The History of We the People - Part 8


by Walter Giddings

August 28, 2022

Scripure Reading: Luke 19:27

Our 1st lesson, The Birth of America, was the 1st in the series of lessons entitled The History of We the People.   I said that we would tell you about the 2nd time we were declared to be the “enemies of the state”. 

We have had a very storied history!  The Congress of the Republic lost its quorum and brother began killing brother at the outset of the not-so-civil Civil War.

As secessions of the confederate states multiplied around the Inauguration of Abraham Lincoln, the Congress of the Republic lost its quorum and the Republic ceased to function! 

A Glance Ahead

by Jim Patreon

“What’s ahead — like a few months down the road? Hysteria and chaos, if the ‘Joe Biden’ regime can help it… and they’re helping it all they can. Twice vaxxed, twice boosted, and twice recent Covid-19 patient Dr. Anthony Fauci warned this week that the unvaxxed would ‘get into trouble’ as the seasons turn this year. The part he left out is: the unvaxxed will be in trouble trying to keep up with helping their sick and dying vaccinated relatives whose immune systems have been damaged by their multiple vaxxes.

R U Woke? Part 13


by Pastor Jim Jester

August 14, 2022

SCRIPTURE READING: I Samuel 22:17-19

This scripture is the first account that contains a racially significant event within the books we are covering today (I & II Samuel through I & II Kings). It is not known who wrote the books of Samuel. The books bear his name because they record the life and work of Samuel, the last of Israel’s judges and the first of a long line of prophets. The events of these books are a continuation of the book of Judges.

CPAC 2022

By Pastor Don Elmore

August 7, 2022

There have been two things that I have constantly said, and I’ve never heard anyone else on television say it…until this week.  And I heard them both said on Friday, August 5, 2022.  And they were both said as CPAC, i.e. the Conservative Political Action Conference held in Dallas, Texas.

Great Britain's Chaos - Part 4


Copied from the sermon notes of Pastor Don Elmore

August 7, 2022

Scripture Reading:  Deuteronomy 28:48

This is the last part of this current series.  Great Britain was in complete chaos.  John Knox was one of the founders that converted Scotland from the Church of England to Presbyterianism in the 1500s.  It eventually became Scotland’s state church.

The four Stuart kings wanted to be the head and rule the new Protestant church of Scotland, like they did the Church of England.  King James I, a skillful politician and a suspected homosexual, made a balanced compromise between Calvinistic doctrine and episcopal practice. 

The History of We the People - Part 7


By Walter Giddings

July 31, 2021

Scripture Reading: Luke 19:27-28

Pastor Dan Gayman once asked:  Did the Constitution fail us or did we fail the Constitution?  This message discusses the events of the Boston Tea Party and the subsequent actions of King George and the British Parliament to lie about and criminalize dissenters and compares that to what is happening to America today under the Biden regime. 

Life in God's Kingdom

By Alan Breitenstein

July 31, 2022

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness, That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to affect their Safety and Happiness. 

If you were to look up unalienable rights through a google search nothing is said about where those rights come from. Through this declaration, the signers acknowledged that these unalienable rights came from their Creator and to secure these rights a government of men had to be instituted.

R U Woke? Part 12


Sermon notes by Pastor Jim Jester

July 24, 2020


Our Scripture reading sets the stage for the story of Ruth. “…Ephrathites of Bethlehem, Judah.” (v. 2). Ephrath was an earlier name for Bethlehem, where Christ our Lord was born. Thus already, the type, or symbol, for a kinsman redeemer is already being formed.

Was Ruth a Moabitess racially, or was she called such because she lived in Moab?

Who Raped Whom?

by Pastor Don Elmore

July 17, 2022

A 10-year-old from Ohio went to Indiana and got an abortion.  The abortion doctor contacted the Indianapolis Star instead of the police.  Suddenly a man said that he raped the young girl twice.  But when interviewed the mother said that "everything that they are saying aboutthe illegal immigrant was a lie."  The story has been dead ever since.

Gerson Fuentes was arrested Tuesday (7/12) after he allegedly confessed to authorities that he had raped the 10-year-old on at least two occasions, according to the Dispatch newspaper. Columbus Police Detective Jeffrey Huhn testified at Fuentes’s arraignment that the arrest was made after a referral from Franklin County Children’s Services, which had been in touch with the girl’s mother on June 22 — two days before Roe was overturned. The girl had an abortion at an Indianapolis clinic on June 30, Huhn said. The detective added that Fuentes’s DNA is being tested to confirm that he was the father to the aborted fetus, according to video of the hearing.