Christian Identity Basics - Part 5


by James N. Jester

April 14, 2019

Scripture Reading: Acts 26:1-7, Paul’s Defense Before Agrippa


In the previous lesson (part 4) on Paul the Christian Identity apostle, we ended with the apostle in jail at Caesarea. Paul was still in the process of shaking off his jewish indoctrination as a Pharisee.

Our scripture reading is the beginning of Paul’s defense before king Agrippa during his two-year stay at Caesarea. He has finally shed his judeo brainwashing. No longer does he call himself a “Jew” (Pharisee), but now proclaims “our twelve tribes.” He now understands the Jewish problem just as Jesus and John understood it. Jews are not Israelites and Israelites are not jews. Yet most of the church world thinks they are the same, and they think the children of the devil (as Jesus called them) are the “chosen of God.” What absurdity and embarrassment this is from anyone who claims the name of “Christian”.

Christian Identity Basics - Part 4


by James N. Jester

April 7, 2019

Scripture Reading: Acts 9:1-15 ISV


Someone has said, “The greatest weapon in the world is the truth.” This is why the Fellowship of God’s Covenant People does what it does. We administer the truth. Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth and the life.”

Winston Churchill said, “The truth is often guarded by a wall of lies.” In his case, he should know for he told many lies to support what he called ‘the truth.’ But the statement, I believe, is certainly true when it comes to the theology of present day Christendom under the curse of judeo-Christianity. So we want to further clarify the scriptural teachings concerning race from the New Testament perspective.

In our last lesson “Getting to First Base,” we found that race was the foundational context of the Bible via the authority of the words of our Lord, Jesus Christ. In this lesson, we will see that the racial foundation of Scripture continues with the ministry of the Apostle Paul, the first Christian Identity Apostle. The text of our last lesson, “…salvation is of the jews,” (Jn. 4:22), St. Paul knew well, for he was steeped in Judaism and often referred to himself as a “Jew.” It appears he had quite a struggle in deprogramming himself out of Judaism to become a great leader of Christian doctrine. Most of us too have had a similar struggle.

Original Sin - Part 2

By Alan Breitenstein

March 31, 2019

Scripture Reading:  2 Corinthians 10:5:

“Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;”

We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ. What does that mean to take every thought captive?

Whenever there is a war, enemies are captured. Those enemies are interrogated. This verse seems to mean we are to interrogate every thought and bring it to the obedience of Christ. I want to emphasize that this verse says every thought. If we bring every thought captive, then our mind is constantly with Christ. If our mind is constantly with Christ, then we are serving the Lord thy God with our whole heart and mind and strength.

Original Sin - Part 1

by Alan Breitenstein

March 24, 2019

Scripture Reading: Genesis 3:1-3

We were told that this event that took place was the cause of all the woman’s seed to be born in this world was given an original sin. Psalm 51 v 5 says that we were born into iniquity and in sin did our mothers conceive us.

The third chapter of Genesis sets the stage for our life. As Jim gave his message on the importance of who we are, it is also important to know who or what your enemy is--especially when put on the battlefield.

What needs to be understood is the original sin. Whatever scenario the woman went through all Adamic man inherited. What is it that we all have that can relate to what she did. There have been many books about the devil and what the woman’s sin was, and just recently Jim directed me to some books on the subject and Don's message on Hinduism has really opened up the picture of what happened in the garden. When any of us was told that due to the woman's disobedience we inherited original sin and we just sort of accepted that as being a mark on our soul.

The Unholy Seed - Part 10


Copied from the Sermon Notes of Pastor Don Elmore

March 17, 2019

Scripture Reading: Ephesians 1:4, 5

There can be a lot of sermons taken from these two verses that are in our introductory Scripture. When was “before the foundation of the world”? One popular commentary, Dake Bible, says in its notes on this verse that it was when “Lucifer ruled before Adam.” Who did he rule? And if he ruled before Adam, he would have ruled over pre-Adamites.

But then this same Bible Commentary says about “predestination” in verse 5, that “God has predestined all children of God to be adopted into His family, but who becomes a child of God is left up to each individual.” But as Christian-Identity scholars say, “If the Bible commentators forget about the blood of the everlasting covenant that God made with Abram, they will wind up with a universal theology that is difficult to comprehend; like it is in the explanation of this verse.”

