What Made John Nelson Darby So Famous?

What made John Nelson Darby so famous was the fact that Cyrus Ingerson Scofield (1843-1921), a Kansas lawyer, who published his Scofield Reference Bible based largely on Darby’s writings and his Futurism also found in the writings of Todd, Maitland, Bellarmine and Ribera.  This greatly assisted the Jesuits in their endeavor to convince the world that the Antichrist was a future literal man who would bring about seven years of tribulation.  Wycliff, Huss, Luther, Knox and Wesley all declared Papacy was the Antichrist.  For a list of over eighty reformers who identified Papacy as Antichrist, check Reformers’ Interpretations of Anti-Christ.

The Terrible Error of the Scofield Bible

By Emma Moore Weston

The Scofield teaching is concerned with a literal Jewish kingdom to last for a millennium.  It was first brought into the early church by some Jews who still could not give up the hope taught to them by the scribes and Pharisees.  The Bible does not teach it, and the disciples who had been taught it, rejected it after Pentecost.  Jesus warned about it in Matthew 16:6-12.  Scofield’s work was calculated to promote certain ideas.  We must ask ourselves if Jesus ever offered or announced himself as an earthly Kin


By Pastor Don Elmore

There is much confusion over certain words in the Bible and words referring to people who are in the Bible. Once such word is anti-semite. It means to most people one who is anti-jewish or anti-zionist. But it can't be.

The Jewish Rabbis Teach What?

By Pastor Don Elmore

From a pamphlet which was given as a speech by the leader of Cincinnati's Hebrew Union College (College for Reform Rabbis), Jacob R. Marcus.   It was his speech given on the 200th year anniversary of America's nationhood delivered to the 53rd General Assembly of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations; Dallas, Texas -- November 1975. The title of this speech was:  The Jew and the American Bicentennail:  "Ours is the greatest Jewry the world has ever known. ..."

Bank of North America

by Richard Kelly Hoskins

The story started over 200 years ago.  In 1780 the United States had two interest banks.  Prior to this time it had NONE.  The people didn't believe in interest since it was FORBIDDEN by their CHRISTAN religion.  By 1800 perhaps 20 of these banks had come into existence.

The Illusion of Free Will

by Pastor Mark Downey

How often do we hear someone say, “God gave us a free will”? What they usually mean is that they have freedom of choice. Free will and choice are two different things. In Romans 7:17 Paul says it wasn’t him making the choice: “Now then it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me.” If he’s making choices at the behest of a “law of sin” that has been put within his “flesh”, but not of his doing… where is the ‘free will’ here? I had to think long and hard about composing this sermon, so bear with me.

Midnight Christmas Mass

By Don Elmore

Each Christmas the Roman Catholic Church holds a special mass (Christ's Mass) at midnight at the Vatican. As a youngster and non-Catholic, I always wondered why? It seems like a very bad time to have a church service.

I never received a answer that seemed right to me--in fact, I never received an answer. Every one I asked, just said that it was "tradition." But on every Christmas eve at midnight, you could turn on the television set and see a great mulititude in attendance at the Vatican and at most of the Roman Catholic churches in the world. 

Keep Christ Out of Christmas

By Jim Jester It shall come to pass, if thou shalt hearken diligently unto the voice of the Lord thy God, to observe and to do all his commandments which I command thee this day, that the Lord thy God will set thee on high above all nations of the earth. (Deut. 28:1) Ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light. (1 Peter 2:9) We have all heard well-meaning Christians say “keep Christ in Christmas.” I too have contended for this, but I soon realized this was a useless assertion. Is Christmas of Christian origin that was paganized, or of pagan origin that was Christianized? The answer to this question should determine if it is accepted or rejected by those honestly wanting to serve God. This article/sermon should give anyone enough evidence to answer this question. Is Jesus the “reason for the season?” If He were, then we should recognize Christmas as His birth and forsake the pagan customs that perverted it. In other words, “keep Christ in Christmas.” However, just the opposite is true. The evidence leads us away from December 25 as the birth of Jesus. He was never the reason for the season. The supposed Christian Christmas is simply a deceptive lie. I shall explain, on several fronts, why Christ should be taken out of Christmas.