Did God Cast Away Part of His People?

by Pastor Don Elmore

November 3, 2012

Scripture Reading: I Kings 12:21-24

About a month ago there were reports that the United States military was relocating men and equipment from low lying ground on the eastern seaboard inland to higher ground.  It was foolishly speculated this was for fear Russia was about to set off undersea nuclear explosions to generate tsunamis.  But now it is obvious that the military obviously had advanced knowledge of Hurricane Sandy. 

A week ago there were images showing serious HAARP activity over the eastern states.  It is the fulfillment of an imaginary storm in 1997 that was exactly the same as the one in 2012!  The first storm was named “Sandy;” the same as the second.  What is interesting about this weather event is that if “Sandy” was not intentionally generated by HAARP why was HAARP not deployed to calm or steer the hurricane to sea preventing landfall? 

Secondly, a week and a half ago Donald Trump made a $5 million offer to Barack Obama that was ignored by the press and just about everyone else.  The request that Donald Trump made to Barack Obama—that he would write a check for $5 million to any charity of his choice in exchange for his releasing the transcripts and documents from all the places that he attended school and for his passport application.  Barbara Walters made a pitiful appeal to Donald when he was on the show, “The View”, as well as all of the television and radio commentators with a few exceptions.  Barbara said to Mr. Trump that she loved him but he was making a fool out of himself?  Why?

The Hidden Government

by Pastor Don Elmore

October 14, 2012

Scripture Reading: 1 Kings 7:13-14; 40-45

Why You Can't Vote for Either Candidate

In Tuesday’s (10/9/12) The Cincinnati Enquirer there was the front page article, “Fewer in US claim a religion; Protestant ranks slip into minority while non-religious grow.”  The article starts off by saying, “Protestants have dipped to 48 percent of the American population, becoming a minority for the first time in generations, while the ranks of people claiming no religion has steadily risen, a new report says.” 

The article goes on and says on page 5 that Ed Hensley, an organizer with the Louisville Atheists and Freethinkers believes that “People are becoming more tolerant; they’re learning that gays are not evil people, that atheists are not evil people.”  He adds, that “Those with no religion are more liberal politically and more tolerant of homosexuality and abortion.”  That shouldn’t be a surprise to any Christian!  For it is because of our GOD’S law is what makes homosexuality, abortion and atheism an abomination.  God is against all of these sins.

How did this happen?  When our nation started in 1776, the number of Protestants in the United States was a dominate religion with a lot less denominations than now.  Many more Protestant denominations started during the last two centuries; and their doctrine and practices have change greatly.  There were no (501) (C3) churches so most all of the Protestant Churches preached against their hearers committing sins; like homosexuality, abortion, the errors of feminism, usury in the banks, evolution and they are forbidden to tell their congregations not to vote for either of the vice-Presidents because they are Roman Catholics and the non-Christian, anti-Christian present President and the non-Christian, anti-Christian Mormon. Their main doctrines were total depravity, unconditional election, limited atonement, irresistible grace and perseverance of the saints.

The Worst Church in America

by Pastor Brian Jones

October 21, 2012

The worst church in America is one who had the glory of God and lost it.  Available in audio only

Study of I Samuel 1-7.  Related topics include:

  • Warnings to Israel of bad churches: Acts 20:28, Matthew 7:15, II Peter 2:1
  • Heresies: Acts 24:14
  • We live in perilous times: 2 Timothy 3:1-6
  • Israel shall be saved from the wrath of God: Isaiah 45:17, Rev. 15:1
  • Jesus said to Mary go to the Brethren: John 20:11
  • God never changes: Hebrews 13:8

The World from Adam to Noah Part 1

by Pastor Don Elmore

September 30, 2012

Scripture Reading:  Jude 1:5-7

I have wondered what went on in the days from Adam to Noah; have you?  And there is so little information given about those days in the Bible.  There is over 1600 years of history in the first nine chapters of Genesis.  That’s about 30% of the amount of history from Adam to the present day.  And only nine chapters of Genesis and a lot of these chapters are genealogies!

About the only thing that we know is how long they lived—over 900 years for most of them.  And that doesn’t even make much sense to the average Christian; that the people that they read of in the first nine chapters of Genesis lived over 13 times the average life span of their lives.  And you will fail to find any mention of any of them dying of cancer, diabetes, strokes or heart attacks as we do today. 

Were they our height or were they significantly larger?  How long were their child-bearing years—around 500 years?  Did they travel much?  They certainly didn’t live for 900 years in the same village and not venture any place else.   Could they run 100 miles without much of a rest?  What did they do for recreation?  Did they have gardens or farms?  Who were their enemies?   Was the climate the same as today? Were there people living in all parts of the world?  There are a lot of questions that we are not told the direct, obvious answer to.

The World from Adam to Noah

By Pastor Don Elmore

Part 1: What was it like in the days before the Flood?  Did the climate change, did countries disappear and we know that the age limit on the descendants was reduced greatly.

Part 2: Are you wondering why it is that very few people believe what we believe?  It is because they don't believe what our God has said about the past that they refuse to believe what He says about the present and future.  We are the remnant believers of this age.

