Did God Cast Away Part of His People?
by Pastor Don Elmore
November 3, 2012
Scripture Reading: I Kings 12:21-24
About a month ago there were reports that the United States military was relocating men and equipment from low lying ground on the eastern seaboard inland to higher ground. It was foolishly speculated this was for fear Russia was about to set off undersea nuclear explosions to generate tsunamis. But now it is obvious that the military obviously had advanced knowledge of Hurricane Sandy.
A week ago there were images showing serious HAARP activity over the eastern states. It is the fulfillment of an imaginary storm in 1997 that was exactly the same as the one in 2012! The first storm was named “Sandy;” the same as the second. What is interesting about this weather event is that if “Sandy” was not intentionally generated by HAARP why was HAARP not deployed to calm or steer the hurricane to sea preventing landfall?
Secondly, a week and a half ago Donald Trump made a $5 million offer to Barack Obama that was ignored by the press and just about everyone else. The request that Donald Trump made to Barack Obama—that he would write a check for $5 million to any charity of his choice in exchange for his releasing the transcripts and documents from all the places that he attended school and for his passport application. Barbara Walters made a pitiful appeal to Donald when he was on the show, “The View”, as well as all of the television and radio commentators with a few exceptions. Barbara said to Mr. Trump that she loved him but he was making a fool out of himself? Why?