Mark Downey Sermons

The Catholic Menace Part 3


by Pastor Mark Downey

June 17, 2012

Scripture Reading: Matthew 23:24-28

As an artist, it is not difficult to appreciate Michelangelo’s monumental masterpiece in the Sistine Chapel.  It is no secret that Michelangelo’s relationship with the RCC became strained. The artist was a simple man, but he grew to detest the opulence and corruption of the Church. In two places in the masterpiece, Michelangelo left self portraits, both of them depicting himself in torture. He gave his own face to Saint Bartholomew’s body martyred by being skinned alive.  Michelangelo was a devout person, but later in life he developed a belief in Spiritualism (not to be confused with spiritism), for which he was condemned by Pope Paul IV. The fundamental tenet of Spiritualism is that the path to God can be found not exclusively through the Church, but through direct communication with God. Pope Paul IV interpreted Michelangelo’s Last Judgment, painted on the wall of the Sistine Chapel 20 years after completing the ceiling, as defaming the church by suggesting that Jesus and those around him communicated with God directly without need of Church. 

Likewise, Jesus showed great courage in identifying the hypocrisy of the scribes and Pharisees as whited sepulchers, a practice that lost the ceremonial import of Levitical defilement around places of unclean corpses and turned into beautification projects as if to honor the prophets to whom the Lord accused them of murdering. 

The Catholic Menace Part 2


by Pastor Mark Downey

June 10, 2012

Scripture Reading: Mark 7:1-7

In Part 1, we learned that the Roman Catholic Church was not the first church in Christendom and that Peter was not the first Pope.  Most students of Christian Identity know that the first above ground church was in Glastonbury, England.  Thanks to Joseph of Arimathea, Britain was the first of all kingdoms to receive the Gospel. This was confirmed by the Church Councils of Pisa (1409), Constance (1417), Sienna (1424) and Basle (1434) that maintained, "The churches of France and Spain, must yield in point of antiquity and precedence to that of Britain, as the latter church was founded by Joseph of Arimathea immediately after the passion of Christ".  The RCC was established on a foundation of lies and a corruption of the Word of God. 

Stand Your Ground Part 3


by Pastor Mark Downey

May 6, 2012

Scripture Reading: Numbers 25:5-13

The question that faces Christendom in general and Identity Christians in particular is: what are you going to do when faced with racial violence?  Because of the Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman incident, one pastor recently declared “The race war has begun.”  But, as I’ve said before, the race war of black on White crime has murdered, raped or robbed over a million White victims in the last 30 years.  What I would like to hear declared is that a Holy War has begun and it can begin within our movement, because whether rightly or wrongly portrayed, the Christian Identity movement has been labeled militant and radical.  I would prefer the moniker of ‘zealous’ for the Word of Truth.  A zealous Christian is not someone who is prone to violence, but is no one’s doormat, and discriminates who walks through his door, allowing mud to be tracked into the house.  The current trend of home invasions would be met with the zealous use of a shotgun.  But, it is not just our home that is under attack, but the whole house of Israel.

Everything in the Bible is there for a reason and the story of Phinehas is no fluke or anomaly.  It’s a model for the zealous believer in the God of Israel. 

Stand Your Ground Part 2


by Pastor Mark Downey

April 15, 2012

Scripture Reading:  Numbers 13:26-32

Jesus gave His Disciples a lawful command to arm themselves and it was as appropriate then as it is now. The countries they were going in to were wrought with dangers, infested with robbers and wild beasts. There’s nothing new under the sun. Wild beast roam the streets of America and rob people of their valuables. I choose today’s Scripture reading in Numbers as a lesson in how not to stand your ground with the exception of Joshua and Caleb. In fact, when God gave our ancestors the Promised Land, He sent them out to observe the gift He had given them. But, what did they do? They complained about how weak and powerless they were compared to the inhabitants of the land. In other words, they were afraid to stand on the ground that God had given them. As a consequence, they spent the next 40 years in the wilderness and never did enter the land of promise. Did White Christian Americans let the savage Indians stop their westward migration from the Atlantic to the Pacific Oceans? No, they were familiar with the Bible story and saw the American frontier as their promised land.

The pioneers sold their possessions and bought a covered wagon, with provisions and guns to protect them in their journey to find their plot of God’s green earth to settle and raise their families. The thought that God was setting them up for defeat was the last thing on their minds. The only thing on their minds was the “High praises of God in their mouth and a two edged sword in their hand” (Ps. 149:6).

The Catholic Menace Part 1


by Pastor Mark Downey

May 20, 2012

Scripture Reading:  Acts 8:9-25

The word ‘menace’ means someone or something that is a dangerous threat that is likely to cause harm.  The word ‘catholic’ evokes images of a religion that has been and is a dangerous threat to Christianity that has caused so much misery and suffering and will continue on its path of destruction until it is finally destroyed.  I’ve said many times that catholic is not synonymous with Christian nor is it godly or righteous.  With a long line of abuses and violations of God’s Word, the catholic religion can only be considered an ongoing and persistent evil.  It cannot escape its sordid history.  Once a Christian is informed of why the catholic religion is a counterfeit, they will hate it with a perfect hatred. 