In the past two sermons I have explained why I am not a Roman Catholic, a Judeo-Christian, or a Hindu-Judeo-Christian. Most Christians are now a member of one of these three rotten branches of false Christianity, even though they could be unaware of the latter one. Christianity has left its roots and has joined the world’s religions—so that it will not be offensive to anyone’s religious group.

Christian Identity Basics - Part 3


by James N. Jester

March 10, 2019

Scripture Reading: John 4:22

In the last sermon (lesson 2 of the series) we looked at the major scriptural identifying marks of Israel. In so doing, we also discovered that the ethnic group known as the “Jews” does not in any manner coincide with their claim that they are the “chosen of God.”

In this sermon, we want to prove from the New Testament that the Bible is a racial book. The reason for looking to the N. T. is because most judeo-Christians will not accept the Old Testament, especially if it pertains to racial statements – they simply want to brush off such statements with responses like, “that’s O. T. and Jesus changed all that; we don’t need it anymore.”

In our opening text, salvation is of the Jews (Jn. 4:22), Jesus is speaking to the Samaritan woman about the proper way to worship God. She had mentioned “this mountain,” which was the Mt. Gerizim temple. This is where the mixed race Samaritan’s worshipped ‘Baal’ for over 400 years, and at this time was in ruins. There were two locations (Dan and Bethel) in the former northern kingdom of Israel. When Jesus appeared at this time in history, Judea was becoming a “melting pot.” This temple was the forerunner of universalism and Roman Catholicism. The pure race Judeans worshipped at the temple in Jerusalem. What is the lesson?

The Unholy Seed - Part 9


Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

March 3, 2019

Scripture Reading:  Deuteronomy 23:2

I am not a Hindu-Christian or a Buddhist-Christian. What is so surprising about this statement—aren’t all Christians unbelievers in the pagan religions of Hinduism or Buddhism? Hinduism’s and Buddhism’s doctrines have crept into Christianity, much like Judeo-Christianity has, making many churches Hindu-Judeo-Christian churches.

Most churches in America are, therefore, a combination of all three religions: Hindu-Judeo-Christian. These churches think that they are “Christian” churches, but they believe doctrines which originated from the Hindu and Judaic “holy” books and not from the Word of the Bible.

Christian Identity Basics - Part 2


by James N. Jester

February 24, 2019

Scripture Reading: Genesis 17:1-7


This is my continuing series on presenting the truth to Judeo-Christians. The Judeo-Christian world thinks our scripture reading refers to the “Jews” (albeit, that word does not appear) but we will show otherwise. In the last sermon I briefly touched on the identity of the ethnic group known as the “Jews” and how they do not historically fit into their claim that they are the “chosen of God.” I further presented four facts of history proving that true Israel is the White race. Now we want to concentrate on the Scriptural marks of the real Israel.

The Unholy Seed - Part 8


Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

February 17, 2019

Scripture Reading:  Genesis 4:11-17

This is an unusual sermon. For part of this lesson there is no known explanation of what happened. There are just educated guesses. The best ones are based on the clues that the Holy Scriptures have given and interpreting what happened by connecting the dots. Covering over 1500 years in the first 11 chapters of the Bible leaves a lot of information out. People living over 900 years with just one sentence explaining what they did those nine centuries will not provide enough facts for anyone to determine exactly what happened.

The other part is based on the absolute truth that is revealed in the Holy Scriptures. Is the God of the Bible for or against abortion? Race-mixing? Miscegenation? Integration? Vaccinations? Prisons? Usury banks? Public Schools? Etc.? May this sermon give you a glimpse of what is happening in the world, both past and present.

The Holy Scriptures informs us is that: “The Saxon nation worldwide is made in the image of the WORD—which is its God. The WORD is its LAW and the Saxon tries to make its habitat conform to the image of the WORD.

Mamzers are aliens. Miscegenation creates aliens. They are not “part alien”/“part Saxon”. As defined by the WORD—all who are not Saxon are aliens. Some aliens try to conform to the WORD to benefit from its blessing, but most don’t. It restricts them at every turn, especially their effort to enter Saxon society to exploit the Saxon and his incredible productiveness.” (Jews, Richard Hoskins, page 1, 2).