Non Consent of the Misgoverned

by Pastor Mark Downey

September 23, 2012

Scripture Reading: Micah 4:4-7

I’ve been using the phrase “consent of the governed” quite a bit this year, because 2012 is an election year and the arbitrary two-party system offers the Christian believer nothing in which to consent our lives and property over to a dictatorship of antichrists.  We should have objected around the turn of the 20th century when the acceleration of racial aliens changed the complexion of American culture.  Or perhaps even before that, preempting the American Civil War and the suspension of White Christian law based on the Bible, being substituted with Martial Law Rule.  We, the true Israelite people of Scripture, should always remember and demand the biblical basis for government and always refuse our consent to illegitimate secular government (such as we’ve become accustomed to).  Those who are opposed to our God and our race, support and promulgate the myth of ‘the separation of church and state,’ which in practice is the separation of God from government, by appealing to the idea of ‘consent of the governed,’ or the line in the Preamble of the Constitution:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”

The claim is that government is secular and autonomous from God, created by "the people" and not God, and not accountable to God, but only to "the people."  When you think about this secular premise, not to mention a preponderance of the historical record, it becomes a very flimsy assertion.  Not a single signer to the Constitution would agree with that notion that it was to the exclusion of God and the Bible.  If we all “consent” to be slaves to jewish masters or to shed our blood for them, would such a law that makes that possible be morally justified in the minds of the people?

The Evil Twins of Israeli

by Pastor Don Elmore

September 16, 2012

In November the United States of America will vote for the President of the United States.  There are only two candidates who have the opportunity to win enough electoral votes (270) to win the election; Mitt Romney of the Republican Party and Barack Obama of the Democratic Party.

And what happened at the Conventions?  What happened to Ron Paul and his delegates?  I can remember in past Conventions how it took vote after vote to decide who would be the Party’s President.  And if no one could make a majority, then they would pick another.  But now?  It was all decided way before the Convention even met.

The Republican Convention had many women as delegates and also speakers.  Ann Romney made a speech about how great a man was her husband—the Mormon father of her five boys.  She was actually a former Episcopalian who converted to Mormonism to marry Mitt.  Her parents were not allowed to be in the Mormon Temple for their marriage because they were not Mormon.   A few of the delegates were non-white as well as a few of the speakers; Marco Rubio would be an example of a Latino speaker. 

The Democratic Convention was noticeably full of women delegates; many of them non-white.  Michelle, like Ann, told about how great was her husband and the father of her two girls..    

The vast minority were white men as there were a vast number of non-white men at the Convention too.  The speakers had most of the non-white people excited at the Convention.  Even the speech by Nancy Pelosi, the one whose investments have gone up 876% over her 20 years—how could that happen?  One of her main points was women’s choice of aborticide.

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz

by Pastor Don Elmore

September 2, 2012

Scripture Reading: Nehemiah 5:1-6

When one studies the history of the world, most of the books omit the major reason that a nation or kingdom was in prosperity or depression.  Up to the 1100’s, goldsmiths served as the bankers.  And they manipulated the amount of gold and how much they loaned.  But King Henry I of England was in a situation where his gold supply was too low and he needed some money.  So he created something new:  tally sticks.  Tally sticks were used to pay taxes.  It worked well as a debt-free money system.  Ninety-five percent of English money was in tally sticks.  In fact, they worked well in England for over 700 years.  This is one reason why Richard Hoskins, editor of the Hoskin’s Report, recommends that we use something like the tally sticks that were used in England!

King Henry also made the Charter of Liberties and the Magna Carta which basically was the voluntary position of stating what his powers were to be.  In the year 1265 the first Parliamentary elections began.  In the 1600’s serfdom was legally banned.  But in the year 1694 the Bank of England was created by the Parliament.  The control of the money supply went back to the goldsmith; the bankers.  Soon 75% of England’s entire budget was involved with paying off the wars that they had been in.  Thus, they had to collect taxes from their Colonies to help with the payments.

The Shining Light of Glory Part 3

by Pastor Mark Downey

August 26, 2012

Scripture Reading Luke 11:33-38

Now that we've covered this subject from the Old Testament (which conceals the New Testament) we will move into the New Testament (which reveals the Old Testament). Smoke, fire and light have been referred to, and if I could relate these metaphors to you, they would represent the Word of God as smoke, the Holy Spirit as fire and Jesus Christ as the Light.  They are all interconnected to Israel.

Well, where is the Shining Light of Glory today?  With so much darkness in the world, how can there be any light?  If there is a false light or harmful radiation impersonating the Shining, then there likewise must be a false baptism.  

We are Near the End

by Pastor Don Elmore

Aug 18, 2012

Scripture Reading: 2 Kings 21:19-26

Have you ever wondered what was going on in the earth when you were born and living in your infancy and adolescence?  When I was born, the United States had entered the War in Europe for about 11 months—November 10, 1942—it was called World War 2.  The United States ONLY got into the War with the false flag attack with the Japanese at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.

The Freemasons, who were leaders in all of the major powers on the earth, brought everything together—nation fighting against nation—for what?  I asked a simple question in my 5th grade Sunday School Class to a former member of the World War 2 United States Army who was our teacher:  “Why did the United States fight against Germany if we both worship the same God and instead fought on the side with the atheists of the Soviet Union?”  I thought if I was in the War, I would be praying while in my foxhole to my God to spare my life while the German would be praying to the same God to spare his!  This wouldn’t be the case if we were fighting the Soviet Union.

But the question fell off into a deep pit of apathy, when I received no good answer to my questions, and my life continued with trivial events.

I will tell you today what I have found out about the days of my youth; you don’t have to believe it—all I ask is that you just keep on studying.