The Catholic Menace

by Pastor Mark Downey

A concise and sordid history of the great whore of Babylon.

Part 1:  Finding the secret origins of the Catholic church, which proves that it was never Christian.

Part 2:  Looking at the sadistic nature of the Roman Catholic Church and its unbiblical doctrines that contradict the Word of God.

Part 3:  An examination of Catholicism's false doctrines.

Part 4:  An uncanny parallel between Judaism and Catholicism that brings us to an understanding of Mystery Babylon.

Stand Your Ground Part 1


by Pastor Mark Downey

April 1, 2012

Scripture reading:  Luke 22:35-38

Trayvon, Trayvoff… Trayvon, Trayvon, Trayvoff. Sung to the tune of the popular TV commercial “clap-on, clap-off.” Now there may be some who think I’m being insensitive and disrespectful to the memory of negro Trayvon Martin of which so much media hype, clamoring and hysteria has taken place in the last few weeks. A Mexican looking guy [I have since learned that he is a Peruvian] shoots and kills a negro. So what’s the big deal? It happens all the time and vice versa i.e. blacks shooting Hispanics. To find out what the big deal is one must probe a little deeper into the motives for what these miserable wretches in the media are trying to accomplish. Jesus knew them well saying, “Woe unto you scribes… you’re the children of them that killed the prophets.”

Who likes to be lied to? Well, the media seems to think it can say whatever it wants regardless of the truth. And that should be a clue for the clueless. Here’s how the story has played out and I’m going to give it a Christian Identity commentary as we go along. Not since 9/11 has there been such an outrageous manipulation of public opinion through mass brainwashing. It works on just about everybody except racially aware White Christians. The media has worked up African-Americans into a lather with protest rallies in five major cities with Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton right there to stir things up, like the ‘useful idiots’ that they are.

Our First Love


By Pastor Mark Downey

March 18, 2012

Scripture Reading:  Revelation 2:1-4

he exact phrase “our first love” is not found in the Bible, but it is generally recognized to be from Rev. 2:4, “Nevertheless I have somewhat against you, because you have left your first love.”  In other words, when God called His people and said I want you for My bride and at first they were ecstatic, but later became less than excited, there was a problem.  One has only to look at so many variants of re-formed churches, of splintering and denominationalism, whose original zeal had long departed and among whom so much declined, that an attempt to reinvent the warmth and excitement they once enjoyed can be typified with the church at Ephesus and for the last 2000 years can rear its ugly head anywhere and at anytime.  We constantly hear of revival, but more often than not it is nothing more than changing their reformation from the hands of the Divine Potter to the hands of spiritual paramedics with good intentions forming the clay in their own image of a revived vessel.  I recently listened to a sermon online titled ‘Returning to Our First Love,’ which means whatever they first loved, they had moved away from it.  When I got married, people said I had a smile on my face from cheek to cheek… for the whole day! And in typical fashion we had a beautiful honeymoon in Hawaii.  To this day, I have the same feelings I had on my wedding day, but after our first year of marriage, I would sometimes be remiss in opening a door for my bride or lapse in giving her a bouquet of flowers and she would say, “Oh, is the honeymoon over?”  And I would say, “Nooo, our love grows with each passing day; it just keeps getting better and better.”

In His Service vs. Lip Service


by Pastor Mark Downey

March 4, 2012

Scripture Reading: Mark 7:1-9

The populist cry of the American Revolution was "Resistance to tyranny is obedience to God."  Fast forward to the present time and we can witness a complete reversal. Treason within church and state has become as commonly accepted as watching TV.  Both ironically call good evil and evil good. Resistance to God is obedience to tyrants. Too many of our people have lost the Spirit of '76 in standing up against evil and the church world doesn't know how or even why it should obey God.  They don't know what to obey.  Thomas Jefferson said, “I prefer dangerous freedom to peaceful slavery.”  Orwell picked up on that idea in his mythical totalitarian state, whereby freedom is slavery, war is peace and ignorance is strength.  The thing is it’s not a myth anymore.

The mind-numbing process to substitute God's sovereignty with pious paganism or self indulgent morality is in plain view.  In fact, the adversarial façade of a vicarious manifestation of Christianity can be too obvious for most people to detect.  Audacity is taken to extreme limits.  All that is seen is the whited sepulcher and not the soup of vile remains inside.  The Big Lie grows exponentially.

False Brethren


by Pastor Mark Downey

February 19, 2012

Scripture Reading: Galatians 2:4

This subject needs its own sermon, especially in light of what we’ve been talking about lately regarding the church world as well as our own movement.  The phrase ‘false brethren’ is only found twice in the New Testament and I’d like to give a richer understanding of what these personalities entail.  We’ve heard of false prophets, false apostles, false witnesses and false teachers, but what exactly constitutes false brethren?  The mainstream churches have terribly desecrated the biblical meaning of the word “brother” with a Masonic substitute, ‘the brotherhood of man’, implying a restoration of a multicultural Babylon.  And indeed, Mystery Babylon is infested with brethren who are not true to their own race and the ancestral faith of their fathers.

