 15% mongrel is an acceptable level to be considered White.  There's a reason why God's Law is not to be diluted or modified, and that is, it's perfect the way it is.   We can't cut corners, because if we do, we'll wind up with something inferior.  The churches today in churchianity are not only inferior to the will of God, they are repugnant.

Going Dark; Going Lite

by Pastor Mark Downey

Part 1 "Going Dark":    Social and biblical aspects of what the metaphor of darkness implies from the historical record to current events; the jewish complicity of generating ignorance and decadence contributes to the demise of White civilizations.

Part 2 "Going Lite":  Another Gospel and another Christ diminishes the genuine Gospels and the true Christ by removing the seriousness, substance and complexities of Scripture.  Take to its logical conclusion, the Lite Church and/or Christian leads to physical and spiritual defilement.  New revelations about the brain reveal our relationship with God.

The Good Old Days

by Pastor Mark Downey

April 20, 2014

Scripture Reading:  Malachi 4:5-6

I wish there was a way to know you're in the good old days before you actually leave them.  I hate to think that these trying times (some say trials and tribulations) will someday be the good old days.  I guess the good old days were when we thought it couldn't get worse.  A good barometer would be leadership.  There was a day when all it took to impeach a president was illegal wiretapping or having sex with a White House intern in the broom closet.  About 200 years ago the French historian Alexis de Tocqueville observed that, “America is great because she is good. If America ceases to be good, America will cease to be great.”  Today's sermon really is not about nostalgia, but we do have a memory system that recalls times of happiness.  But, how far back in time do we go to determine that happiness.  Individuals can certainly go back, usually to their unencumbered childhood (before they became tax slaves), and say the good old days were the happy days.  I can remember when I was 4 years old and the neighborhood boys began digging holes in the backyard; we were treasure hunters and the world was our oyster; nothing could dispel our elation of shoveling a deep pit.  However, it became anticlimactic when our shovels hit something metallic, which wasn't a treasure chest, but a water pipe.  What concerns me with this message is how far back in time do we go to determine the happiness of the White race.

Time is a like a river, you can't touch the water twice, because the flow that passed will never return.  The good news is that there's more water where that came from.  If we were to pick a time in the Bible that comes closest to the good old days, it would be the Garden of Eden, sometimes called Paradise.  We don't know how much time elapsed before the Fall of Adam, but it must have been a splendid time of goodness, because sin had not yet entered the world; the good had not yet been contrasted to the manifestation of evil.  But, when it did, after the Fall of man, days of goodness were only fleeting and transient.  Once, Adam fell from grace, from his glorified body to a carnal physical body, he must have thought, “Wow, those were the good old days.”  Hindsight is always 20/20.  The word 'paradise' is not found in the Hebrew, but the idea is not lost in the Greek word paradeisos (#3857) as used in Rev. 2:7, which simply means “park i.e. (specifically) an Eden (place of future happiness).”  The park or garden of Eden signified an exquisite place of delight and pleasure.

Repentance You Can Count On

by Pastor Mark Downey

March 30, 2014

Scripture Reading:  Matthew 4:12-17

When Jesus launched His ministry, in what would become a three year exhortation to our race exclusively, the first thing He declared was repentance.  Of all the things He could have said as the opening salvo (because it was spiritual warfare), He choose something the people really didn't want to hear, even though it had a lot to do with deliverance.  They envisioned a Deliverer who would come to destroy the Romans.  Their Great White Hope would have said, “Come follow me, and we shall slice the Legions to ribbons.”  I hope you got the gist of the title i.e. the similarity between repentance and change.  When America's first black dictator made the campaign promise for “change you can count on,” the voters didn't think he meant a Marxist change agent

Who Am I?

by Pastor Mark Downey

March 16, 2014

Scripture Reading: Matthew 16:13-17

A patient is in a hospital bed coming out of a coma from a head injury; as his vision begins to focus, seeing doctors and nurses he says, “Who am I?”  As soon as I decided on this sermon title, I read a description of a movie in the TV guide that said, “An amnesiac struggles to remember who he is while getting experimental therapy at a facility for the terminally ill.”  This is a fascinating question, because there are so many answers.  One could say their name, their religious affiliation, their nation of birth etc.  We very rarely bump into other Identity Christians, but it happened to me once when I walked into a little T-shirt shop and the proprietor asked me, “Do you know who you are?”  And I said without hesitation, “I’m an Israelite” and he just about fell off his chair.  Nobody identifies themselves racially these days, because it’s not politically correct.  In fact, to announce yourself as a Christian Israelite, hardly anybody would know what you’re talking about.  And if you don’t eat pork, surely you’re some sort of converted jew.  Oh, if our people only knew who we really are.  Our race has sustained a traumatic head injury and collectively we suffer from spiritual amnesia.  Thousands of denominations experiment on your mortal soul; their dead churches even plaster the words ‘life’ and ‘living’ on the front edifice.  But, it is our faith that restores the focus to clearly remember who we are while we’re alive.  We are “the children of God” who hath been quickened, becoming the mature “sons of God” and “heirs of the promise.” 

The Inspired Word Part 4

by Pastor Mark Downey

March 2, 2014

Scripture Reading: Isaiah  55:7-11

We’ve covered quite a bit of territory concerning the writing of Scripture from men who were inspired by God to convey the Lord’s unadulterated thoughts as to which way we should go in this life.  It’s been referred to as an owner’s manual, which is appropriate for ‘heirs of the promise.’  The will of God is bequeathed to certain beneficiaries, but they must follow the instructions of the will in order to inherit the Kingdom of God.

The Inspired Word Part 3

by Pastor Mark Downey

February 16, 2014

Scripture Reading: Jeremiah 23:18-27

A friend of mine recently said, “Politics is completely corrupt and will not save us” and I would agree and add that it would not have been possible for the political morass to reach such depths of depravity unless first the religious leaders of the land polluted the very Word of God and the people loved to have it so (Isaiah 5:31).  The prophet Jeremiah leveled stinging reproofs at his contemporaries and aptly applies to the modern pulpit as well, which will not save us.