Don Elmore Sermons

Lies, Lies and More Lies

by Pastor Don Elmore

This past week I have felt that our nation has been the recipient of those whose father was the originator of the lie (John 8:44).  They have certainly told many lies in the nation’s past—but this week they had to change their lies so often. 

Hosea Chapter One


Pastor Don Elmore

May 22, 2011

Sermon Notes:

Contemporaries: Joel, Amos (Israel) , Micah (Judah), Jonah, Obadiah and Isaiah (Judah)

Hosea prophesied during the reign of all these kings (59-70 years):

Kings of Judah:

The Handwriting On The Wall


Pastor Don Elmore

May 1, 2011

Text not available

Nebuchadnezzar's Second Dream


Pastor Don Elmore

April 10, 2011



By Pastor Don Elmore

In the back of the book, Primo-genesis...the story the Bible tells,  on page Plate 11, written by Howard B. Rand, we find the following chart (see page 6):

Esau -- Adah (one of his Canaanite wives)


Eliphaz – Timna – (daughter of Seir the Horite)


Duke Amalek – We have the origin of the Amalekites, who were the first to attack Israel when they came out of Egypt in the Exodus.

Thus, the Amalekites were descending from Esau and are now called “Jews.”

From Smith Dictionary:

Agag:  Possibly the title of the kings of Amalek, like Pharaoh of Egypt.  One king of this name is mentioned in Numbers 24:7, and another in 1 Samuel 15:8, 9, 20, 32.  The latter was the king of the Amalekites, whom Saul spared contrary to Jehovah’s well-known will.  Exodus 17:14 and Deuteronomy 25:17.  For this act of disobedience Samuel was commissioned to declare to Saul his rejection, and he himself sent for Agag and cut him in pieces (B.C. about 1070.)  Haman is called the AGAGITE in Esther 3:1, 10; 8:3, 5.  The jews consider him a descendant of Agag the Amalekite.

Amalekites: a nomadic tribe of uncertain origin, which occupied the peninsula of Sinai and the wilderness intervening between the southern hill-ranges of Palestine and the border of Egypt.  Numbers 13:29; 1 Samuel 15:7; 27:8.  Their wealth consisted in flocks and herds.  Mention is made of a “town,” 1 Samuel 15:5, but their towns could have been little more than stations or nomadic enclosures.  The Amalekites first came in contact with the Israelites at Rephidim, but were signally defeated.  Exodus 17:8-16.  In union with the Canaanites they again attacked the Israelites on the borders of Palestine, and defeated them near Hormah. Numbers 14:45.  Saul undertook an expedition against them.  ! Samuel 14:48.  Their power was thenceforth broken, and they degenerated into a horde of banditti.  Their destruction was completed by David. 1 Samuel 30:1-17. 

The Illuminati's Music World (Lady GaGa)


Pastor Don Elmore

March 27th 2011

Fulfillment of the Abrahamic Promise


Pastor Don Elmore

November 14, 2010



By Pastor Don Elmore

February 6, 2011

What man conceived, engineered, and carried out the WORLD’S LARGEST WATERWORKS PROJECT UNTIL THE TVA (Tennessee Valley Authority)? I will give the answer later in this message.

Genesis covers 2500 years of history; the next four books; Exodus, Leviticus, Number and Deuteronomy covers 2 generations; one that failed to enter the promised land (except for Caleb and Joshua) and the 2nd generation the one that did enter.

One of the most disturbing differences is the amount of time that Israel spent in the land of Egypt. About 85% of the commentaries on this and articles say that Israel spent at least 400 years in Egypt; but if one carefully counts the years that the Bible says—it is a different number. With the many errors in our Bibles, one has to look beyond just one or a few verses to consider if it is true. Notice the difference between the Septuagint and the Kings James Version of Exodus 12:40.

Galatians 3:17; And this I say, that the covenant that was confirmed before by God in Christ (the anointed—the covenant people of God), the law, which was FOUR HUNDRED AND THIRTY YEARS AFTER, cannot annul that it should make the promise of no effect.

Secret History of World War I


By Pastor Don Elmore

Scripture Reading:  Genesis 15:18

What I am about to reveal to you is something that is not revealed to you in your mainstream churches, the modern media or even in the schools that you attended. But it is necessary to know this if you want to maintain what little freedoms we have as Christians to live in a world that is trying to take them all anyway—even our Christianity.

Today the Zionists and their coreligionists have complete control of our Federal government. They rule the United States in the same manner that a king of the royal family would rule it. How did this happen? We (the white covenant Christians) must have been asleep.

In 1914 World War One broke out in the world. There are very few people who are alive today to remember this event: Great Britain, France and Russia vs. Germany, Austria, Hungary and Turkey. Within two years, Germany and its allies had won the war. German submarines had surprised their enemies by sinking many of their supply ships: Thereby Great Britain had no ammunition to supply their troops and they were down to only one week of food supplies. Then what happened?

Digging in The Wall


by Pastor Don Elmore

January 23, 2011

Ezekiel was the prophet who was with the captives in Babylon. Both kingdoms, had at different times, been attacked and taken captive. The large captivities were by:

Different Twins


By Pastor Don Elmore

The last time I preached here, I talked about the genealogy of Judah:


By wife – Bathshua daughter of Shuah (Canannite)

  1. Er – Killed by our God
  2. Onan – Killed by our God
  3. Shelah – Married an Canaanite woman

By Tamar – the grandaughter of Shem

  1. Pharez
  2. Zerah

Approximately 27,000 errors are present in our Bibles.

One example: Deuteronomy 23:7

The Death Of Our Saviour


By Pastor Don Elmore

If you look at a Roman Catholic crucifix, have you ever wondered if it pictured the right thing—in other words, does it depict what our Savior looked like during his death? And the same goes for the many Protestant pictures of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Was it true that His skin remained smooth and that that He lost very little blood from the crown of thorns on His head and the side wound where He was stabbed and the nail imprintment on the hands and feet. But how does this fit in with the many scriptures like is found in Isaiah 52:14— "As many were astonied at thee:His visage [outward appearance] was SO MARRED MORE THAN ANY MAN, and his form more than the sons of men:…”The crucifix along with the pictures does not teach this at all.

Major Error


Pastor Don Elmore

October 31, 2010

The Early Days


Pastor Don Elmore

September 26, 2010

The Email

Pastor Don reads and comments on an email he received from someone who attended the Glenn Beck rally in DC. Parts one, two and three respectively.  


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