Music in the Temple
by Rev. Jim Jester
December 30, 2024
SCRIPTURE READING: Ephesians 5:14-20 RSV
There are many kinds of music in the world, and each kind has its purpose for which it was created: Music for drama in movies, music for dancing and entertainment, music for exercise, music for relaxation, and music for the Temple, or Church. Should the Church use any or all of these styles of music?
The Bible speaks much about music. The word “sing” and “singing” appear in the Bible 148 times. The most used Hebrew word for “song” is shiyrah, found 90 times, and the second most used Hebrew word is shiyr, found 82 times. Music is addressed regularly in the Old and New Testaments: 63 times in the Old and 5 times in the New, the specific direction is given, “Sing to the Lord.”
There is also an interesting omission: Nowhere in the Bible is there a command to sing to the heathen, or to mankind in general. This fact alone ought to set straight those evangelicals who are attempting to “win others to Christ” with their music; many going so far as to use Rock music for their “worship” services. Rather, the only purpose of sacred music in light of Scripture is to direct praise to God.