Universalism On Trial - Part 3


by Pastor Mark Downey

February 5, 2012

Scripture Reading:  Matthew 13:35-43

Have you ever wondered what the world would be like if there weren’t any lies?  A world where truth is the only way.  Bearing false witness would no longer be a means to an end.  From the time a child is able to walk, the programming and processing has begun, whereby they are lied to and it continues throughout their lives in school, churches, government and media.  There are some who escape the matrix of deceptions and become knowledgeable of the truth, but they dare not speak out lest they be persecuted.  The rest of society lives in this ocean of disinformation.  Since the majority of people believe in the prevailing body of lies, they assume that it is the truth.  And hence, they make important life decisions that are all too often disastrous. 

The trial against universalism will resume momentarily, but we shall keep a few things in mind before the closing remarks of the defense and the prosecution.  The biggest enemy of mankind is time.  James 4:14 says, “You don’t know what will happen tomorrow.  What is your life?  It is a vapor that appears for awhile and then vanishes.”  It is not within the power of all the creatures whom God has made to command one moment of what is to be the future.  Our times are not in our own hands, but at the discretion of God.  Our minds may be filled with the cares of this life and Providence will often confuse it.  We are made in His image and all that we do and design intelligently must be done in humble submission to the God of intelligent design.  God can and does place deterrents upon those who would boast that something is in their authority or of their own ability.  God alone can keep us from our own devices and make our plans prosper when they are in accord with His will.  “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” 

Universalism On Trial - Part 2


by Pastor Mark Downey

January 22, 2012

Scripture Reading:  Ezra 4:1-5

Universalism On Trial - Part 1


by Pastor Mark Downey

Scripture reading:  Matthew 13:11-15

The word ‘catholic’ means universal.  The word ‘catholic’ is not synonymous with Christian.  The word Christian should never be associated with universalism, except in terms of finding it guilty of spreading universal confusion.  Babel means confusion and the universal Catholic church is rooted in Babylon.  If we were to put universalism on trial, its public defender would be its progenitor, the Roman Catholic Church and much of judeo-churchianity.  The prosecuting attorney for the case would be the Christian Identity message.  The presiding judge would be none other than Jesus Christ and His jurisdiction would be the Law/Word of God as found in the Holy Scriptures.  What crime has universalism committed that would warrant a trial and prosecution?  Well, there are many and it could easily be a 10 count indictment or 20 or 30.  But our hope is to convict it forever.  This sermon will be somewhat like a Grand Jury on a fact finding mission to determine if any laws have been broken and if it should go to trial.  Let us understand what universal is and what it represents. 

Universalism On Trial

by Pastor Mark Downey

A study into the nature of God's relationship towards the White race and all other races.

Part 1:  Today, universalism can be summarized as:  the brotherhood of man [sic]; all races are God’s children; God loves everyone and His mercy is extended to all races; all races will be united with God in heaven for eternity; any race can become God’s elect or chosen by their beliefs; all races can be redeemed; and the most disturbing corruption says that Jesus changed God’s plan for the ages in having an exclusive relationship with the lineage of Jacob-Israel, who are the Anglo-Saxon, Celtic, Scandinavian, Germanic and kindred peoples that comprise the twelve tribes.  With the advent of theological and political universalism, all races are equal in the eyes of God and the state.  In many cases the state assumes the power of God enforcing laws based on universalism, known as civil rights, but they do not correspond to God’s Law and they don’t pertain to White people.

Part 2:  An interim for discovery before the trial resumes; a biblical and historical review of Israel's entanglement with the same kind of universalism that the modern church faces.

Part 3:  Conclusion.  Origins of race from Adam and Eve; an examination of Acts 17:26.

Judging Xmas


By Pastor Mark Downey

December 25, 2011

Scripture Reading: Isaiah 1:11-16

In case you didn’t notice, I spelled Christmas X-m-a-s, because that’s the way pagans spell it.  They don’t believe Christ is in their celebration and they would be correct.  Christ is not IN Christmas any more than the Federal Reserve is in the federal government.  If you corner an honest Christian, they will admit that the Bible does not sanction Christmas and that it does indeed have pagan origins… but, but, but.  Therefore, judging this Christ-less celebration with Christ arbitrarily interposed in the name of the so called holy day or holiday is justified and deserving of adjudication, even though some Christians think that it’s Christian.  Let’s keep it simple: if a pagan god is the reason for the season, would this not be having another god before the Almighty?  A violation of the First Commandment?  “Thou shalt have no other gods before Me” Ex. 20:3.  In other words, even if the word “Christ” is used, it is not the same Jesus, the Messiah we worship.  It is a vicarious identity that has no relationship to Christianity. 


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